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they universally wished me to under- | commencement of our acquaintance, take my late father's business, sanctioned by the approbation of my mother, I unhesitatingly consented.

the situation I had so ardently wished for, was attained; and for six years of my life I enjoyed as large a portion of felicity as is compatible with the various trials attached to this mortal state. It is true, there were times when I thought my Emma rather too volatile; but if I ventured to remark it to her, tears of contrition would start into her eyes, which I wiped away with pangs of remorse for having occasioned them, greater than the powers of language can describe!

To support that amiable parent and her two daughters, and render them independent of future contingencies, was the constant aim of my practice, and the ultimate hope of my wishes; and in the space of nine years, I had the happiness of succeeding. Anxious as I was to partake of conjugal feli- | city, yet until my mother and sisters were provided for, I resolved never to attempt it, but the moment I had realized a sufficient sum to insure them a competence, I considered myself at liberty to study my own happiness. As my friends were acquainted with my wish upon this subject, each appeared desirous of recommending; and at length one of them introduced me to a young lady, whose manners were peculiarly attractive and insinu-school, he was by several my junior; ating. Though she was not strictly beautiful, she possessed what the poet thinks more attractive," the mindillum'd face;" with an eye so full of expression, that her sensations might be discovered without the aid of speech.

About this period, a school-fellow of mine returned from India, laden with riches, but impoverished in health. He immediately wrote to consult me as a physician, and to give me the pleasing intelligence of his arrival as a friend. Though we had passed three years at the same

in consequence of which, I had acted in the double capacity of preceptor and friend, for as a boy he had been peculiarly inattentive and indolent. Still there had been a something in his manners which interested my feelings, and I was pleased at the pros

1 saw-I heard-and I was enchant-pect of renewing our acquaintance; ed;-in short, I was as desperately in and having consulted my wife, imlove as any boy of nineteen; I reason-mediately replied to his letter, entreated myself into the conviction that the ing that without loss of time he would disparity of our ages was merely pro- become our guest. per, for I was thirty-two, and she was just out of her teens. Every succeeding interview increased my attachment, and I had the gratification of perceiving that my pointed attentions were most flatteringly received; in course of time, I made a formal declaration, and had the happiness of receiving an assurance of her es


My Emma's father, who was a respectable clergyman, candidly informed me it was impossible for him to bestow any fortune upon his child, as the trifling sum he could save out of a confined income, he regularly laid by for the future support of his wife. This intelligence, instead of diminishing, seemed to increase my attachment; -I was actually charmed at the idea of being able to supply the object of my affection with the elegancies of life, and to raise her to a state of affluence far beyond what she had hitherto enjoyed.

At the end of six months from the

I was delighted at beholding the eagerness with which my Emma made domestic arrangements for my friend's accommodation, considering them as a compliment paid to myself, and still further was I gratified by the kind and affectionate reception she gave him. His debilitated state of health for a length of time required the utmost attention; and, though Emma, from the commencement of our union, had left the chief arrangement of our domestic concerns to the faithful creature who had superintended my family before our marriage, yet whatever nutriment I ordered for my patient, she invariably made in his apartment. Singular as this circumstance was, it only tended to raise her in my opinion:What an angel of compassion, thought I, should I have to nurture me, if I were ill-for if she displays such humanity to a being for whom she has no attachment, how refined would be her attention to the object of her tenderness!

At length I could not help fancying

there was a reserve in my wife's manners towards me; in short, an indefinable something about her which I could not comprehend. She attempted, it is true, to appear pleased if I returned unexpectedly, but that pleasure was always intermixed with a degree of embarrassment. My friend had recovered his health. Oh, let me not pervert that sacred title! Charles D- had for some weeks been perfectly well; yet never even binted an intention of departing, though it could not be my society which attracted him, for my practice was so extremely extensive, that I scarcely entered my house from morning until evening. I was unhappy without knowing wherefore, and consequently dejected; I even observed that my old housekeeper appeared as uncomfortable as myself; and though Emma had been accustomed to treat | her rather as a friend than a domestic, I had long perceived a sort of haughty imperiousness in her mode of speaking.

Coming home much earlier one evening than usual, and, from some person going out at the same moment, not knocking, my feelings were wrought up, upon entering the parlour, at seeing Emma in tears, and Charles pacing up and down, evidently violently agitated.


