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use; and Signorina Violetta, at the most critical period of her life-young, beautiful, accomplished, but unprotected, and almost in want,-was compelled to accept, with thankfulness, an engagement as dancer to the opera. This reaching the ears of her noble relative, he had an interview with Mr. Garrick, then undertaking the management of Drury-lane Theatre, in consequence of which, a messenger was dispatched to her, with an offer of a much larger salary than she had realized in Italy; which she most readily accepted. Her appearance was greeted with uncommon applause. The Earl, still concealing the secret of her birth within his own bosom, took frequent opportunities of conversing with his unsuspicious and innocent child. He found her as amiable, virtuous, and sensible, as she was lovely and fascinating. Gradually preparing the mind of his Countess for the step which he contemplated, by enumerating the virtues and misfortunes of Signorina Violetta, she con

THE funeral of this accomplished lady, aged 98, whose life has been no less exemplary, than, in its origin, it was singular and romantic, took place on Friday, Oct. 25; her remains being deposited in Westminster Abbey, by the side of her husband, the ever-to-sented to receive her at the mansion be-remembered David Garrick, Esq. On opening the vault, his favourite copy of Shakspeare was found upon the coffin, where it had been placed, in compliance with his wishes, at the time of his burial.

The following is a hasty sketch of Mrs. Garrick's life.-The Earl of Cork and Burlington, during his travels in Italy, became involved in an amour with a young lady of distinction, and Mrs. G., then Signorina Violetta, was the offspring of that connection. Her unfortunate mother, either from being abandoned by her family, or stung with remorse, gradually fell a victim to decline; for the Earl, on his leaving the country, formed a prudential matrimonial connection with a native of England, although his affection for the Italian and her child, whom he supplied with ample remittances, is said to have continued unabated. On the death of the mother, the remnant of whose existence had been devoted to the education of a child, at once the testimony of her shame, and the solace of her griefs,—the Earl placed her under the care of an individual, in whom he reposed unlimited confidence. This man proved an abandoned villain; the monies destined for the honourable support of his ward, were appropriated to his own

in Piccadilly, as Italian preceptress to an only daughter. In this distinguished sphere, without being aware of the tender claims which affinity of blood gave to their fair companion, the Countess and her daughter soon felt the most affectionate interest in her welfare. But the short period of her connection with Drurylane had given rise to an attachment which so preyed upon her peace, since every consideration confirmed it as hopeless, that the charms of beauty faded, and the sprightliness of youth and innocence forsook her. The Countess watched her with the sympathy of a friend, and at last wrung from her the important secret. In short, by one of those ordeals, which cynics ridicule, but real life exhibits in every sphere, the Earl contrived an interview with Garrick, himself an admirer of the fair Italian, though tempering his love with the prudent leaven of worldly considerations. This connection, however, flattered his ambition, whilst it gratified his heart. The Earl acknowledged his daughter, settled upon her a fortune of £10,000, and Signorina Violetta, in the undeviating affections of a husband, who was the choice of her heart, and in the uninterrupted kindness of a parent, to whom she was endeared by her virtues

and accomplishments, received an anodyne to past misfortunes, and to the recollection of past sorrows. As Mrs. Garrick, her conduct has been marked by generosity, charity, and virtue; whilst the profession, of which her husband was the prince and patron, has experienced, throughout, repeated instances of her fostering attachment and support.


(With a Portrait.)

THE tenure of particular privileges in England has been interwoven for ages with appendages so singular, as to excite the ardent curiosity of the antiquary, and the philosophic investigations of the historian. But the increase of wealth-the diffusion of knowledge-and the assertion of popular rights-have produced a great change in the value of these royal dispensations; and, in consequence, as their advantages have diminished, their importance, in public estimation, has gradually decreased.

Thus, the civic vestment, the symbolic pageant, and the lengthened festival,-time-honoured relics of those splendid tournaments, which were first illumined by the sun of chivalry, have long excited but a transitory interest, and that within the immediate sphere of their influence and action. The dignified jurisdiction of a lord of the manor, is now of little moment, except to its possessor; unless, like another Trinculo, in his enchanted dominion, some modern moon-calf brings down ridicule upon its timehonoured peculiarities. In like manner, the gilded coach, witty fool, and plumed champion, of a Whittington elect, are seldom noticed at the present day, unless in connection with the public character, superior intelligence, and distinguished conduct, of the individual whose triumph they adorn.

The borough of Preston, in Lancashire, has, however, been recently the scene of a carnival, partaking, in a high degree, of the magnificence of former times, heightened by all the luxurious elegance of modern refinement. By a charter, of remote date, the Corporation is obliged, at certain periods, to appoint a Guild, for the

renewal and gift of freedom to such individuals as have a right to claim it. This, since the year 1682, has been held at the expiration of every twentieth year; but the legal existence of the charter does not, as erroneously asserted, depend on its celebration at such particular intervals. Indeed, its powers are now altogether confined to a qualification for holding certain municipal appointments, and for exercising some trifling rights of pasturage, with exemption from local tolls. The great privilege of voting at elections is inherent in every male who resides in the borough during six months, if he be not a pauper. Some forty or fifty years ago, the trade companies were very wisely dissolved; and though the worthy citizens of Preston considered it at the time a most sinful attack upon their prescriptive immunities, yet the removal of this ancient piece of prejudice, has been followed by an amazing influx of wealth, commerce, and improve


