
gate of heaven, where St. Peter is represented dangling his rusty keys, having of late had little other employment, while the angels are recording the crimes and miseries of mankind.


pleasing to learn, that public virtue has already stamped on it the seal of contempt. Its principal circulation may be expected among unfledged witlings, and the dregs of exalted life.

In this work there are several arti→ cles, which, if not worthy of strong recommendation, are at least amus ing; and although some may appear: in questionable shapes, there is no one that merits, with the preceding, an equal degree of reprehension. But what excellencies soever any of these. compositions may include, their destiny must be combined with that of the "Vision of Judgment," with which they stand connected. To be preserv

another soil. For the pernicious principles which are scattered throughout this piece, and the consequences to which they inevitably tend, no palliating associations can make any atonement. The weight of vice contained in this work, is too ponderous for its demi-virtues to counteract.

In this state of things, the death of his late Majesty, George III. is noticed with a contemptuous sneer, and his funeral obsequies are made the subject of vulgar ribaldry. In his character he is represented as half mad and half blind, and ridiculed for being constant to "a bad and ugly woman. St. Peter, on his death, is awakened by an angel; but on being informed of the event, and hearing of his name, he does not know him. The angels at length arrive, and bring-ed, they must be transplanted into ing with them an old man with an old soul, and both extremely blind," they "halted before the gate, and in his shroud, seated their fellow traveller on a cloud." A variety of circumstances are then introduced, all of which tend to render the name and memory of the late king either despicable or odious; and these, connected with historical allusions, are accompanied with insinuations, that his crimes ought in justice to have excluded him from the celestial regions. The work, however, being liberal, in | the midst of the confusion at the gate of Paradise, occasioned by a contest between Satan and Michael for the royal prize, the soul of George III. slips into heaven by a kind of accident, where the liberal poet leaves him "practising the hundredth psalm."

From a composition, the prominent features of which are ribaldry, profaneness, impiety, and impudence, we hope our readers will excuse us for not furnishing them with any direct quotations. The Liberal has now been on sale nearly the full quantum of time which catch-pennies require to gull the credulous multitude; and we rejoice to hear, though the remark may appear illiberal, that its circulation has been less extensive than some others, which, though similar in their tendency, are less gross in their attack upon the virtuous feelings of mankind. A regard for the memory of our late revered sovereign, connected with that respect which is due to the principles of morality and religion, dictates, that such compositions should be discountenanced; and it is

Irreligion, and a contempt of what has been revered as sacred or venerable among the virtuous and loyal, constitute the more prominent articles of the cargo which the Liberal has imported from a foreign shore, and this is too heavy for any thing on board to render buoyant. It has indeed escaped the dangers of the sea, but we conceive that it is only to be wrecked on the coast of oblivion.

REVIEW. The Teacher, a Tale. By the Author of "Memoir of Mary Orphan Sisters," &c. &c. Westley, Stationers' Court.

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THIS little volume introduces us to the interesting character of a teacher in a Sunday-school, in the person of Mary Mitchel, a young lady of respectable connections, and of pious education and habits, who, not contenting herself with the mere discharge of duty in a sabbath-school, visited the humble abodes of the children entrusted to her care, and administered to the temporal and eternal interests of the family; for, though "Mary beheld them as creatures of the same race as herself-as beings destined for immortality, she contemplated in each, that, bright


she, they are calculated to do a great deal of mischief, by raising the poor from that station in which Providence has wisely placed them. Mary knew that all the delights of a present world could never add one grain to that immortal bliss which she was in the anticipation of realizing; but, on the contrary, would plunge her, in all probability, into everlasting woe. She remonstrated with Charlotte upon the course she was pursuing, and called to her mind the retrospect of the lamentable dissolution of Louisa-who had been a companion of Charlotte's in the noisy buz of giddy levity and amusement, till she was about to descend to "the place of graves," and "I ask you," said pious Mary, "how she was prepared to endure affliction? What consolation did the gloomy picture present to her view in her last hour? and what preparation had she made for death? Remember, if you would not die the death of poor Louisa, you must not lead her life." These impressive lessons went to the very soul of Charlotte, and she exclaimed in all the intensity of emotion,

