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Fublished April, 1819. by Henry Colburn Conduit Street.




Riots in London.- Firmness of their Majesties.-Birth® of Prince Alfred.-Arrival of Prince William-Henry. -Parting Scene between the two eldest Princes.Social Esteem.-Prince of Wales declared of Age.-Rejoicings on that Event.-Purchase of Kew.-Character of the Queen.-Anecdote of Princess Mary.-Celebration of Her Majesty's Birth-day in 1782.-Death of Prince Alfred.- Arrival of the Prince of Mecklenburg-Story of Edward and Egwina.

THE dreadful riots which laid a great part of the capital in ashes, and struck terror through the nation, in the summer of 1780, broke out while their majesties were at Buckingham House, for the celebration of the birth-day. But, while the magistracy shrunk from their duty, and even the ministers of state appeared panic-struck, the King acted with becoming coolness and energy. The Queen also, though in a state of pregnancy, remained at her palace, when the ladies of the court were hurrying out of town with their jewels. His Majesty sat up two nights with the Guards, in the riding-house, which he only left at intervals to give information to the




Queen, and to inspire her with confidence. To this resolution of the monarch, the metropolis was indebted for its deliverance; for, having called a council to consider the question, whether the military could be authorized in dispersing the mob without the previous form of reading the riot-act, the King alone decided the point by signing an order to that purpose. In consequence of this prompt measure, Lord Amherst proceeded vigorously against the rioters; and thus, in a short space, order was restored.

After these disgraceful scenes, their majesties removed to Windsor Lodge, where the Queen, on the twenty-second of September, being the anniversary of the coronation, was delivered of a son, who was baptized on the second of the following month, at St. James's, by the name of Alfred, the two elder princes standing as godfathers, and the princessroyal as godmother.

On the twenty-sixth of December, the royal family were gratified by the safe arrival of Prince William-Henry from the fleet; but this pleasure was damped in some measure, four days afterwards, by the departure of his brother Frederick for Germany, where his royal highness intended to con→ tinue some years, for the completion of his military studies. The parting scene at Buckingham House was represented as a very moving one: the King and Queen shed tears on taking leave of a favourite



son; and the Prince of Wales, in particular, was so much concerned at being deprived, for a long period, of the sole companion of his youth, that he was several minutes unable to speak. This sensibility was not more indicative of innate goodness of heart than it was an evidence of the care that had been taken by their majesties to cultivate in the royal progeny a constant regard to the social affections. Indeed, such was the attention paid to this essential consideration, that nothing like warmth of temper, or the quick expression of resentment, was ever suffered in the royal presence. Both the King and Queen, on all occasions, preserved the utmost equanimity themselves; and whenever either of them happened to be offended, it was seen at once by a certain gravity of manner, and not discovered by an asperity of language. Hence, all the children acquired a similar spirit of self-command; and, what was of equal moment, they learnt from parental example to cherish for cach other that esteem which has been the general characteristic of the family through life.

On the first of January, 1781, his royal highness the Prince of Wales was declared to be of age, and as such he appeared at court, which was much crowded in consequence; but more so on Her Majesty's birth-day, when the assemblage of fashion was splendid beyond what had been seen there for several years. In honour of the same circumstance,

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