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to consider the whole via lactea, as but a single nebula; and that the whole region of fixed stars visible to the naked eye, is included in that nebula; and that our sun is but one among the countless millions which constitute this single nebula ;-when the Doctor speculates and soars in this way, he speculates where it is hard to believe, and soars to heights it is difficult, if not dangerous, to follow!

We have mentioned nebula; and as this subject makes so conspicuous a figure in modern astronomy, it may be necessary to speak to it a little more distinctly, Nebula, is a word which signifies a mist, fog, or cloud, and is used by astronomers to denote a collection of fixed stars, which show a dim, hazy light, something resembling a cloud. There is no longer any doubt, as to these nebulous spots being real collections of stars; for as that, which to the naked eye, or to a moderate telescope, appears a cloudy spot, is clearly resolvable into stars by telescopes of a greater power; so, there is every reason to believe, that the spots which appear nebulous to instruments of the utmost power, owe that appearance to the imperfection of those instruments; or in other words, to their vast, their incalculable remove from our system. Dr. Herschel is reported to have observed the position, magnitude, and structure, of no fewer than 2500 of these nebulæ; and according to him, their appearances are very various: some of them exhibit a whitish light, elongated like the flame of a taper; some are round, bright in the centre, and gradually fade away to the circumference; some have a very faint light; and the light of others is divided into several parts.

Although by no means prepared to subscribe to all that astronomers have said upon the subject of nebulæ, yet we cannot but know, that if stars had been thrown into space at random, the odds were many millions to one, against their taking a station so near to each other, as in the nebulæ they really do. And the fair inference is, that there is something of order, harmony, and design, in these congregated celestial bodies; nor can resist the conclusion, that they are assemblages of shining suns, and revolving planets; systems of systems; without measure, without end! But


at such a view of the profound of nature, thought turns giddy; and "past doubt, 'tis deep philosophy above!"

3. Their light. That the fixed stars are suns, that they shine with a lustre native and unborrowed, admits of the most satisfactory proof. It is well known that the rays of light diverge, or, what amounts to the same thing, that light diminishes in its quantum and intensity, as the squares of the distances from a luminous object increase; i. e. if, at one foot distance from the flame of a candle, light possess a given force and intensity, at four feet distance it will possess only one sixteenth part of that intensity and force. Now this being the case, it is easy to conceive, how very much diverged, how extremely rare and scattered, the rays of the sun must be, when they reach those immensely distant bodies, the fixed stars; and how impossible it is, that in that diminished state, it should be reflected back to us, in the quantities we actually receive from the fixed stars. There is something too, in the appearance of the stellar light, very different from that which is planetary; the lustre of the star Sirius is incomparably more brilliant than that of Mercury and Venus, the planets which receive the most light from the sun; and yet most unquestionably Sirius is situated far, very far without the orbit of Georgium Sidus. We must therefore conclude, that as the sun of our system shines by its own light, and as the fixed stars, to the highest degree of probability, do the same; the Great Source of light and happiness, instead of one sun, has sent from his hand millions of millions of suns, to shine forth and display his wisdom, and goodness, and power!

4. Of variable Stars. Among other phenomena which the industry of astronomers has discovered, are, the extraordinary changes which take place in some of those remote celestial bodies. It is certain that several stars enumerated by the ancients, are not now to be found. This is notoriously the case with the Pleiades or seven stars; whereof only six are now to be seen by the naked eye. And on the other hand, several stars have appeared in later times, of which the ancients have taken no notice. In the year 1572, a new star was disco

vered in the constellation Cassiopeia; and was observed by Tycho Brahe. Its brightness suddenly became so great, that it exceeded that of Sirius and Lyra, and of Venus and Mercury, when those planets are nearest the earth, and was seen in fair day-light. It continued visible for sixteen months, but toward the latter part of that time, it began to dwindle, and at last totally disappeared, without any apparent change of place. Particular mention is made of a star which was seen in the year 1604, by Kepler and his friends; so bright and sparkling, | as far to exceed any thing they had ever seen before; and, what is very surprising, it was observed to change its colour through all the colours of the rainbow every moment. It continued visible for about a year, then disappeared, and has not been seen since. There have been several theories proposed, in order to account for the appearing and disappearing of these variable stars.

(1.) It has been conjectured, that portions of the surface of some of the stars are covered with large black spots, something like the spots on the sun, but vastly larger; which spots, during the diurnal rotation of the stars, present themselves under various angles, and thus produce a variation in their brilliancy.

and heat, and then obtaining a fresh supply of fewel, by the falling of a comet into their body, or some other way, they blaze out afresh, so as to appear brighter than other stars. This was the hypothesis of Sir Isaac Newton; who also thought, that the comet which appeared in 1680, will, sooner or later, fall into the body of the sun, perhaps to replenish its wasted powers.