Still, the unfrequent recurrence of the ceremony, and the formalities which have always accompanied it, excite uncommon interest throughout the surrounding districts, and ensure an overflowing attendance of every description of visitors. On this account, and from powerful considerations of a local nature, we have embellished our present number with an elegant engraving of Mr. Grimshaw, to whose spirited and judicious administration, in the quality of Guild Mayor, the splendour of the recent festival has, in a great degree, been ascribed. The biographical particulars with which we accompany it, present few features beyond those which distinguish the career of honourable exertion in every situation of life. But though thousands of our readers may know and care as much about Preston and its concerns, as the Boodhu priests did of Birmingham manufactures, there are few to whom the following brief record of public merit, and domestic worth, will be either uninteresting or uninstructive.

Thomas, father to the present Nicholas Grimshaw, Esq. was a descendant of the Grimshaws of Clayton Hall, Lancashire, mentioned in Whittaker's History of Whalley. He had three children. His eldest son, John, was bred to the profession of the law,

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which he followed with honour and success, in the town of Preston. He passed with credit through the various grades of municipal distinction-served the office of Mayor at four distinct periods-was in the commission of the peace twenty-five years-and, at the advanced age of eighty, after nearly sixty years of upright and zealous exertion, resigned his aldermanic gown, and was presented by the corporation with an elegant piece of plate, as a testimonial of respect and esteem. He died in 1821. Mary, the second child, married an officer of marines, brother to Sir George Nayler, Garter Principal King at Arms, and died in 1797, without issue. NICHOLAS, the youngest son, and the subject of the present memoir, born in October, 1757, was also initiated in the legal profession. His first civic distinction was bestowed in the year 1781, when he was elected Town's Bailiff, during the Mayoralty of Richard Atherton, Esq. with whom he served at the Guild Merchant of 1782. In 1790, he a Capital Burgess and Common Councilman of Preston, and in 1793 Town Clerk. In 1797, when the designs of disaffected persons called forth the patriotic exertions of the peaceable and the loyal, Preston followed the example of the surrounding districts, and raised two companies of foot, to which Mr. Grimshaw was appointed Captain-Commandant. As these, "The Royal Preston Volunteers," increased in numbers, Mr. Grimshaw was successively nominated Major and Lieut.Colonel; and when, at the peace of 1801, the necessity for their services ceased, the officers presented his Lady with a full-length portrait of their commander, by Allen, as a delicate mark of their respectful regard.

was nominated

In the same year, on the resignation of Mr. John Horrocks, Member for the borough, Mr. Grimshaw was elected Alderman in his room; and at its close, the Mayoralty, the highest dignity in the corporate body, was bestowed upon him; carrying with it the task of directing and conducting the Guild Merchant for 1802. How efficiently and satisfactorily he did so, was testified by an elegant piece of plate, which the Corporation presented to him, bearing, beneath his own and the municipal arms, the following flattering inscription:

No. 47.-VOL. IV.

"The Corporation of the Borough of Preston, in Common Council assembled, impressed with a deep sense of the services rendered by Nicholas Grimshaw, Esq. and his Lady, as Mayor and Mayoress during their Guild Merchant, 1802, offers this testimony of approbation and esteem."

French ruler upon the liberties and When the hostile designs of the the generous enthusiasm of a loyal homes of Englishmen, again elicited people, a corps of volunteers was immediately imbodied in Preston, to the command of which Mr. Grimshaw was a second time appointed, with his former commission. In 1808, upon the establishment of the Local Militia, Mr. Grimshaw, with his officers and men, volunteered into the Amounderness Regiment; and he was honoured by the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, with the command of the whole. On its discontinuance, the officers were and Mr. Grimshaw's feelings were allowed to retain their commissions; again gratified by an affectionate testimonial to his worth; the gentlemen of the corps presenting him with a superb silver tureen, on which was this appropriate inscription:

"Presented by his Brother Officers to Lieut. Colonel Grimshaw, of the Amounderness Local Militia, and formerly of the Royal Preston Volunteers, in testimony of their sincere rethem, of the patriotic zeal, gentlemanlike congard, and of the high sense entertained by duct, and military ability, so eminently displayed by him in a twenty years' command of the above corps, and in a season of imminent peril, during which a generous sacrifice was made of private interest and convenience, to the cause of his country."

In 1821, Mr. Grimshaw was elected, for the fifth time, Mayor of Preston; and as the Guild happened within the period of his Mayoralty, he will be handed down, in the records of the Corporation, as the only individual upon whom that distinguished honour has twice devolved. Nor is the circumstance rendered less memorable, by the superior taste, liberality, and judgment, which upon each occasion he displayed, though more particularly on the last. The various processions, masquerades, balls, dinners, oratorios, and levees, which were conducted with a splendour and eclat seldom witnessed beyond the meridian of the capital, elicited the unqualified approval of the numerous nobility and gentry, by whom the spectacle was graced. And it may be mentioned, 4 E

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