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in the fleet, and make such remarks in relation to them as he may deem proper, and transmit the same, with his own journal, to the commander-in-chief, to be by him transmitted to the Secretary of the Navy, semi-annually, made up to the 1st January and 1st July, and at the expiration of the cruise.




The surgeon will, on joining a vessel, navy-yard, or hospital, for duty, take charge of, receipt for, and be held accountable for, all medicines, surgical instruments, and hospital stores, belonging to it.


He shall conform to the regulations, and such allowances of medicines, instruments, and stores, as may be established, when making requisitions, unless there should be some special cause for varying from them, and then such cause shall be stated upon the requisition.


He shall take care that all articles in his department are faithfully applied to the purposes for which they were intended, and that no part of them are injured by neglect, wasted, or embezzled.


He shall keep a regular account of receipts and expenditures in his department, according to such forms as may be prescribed, and shall make weekly reports of hospital stores expended, and on hand, to his commanding officer.


He will be allowed, to his exclusive use, when it can be done, a convenient store-room for the preservation of articles in his charge.


He shall be extremely attentive to the cleanliness of the sick, and of their bedding and sick-bay, and shall take especial care that they are supplied, at proper times, with the medicine and food which their situation shall require.


He shall visit the sick at least twice every day, and oftener when necessary. When he shall consider it desirable to supply any sick person with hospital stores instead of his ration, he shall inform the purser, daily, that he may stop the ration, and carry the amount to the credit of the navy hospital fund.


He shall report to the commander, daily, the names and situation of the sick, according to such forms as may be prescribed, and may, at the same time, suggest any measures, for the decision of the commander, he may deem important to the health of the crew.


He shall deposite, daily, in the binnacle, a list of every officer, or other person, whose situation requires that they should be excused from duty, and whose allowance of spirits should be stopped.


He shall take all possible precautions to prevent the introduction, or progress, of cutaneous, or other infectious diseases, and make immediate report to the commander of any probable danger from, or the appearance of, any such disease.


He shall particularly examine the men upon their first joining the vessel, to ascertain if they have had the small pox, or kine pox, and if any should be found who have not, he shall make immediate report to the commander, that they may be vaccinated as soon as possible.


He will, upon application to the commander, be allowed proper persons to assist in the preparation and distribution of articles, for the nourishment of the sick, and to perform other services for their comfort.


He shall, at all times, be prepared with every thing necessary for the relief of wounded men. He shall cause a sufficient number of tourniquets to be distributed to the officers in different parts of the ship, upon the probability of an engagement; and he shall instruct all persons stationed with him, and such others as may be directed, in the proper mode of using them.

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When practicable, sick persons, who may be sent to a hospital or hospital vessel, are to be accompanied by a medical person, and the surgeon shall send with them a statement of their diseases or injuries, and the treatment they have received, according to form annexed, and marked (V.) In case the person so sent has any claim for a pension, the surgeon shall present to the captain, for his examination and approval, if found to be correct, a statement of the fact and circumstances in detail, signed by himself, which, if approved by the captain, shall be given to the person to whom it refers.


He shall frequently examine the provisions and spirits issued to the men, and cause the assistant surgeons to inspect and report, daily, to the executive officer of the ship, the state of the galley.


He shall keep, or cause his assistants to keep, a journal, according to such form as may be prescribed, which shall show the state of the weather, a list of patients, with their age, rank, disease, treatment and progress of their diseases, remarks on the probable origin of prevailing diseases, topographical observations of the vicinity of anchorages, and such other professional observations as may be productive of benefit to the public service; and he shall al

so note the number of days any patient was subsisted from the hospital department, instead of drawing his rations from the purser. The journal shall, at all times, be subject to the inspection of the commanding officer, the surgeon of the fleet, if any such there be, and of such other persons as may be appointed to examine the same; and it shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Navy through the proper channels, semi-annually, made up to the 1st January and 1st July, and at the expiration of the cruise, or when the surgeon shall be removed from the vessel, navy yard, or hospital.


He shall, when the ship is placed in ordinary, return into the proper store all articles of which he had the charge, and shall apply to the proper officer, to survey, examine, and certify as to the quantity and state of the medicines, stores, and instruments, so returned; and should any deficiency of stores or medicines, or any injury to the instruments, be found to exist, the surgeon will be held accountable for them, unless he shows clearly that such loss or injury was not owing to his fault or neglect.

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Whenever any person on board shall receive any wound or injury, which may probably entitle him to make application for a pen sion, the surgeon shall report the same to the commander, in writing, that a proper survey may be held, and certificates granted to such as may be entitled to receive them, stating all the facts of the case, and the nature of the injury; and shall note the same, particularly, on his journal.





Assistant surgeons, whether passed or otherwise, shall perform all the professional duties which may be required from them, and conform to the instructions which may be given by the surgeon of

the vessel, navy yard, or hospital, to which they may be attached, and will be unremitting in their attentions to the comfort and cleanliness of the sick; and exact from those under their direction a rigid performance of their duties.


In the absence of the surgeon, the passed or other assistant surgeon, oldest in commission, is to perform all the duties of the surgeon.




He is to perform divine and funeral service, at all times, when required so to do by his commander.


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He shall be very attentive to the requests of all sick persons who may desire his attendance, and shall, although not requested, visit all such as may be dangerously ill, and offer them such consolations or admonitions as they may require.


When a person shall be appointed to instruct the boys of the vessel, he shall frequently attend, to see that he performs his duty properly, and that the boys attend regularly. He shall report to the commander those who may be particularly deserving, and all who may be idle or negligent.




He is to give his attendance regularly, at such times as shall be directed by his commanding officer, and to instruct the midshipmen

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