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5. The said Nawab Aneverdeen Khan Bahadoor having expended No. XLV. immense sums during the late troubles in defence of the province under his government, found it necessary, after the expulsion of the common enemy, to call upon the several zemindars, polygars, and jaghiredars to contribute each a moderate sum towards reimbursing the moneys so expended in procuring the blessings of the peace of which they became partakers, and amongst others did demand of Tremul Rao, killadar of Arani, his reasonable quota, but the said Tremaul Rao having obstinately refused to comply therewith, and having also in other respects behaved himself disobediently, the said Nawab found himself obliged to march an army to compel him to a compliance with his demand, and did accordingly subdue and take the forts of Arani and Doby Guddy with all the jaghire thereunto belonging, as also the person of the said Tremul Rao with his family and others. The said Nawab having thus convinced the said Tremul Rao and all the world that he can and will enforce due obedience in all who are subject to his government, is now equally desirous of shewing to all mankind that compassion is stronger in him than resentment; from these motives, as well as in condescension to the request of the said Rajah Pertab Sing, the said Nawab doth hereby promise that as soon as the said Rajah shall have signed this agreement, he, the said Nawab, will cause the said Tremul Rao with his family, attendants, and all other persons who were taken and made prisoners at Arani, to be released and set at full liberty; and further that on the day the sum of three lakhs of Rupees mentioned in the first Article hereof shall be paid, he will cause the said Tremul Rao to be put in full possession of the whole jaghire he possessed and enjoyed before the capture of Arani (excepting however the said fort and Doby Guddy which the said Nawab will retain in his own possession); and provided that the said Tremul Rao shall not at any time hereafter erect or cause to be erected any fortress, walled pagoda, or other stronghold, and that he shall not even erect or build any wall round his dwelling house exceeding eight feet high and two feet thick; and further that the said Tremul Rao shall in all things behave himself with due obedience to the government and pay yearly in the month of July unto the said Nawab or his successors the sum of ten thousand Rupees as a nuzzur: and the said Rajah Pertab Sing doth promise for the said Tremul Rao that he shall

in all things demean and behave himself accordingly and pay yearly TANJORE. the stipulated sum.

We, George Pigot, Esq., Governor of Fort St. George and all the forts, factories, and places subordinate thereto, President of the Council for all the affairs of the English East India Company on the coast of Coromandel, and also the said Council whose names are hereunto signed, having greatly at heart the peace and tranquillity of the countries where the Company hold possession and to which they trade, see with great satisfaction the conclusion of the Treaty of friendship between Nawab Omdet-ool-Moolk Seraj-ool Dowlah Aneverdeen Khan Bahadoor Moonsoor Jung, Nawab of the Carnatic Payen Ghat, and Pertab Sing, Rajah of Tanjore, of which the foregoing is a translation, and being willing and desirous as much as in us lies to establish the friendship between them upon a lasting foundation, do hereby promise to guarantee the performance of the said Treaty, being thereunto invited by both parties; and accordingly we do hereby promise, as far as in us lies, that in case either party shall fail in the performance of the Article he hath thereby undertaken to perform or any part thereof, we will to the utmost of our power assist the other party to compel him who shall fail to fulfil his agreement and to render due satisfaction for his failure therein.

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and caused the seal of the said Company to be affixed hereto in Fort St. George, the 12th October, 1762.

No. XLV.

An AGREEMENT taken by the HONOURABLE JOHN HOLLAND, Esq., President and
Governor in Council of Fort St. George and Dependencies, from SHENEVASA-
ROW, heir of TREMUL RAO, jaghiredar of Arani.

The Honourable the Governor in Council of Fort St. George having restored to me the possession of the jaghire of Arani, which I inherited after the death of Tremul Rao my grandfather, upon the terms of the Treaty of the year of Christ 1762, entered into between His Highness the Nawab of the Carnatic, &c., &c., &c., and His Excellency Pertab Sing, Rajah of Tanjore; I do with my own free will and consent agree to conform to the terms of the said Treaty so far as it relates to the jaghire