For heaven's sake, Emma," I exclaimed in a tone of impatience, yet at the same time taking her tenderly by the hand, "who, or what, can have occasioned the agitation which I now witness? I have long, long, observed, though I never mentioned it, that some secret sorrow preys upon your spirits; speak, then, my love, surely your husband has a right to your most unbounded confidence.'

"When you keep people in the house," (said the sychophant I had incautiously admitted,) "who presume to insult the mistress of it, and who, in fact, are little better than spies, upon that mistress's behaviour, you cannot surely be astonished that her feelings should be wounded by your want of confidence ;” “ yet if I were Mrs. L—,” (he added, elevating his voice still higher,)" by heaven, she should not remain in the house another moment." Such a variety of conflicting sensations crowded upon my imagination, that for several moments I was incapable of making any reply to this


piece of impertinence; but at length, darting upon him a look which conveyed astonishment and indignation, I insisted instantly upon knowing to whom he alluded? I perceived by his countenance he was aware of his imprudence; but as I had long been dissatisfied with his behaviour, I resolved not to be the dupe of artifice or apologies, and taking my wife's unreluctant hand, I said, "From you alone, Emma, will I condescend to hear an explanation of these singular circumstances."

As I conducted her out of the room, I could not avoid observing that she cast an imploring look upon the object of my resentment;-my feelings were wound up to an excess of agony, known only to those who have loved to the excess of fondness which I did; but having at length succeeded in tranquillizing them, I informed her that the slightest attempt at evasion or deception, would eternally destroy her own and my happiness.

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Directing towards me one of those glances which used to dissolve my soul in tenderness, and at the same time grasping my trembling hand, she said, My dearest Henry, why will you, for a mere trifle, thus violently agitate yourself?" Trifle!" I repeated in a tone of bitterness," is it a trifle to be insulted by the man, who to my skill and kindness owes his existence? Yet name him not, but candidly inform me why I found you in tears, and D- in the violent agitation which I witnessed?" "Every thing will I explain, and I trust satisfactorily, if you will but be patient,' replied Emma. I nodded assent, and she proceeded nearly in the following words:" Charles and myself had just taken our wine after dinner, when Thomas informed him that a gentleman wished to speak with him at the door; whom I instantly desired him to conduct into the room. The stranger proved to be a brother officer, recently returned to England: in consequence of which, I immediately ordered a fresh supply of wine to be brought up; and after remaining about half an hour with them, retired to the drawing-room, having first invited the young officer to take tea and coffee with us. This, however, he refused, in consequence of a prior engagement; and when Charles entered the drawing-room, I perceived his countenance

likewise that the monster who has dared to infringe upon the laws of delicacy, remains not another night under this roof."

As I had rung the bell in spite of Emma' ssuggestions, Dennis, as I closed the sentence, entered the room;

unusually flushed, and thoughtlessly I began joking him upon it, which I am now aware I ought not to have done. He drank a basin of strong tea, which seemed to restore him; yet I still perceived his spirits unusually elevated, and when the tea-things were removed, he insisted upon my instructing" Dennis," said I, "let me in the him in the art of making love, when, first place thank you for going so catching me in his arms, he swore I opportunely into the room; for who was an angel, and the idol of his affec- knows but the monster, flushed with tions! At that fatal moment the faith- wine, as I am told he was, might have ful Dennis entered, as he was in the blasted my happiness, and Emma's very act of pressing me to his bosom, reputation! She has candidly explainwhen, with that warmth which proves ed every circumstance to me; yet after the sincerity of her attachment, she conduct so notorious, I cannot suffer called him a designing villain, and him to remain another night in my threatened to make you acquainted house; but as I am too much agitated with the scene she had witnessed, the to write to him, I wish you to carry very moment you came home." "We my message down." have both been to blame, I acknowledge, my dearest Henry," (she added,) "but O, great God! if from thoughtlessless and folly I have lost your confidence and affection, how shall I execrate the being who, from the effect of inebriety, has occasioned me such an irreparable misfortune; for until this fatal evening, angels might have witnessed every part of our conduct!"

