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able, and competent to discern aright between the opinions with which it hath been thoroughly and upon a conscientious engagement, acquainted. It is a true saying of the Heathen Philosopher, Every man is able to judge well of those things which he knoweth.' But when a man, having a long time known and professed an opinion, by the profession whereof he enjoyed peace, credit, wealth, love, and respects from men of all sorts, and was in a fair way to lift up his head yet higher in the world, by continuance in the profession; shall, notwithstanding, relent in his judgment, quit this opinion, and profess that which is opposite to it, wherein he could not but conclude beforehand, that he should lose credit, friends, all hopes of preferment, when a man shall change his judgment upon such terms as these, it is a strong argument that he thoroughly understands the spiritual danger of that opinion which he forsakes, as well as the truth and goodness of that which he embraceth. Therefore, (7.) as David replied to Michal, when she upbraided him with a deportment by which, as she apprehended, he made himself contemptible, I will be yet more vile; so, the grace of God assisting me, if the changing of my judgment upon such terms as I have done, in the controversies mentioned, rendereth me or my judgment contemptible, I am resolved upon the like occasion, to make both it and myself more contemptible, by cutting off from my sonl error after error, as fast as they shall be discovered, and by changing my judgment as oft as I shall thoroughly understand, that my spiritual interest doth require it. It shall be one of my chief exercises to diminish daily the number of my errors, by making a frequent and diligent survey of my judgment, and by separating the vile from the precious, till no misprision at all of God, or of any of his things, if it be possible, be found in me.' pp. 155-158.

The only circumstance in the life of

this eminent man which occasions regret, and calls for an act of oblivion, is the part he took in writing a pamphlet in vindication of the sentence passed upon the unhappy Charles I. by "the High Court of Justice." Into this vindication, Mr. Goodwin was led, from a conviction that it was his duty to espouse the side which appeared to him essential to the interests of vital godliness, and of civil and religious liberty. This, together with the perplexity of men's minds in those troublesome times, and the impracticability of maintaining any thing like neutrality, are the only arguments which can be employed in mitigation of his conduct, which was clearly unjustifiable. It is, however, a lamentable proof, how greatly the perturbation of political conflict tends to mislead and vitiate the judgment, when such persons as Milton, Goodwin, and Baxter, are found associated on the side of rebellion.

The ample and interesting details into which this volume enters in delineating Mr. Goodwin's character and conduct, have tempted us to occupy more of our pages than we at first intended. We shall only subjoin one more quotation, which, on account of the piety and Christian feeling expressed in circumstances of deep affliction, will need no apology. Unable to fix a stain upon his character, his opponents were, however, successful in so far exciting the displeasure of the ruling party against him, as to procure his expulsion from the pulpit, which he had so long occupied to the edification and comfort of thousands, who hung upon his lips with delight. Thus placed, with his family, in a condition of indigence, while the press was teeming with pamphlets replete with misrepresentation and calumny,' who can but admire the ascendency which the grace of God had acquired in his mind, when he could thus express himself:

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"I am able,' says he, through Christ strengthening me, to be abased in name and credit, as well as otherwise. Dishonour, disparagements, defamation, are the element wherein I have lived, and my soul prospered through the goodness of God, these many years. The yoke is little or no offence to me, my neck having been so long accustomed to it. I look upon sufferings for righteousness' sake, (and sufferings from men upon any other terms I fear none,) as the best earnings I can make the burden of my reproaches, than my soul to of mortality. My name is better able to bear want the benefit and blessing of them.'". pp. 99, 100.

From the archives of former times, we must say, that a more interesting document has not been drawn forth for a considerable time, than that which Mr. Jackson has brought before


He has produced a volume of commented upon the facts which he more than ordinary research, and details in a manner that does credit to his head and his heart; whilst he has also supplied a desideratum in the history of the times of which he writes, by assisting us to view a narration of facts, (supported by the most authentic documents,) through a medium as friendly to the Arminian, as that which has almost exclusively been employed on the Calvinistic side of the question.

"Alternos Musæ meminisse volebant."

We have thus been brought to a closer intimacy with one of the most

distinguished characters of that eventful day; to whose piety, learning, and intrepidity, posterity are deeply indebted for the right understanding of the doctrines of universal toleration in all matters purely religious, and the most conclusive arguments in favour of general redemption. On these accounts, as well as for an interesting view, afforded of the political conflicts which shook this kingdom during the civil wars and the inter-regnum, we can most cordially recommend the Life of John Goodwin, as giving some of the most striking features of that important period of British history; enriched with several valuable facts, (the fruits of his research,) which were never before collected. An elegant engraving of John Goodwin, by Thompson, from a scarce print by Glover, ornaments the volume. In our judgment, Mr. Jackson has well deserved, and we doubt not will receive, the thanks, of those in particular, who are friendly to the religious views of Arminius, as well as of the more moderate and enlightened friends of Independency.

