
the very difficult art of English dramatic versification. But that is a trivial matter. His genius is rich to overflowing in all the nobler requisites for tragic excellence, and were he to choose and manage his themes with some decent measure of regard for the just opinions of the world, we have no doubt he might easily and triumphantly overtop all that has been written during the last century for the English stage.


N. B. Authors and Publishers who may wish us to insert the Notice of Works in which they are engaged, will please to inform us of them before the 10th of each Month, by letter, (post paid.)


A Topographical and Historical Description of North Wales, containing an account of its Towns, Cathedrals, Castles, Churches, Antiquities, &c. &c. By the Rev. Mr. Evans. 8vo. Price 24s. boards, illustrated with 29 Engravings and a Map.

A Historical and Descriptive View of the Parishes of Monkwearmouth and Bishopwearmouth, and the Port and Borough of Sunderland; compiled from original communications, personal researches, and publications of undoubted authority. By George Garbutt. 8vo. 16s.


A Personal History of King George III. undertaken with the assistance of, and in communication with persons officially connected with the late King, and dedicated by express permission to His present Majesty. By Edward Hawke Locker, Esq. with portraits, facsimiles, &c. 4to.

The Public and Private Life of King George III. By Robert Huish, Esq. publishing in Numbers.

A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers from the revival of painting and the alleged discovery of engraving, by Fineguerra, to the present time. By Michael Bryan, 2 vols. 4to. Price £5, 5s.

The Life of Fenelon, with other Biographical and Historical Tracts. By Charles Butler, Esq. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

The Life of Wesley, and the Rise and Progress of Methodism. By Robert Southey, Esq. in 2 vols. 8vo. with Portraits.

Annals of the Reign of George the Third, brought down to the period of his Majesty's decease. By John Aikin, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo.

Memoirs of the Court of Westphalia, under Jerome Bonaparte, with Anecdotes of his Favourites, Ministers, &c. 8vo. 9s.


Chefs D'Œuvre of French Literature, consisting of interesting Extracts from the Classic French Writers, in Prose and Verse, with Biographical and Critical Remarks on the Authors and their Works. Vol. 2d.

Valdi, or the Libertine's Son, a Poem in five parts. 8vo. 6s. 6d. Retrospection, a Rural Poem. By Thomas Whitby, author of the "Priory of Burkenhead." 12mo. 5s.

Terence's Adrian; a Comedy in five Acts: and Suetonius' Life of Terence, translated into English Prose, with numerous Critical and Explanatory Notes. By W. R. Goodluck, Junior. 12mo. 7s.

A Geological Primer, in verse, with a Poetical Geognosy, or Feasting and Fight. ing, and sundry right pleasant Poems: to which is added, a Critical Dissertation on King Coal's Levee, addressed to the Professors and Students at the University of Oxford. 8vo. 4s.

Zayda; a Spanish Tale, in three Cantos; and other Poems, Stanzas, and Canzonets. By Oscar. 12mo. 5s.


A Comparison between the Idioms, Genius, and Phraseology of the French and English Languages; illustrated in an Alphabetical Series of Examples, supported by the authority of the most correct and elegant writers, and showing those modes of expression only which are received among persons of rank and fashion in both countries. By W. Duverger.

The Nature and Genius of the German Language displayed, in a more extended Review of its Grammatical Forms, than is to be found in any Grammar extant. By D. Boleard.

Les Jeunes Femmes par J. N. Bouilly. 2 vols. 10s. 6d.

Cæsar's Commentaries, from Oberlin's text, with all the Delphin Notes, but with. out the Interpretatio. Many plates, 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Stephen's Greek Thesaurus, No. IX. L.1, 5s. Large paper, L.2, 12s. 6d.


The Ninth and Tenth Volumes of the History of Greece, by William Mitford, Esq. Comprehending the entire Reign of Alexander the Great. 8vo. 11 1s.

The History and Antiquities of Eynesbury, and St. Neot's in Huntingdonshire, and of St. Neot's in the County of Cornwall; with some Critical Remarks respecting the two Saxon Saints, from whom these Places derived their names. With Fifty Engravings. By G. C. Gorham, M. A. Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge. 8vo. Common, 18s. Fine, Il 1s.