After pausing a few moments, I replied in a solemn accent, "We have both been censurable, Emma; I, in inviting to my house a young man with whose present principles I was unacquainted; and you, in treating him with the affectionate familiarity of a brother. My home has long been rendered uncomfortable by the assumed authority of this intruder; yet delicacy and hospitality prevented me from even hinting a wish for his removal; however, as he has thought proper to offer you the grossest of all insults, I certainly shall unceremoniously desire him to be gone; and as that worthy creature Dennis witnessed the daring effrontery of his behaviour, I think it right she should know you have explained to me every circumstance." As I said this, I rose, for the purpose of ringing the bell to require her presence; when Emma, with an appearance of alarm which roused a thousand apprehensions, said, "Surely, my Henry, it is wrong to make a confidant of a servant !” "It is necessary for my repose, Emma," I replied in a decided accent, "that Dennis should know you have neither forfeited my confidence, nor lost my affection; and

"That will be unnecessary, sir," replied Dennis; "for the moment you quitted the parlour, he rang for his servant, and gave him orders to carry his portmanteau to the George." From the moment she entered the room, my wife's beseeching eyes were fixed upon her, with looks which too evidently implored silence; but the cries of my youngest child at that moment attracted both her's and its mother's attention; and in a frame of mind which no language can do justice to, I continued pacing up and down the apartment.

A thundering rap at the door roused my attention-it proved a summons from a patient sixteen miles off, who was dangerously ill; and resolving not again to see my wife until I had some private conversation with my housekeeper, I threw myself into the carriage in a state of wretchedness, desiring the man not to sit up for me, as I should not return until the following morning. Though I found my patient very ill, yet I did not consider him in absolute danger; and though a bed was prepared for me, the agitation of my mind would not allow me to enter it; in short, I found myself reduced to such a situation, that I must be a stranger to rest, until I had conversed with Dennis.

The morning was beautiful; the invalid in a calm slumber; and between the hours of three and four I resolved to return. On reaching the back of my own premises, rather before six o'clock, I was astonished at beholding a farming looking fellow, slyly lurking about the back part of the house, and evi

dently watching the window of Emma's favourite servant. So intently was he employed, that he evidently neither heard the carriage, nor saw me spring out of it; in consequence of which, I had seized him by the collar before he was able to move. I pretended to believe him to be a robber, though at that moment I would have given all the money in my pocket to have proved him to be such; when, falling upon his knees, he assured me he was only the bearer of a letter to one of my servants, at the same time taking it from his pocket, to prove the truth of his assertions. This blighting scroll was directed to Mary Collins, my wife's personal attendant; but judge, ye who | can, what must have been my sensations during the perusal of it.

"Fearing, my adored Emma, that your husband might question us separately, prudence suggested the idea of avoiding it; and under pretence of having been insulted by his behaviour, I went to the George, ordering my servant to follow with my luggage. Oh, Emma! too dearly beloved Emma, how have I destroyed our mutual happiness by the madness of a moment! What can I say, what can I do, dearest of women, to restore tranquillity to that agitated breast?

"Dennis must be bribed, my angel; -suppose you offer her a thousand guineas, and joyfully will I pay them, if they can but restore my adored Emma to happiness. I write this from Mary's kind-hearted mother's; and in that very little room, where I first tasted ecstatic bliss. Oh, Emma! every thing in it reminds me of your dear condescending compliance with my wishes!

"How impatiently do I long to know how the bashaw conducted himself; yet surely my Emma will not tamely be insulted, but fly to the arms of him, whose whole life will be devoted to the ensuring of her happiness! Knowing that the destroyer of my peace will not return until to-morrow, the trusty Richard has promised to deliver this letter to his sister at an early hour in the morning; for oh, my adored angel, you know not the agony of my sensations, or how impatiently I long to know how you acted; for if he was satisfied that the scene Dennis witnessed was the effect of intoxication, I have only to play the part of a penitent; yet Mary's mother has told

me something, which leads me to imagine the old Jezebel entertained suspicions before this evening.


Farewell, for a short time, my adored Emma; if separated long from the idol of my affections, I should actually detest and loathe existence, and justly may I subscribe myself your's, until death shall divide us, "CHARLES D

Whilst perusing this decided proof of my wretchedness and dishonour, I was seized with an overwhelming faintness, and for some moments actually believed myself dying. So completely had my faculties been absorbed, from the moment I beheld the hand-writing, as to make me totally forget the person who brought it; but upon looking round, I easily discovered he had taken to his heels whilst I was reading it. Had a single doubt remained in my mind respecting my dishonour, to no human being would I have imparted my wretchedness; but, after the convincing proof I had of their guilt, it appeared to me that the consolations of friendship could alone preserve me from destruction; and having paced my garden for about an hour, in a state of torture too exquisite for description, I hastened to unburden my full heart to my most intimate acquaintance.