TANJORE. of Arani; acknowledging that I have no right by the said Treaty to the Nos. XLV. & fort of Arani and Doby Guddy, and I do for myself and my heirs engage, in every respect, to fulfil the terms of the said Treaty according to the intention and spirit thereof: binding myself to be answerable to His Highness the Nawab for the annual peshcush or nuzzur of ten thousand Arcot Rupees to be paid yearly in the month of July, on a receipt being granted for the amount. And I further engage that I will not erect or cause to be erected any fortress, walled pagoda, or other stronghold, and that I will not raise any wall even round my dwelling house exceeding eight feet high and two feet thick; that I will not entertain any armed peons or followers, excepting only a few sebundee for the purpose of collecting the revenues of the district; and that I will in all respects behave myself with due obedience to the Carnatic government, and to that of the Honourable Company; that I will do every thing to provide for the welfare of the inhabitants, and be attentive to the increase of cultivation and improvement of the country and jaghire of Arani; that I will not impose or levy any new customs or duties of any kind whatsoever; and I do hereby relinquish and give up all or any claim or demand whatever on the Company for the collections of revenues or otherwise since the district has been under their direction and management.


Jaghiredar, Arani.

L. S.

Dated in Fort St. George, the 20th day of June in the year of Christ 1789.


TRANSLATION of a PAPER, containing the Articles agreed to by the RAJAH of
TANJORE, dated the 20th of October 1771.

The two years' peshcush amounting to eight lakhs of Rupees, I am

to pay in ready money.

For the expenses of the army I am to pay thirty-two lakhs and fifty thousand Rupees.

Whatever lands, money, and effects I have taken from the Marawar TANJORE. or Nalcotey zemindars, I will restore.

Whenever horse, sepoys, peons, &c., fighting people are required, I am to send them, and they are not to return till they have leave from court; and the charge of batta, &c., is not to be required of the Circar.

Should the merchants and people belonging to the Company in the Tanjore country have been plundered of paddy, I am to answer it.

I am to have nothing to do with the Marawar, Nalcotey, Tondiman, &c.; and if they are guilty of any improper act their punishment is to be from the Circar.

With the friends of the Circar I am to be in friendship, and with its enemies in enmity; and I am not to give place or protection in my country to the enemies and those lying under the displeasure of the Circar.

If I have taken anything from the run-away polygars of Warriore, Pollom, and Aleanoor, I am to restore it, and if they are in my country I will deliver them to the Circar's people.

I have given a separate Treaty of friendship.

If any Europeans in the service of the Circar and Company have deserted and fled to me, I will deliver them up.

If the Company's trade in the whole Tanjore country shall be continued, I am to use their weavers well.

The fort of Vellum to be given to me hereafter. It must be destroyed.

The districts of Elangar and Coiladdy to be conferred on me.
I am to give up to the Circar the villages of Tewanoor, &c.
I am to give up to the Circar the jaghire district of Arani.


TRANSLATION of an ENGAGEMENT under the Seal of RAJAH TOOLJAJEE, dated the 25th of October 1771.

The firm engagement of Rajah Tooljajee, Rajah of Tanjore, to the Circar is, that whereas in part of the stipulations in favor of the Circar of the Nawab Wolau Jah, the sum of thirty-two lakhs and fifty thousand Rupees is stipulated to be paid; in lieu of payment thereof

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TANJORE. in specie I have appointed the soubaship of Manewarum and some Nos. XLVI. districts of the soubaship of Cumcurrum, the annual revenues of which may amount to sixteen lakhs and twenty-five thousand Rupees, for the discharge of the same; and accordingly the same will be entirely discharged by two years' revenues of the said lands; and after the receipt of the said money by the Circar, I shall take back again the said two soubaships which belong to me.

TRANSLATION of an ENGAGEMENT under the Seal of RAJAH TOOLJAJEE, dated the 26th October 1771.

The firm engagement and true acknowledgment of Rajah Tooljajee, Rajah of Tanjore, to the Circar of the Nawab Wolau Jah are, that with the friends of the Circar he will be in friendship, and with the enemies of the Circar in enmity; that he will on no account whatever, either secretly or openly, afford assistance or support in any shape to the disturbers of the tranquillity of the Carnatic; that he will always join and be in friendship with the Circar; that whenever his troops, horse, sepoys, and peons shall be required, he will send them with his Sirdar and not demand their expenses from the servants of the Circar; that he shall pay the stated peshcush yearly without deceit or delay; and that in future he shall not undertake any operations whatever. In testimony of which, I, the said Rajah, have given this engagement under my hand and seal, swearing thereto by the faith of the religion I profess, that the same may appear as a Sunnud.



The satisfaction I feel on occasion of such a friendship and extraordinary justice as the Company have displayed towards me is so great, that were I to begin to tell you what my mind conceives on the occasion, the subject would never have an end: had I thousand tongues they could not express my gratitude. When I had an interview with your

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