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No. I.

The Nawab Salabut Jung will'oblige the French troops which are in his country to pass the river Ganges within fifteen days; or send them to Pondicherry, or to any other place out of the Deccan country, on the other side of the river Kistna; in future he will not suffer them to have a settlement in this country, on any account whatsoever, nor keep them in his service, nor assist them, nor call them to his assistance.

The Nawab will not demand or call Gauzepetty Rauze to an account for what he has collected out of the Circars belonging to the French, nor for the computation of the revenues of his own country, in the present year; but let him remain peaceable in it in future, and according to the computation of the revenues of his country before the time of the French, agreeable to the custom of his grandfather and father, and as was then paid to the Circar, so he will now act and pay accordingly to the Circar, and if he (the Rajah) does not agree to it, then the Nawab may do what he pleases. In all cases the Nawab will not assist the enemies of the English nor give them protection.

The English Company, on their part, will not assist the Nawab's enemies nor give them protection.

Dated Moon Ramadan, the 16th Hegira, 1172, which is the 14th of May 1759.

I swear by God and his Prophet, and upon the holy Alcoran, that I with pleasure agree to the requests specified in this paper, and shall not deviate from it even an hair's breadth.

FIRMAUN from the Mogul for the Northern Circars, 1765.

In these happy times, our Firmaun, full of splendor and worthy of obedience, is descended, purporting, that whereas Salabut Jung Bahadoor, Soubadar of the Deccan, conferred the Circar of Siccacole, &c., on the French Company, and that in consequence of its not being confirmed by us, either by Firmaun or otherwise, the high, mighty, glorious Chiefs of the Khans, chosen of the Omrahs, Sepoy Sirdars, truly faithful, worthy of receiving favors and obligations, our invariable and never-failing friends and well-wishers, the English Company (having


No. I.

sent a large force for that purpose) did expel the French therefrom; HYDERwe, therefore, in consideration of the fidelity and good wishes of the above high, mighty, &c., &c., English Company, have, from our throne, the basis of the world, given them the aforementioned Circars, by way of enam or free gift (without the least participation of any person whatever in the same), from the beginning of the Fussul of Tuccancooul, in the year of Phasely 1172, equal to the month of April, 1762; it is incumbent, therefore, on you, our sons, Omrahs, Viziers, Governors, Mootsuddees, for the affairs of our Dewanship, Mootecophils, for those of our kingdom, jaghiredars, and karorees, both now and hereafter, for ever and ever, to use your endeavours in the strengthening and carrying into execution this our most high command, and to cede and give up to the abovementioned English Company, their heirs and descendants, for ever and ever, the aforesaid Circars, and esteeming them likewise free, exempt, and safe from all displacing or removal, by no means whatever either molest or trouble them on account of the Dewan's office or those of our Imperial Court.

Looking upon this high Firmaun as an absolute and positive order, obey it implicitly.

Dated the 24th of the moon Sophar, in the sixth year of our reign, equal to the 12th of August, 1765.

Forms made use of on the back of the Firmaun.

From the Secretary setting forth that His Majesty had been pleased to sign a petition (supposed to be from the Company) of the same date as the Firmaun, directing that whereas Salabut Jung Bahadoor, Soubadar of the Deccan, conferred the Circar of Siccacole, &c., on the French Company, and that in consequence of its not being confirmed by His Majesty, either by Firmaun or otherwise, the high, mighty, &c., &c., English (having sent a large force for that purpose) did expel the said French therefrom; His Majesty, therefore, in consideration of the fidelity of the aforesaid English Company, has given them (without the participation of any person whatever in the same) the above-mentioned Circars by way of enam or free gift,

Then follow two orders from the Mogul; the first supposed to be in his own hand, addressed to his son, Mirza Mahomed Akbur Shah Bahadoor, telling him

HYDER- to comply with the contents of this Firmaun; the other directing that the English Company be under his son's command or in his Ressaula.


Nos. I. & II.

The whole attested, under Kazzi Inauyet Khan's seal, to be a true copy from the original.

No. II.

TREATY with the NIZAM, 1766.