REVIEW.-The Hopes of Matrimony, a Poem. By John Holland, Author of Sheffield Park, &c. 8vo. pp. 68. London: Francis Westley. 1822.

THE popular poetical productions of the present day, are not generally of a character which can recommend them to the readers of the Imperial Magazine. Questionable in design, and irregular in execution, they have all the fire, luxury, and pathos, of genius, with little of that moral philanthropy, which gives to its productions their greatest charm. They are destitute of that purity of sentiment, which is the classic attribute of the fountain whence true poetry flows. They dazzle the imagination, and inflame the passions; but fail in ameliorating or softening the heart. They abound in sentiment without morality -satire without benevolence - and splendid imagery without natural character. Contrasted with these, how fascinating is the muse of a Pope, a Goldsmith, or a Gray, blending improvement with delight, and imbodying the maxims of real life, with the didactic stateliness of a poetic imagination! Amongst the few disciples of

these older worthies, we are pleased to find the author of "The Hopes of Matrimony."

Love has been the favourite theme of poets, from Hesiod to Legh Hunt. It is the most powerful ingredient in metrical alchemy; because poetry appeals to the passions, and of all passions love is the most sensitive. Thus profligate men have ever chosen it as a medium for the expression of licentious opinions; expecting by bril liancy of style, and warmth of description, to weaken the distinction betwixt virtue and vice. The veil with which modesty gracefully envelops the most mysterious operation of the human breast, they have fearlessly torn aside; and, in the place of that delicate, manly, and generous passion, which should exist towards the softer sex, they have substituted the mere animal suggestions of sensuality and lust. But Mr. Holland, in the meritorious work before us, has proved that the subject needs no such meretricious garb to render it interesting; and that the description of scenes, in which love is the presiding power, may be delicate without being dull-warm without being wanton and tender without being effeminate.

The "Hopes," which enliven the progress of the tender passion, are pourtrayed with elegant sensibility. The description commences with the youth "who learns his alphabet of love at school," and terminates with the aged pair, who close in the grave its long and faithful communion. The universality of the passion-the progress of virtuous courtship-the aus picious moment of marriagebeauties of fidelity-the endearments of children-the wickedness of mercenary and unequal wedlock-the consolations of matrimony in sickness, misfortune, and old age-are pleasingly interwoven with the poem, which abounds in beautiful images, and sentiment of sterling value. He thus alludes to the connubial state :


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and though the man who has a heart | book a decided evidence to the conto deceive her, is not likely to be influenced by the admonitions of poetry, yet for the benefit of those conceited coxcombs who are dangling at the apron string of every handsome girl, and to whom Judge Best recently gave such a smart philippic, the following advice is extracted:

"Oh! guard and cherish well the precious prize,

Love droops, neglected; or deserted-dies :
Scarce rear'd on earth, this flower of tender

A thought can blast it, or a breath destroy:
Like the frail hyacinth, and sweet as frail,
Nars'd in the sun, it withers in the gale."

There is something remarkably comfortable in Mr. Holland's description of a parlour courtship :--the glowing embers, wainscotted parlour, gilt pictures, &c. are very different from our frosty expeditions by moonlight: but "let that pass." What lover of family astronomy will not be delighted with the subjoined description of the firma


trary, we should bave doubted the eligibility of wife and children, in the "action" of an epic. The extract, however, will speak for itself; but we must premise, that the Arcadia of many poets is a five-pair-of-stairs garret, with bed-posts for myrtles, and a couple of squalling brats for a leash of turtles.

"No-doubly blest must be that poet's bow'r,
Where myrules twine with the Parnassian

Where Venus bids her emblem roses breathe
A luscious fragrance o'er the Muses' wreath:
While round the ivied thyrsus deftly move
Her leash of turtles, yok'd with silken love:
Not with more grace, in fancy's crystal


Can beauty's goddess to the eye appear;
Or, from the emerald wave, when fresh she
Peerless, on Cytherea's golden sands;
Than when she bids the nuptial chaplet glow
Round young Imagination's graceful brow;
Than when she seems consign'd, with all her


In virgin dower, to bless the poet's arms.”

