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That no vessels, of what kind or denomination soever, belonging to the English, shall pay anchorage in any of the Nawab's ports, but have free liberty to go out and come in, without hindrance or molestation.


Whatever vessels belonging to the English may be drove on shore on any part of the Nawab's dominions, whether by stress of weather or otherwise, his killadars, officers, and subjects, are to assist them, that their goods may be saved and delivered to the proprietors.


That the said Nawab shall not assist the enemies of the English, nor, on the other hand, shall the English assist the enemies of the Nawab; but should assistance be afforded on either part hereafter, the officers and men who may be sent to them are to be paid at the following rates, by the parties to whom they may be sent, viz.,

The commission officers to be paid at the discretion of the party assisted, but with the concurrence and approbation of the party who assists:

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Should at any time disputes arise between the servants of the English factories and the Nawab's subjects, servants, or dependants, and the former be found culpable, they shall be sent to the English Resident to be punished, as shall the Nawab's people to his killadars, hummuldars, &c., if they are found to be in fault. The servants of the English factory, as well as their families, shall be entirely under the Honourable Company's protection.


That the said Nawab shall not grant any new Firmaund or privileges to any European nation whatever, or suffer any of them to establish any

new settlements in any part of his dominions. In all matters of trade MYSORE. or business the English to have the preference; and in matters of cere- Nos. XXIII. & mony or state, they are to take rank of all other European nations, as well as the country powers.


The said Nawab hereby ratifies and confirms the grant which he executed in February 1766, and delivered to Messrs. Sparks and Townsend, relative to the privileges and immunities the Honourable Company possessed in the several countries he conquered upon this coast, before he took possession thereof; and hereby binds and obliges himself to compel whoever may be in possession of those countries to grant to the Honourable Company the produce thereof, as well as the full enjoyment of all their rights and privileges therein, in their utmost extent.

In witness of all which the said contracting parties have interchangeably signed and sealed two instruments, of the same tenor and date, viz., the said President and Council, on behalf of the English East India Company, in Bombay Castle, this 8th day of August, in the year of the Christian era, 1770, and the said Nawab Hyder Ali Khan Bahadoor.



TREATY of 28th October 1782 for the restoration of the Hindoo dynasty of

By virtue of powers delegated to me by the Right Honourable George, Lord Macartney, K. B., &c., &c., &c., President and Governor and Select Committee of Fort St. George, bearing date the 27th day of September in the year of our Lord 1782, I am authorized to negociate and conclude an agreement with Her Excellency the Rana of Mysore, subject to the approbation of the Governor General and Council.

I do therefore hereby solemnly engage on the part of the said Right Honourable George Lord Macartney, President and Governor and Select Committee, that all and every the Articles of agreement annexed,

MYSORE. authenticated by the Rev. Mr. Swartz, and interchanged with Trimulrow, No. XXIV. the Agent of Her Excellency the said Rana, and with me as representative of the Honourable Company, at Tanjore on this 28th day of October in the year of our Lord 1782, shall be received and acknowledged as the basis of a Treaty of amity and alliance between the said Honourable Company and the said Rana, subject to the before recited condition. And I do hereby solemnly engage that all and every the Articles annexed shall stand inviolably as the fixed and unalterable terms of the said Treaty, unless by mutual consent of the said Rana or Her Representatives, and the Representatives of the Honourable Company, it may hereafter be deemed expedient to amend and alter them. In witness whereof, in the presence of Almighty God, I have hereunto affixed the seal of the Honourable Company, and have also subscribed my signature, this 28th day of October in the year of our Lord 1782.

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Hyder Naig has usurped all our master's country, destroyed him and his two sons and still keeps his widow our Rana in prison at Seringapatam. The English know that Hyder Naig was a servant of our master's when he did these things. If the English who are great and powerful will punish this usurper, and deliver to our master the coun

The English Company are well acquainted with the usurpation of Hyder Ali and the misfortunes which he has brought upon the family of the Rajah of Mysore, whose servant he was. They are willing to assist with their troops in reducing Hyder Ali, and in re-establishing the Rajah in his hereditary dominions upon the con

tries Hyder has taken from him, we will enter into the following conditions::

1st. We will pay to the Company three lakhs of Kandirayen Pagodas as soon as their troops shall have driven the enemy out of the Coimbatour, &c., countries on this side of the mountains.

2nd. As soon as the English troops shall have ascended the Balaghat and possessed themselves of the forts of Ardmelli or Visey buram we will pay the further sum of one lakh of Pagodas.

3rd.-Upon the surrender of the fort of Mysore, and the government of the country being given to our Rana or whoever she may adopt, we will pay another lakh of Pagodas, and

4th.-Upon the fall of Seringapatam we will pay five lakhs of Pagodas, that is to say, in all, the sum of ten lakhs of Pagodas.

5th. We will engage further that from the day our Rana or whoever she may adopt shall be proclaimed in Seringapatam, the sum of five lakhs of Pagodas shall be paid annually to the Company by monthly instalments, and moreover that a jaghire to the annual value of one lakh of Pagodas shall be assigned to the Company, in

whatever part of the said dominions

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MYSORE. they may think proper, upon the No. XXIV. following conditions: :

6th. That the Company shall take the protection of all our country into their own hands, and that for this purpose they shall keep an army of sepoys, of European soldiers, and of European artillery, with all the officers, guns, stores, &c., field and garrison equipage usually attached to such an army, in the same manner as given to the Rajah of Tanjore.

7th. That the Company shall not interfere in the management of the country nor in the arrangements for the peshcush and chout; that the killadars, amuldars, and other officers who may be appointed by the Rana for the management of the country shall be employed, and none others in the collections; and that they shall be supported by the Company's troops in the execution of their office; and further that the Company Company shall not interfere in the business of the polygars.

7th.-The amount of the former peshcush from Mysore to the Mogul, as well as the amount of the former chout to the Mahrattas, must be regularly paid into the Company's Treasury, to be by them accounted for to the Mogul's officer and to the Mahrattas. If by their influence and friendly offices the Company should prevail with the Mahrattas and the Mogul to exempt Mysore from the future payment of peshcush and chout, the amount of those charges will be held by the Company as a fund for defraying any extraordinary expenses which may be incurred either in future wars, in the building and repairing of forts, or in the augmentation of the military force for the defence and protection of Mysore. The Company will not interfere in the business of the

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