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suits, introduced him to the notice of Count Rumford; and being shortly afterwards elected to the Professorship of Chemistry in the Royal Institution, he removed to the metropolis, and gave up all thoughts of the medical profession. A series of highly valuable publications on chemical science, are proofs of the ardour with which, on receiving this appointment, he pursued its investigation.

In 1802, he commenced a course of lectures before the Board of Agriculture, which were highly approved. In 1803, he was elected F.R.S.: in 1805, a Member of the Royal Irish Academy; and besides corresponding with the most eminent scientific characters on the continent, was on terms of friendly intercourse with Banks, Cavendish, Wollaston, Babington, and others equally celebrated.


In 1806, he was appointed Secretary of the Royal Society; having, about this time, made what is scientifically termed one of the most brilliant discoveries of modern times." This was the decomposition of two fixed alkalies, potash and soda. He found them, in direct refutation of an adopted hypothesis, to consist of a metallic base, blended with a large quantity of oxygen. The metals thus discovered, were called potassium and sodium. In 1808, he received a prize from the French Institute; and, in 1810, was presented with the honorary degree of LL.D. by the Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin. In the following year, the Prince Regent was pleased to confer upon him the honour of knighthood; being the first individual who received that honour at his hands.

only a limited quantity of air, pro-
duces such a body of azote and carbo-
nic acid, as prevents the explosion of
the fire-damp; and, by the formation
of its apertures for the egress and
admission of air, is incapable of com-
municating any explosion. Thus lan-
terns, made air-tight, and supplied
within by tubes of minute diameter,
or from apertures covered with wire
gauze, and placed below the flame,
with a chimney at the upper part for
carrying off foul air, afforded the re-
quisite security. Discovering, after-
wards, that a constant flame might be
produced from the explosive mixture
which issued through the apertures,
Sir Humphrey introduced a very small
lamp within a cylinder made of wire-
gauze, having six thousand four hun-
dred apertures in the square inch. The
lamp, when fully ignited, was intro-
duced, with the cylinder, into a large
jar, containing several quarts of the
most explosive gas, distilled from
coal and air. The flame of the wick
instantly disappeared; the cylinder
became filled with a feeble but steady
green-coloured flame, which burnt till
it had destroyed the explosive power
of the atmosphere.
Thus the very
material which had hitherto produced
destruction, was rendered subservient
to the production of an useful light.
It should be mentioned, that the
coal-owners of Tyne and Wear evinced
their gratitude by presenting him with
a service of plate, worth £2000; and
that the few catastrophes which have
since been recorded, are attributable
solely to negligence in the use of bis

Marks of distinction from almost every foreign institution, have succesBut the discovery with which his sively shewn the estimation in which name is more especially associated, Sir Humphrey is held; and in 1818, and by which alone he would have he was created a Baronet of the king ensured the gratitude of posterity, is, dom. His travels in Europe have "The Safety Lamp," for preventing been directed, chiefly, to the investithose dreadful occurrences of deathgation of volcanic phenomena-to the and mutilation, supposed to be inseparably connected with a miner's occupation. The usual method of lighting those parts of the mine in which danger was apprehended, was by a steel wheel, revolving in contact with flint, and emitting a series of sparks. A variety of experiments, during a visit to the collieries in the north of England, suggested this beneficial invention. Its principle is this: the flame of the lamp, by being supplied with

instruction of miners in the use of his safety lamp-to the examination of the Herculanean MSS.--and to the remains of the chemical arts of the ancients. The manuscripts he found to have been cemented by a substance generated in fermentation; but very few were soluble by the composition applied to them. Curiosity was anxiously excited amongst the learned, when this visit was announced; and from a recollection of the prodigious

Love and Terror;—and, on Written and Extempore Sermons.

services which chemistry had rendered | Replies to Queries:—on the Influence of to the arts, very flattering results were anticipated from the labours of so eminent a character. Time, however, had rested his consuming hand too long upon these esteemed relics; and though partial success attended Sir Humphrey's endeavours to restore them, it served but to confirm the value of the treasures thus lost for ever to the curious. The classic spots to which he resorted, were, the baths of Titus and of Livia, and the ruins of Rome and Pompeii. Canova furnished him with pigments, which had been deposited in vases, and discovered during the excavations, for comparison with such remnants of paintings as remained in the above - named places.

Shortly after bis return to England, in 1820, the chair of the Royal Society became vacant by the death of that distinguished character, Sir Joseph Banks; and to it, notwithstanding the opposition of a few individuals, who nominated Lord Colchester, Sir Humphrey Davy was elected by a very great majority; Dr. Wollaston, a gentleman of extraordinary knowledge, and as uncommon modesty, declining to appear as a competitor, when apprised of his friend's nomination.