(4.) If we may be allowed to add to this list of theories, we would suggest, concerning those stars which suddenly disappear, whether they be not suns removed to another place in creation; or perhaps, what is painful to imagine, suns with their revolving planets, struck from the list of existence, for the obdurate wickedness of their inhabitants! And does not this justify the supposition, that perhaps, ere long, the innumerable observers, of other, and of distant worlds, will look toward our system; and, where once shone the splendid orb of day, there darkness, awful midnight darkness, will assert its reign!

The Aberration of the fixed Stars.— Perhaps I shall not have an opportunity more fit than the present, to advert to that noble and delicate subject in astronomy, the aberration of the fixed stars. But as this subject is among the most difficult branches of physical astronomy, and as it is impossible to communicate any thing like an adequate idea of it, without lines and figures, our notice of it must necessarily be short and imperfect.

(2.) Another hypothesis is, that of Maupertius, who is of opinion, that as the earth takes the form of an oblate spheroid, (i. e. compressed at its poles, and elevated at its equator, like an orange) in consequence of its diurnal revolution, so some of the The word aberration is compounded celestial bodies have a rotation round of ab, from, and erro, to wander,-to their axis, so great that the centrifu- wander from; and is applied to the gal force throws off the equatorial stars, because the stars appear to parts, till they take the figure of mill- wander from their true situation. We stones; or, are reduced to flat circu- are indebted for this important discolar planes, so thin, as to be quite very, to Dr. James Bradley, astronoinvisible when their edges are turned mer royal, who terminated a noble to us; as is the case with the ring of career of science, in the year 1762. Saturn when in such a position. He In concert with Mr. Mollineux, he further supposes, that the inclination was engaged in making a series of obof the axis of such stars, is altered by servations upon the bright star in the the attraction of their planets or head of the Dragon, marked Gamcomets, and that they appear more or ma, by Bayer, when they found that less large and luminous, as their this star shifted its place a little in the broad side is more or less turned to-heavens, from north to south, and wards us.

(3.) It is a third theory concerning this matter, that the fixed stars are vast fiery globes, which, by degrees, disappear through a waste of light No. 37.-VOL. IV.


then again from south to north. This unexpected phenomenon perplexed the observers much, and put them upon inquiring into its cause; but Mr. Mollineux died before the true I

cause was discovered. Dr. Bradley, however, followed up the observations with the most laudable perseverance, and with the happiest success; for, as those observations were made, not only on the star we have mentioned, but many others, and made in all parts of the year, the Doctor was fully convinced of a small, regular, orbicular motion, apparent in the fixed stars. But the cause of it was long a problem unsolved. At length, through a most amazing sagacity, this acute philosopher conjectured, that the phenomenon proceeded from the combined action of two causes,-the progressive motion of light, and the annual motion of the earth in its orbit: for he perceived that if light was propagated in time, the apparent place of a fixed object would not be the same when the eye is at rest, as when it is moving in any other direction than that of the line passing through the object and the eye; and that if the eye move in a circle or ellipse, the object will appear to describe the


The proportion which the motion of light bears to the motion of the earth in its orbit, and the apparent change of place of a fixed object, which is the consequence, forms the doctrine of aberration; a doctrine, which, besides its use in ascertaining the true places of the heavenly bodies, has happily confirmed by experiment, if we may so express ourselves, those two important matters in science, the progression of light, and the annual motion of the earth round the


Proper motion of the fixed Stars.It would be inexcusable to dismiss our observations on the fixed stars, without a few words on what, in the technicale of astronomy, is called their proper motion. By comparing the ancient observations with the modern, it would appear, that the declination of the fixed stars is variable; and that the variation is different in different stars; in some decreasing, in others increasing. This circumstance long excited the curiosity and the inquiries of astronomers: Dr. Wilson, of Glasgow, modestly suggested the possibility of the sun's having an orbicular motion in space, and carrying along with him the planets as so many secondaries; La Lande, not only thought this possible, but that

it followed as a matter of course from the rotatory motion of the sun. What was hypothetical with these astronomers, is said to have reached demonstration in the hands of Dr. Herschel. That indefatigable, and most successful astronomer, has, it is said, actually determined the part of the heavens, toward which the whole solar system is in motion. Nor indeed does there want any thing but correct observation, and sufficient time, to accomplish this: for, as a person walking in a forest, perceives the trees which he leaves, gather closer together, and those before him appear more and more apart; so, if there be a motion of the sun and his system in space, the stars from which we recede must appear closer together, and those toward which we advance, must appear wider apart; and this it seems is what actually takes place. And according to Herschel, the constellation Hercules, is the part toward which we are advancing; and to a point in that constellation 250° 52′ 30′′ right ascension, and 40° 23′ declination north.

But whether this motion be rectilinear; or, whether the sun, with all his revolving planets, be carried round some far distant and unknown centre; and if so, where and what that centre is-these are questions it is easy to propound, but their solution must surely rest with more than mortal mind!