celestial jewel placed within. She saw its brilliancy obscured by ignorance and vice; but she knew that its value was beyond "the worth of worlds, and its duration eternal." An instructive dialogue is kept up between Mary, a child named Catherine, (one of her pupils, who was confined to her bed through severe indisposition,) and her mother, the latter of whom, foolishly imagining, that, because her child had never played truant, or had been dishonest, if God should please to remove her by death, she would necessarily be admitted into heaven; but Mary cautions her against trusting in her own sufficiency for salvation, and enforces the necessity of relying upon the righteousness of Christ alone, as the Saviour and Mediator of the world. The most unequivocal passages from Scripture are referred to in support of the doctrine which she endeavours to impress upon the minds of the poor woman and child; and it is subsequently shewn, that they both seem to have profited by Mary's pious interviews and exhortations; for when Catherine was restored to health, Mary had the "Oh, Mary, my feelings will scarcely bear pleasure of seeing the good woman the dreadful retrospection! The appalling always neat and clean on the Sab-hour came with all its terrors; yet was no one bath, constant in her attendance at suffered to hint to poor Louisa her approachchurch, and giving evidence, by her ing fate. However thoughtless you may imlife and conversation, that her cha-agine me to be, believe me, I never did, nor ever can, forget what I then witnessed! Oh, racter and views were in reality no! not for worlds would I die such a death." changed." Nor was this all, for "Catherine won over her father to accompany her mother to a place of worship on the sabbath, instead of wasting and profaning its sacred hours, as he had too often done, in idleness and vice."


A Miss Brooks and Mrs. Harvey were afterwards introduced, who entered upon the general conversation of the public entertainments of the day. Mary had no taste for this sort of idle chit-chat, but she sat revolving in her mind what method to take to turn the current of conversation to something, that, while it amused the fancy, should likewise have a tendency to amend the heart; and she, therefore, took a favourable opportunity of observing, that of all the amusements she had witnessed in the metropolis, the Orrery had most delighted her.

In a subsequent part of this book, we find that Mary received a visit from her cousin, Miss Charlotte Murrey, a young lady who had been brought up in the closest intimacy with her; but who, being exceedingly proud and high-spirited, deemed the pursuits of Mary unfit for her station in life, and degrading to her consequence in society; but Mary heeded her not, feeling an inward satisfaction, "How was I astonished," she continued, that her occupations communicated a "to hear the surprising phenomena of the greater degree of pleasure than all the universe so clearly and so sweetly explainimaginary gratifications of an unre-ed, and to have those ponderous worlds stricted round of gay frivolity and which surround us, and which seem at such an incalculable distance, represented to my mirth. Charlotte endeavoured to per-view, so that I could comprehend their vasuade Mary to relinquish her engage- rious revolutions, and understand something ments in a Sunday-school, for, said of their nature. My previous reading had

been very limited, and all I saw, and almost all I heard, possessed the charm of novelty

but when the lecturer shewed the situation of the globe which we inhabit, descanted upon its relative importance, and compared it with some of those vast planets which the poet beautifully calls moving worlds of light," how insignificant did it become! it appeared little more than a speck in creation. I thought with reverence on that great Being who formed these wonders of the sky, and in the contemplation I seemed to shrink, as it were, into nothing. I could scarcely consider myself more than an atom, and never before felt so much of the force and beauty of those words of the Psalmist, When I consider the heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained, what is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him?' How astonishing did the condescension appear! And when the lecturer concluded his highly interesting discourse in the emphatic language of Job, Lo, these are only parts of his ways, but the thunder of his power who can understand?' my soul was filled with sacred awe. When I remembered also that he who formed

all worlds was the Redeemer of ours, I could not restrain my tears. They were tears of gratitude."

Such interesting observations had the effect of producing reflection in Mr. Harvey's mind; and impelled the following ingenuous confession:

"It is true," replied he, " I am fond of gaiety, and though I am aware of its evils, yet am I continually drawn into its vortex. I admire the calm serenity of that life which, from Miss Mitchel's candid history of her religious feelings, I suppose to be her choice. I know it to be rational-I feel that it is right-but still there is a sort of entanglement from which I cannot extricate myself. I acknowledge the world is like the fabled sirens; it charms but to destroy."

Miss Brooks did not remain insensible to the religious admonitions of Miss Mary Mitchel; for she readily admitted that she had found no solid satisfaction in dissipation and folly.

"I have returned home," she continued, "night after night, fatigued and exhausted, and sought my pillow without one reflection worthy of a reasonable being. The next day some new whim has dispersed the feelings of satiety which the pursuits of the preceding day had caused, and I still continued in chase of fancied happiness.' Late hours impaired my bealth, and I came here by the persuasion of my friends, in hopes of gaining fresh vigour for the ensuing winter."

Mr. Harvey and Miss Brooks set off for London; and Miss Charlotte Murray visited the sabbath-school with lively interest. She renounced her former course of thoughtless gaiety; she became convinced of her No. 47.-VOL. IV.

real state by nature and practice; and through divine grace was enabled to 66 lay hold on the hope set before her in the gospel." The bond of friendship between Mary and Charlotte became still stronger, and, like the disciples in their walk to Emmaus, their hearts glowed with seraphic fire, while they talked "by the way."