It was in the year 1812, that Sir Humphrey was united to Mrs. Apreece, widow of S. A. Apreece, Esq. and daughter and heiress of the late Chas. Kerr, Esq. of Kelso. In the ample fortune, amiable qualities, and high mental endowments, of this lady, he has made a discovery as pleasing to himself, as his others have been advantageous to the world.

Sir Humphrey Davy's Works are -Chemical and Philosophical Researches, chiefly concerning nitrous oxide, and its respiration, 8vo. 1800A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry, delivered at the Royal | Institution, 8vo. 1802-Lecture on a Plan for Improving the Royal Institution, and making it permanent, 8vo. 1810 Elements of Chemical Philosophy, 8vo. 1812-Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, in a Course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture, 4to. 1813-besides a variety of ingenious and useful scientific papers, published in the Philosophical Transactions, Philosophical Magazine, and Nicholson's Journal.

MR. EDITOR. SIR,-Your correspondent, M. J. (in col. 887, No. 44,) asks-" Which is the more calculated to restrain the sinful passions, and promote grateful devotion; a contemplation of the terrors of judgment, or a believing view of the love and grace of the Saviour?" I answer, the latter; because the impression of terror upon the mind is never so permanent, nor accompanied with those softer feelings, of admiration of the goodness, and gratitude for the mercy, of God, which are the natural concomitants of a believing view of the grace and love of Christ. A mind burdened with guilt, and awakened to a sense of its condition by the terrors of judgment, and led to seek a Saviour, simply from the fear of the wrath to come, is not the most likely to live in the exercise of grateful devotion, and to restrain from sin; for if the images of wrath and terror, which oppress it, are once obscured by any of the innumerable circumstances calculated to have that effect, the restraints from sin, and motives to holiness, are obscured and banished along with them.-Whereas the experience of the love of Christ is a pleasure so infinitely superior to any this world can afford, and the affection for devout praise and humble adoration and devotion it necessarily induces, so ardent, that he who has once tasted and felt its influence, can never wilfully sin against the object of his ardent attachment. The settled tranquillity of mind-the inexhaustible source of consolation and enjoyment, which the true believer finds to be in his possession-will ever effectually deter him from sin against God;-for it is unreasonable to suppose, that the true believer in Christ will barter the solid happiness he has acquired by Jesus, for the tame, unsubstantial, and fleeting enjoyments, of this earthly state.-These feelings will give permanency to his endeavours to avoid the commission of sin, because it is the forfeiture of his happiness, and the cause of future misery-the misery of a recollection

"Of joys departed," than which nothing can be more acute. Moreover, the fear of judgment can

never restrain sinful desires; it may for a short period put an end to their gratification; while the love of Christ accomplishes both, by presenting enjoyments infinitely superior to the pleasures of sin. For these reasons, I am inclined to the opinion I have given.

M. J. also asks, "Are written or extempore sermons calculated to produce the greater good?"-In reply to this, it may be sufficient to inform him what has been the universal experience of preachers, viz. that extempore sermons generally succeed the best in fixing the attention, which is one grand aim of the speaker. Even great men of the Establishment, and others, who deliver their sermons from a book, are careful by every little art to conceal it from their hearers, and by their manner, and tone, and gesture, to impress upon them a conviction, similar to what might be expected if they were speaking extemporaneously. If M. J. is much accustomed to hear popular men of the present day, he must frequently have observed this. Besides, there is a great prejudice in the public mind, against sermons being read from the pulpit, and espe- | cially in dissenting congregations; and if he will consult hearers in general, he will find the preference given to extempore discourses. He must be aware too of the influence which graceful action, and easy manner, have upon the minds of hearers; and it is easy to perceive there is more room for, and less labour attending, the exhibition of these graces of elocution, when a man is not compelled to look at a book for every word he has to say. The mind is unfettered, the eye is not fixed on one object, nor is the body confined to one posture, but the speaker at pleasure may give action and passion to the several parts of his discourse, which can never fail in fixing the attention; and if this be once gained, the speaker has accomplished one grand object of his preaching.

I am, Sir, your's, respectfully,


Answer to a Query on the Preservation of Eggs, inserted col. 620.

M. REAUMUR informs us, that he found eggs might be preserved for months, or even years, by being covered with

mutton suet. And Parmentier adds, that eggs which have not been fecundated, keep much better than those that have. He also says, that such eggs are no way inferior, either in size or flavour, to the others, and that the hens lay quite as many; so that those who keep fowls for the sake of eggs, should have hens only. He recommends the common hen as the most productive, but prefers the blacklegged to the yellow.-There is also a way of preserving eggs by var. nishing.