"There sits the WIFE, whose radiant smile is ous work, will recommend it to the


The daily sun of the domestic heaven;
And when calm ev'ning sheds a secret pow'r,
Her looks of love emparadise the hour;
While CHILDREN round, a beauteous train,

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Our quotations from this meritoriapproval of all who can appreciate correct feeling, in the tasteful garb of poetry. The next and last extract is in itself sufficient to stamp the author as a genuine poet, and as a man of the most susceptible and refined understanding. In the morning of life, when the heart is uncorrupted, and the sentiments natural-when "hope is the chart, and love the cynosure," imagination loves to dwell upon the picture of A WIFE. It clothes her in beauty, and endows her with fidelity. Time and circumstances obliterate the first, but how lasting, how unchangable, is the other!

The fashionable, but often unnecessary custom, of sending children to nurse, is forcibly reprobated: the filial tribute which follows, though brief, is scarcely inferior, in tenderness and beauty, to Cowper's pathetic effusions on the death of his mother. Amorous old men, at once the ridicule and disgust of society, "fire in their hearts, and lava in their veins," are treated with merited severity, in a neat epi-"Yet, when are hush'd the tones of fortune's sode on mercenary wedlock. highly poetic invocation to health, the best but last-sought-for accompaniment of married life, we can only quote the concluding couplets :

Of a

"Oh! thrice invok'd by husband, child, and wife,

Pour thy rich urns o'er matrimonial life; Though nurs'd in poverty or crown'd with wealth,

Grant them thy richer blessings, bounteous


Determined to connect his favourite

theme with every situation of life, Mr. Holland exhibits its influence on the votaries of Parnassus. Were not his



And commerce, with her hundred tongues, is When toil is past, and youth's wild projects o'er,

When strength can dig, and wit can scheme

no more;

E'en then one blessing yet remains for life,-
Turn, veteran pilgrim, and behold thy WIFE.
Perchance, too proud, thy heart might prize,

Yet she, in youth, to thy embraces given,
This jewel least of all thy casket's store;
Survives thy wealth, the crowning gift of

heav'n :

She, still the same, howe'er thy thoughts have
Firm in each trial, through each change un-

A bow of promise in each gathering storm, Thy guardian angel in a human form; And now, in strengthless age, she still appears Thy tottering partner down the vale of years!" A critical reader of Mr. Holland's poem, among some minor faults of repetition and verbiage, will not fail to discover the leading peculiarities of Goldsmith's style. Yet there is much of the sweetness and philosophic tenderness of that favourite writer; and occasional inequalities are abundantly redeemed by the novel images which occur throughout. Should this production not entitle the author to rank with our first-rate poets, it must be attributed rather to the nature of the subject, than to the manner of its execution; and if Mr. Holland be at issue with my Lord Ellenborough, upon the happiness of the times "when few and simple were our marriage-rites," he is not, at any rate, a disciple of the faith, by which "love is liberty, and nature law."

REVIEW.-An Introduction to Latin Construing, &c. &c. By J. Bosworth, Vicar of Little Horwood, Bucks. 12mo. pp. 94. London: Lackington, and Co. 1821.

THIS little work is published expressly to remedy the mischief of pupils committing to memory a great number of rules, without impressing them, seriatim, on the memory, by practical illustration. Every attempt to facilitate the acquisition of learning, and especially to smooth the difficult path to classical knowledge, in its first and most difficult stage, deserves commendation, and will meet with support. We doubt, however, after the most careful examination, whether there be any thing in this particular work, excepting perhaps novelty of design, to distinguish it from the mass of elementary books already in use, and which vary in repute and acceptance with the whim of different preceptors. The alleged want of progressive exemplification can apply solely to the Accidence used at Eton: as far as that defect is supplied, the present work is an improvement. But the Eton Syntax, from the conciseness and perspicuity of its rules, and the aptness of its examples, has acquired a standard reputation, and we have

an old-fashioned prejudice in its favour. This publication will have its share of support, like others of the same class; although we think it of those, whose acquisition of the Lamore particularly adapted to the wants tin tongue is deferred beyond the customary period. Questions are subjoined to each division of subject; we think, judiciously.

REVIEW. - The Classical Collector's Vade Mecum; being an Introduction to the Knowledge of the best Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics. pp. 164. London: Wilton and Son, Gray's Inn Passage. 1822.