Such is a summary view of the volume before us. With the most unfeigned pleasure we recommend it to the frequent perusal of teachers as well as scholars, belonging to our various Sunday-schools. It contains pious instructions, with interesting edification. It is calculated to amuse as well as to profit. The more important doctrines of the gospel are forcibly inculcated, in a style simple, though not inelegant. In fact, it may be considered, as comprising so many short sermons, impressing upon every individual the indispensable necessity of practical holiness.--[We would not wish to confine the reading of this book to the juvenile branches of society alone, for we are satisfied that the hoary headed saint may be taught by it reverence and humility; and the profligate debauchee prudence and reflection.]-Each chapter is interspersed with quotations of the choicest and most appropriate description, from the writings of our most eminent bards;

and many similes are occasionally introduced, which not only are essentially useful, as they convey truth in " pleasing strains" to the mind; but also, because they throw over the pages a rich relief. Wellconstructed metaphors at all times excite the interest of the reader, and, while they play around the fancy, arouse the slumbering energies of man to a conviction of his important and responsible situation as an accountable and an intelligent being.

We know that where solid reason

fails to make a due impression upon the understanding, Fancy may frequently exercise her magic spell, unbar the iron avenues to the human heart, and obtain a passport for that celestial truth in all its radiant glory, which was before denied admission there. We rejoice at every attempt that is made by teachers in Sundayschools to extend education among the poor; and it is only by their persevering energies, that we may expect a corresponding good to be 4 D

effected in the children under their tuition. We cannot duly appreciate the inestimable advantages of education, till we abstract ourselves from the possession of it, and contemplate its absence. Remove education, and all those finer feelings of tender sympathy and emotion would be swept away from the sensibilities of man, and give place to the devouring sway of ignorance, barbarism, and crime; for it will be readily admitted, that reading produces reflection; which necessarily contributes very materially to soften down into pity and humanity, all those harsher feelings of our nature, in which less civilized nations in the world are involved. It is education which has been the means of diffusing so widely the principles of Christianity in this our favoured land; and obtained a reception for them in every considerate mind. It was education which kindled the flame of purest benevolence in the human bosom, and that devised and executed the plan of raising those numerous and diversified institutions which are erected in this country for the amelioration of human misery, and which stand as a signal trophy of British philanthropy, and the unrivalled glory of the world. Long may we enjoy the liberal spirit of education which pervades this Christian empire! and equally long may we guard and foster it with the tenderest solicitude and care!

To the inconsiderate, profligate, and profane, we solicit a deliberate and candid perusal of the book under review; and if there be one spark of reflection to be found glimmering within the precincts of the soul, we despair not of the result. Let such an individual sacrifice no longer beauty and virtue at the shrine of unhallowed passions. Let him pause, and think with serious solemnity, before he turns adrift, to float down the rapid current of human misery, into the vortex of irremediable destruction, the victim of his own thoughtless folly and depravity; but let him cling to the rock of Christianity, which brings peace and lasting joy. This is the invulnerable barrier against all the wiles of artful deception; and he who ventures upon its ponderous edifice, may lay his head upon his pillow in sweet repose, free from all the imaginary troubles of this world,

shielded by this noble fortress, as his invaluable friend, his guardian, and his protector.



(With a Portrait.)

SOCIETY is not often adorned with an individual, whose career, like Sir Humphrey Davy's, proves at once so honourable to himself, and so beneficial to the interests of mankind in general. Chemistry, the science to which the noble energies of his mind have, in an especial manner, been directed, is rapidly adapting itself to almost every purpose of civilized life; and, as its valuable properties become more generally understood, the debt which is owing to those who developed them, will be more readily perceived and acknowledged.

Sir Humphrey Davy, whose portrait appeared in the March number of our Magazine, was born Dec. 17, 1779, at Penzance, in Cornwall. His family was of ancient and honourable origin. He received the rudiments of his education at the grammar schools of Penzance and Truro; and at fifteen became the pupil of an eminent medical gentleman in the former place; intending to prepare himself for graduating at the University of Edinburgh. A passionate love of poetry distinguished this portion of his life; but so judiciously did he restrain its influence, that at the age of eighteen he had acquired the rudiments of botany, anatomy, and physiology, the simpler mathematics, metaphysics, natural philosophy and chemistry. The latter, however, soon engrossed his whole attention; and having made some experiments upon sea-weeds, which convinced him that these productions purify the ocean, as land vegetables do the atmosphere, he communicated the same to Dr. Beddoes, then about to commence a philosophical publication. A correspondence ensued; and Sir Humphrey, in his nineteenth year, relinquishing the design of visiting Edinburgh, undertook the uncontrolled superintendence of a series of chemical experiments at Bristol. His work, entitled "Researches, Chemical and Philosophical," suggested by the above pur

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Sir Humphrey Darry Bar!

President of the Royal Society. Ze

Published by Henry Fisher, Caxton, London, Mar. 1, 1822.

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