Answer to the Query inserted col. 887, "Whether the recorded actions of Julius Cæsar are more entitled to the respect and esteem of mankind, than those of Alexander the Great?”


SIR,-In contrasting the recorded actions of these two eminent warriors, there is one difficulty which obviously presents itself, namely, in finding an historian who has discharged his duty with a disinterested and unsuspected fidelity. Having, in a degree, surmounted this obstacle, I shall commence with Alexander the Great,



a man without a model"--a man, whom Seneca said of Caligula, nature seemed to have brought forth, to shew what was possible to be produced from the greatest authority.'

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We have on record the actions of Alexander from a very early period of his life, so that we are enabled to form a correct judgment of his habits and dispositions. We see ambition, not only strongly guiding his actions before his mind became corrupted by wealth and power, but in its natural growth, springing up with that stern and sullen feature, which marked the conduct of his later days. The proofs we have of this, stand unequalled in the annals of history, and are of such a nature, that I challenge any one to bring the like against Julius Cæsar. I do not mean to insinuate that Cæsar had no ambition: it is a spirit that is cherished and cultivated by all conquerors. It was this which caused Cæsar to invade Britain and Gaul. All that I here contend, is, that Alexander's ambition, nourished to a greater extent, caused him to commit acts of the most extravagant nature.

It has been urged, though with what

justice. I am unable to judge, that Alexander fought not for what is called fame, but that a greater portion of his wars were just ones. This is in direct contradiction to Alexander's | own declaration, for he acknowledged that he had invaded many countries for the mere love of being thought invincible, which fact will stand as a lasting monument, (to his eternal disgrace,) erected by his own vices, and will place him on a level with the weakest men that ever governed Rome.

With respect to the wars in which Julius Cæsar engaged, it will be admitted, though tempted to some by ambition, that many of them were those which justice demanded. Those of Egypt and Africa may be mentioned. Cæsar did not wish for the war with Pompey. Suffice it then to say, that Cæsar's wars were not carried on with a determined and declared wish of being thought the Monarch of the Universe.*


deeds is sufficiently notorious to every individual, and needs no attempt, on my part, to give it its just colouring:

To deny that Julius Cæsar is free from the charge of cruelty, would be but the height of absurdity, when it is known how he put the senators to death, and crucified the pirates. But whatever were his vices and his cruelties, his life can never be blotted by the murder of a Callisthenes or a Parmenio.

The most important action that has been held, as much in favour of Alexander, is that of his conduct to Darius's wife. Now, I cannot see the least praise whatever due to Alexander, for such conduct. Is one monarch to invade unjustly the territories of another-destroying his army, his power, and his happiness, and to have admirations bestowed upon him for not extending his usurped power to the misery of the whole family? If a monarch is thus to be complimented for the use of power so gained, praise may be lavished upon the perpetrator of the most atrocious crimes.

It is true, that Alexander, after great, bloody, and unnecessary battles, extended a liberal hand to his officers-it is true, that he has shed tears over the dead bodies of sufferers

and it is true, that he never acted with treachery in the field: but I ask, how has he been liberal? by robbing the world?What use were his tears over those whom he had wantonly destroyed? and, What justice or merit is there due to him for invading unjustly a country, and then fighting the inhabitants without treachery?

But to proceed to the cruelties perpetrated by these two individuals, with which we find their history well stored; to every person who is willing to decide, without that robber of many an illustrious character's just demand, Prejudice, it will appear to demonstration, that the murders of Alexander exceed in a great degree those of Cæsar. In short, it is evident that Alexander was much inclined to a love for slaughter, (too often the natural attendant on ambition,) without any regard or distinction whatever to age or sex. The recollection of the horrid tortures that he inflicted upon Betis and Bessus-upon his physician, for not being able to save the life of one of his friends-Clytus, for speaking the truth to him when he was disgracing his own existence-Parmenio and his father, for suspicions against them unenforced by any great proofs -and Callisthenes, for refusing to worship him as a GOD! fully proves how far Alexander indulged in the perpetration of murder. The latter crime cannot be better spoken of than is done by Seneca:-"This is a crime of so heinous a nature, that it entirely obliterated the glory of all hisistence was that of drunkenness and other actions." The enormity of his other

[blocks in formation]

I am at a loss to find any wise and honourable traits in the character of Alexander, while in that of Cæsar's it may be done with comparative ease. Look at his conduct at Ulterior Spain, which, as long as posterity remembers the name of Julius Caesar, will reflect an honour on his character.

The close of the lives of these two characters, is, of itself, sufficient to prove to whom we ought to give preference. The end of Alexander's ex

debauchery, carried to the highest pitch-dying stupified with intoxicafind the contrary: he shunned many tion. In that of Julius Cæsar, we of his previous vices, and performed, in a great measure, the duty of a king

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