A TREATY of perpetual honour, favor, alliance, and attachment, between the great Nawab, high in station, famous as the sun, NAWAB AUSUPH JAH NIZAM-00LMOOLK NIZAM-UD-DOWLAH MEER NIZAM ALLY KHAN BAHADOOR PHUTTA JUNG SEPOY SIRDAR, and the HONOURABLE ENGLISH EAST INDIA COMPANY : signed, sealed, and ratified, on the one part, by His Highness the said Nawab; and on the other by JOHN CALLIAUD, Esq., Brigadier General, invested with full powers, on behalf of the said Company. Done at Hyderabad, the 9th of the Moon Gemace-dussuny, in the year of Hegira 1180, equal to the 12th of November, 1766.


The two contracting parties do, by virtue of this Treaty of honour, favor, alliance and friendship, solemnly engage a mutual assistance to esteem the enemies of one the enemies of both, and contrariwise, the friends of one the friends of the other.


The Honourable English East India Company, in return for the gracious favors received from His Highness, consisting of Sunnuds for the five Circars of Ellour, Siccacole, Rajahmundry, Moostafurnugger and Moortizanugger, expressing the free gift thereof on them and their heirs, for ever and ever, do hereby promise and engage to have a body of their troops ready to settle the affairs of His Highness's government in everything that is right and proper, whenever required; provided that they be at liberty to withdraw the whole, or such part thereof as they shall judge proper, whenever either the safety of their own settlements and possessions, or the peace and tranquillity of the Carnatic, be the least endangered: in case of falling out of which circumstances (which God forbid) they do promise and engage to give the most timely notice thereof to His Highness in their power.

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The Honourable English East India Company do further engage and promise, that in whatever year the assistance of their troops shall not be required, they will pay to His Highness, as a consideration for the free gift of the above-mentioned five Circars, for ever and ever, the following sums, by kists, as specified in the 8th Article of this Treaty, viz., for the three Circars of Rajahmundry, Ellour and Moostafurnugger, five lakhs of Rupees; and for those of Siccacole and Moortizanugger, as soon as they are in their hands, and the settling the same is well effected, two lakhs each; in all nine lakhs of Rupees per annum.


The reduction of the Siccacole Circar, by the blessing of God, the Company will effect as soon as possible; but that of Moortizanugger, in consideration of His Highness having, by former agreements, given it to his brother Bazalut Jung as a jaghire, the Honourable English East India Company do promise and engage not to take possession of until it be His Highness's pleasure, or until the demise of his said brother; but to prevent all future disputes and difficulties that may hereafter arise concerning the same, the aforesaid Company do further explain their intentions in the following Article:


As the Circar of Moortizanugger borders on that of Nizampatam and the country of the Carnatic, which by virtue of the former and present Treaties and alliances, the aforesaid Company are bound to maintain and protect in all its extent, therefore in case the said Bazalut Jung, his Agents or dependants, should cause any disturbances to the prejudice thereof, it is hereby agreed on by both parties that the aforesaid Company shall then have it in their power to take immediate possession of that Circar.


As, by the tenor of the second Article of this Treaty, the aforesaid Company have engaged to furnish a body of troops to be ready to march to the assistance of His Highness, it is agreed on by both parties that

No. II.


No. II.

the expenses thereof shall be paid in the following manner, to wit, if the expense of the number of troops His Highness may require should fall short of the sum of the five lakhs of Rupees mentioned to be paid for the three Circars of Rajahmundry, Ellour, and Moostafurnugger, the Company will account to His Highness for what balance may remain due; and in case of its exceeding the above-mentioned sum, the aforesaid Company do hereby engage themselves to be answerable for the payment of the remainder. The same agreement, in like manner, to hold good for the sums stipulated to be paid for the two Circars of Siccacole and Moortizanugger, when settled.


In consideration of the fidelity, attachment, and services of the aforesaid Company, and the dependence His Highness has upon them, his said Highness, out of his great favor, does hereby entirely acquit the above-mentioned Circars of all arrears and demands, down to the present date of these writings.


In case the assistance of the Honourable Company's troops is not required, the annual stipulated sum, expressed in the third Article of this Treaty, the aforesaid Company do engage to pay, in three kists, after the following manner, and to give Soucar security for the same, viz., the first payment the 31st of March; the second the 30th of June; and the third the 31st of October.


Whenever His Highness goes into winter quarters, and the troops of the other Sirdars have leave for that purpose, those of the aforesaid Company shall have leave also to depart to their own country.


His Highness engages to give as early notice as possible, not less than three months, of the service in which he will require the assistance of the troops of the aforesaid Company, that they may have

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