THIS is a very neat, very useful, and very modest publication. It has all the information necessary for a finished admirer of classical pursuits, without a tittle of the flash which distinguishes the bibliographical mania. The lists of the different series, from those of Aldus, the Stephens's, &c. to the yet incomplete editions of Valpy, Didot, and "little Corrall," are luminous and satisfactory. To the end of each, a judicious abstract from Dibdin, &c. is appended; and concise notices follow, when necessary, particular editions. The work evinces considerable research; and an inti

mate acquaintance with the productions of Renouard, Dibdin, Clarke, Horne, and Harwood; but the author, with becoming deference, "avowedly disclaims all title to personal merit."


persons, however, who can allow merit to a compiler, will estimate this pleasing little book as it deserves; and, by so doing, will not undervalue search are sufficiently established in Mr. Dibdin, whose genius and rethe learned world. His volumes, nevertheless, are too dilated and expensive for general adaptation; and we can safely recommend the present publication as a cheap, portable, and accurate guide to ancient literature.

REVIEW.-Poems on several Occasions: by Edward Howel Thurlow, Lord Thurlow. 12mo. pp. 104. London. Booth, Duke - street, Manchestersquare. 1822.

Ir is, perhaps, a fortunate circumstance that these poems have the name of Lord Thurlow to recommend them.

We have perused the composition with | lic mind more like an advertisement some, attention, hoping to discover than a caution; and, impelled by merit concealing itself in some harmo- curiosity, multitudes purchase with nious effusion, or well-turned expresno other motive, than merely to gra sion; but thus far it has eluded our tify a desire to taste forbidden fruit. research. At present we can only ad- Of this fact, the unprincipled authors vertise our misfortune, promising an of this work seem to be well aware; ample reward to any person who can and whether the Liberal pass through inform us where it may be found. the portals of praise, or reprehension, Should it hereafter come to hand, we is to them of little moment, provided promise our readers that it shall be it can obtain a character of distincfaithfully laid before the public. tion, so as to attract the attention of mankind. Measuring human nature by a standard that the liberality of the Christian school will not permit us to name, the authors of the Liberal calculate upon the effect of that moral poison which their previous writings have already administered in large doses to the community, and conclude, from the disease which their efforts are intended to strengthen, that in the sale of a new incentive they shall find support.

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REVIEW. The Liberal, Verse and
Prose from the South. Volume the
first, 8vo. pp. 164. London. 1822.

THERE are various expressions within the reach of language, which might be considered as disgraceful, if applied to some publications, that would pay to others the highest compliment which their authors can hope to obtain. These variations arise from the motives of the writers, the nature of their compositions, and the probable influence which the sentiments they convey will have on society.

Among the numerous treatises that have appeared on science, philosophy, legislation, theology, and morals, there are few, of which their respective authors would not feel themselves insulted, were the critic to assert, that their various productions were circulated with no better motives than to excite public attention, and to levy a tax upon the pockets of credulity. But how dishonourable soever such a character may appear, it is one, that, by placing limitations to censure, includes a kind of demi-negative excellence, to which the work before us cannot hope to aspire. The Liberal appears to have been sent into the world as a mental barometer, or an instrument of experiment, to measure, by the extent of its circulation, the quantity of vice with which the community is saturated, to furnish new stimulants to iniquity,—and to ascertain in what degree moral turpitude may ensure the plaudits of licentiousness, without losing any of its gross


It unfortunately happens, that when works of a pernicious tendency issue from the press, especially if sanctioned by some celebrated name, the strictures of criticism operate on the pub

The Liberal is a publication which assumes this name, because its benevolence is extended to infidelity-to licentiousness of manners-to the open ridicule of what is awful and sacred-and to the destruction of moral principle. Not content with attempting the demolition of our hopes in a joyful hereafter, the poet, wantoning in his profaneness, ascends the skies, and revelling in his liberality, endeavours to bring even heaven itself and its celestial inhabitants into contempt.

His liberality, however, does not extend to the afflicted widow, to the dying penitent, or to the humble Christian; for these, and such as these, he endeavours, in their agonizing moments, to rob of their last and only consolation. The liberality of this work is confined to vice and its votaries; but towards religion, and those who are friendly to its principles and precepts, its candour resembles the mercy of the inquisition towards heretics.

After an illiberal preface, in which many distinguished individuals are lampooned and vilified, and in which, the death of Lord Londonderry is mentioned with a grinning complacency, a poetical composition is introduced, entitled "The Vision of Judgment." This piece is comprised in 106 stanzas, each containing eight lines; and the place that the author has chosen for his profane exhibition is at the

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