History of the Indian Archipelago, containing an Account of the Manners, Arts, Languages, Religions, Institutions, and Commerce of its Inhabitants. By John Crawfurd, F. R. S. 3 vols. 8vo. with Map and Engravings. 21 12s 6d.

A Statistical, Historical, and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales, &c. &c. By W. C. Wentworth, Esq. a Native of the Colony. 8vo. Second Edition. 12s.

The History of Spain, from the earliest ages of which we have any authentic records to the return of Ferdinand the VII. in 1814; accompanied with Chronological and Genealogical Tables of the Visgoth and Spanish Princes and Caliphs, and a List of the Contemporary Sovereigns at the end of each reign; also the political arrangements of Europe as settled at the Treaty of Paris. With notes, by Frances Thurtle. 12mo.

8s. 6d.


A Practical Treatise on the Law of Elections relating to England, Scotland, and Ireland. By William Thomas Roe, Esq. Barrister at Law.

Reports of Cases of Controverted Elections in the Sixth Parliament of the United Kingdom. Part 1st. By Uvedale Corbett, and E. R. Daniell, Esqrs.

Charges delivered to Grand Juries in the Isle of Ely, upon Libels, Vagrants, Criminal Law, Religion, Rebellious Assemblies, &c. By Edward Christian, Esq. of Gray's Inn.


Dr. Syntax in Paris, or a Tour in search of the Grotesque, a Poem. By Dr. Syntax. Royal 8vo.

The Journal of Science and the Arts. With plates, 8vo. No. 17. Edited at the Royal Institution of Great Britain.

Intercepted Letters, or the Twopenny Post Bag, to which are added, Trifles Reprinted. By Thomas Brown the Younger. Price 6s.

The Cutter, in five Lectures, or the Art and Practice of Cutting Friends, Acquaintance, and Relations. Illustrated by six coloured plates, price 8s.

An Essay on the Uses of Salt for Agricultural purposes; with Instructions for its Employment as a Manure, and on the Feeding of Cattle. By Cuthbert William Johnson.

An Account of the various modes of Shoeing Horses, employed by different Nations, &c. &c. By Joseph Goodwin, Esq. Veterinary Surgeon to his Majesty, &c. Illustrated with plates. 8vo. 125.


The Monastery, a Romance, by the Author of Waverley, 3 vols. 12mo. Winter Evening Tales, collected among the Cottagers in the South of Scotland, by James Hogg, (Author of the Queen's Wake, Brownie of Bodsbeck, &c.) 2 vols. 12mo. bds. 14s.


The British Empire in 1820, consisting of a condensed and accurate View of the present state of the British Dominions in Europe, and of the Colonies and Dependencies in the Four Quarters of the World, at the period of the Accession of his present Majesty. By the Rev. J. Goldsmith.

A View of the Political State of Scotland at Michaelmas 1911; with a Supple. ment, exhibiting the Votes at the General Election, 1812. By James Bridges,


Reply to an Article in the last Number of the Edinburgh Review, entitled, Parliamentary Inquiry-to which is subjoined, a Letter commented upon in that Article. By John Davison, B.D. Rector of Washington, Durham.

The Trial of Sir Francis Burdett at Leicester. 1s. 6d.

An Essay on the Employment of the Poor. By R. A. Slaney, Esq. 2s.
The Loyal Man is the Man. With fourteen cuts. 8vo. 1s.


Practical Essays on Strictures of the Urethra and Diseases of the Testicles, in. cluding on Fistula in Perinæo and Hydrocele, illustrated by numerous cases and an engraving; with a Preface, and some Remarks on Life and Organization. Robert Binghom, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. 8vo. 12s.


An Exposition of the Elementary Principles specially concerned in the preserva. tion of Healthiness, and production of Distempers amongst Mariners, Travellers, and Adventurers in Tropical, Variable, and Unkindly Climates. By Andrew Simpson, Surgeon. 8vo. 18s.

A Treatise on Infantile and Adult Rickets, with some Remarks appended on Nursing, for the consideration of Mothers, as connected with this disease. By

Weatherhead, M.D,


By G. H.

An Historical Epitome of the Old and New Testaments, in which the events are arranged according to chronological order. By a Member of the Church of England. For the Use of Schools.

Family Prayers. By the Rev. William Jay. 8vo. 9s.


