cious words of David, "Thou art my portion, O Lord!" Ps. cxix. 57.-and being engaged to preach in the parish church of St. Peter, Cornhill, in the afternoon, for the Philological Society, I chose as a subject sweetly connected with it, and arising out of the same, those words of the prophet for my text, " Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee," Isa. xliii. 4. The Philological Seminary is a noble institution, and the object it hath in view is to give education and clothing to one hundred poor boys, who, when fitted by age and instruction to go forth into the world, are placed out in such situations as their respective abilities, genius, and disposition, seem to be calculated for. One distinguishing character of the Philological Society, in which it differs from most other charities of the same nature, is, the selection of its objects for relief from the departments of life, whose parents had been bred to higher expectations and brighter prospects than the generality of the poor. Hence, therefore, sons of poor clergymen, and of naval and military officers, or of reduced tradesmen and mechanics, are particularly adopted in this school; and hence also, the education is conducted upon a more liberal plan than the common charity schools aim at, or indeed are designed for. Genius and ability are therefore sought after in the system formed by the Philological Society, and the sphere of usefulness to the state is extended, by bringing forth into action those latent powers of genius and ability, which otherwise might for ever remain hidden and unknown. It will of course be expected, that with these great and noble designs the plan of education should bear a suitable correspondence: and this is the case. The children to whom a more liberal system of instruction is supposed to be serviceable, beside the common learning, are taught the rudiments of the Latin or French language; and those whose bent of inclination leads them to the sea service, are instructed in the principles of navigation, geography, and drawing. It would be an unpardonable omission in me, while relating this account of the Philological Society from its papers, did I not subjoin what those papers particularly wish to have known; that subscriptions for the support of a charity of such national importance will be thankfully received at the School House, Mary Street, Fitzroy Square. 1 ST. JOHN'S CHARITY SCHOOL. In the evening of this Lord's day, May 15, I preached in the parish church of St. John's, Horselydown, a charity sermon for this school, from those words of our Lord, "Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity," Luke xiii. 12. The Friendly Society, as it is called, is formed for the purpose of educating and clothing one hundred poor children, consisting of sixty boys and forty girls. In addition to the common mode of government in charity schools, this affords maintenance to the sixteen senior girls of the school, by taking them into the house. Two pounds are also given with every girl put out apprentice. The school is held in Fox Court, Brook Street, Holborn. I pause, in the recollection of the labours of this day, to pay the small token of remembrance to that highly honoured friend, whose affection not only rendered those labours light, but sweetened them by his society in accompanying me from one church to the other, as well as refreshing me at his house. This little memorandum will serve to convey to him the sense I still have, and shall long retain, of his friendship upon this occasion. * THE CHARITABLE FUND DISPENSARY. There is a mode of administering charity which renders the application of it in many instances doubly grateful, and perhaps in none more so than in the one this institution of the Charitable Fund Dispensary hath for its object, in relieving the Sick Poor at their own habitations. Public hospitals are great blessings to a nation; but there is a multitude of cases which live out of their reach; infants and little children cannot be taken from their parents in order to receive their benefit; and many in adult years will forego their aid, rather than lose thereby the personal assistance and softening hand of the relation and the friend: and to say nothing of the delicate feelings of the human mind, however brought low by poverty, which cannot brook the publicity of their circumstances among the common mass in an hospital. Certain it is, that many a sick family may be found which would thankfully receive the favour of medical assistance at home, when the same assistance would not be acceptable if obliged to receive it abroad; for these and similar causes, dispensaries for administering medical advice, and medicines gratis to the poor in their own houses have been established in the various districts of this great city with very singular advantage, and their utility thankfully acknowledged by the modest and retired poor. The Charitable Fund Dispensary, held at No. 5, Lily Pot Lane, near Goldsmith's Hall, hath relieved upwards of two thousand two hundred sick families with medicine and medical advice, as well as occasional help in a pecuniary way, since its institution; and it is not among the smallest honours of this charity, that the gentlemen of the faculty which belong to it, not only give their labours gratuitously, but give them with so much tenderness as well as promptness and skill, that the poor have in many instances testified in very high terms their sense of both. But this institution is to be peculiarly commended and admired for the connection with it of a Visiting Society: so that while the medical gentlemen are benevolently endeavouring to relieve the bodily complaints of the distressed objects who apply, the serious members of the society visit them with a view to impress on their minds the truth and solemnity of eternal things: and what my views are of such charities the reader has already seen above. It was my province to preach a sermon for this charity, at St. Ann's, Blackfriars, on Tuesday morning, May the 17th, from those words of the apostle, " Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ," 2 Cor. ii. 14. ST. LAURENCE'S CHURCH, NEAR GUILDHALL. The evening of the same day, May 17, was employed in attending divine service at this church, where I preached from John iv. 49, 50. THE PROTESTANT UNION. This institution is formed for the purpose of making provision for the widows and orphan children of ministers of every denomination; and it must be confessed, that none stand more in need of it. Their profession, for the most part, precludes their making any provision themselves, and when it pleaseth God to close their labours, the whole source of maintenance to their families is necessarily dried up. My endeavours to promote the funds of this Society were called forth on the evening of May 18, 1803, in preaching the anniversary sermon in the parish church of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, from these words of the prophet, "And the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth," Isa. xxv. 8. In calling to mind the service of this evening, it is impossible not to connect with it in remembrance the kind attention shewn me by a truly honourable friend in the Borough, whose zeal in the department of justice is as well known and approved as his general affection to the ministers of the gospel is open and avowed. I feel at this moment a renewed sense of his kindness upon this occasion, and cannot suppress the desire I have in this way of acknowledging it. PAUL'S CRAY SCHOOL, KENT. THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1803. The retrospect of this day will ever form a very high gratification, among the pleasing memorandums of my life. It was my happiness on this day to become the advocate for this school in three successive sermons ; and I have only to lament, that the arguments to its support, fell far short of the liberality shewn upon this occasion. The congregations of each service anticipated all I had to say in its favour, and in eagerness to hold it up in their fostering arms outrun my utmost hopes. In my morning sermon, I dwelt upon the fulness that there is in Christ Jesus, from the words of the apostle, Col. i. 19. In the afternoon, I endeavoured to represent his preciousness, from the words of the prophet, Isa. xiii. 12. And in the evening discourse, the assurance of divine love to "supply all the need of his people according to his riches in glory," from the words of the apostle, Phil. iv. 19. THE LYING-IN CHARITY.-LORD'S DAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1803. At the parish church of Allhallows Barking, Tower Street, I preached a sermon for the benefit of the Lying-in Charity, for the Delivery of Poor Married |