Though duelling was my abhorrence, yet it struck me that I should be branded with cowardice, unless I resorted to the general practice; however, I resolved, in this instance, to be guided by my friend's judgment. Happily for me, he saw the circumstance in a point quite different to that which my tortured imagination had presented. "How," said he, “my friend, can you answer to your conscience the adopting a plan which may deprive your lovely children of the protection of a parent? or what gratification could you expect to feel from precipitating that wretch into the presence of his Maker, with all his unrepented-of crimes upon his head?"

By arguments like these, the sympathizing Colebrooke dissuaded me from adopting a measure which anguish, amounting to phrenzy, had dictated; and after forming a variety of plans, I dispatched the enclosed letter to the faithless being, who had so cruelly blasted my happiness.

"To MRS.

"Though the secret is divulged,

and no doubt of your guilt remains, yet your husband cannot descend to censure or reproaches; for as unbounded tenderness could not bind, it is not likely that reproof would have the power of reclaiming!

the insidious underminer of my happi


Though I am persuaded that by describing our sorrows their poignancy becomes diminished, yet a motive less interested, Mr. Editor, has induced me to make the public acquainted with private griefs, for I trust that the anguish I still endure, may act as a warning to other husbands, not to expose their wives to the artifices of a man of intrigue. I ought to have reflected that there was a material difference in our ages; I ought to have perceived, that with the handsome

"Yet, Emma, too dearly loved Emma, in mercy to your children, shun the society of your undoer! Do not, for God's sake, do not openly proclaim to the world that you are the victim of seduction! The arms of your respected father will be open to receive you; but in the state of mind I now am, it is impossible for me to see you! Oh Emma-deluded Em-face and elegant form of my insidious ma, what a cruel, what an unnatural deed have you committed! Your angelic children!-the very thought of them unmans me; dear helpless innocents, once so fondly loved ;-but alas! now cruelly stigmatized by the being from whom they derived their existence!

"Inclosed you will find a bill for one hundred pounds, and you will receive another every six months; and once more let me conjure you to seek the protection of your excellent parent: use your own time, but be assured I cannot enter my house until you are gone. May that Being whose laws, moral and sacred, you have impiously trampled upon, not only pardon your transgressions, but impress your heart with fervent contrition.


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By the same servant, I sent a letter to Dennis, entreating her to superintend my dear babes until I came home, and desiring her to leave her own apartment, and take her station in the nurse's room, under the idea that Emma might be inclined to take with her one, or all my children. Having submitted both epistles to the perusal of Colebrooke, he pointed out the impossibility of Dennis being able to prevent my wife from taking the children; and with the true zeal of a friend, offered to go privately, and remain in the library until my wife was gone.

It was noon before I was sufficiently composed to pen these epistles; and Charles had contrived, during that period, to make the partner of his guilty pleasures acquainted with what had happened; and in less than an hour after the receipt of my letter, a postchaise conducted the lost Emma to the destroyer of her honour, and

friend, mine could not bear a com-
parison; and, above all, I ought to
have discovered by his general con-
versation, that his religious principles
were not sufficiently strong to deter
him from the commission of vice. Yet
blinded, I doubtless was, by the
strength of my attachment, and the
perfect confidence I placed in the
purity of my wife;-a wife totally un-
worthy of my affection, and who has
completely blasted the future happi-
ness of my life.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

A SHORT HISTORY OF CATHARINA ALEXOWNA, WIFE OF PETER THE GREAT, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. CATHARINA ALEXOWNA was born at Ringen, a small village near Derpat or Dorpt, in Livonia, about the year 1691, and was heir to no other inheritance, than the virtues and frugality of her parents. Her father being dead, she lived with her afflicted mother in their cottage covered with straw; and both, though very poor, were very contented. Here, retired from the gaze of the world, by the labour of her hands she supported her parent, who was incapable of supporting herself. While Catharina spun, her mother would sit by, and read some book of devotion: thus, when the fatigues of the day were over, both would sit down contentedly by their fire-side, and enjoy the frugal meal with vacant festivity.

Though her face and person were models of perfection, yet her whole attention seemed bestowed upon her mind: her mother taught her to read, and an old Lutheran minister instruct

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