A Voyage to India. By the Rev. James Cordiner, A. M. Author of a Description of Ceylon, and Minister of St. Paul's Chapel, Aberdeen. 8vo. 7s.

A Journey in Carniola, Italy, and France, in the year 1817 and 1818. With Engravings by W. A. Cadell, Esq. F. R. S. Lond. and Edin. 2 vols. 8vo. 11 16s.

Narrative of a Residence in Algiers, comprising an Account of the Manners. Amusements, and Modes of Living among the different people of Barbary, with Observations on the Climate, Population, Trade, and Productions of the Country, the State of Agriculture, of the Arts, Military and Naval Power, Christian Slavery, Financial and Piratical Systems. By W. M. Pananti. In one vol. 4to. 21 2s.



Works in the Press, or preparing for Publication.

In the press, and speedily will be published, Travels in Sicily, Greece, and Albania; with numerous Engravings. By the Rev. T. S. Hughes, Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge.

A very interesting Work will appear next month, entitled, "The History of the Rebellion in 1745 and 1746," containing the Causes of the Pretender's Defeat at Culloden, and a variety of interesting Anecdotes hitherto unknown, by Chevalier Johnstone, Aid-de-camp to Prince Charles Edward Stewart, &c.

Dr. Charles Hastings, Physician to the Worcester Infirmary, has in the press, in one volume, 8vo. A Treatise on the Inflammation of the Mucous Membrane of the Lungs; to which is prefixed, An Experimental Inquiry into the General Nature of Inflammation, and the Contractile Power of the Blood Vessels.

In the course of next month will be published, "Winter Nights," by Nathan Drake, M D. author of "Literary Hours," &c. &c. 2 vols. 8vo.

Rev. W. Moorhouse, West Melton, near Rotherham, is transcribing for the press, • Thoughts on the Essential Requisites for Church Communion;' in which will be considered the sentiments of the Rev. S. Greathead, F.R.S. with an Appendix of Miscellaneous Essays, chiefly theological.

Mr. Bradley, of High Wycomb, has in the press a second volume of Sermons, and a fourth edition of the first volume.

In a few days will be published, a Refutation of the Objections to the new translation of the Bible. By J. Bellamy, author of the Anti-Deist,' &c.

Mr. James Grey Jackson, late British Consul at Santa Cruz, has in the press an account of Timbuctoo and Housa, territories in the interior of Africa. By El Hage Abd Salam Shabeenie, a native of Morocco, who personally visited and resided as a merchant in those interesting countries, with Notes critical and explanatory, &c. &c.

Travels through Holland, Germany, and part of France, in 1819, with references to their Statistics, Agriculture, and Manufactures. By W. Jacob, Esq. F.R.S. 4to. nearly ready.

The Orientalist, or Electioneering in Ireland, a Tale; in 2 vols. nearly ready. Don Juan, Cantos III. and IV. will speedily appear.

In the press, The Principles of Political Economy considered, with a view to their practical application. By T. R. Malthus.

The Life of the Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan. By Thomas Moore, Esq.-will soon be ready.

Italy and its Inhabitants in the years 1816 and 1817. By James N. Galiffe, of Geneva. 2 vols. 8vo. in the press.

Preparing for publication, An Account of the Abipones, an equestrian people in the interior of South America. Translated from the Original Latin of Martin Dobrizhoffer In 2 vols. 8vo.

Mr. Leigh Hunt, author of Rimini, will shortly publish a translation of Amyntas, a tale of the woods, from the Italian of Torquato Tasso. This work will be embellished with a highly finished portrait of Tasso, engraved by Worthington, and wood cuts by Mr. Branston.

Locheil; or the Field of Culloden, a Novel. In 3 vols. 12mo.

Early Education, or the general management of Children, considered with a view to their future character. By Elizabeth Appleton, Author of Private Education,

&c. &c.

Mr. Fraser's Travels in the Himala Mountains.

Captain Batty's Account of the Campaign in 1815.

Miss Holford's Novel of Sir Warbeck of Wolfsteen. 3 vols.

Dr. Brown's Antiquities of the Jews. 2 vols. 8vo.

The Young Disciple, or, the Power of Divine Grace, and the Advantage of Early Religious Instruction, exemplified in the experience of a Sabbath School Girl.

By a Sabbath School Teacher. Price 1s. 6d. in boards.

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