Moral tendency of the subject.-It is necessary that our remarks should now draw towards a close, although we have by no means furnished any thing like a perfect account, even of that single branch of astronomy, the fixed stars. We at first most sincerely intended to go through the science of astronomy at once, and to present the substance of our very limited researches therein, at a single view; but science is too broad, and high, and deep, to be compressed into those diminutive epitomes, designed to entertain us for an hour. The Solar System is yet, by us, untouched.

The individual who has thus had the honour to occupy your attention, has frequently heard gentlemen, when lecturing at this board, give their subjects a moral, nay, even a religious cast; and he has seen this received by the society with the most marked approbation. And what but a society

most conscientiously to be shunned, would receive them otherwise! Need he say, that he has heard these salutary remarks, and beheld their reception with a satisfaction he can but ill express. And surely on such a subject as that which has employed us this evening, the liberty-the liberty, did I say? no, this right, assumed by gentlemen who have gone before, will be indulged me!


Then let our thought awake;-let it take the lightning's wing, and glance from east to west, from pole to pole ;-behold, one sun by day, by night,: ten thousand shine;"-take its flight through the mighty range of the fixed stars,

"Those sov'reign glories of the skies
Of independent, native lustre proud,
The souls of systems, and the lords of life ;-

to the region of unassisted sight, add
that of the telescope; and to what the
telescope perceives, add what reason
demonstrates; then ask, If such be
the effect, what must be the cause!
if such the work, what must be the
workman! if such the building, how
wise, how mighty, the architect, that
reared and beautified, and still sus-
tains the whole! To the Author of
such a mass of wonders, who can for-
bear to say,
"Great and marvellous
are thy works!"

and certainly, a single moon would afford us more light, than the whole host of them put together! However, therefore, the mind may labour under the stupendous conception, doubtless the fixed stars, and the thousands of thousands of worlds, that, with such rapidity, and yet with such calmness, revolve round them, are peopled with myriads of intelligent creatures, formed for endless progression in perfection and felicity! Surely the favour of the Monarch, who upholds and sways his benign and equitable sceptre over such an empire, is above all things to be sought; surely the displeasure of such a Monarch is, above all things, to be dreaded!

One other thought, and we have done. Let not the wise and virtuous suppose that their contemplation of their Creator's works, will terminate with the present mortal state! That event, which is the terror of princes, and the lot of us all, will most certainly open to them an arena of stupendous and infinitely varied being, of which, in this infancy of our existence, we cannot form the most distant conception.

"When even at last the solemn hour shall

And wing my mystic flight to future worlds,
I cheerful will obey; there, with new powers,
Will, rising, wonders sing: I cannot go
Where universal love not smiles around,
Sustaining all yon orbs, and all their suns."

Portsea, Nov. 9th, 1821.


Nor let the mind stagger at the position, that all these worlds on worlds, and systems on systems, are inhabited; the residences of animated, and most likely, of intelligent creatures! As far as analogical reasoning can go, no truth, whatever, is more certain. To appreciate the merits of a deservIf the Author of nature has not left using character, to bestow plaudits on a drop of water unpeopled;-if, o'er the whole surface of our earth, his bounty has sent the streams of happiness, flowing through millions of channels, to as many forms of life; can it be, for a moment, supposed, that he has left those immeasurable regions, (compared with which our earth is but a corner, an atom, a mere speck,) waste, and desolate, and void? Such a supposition is unworthy of our reason, and utterly inadequate to our conceptions of the Author of nature. And what can possibly be more unreasonable than to suppose those shining orbs were formed merely to give light to the inhabitants of this earth; when, perhaps, not one in ten thousand of them is ever secn:

the virtuous and praiseworthy, and censure on the corrupt and degenerate, is the most difficult task a biographer can undertake. Those who have ever felt the glow of courage animating their bosoms, will see, by perusing the life of Wolfe, to what heights it can ascend. To adhere to what is just and honourable, regardless of what is expedient or profitable; to be careless of our own comfort and happiness in comparison with that of our fellow mortals; is, indeed, the character of a great and a good man. To what extent, and in what respects, Major-General James Wolfe is deserving of this most honourable title, will be seen from a brief survey of his life.

James Wolfe was the son of an offi- | mage. When this force sailed, the cer, whose life had been spent in the council had it in contemplation for service of his country. When a child, Brigadier Murray to wait till the arrihe displayed signs of partiality for a val of General Amherst, but learning military life, and his choice agreeing what numerous obstacles he had to with his father's wishes, he received combat, the worst of which was the his education accordingly. His in- weather, the order was countermandstructors found but little difficulty in ed. At their return they found Genetraining him to his profession, on ac- ral Wolfe ill of a fever and flux, count of his robust constitution, quick brought on by anxiety and fatigue. understanding, and unparalleled abi- He had contrived, he had done every lity. He was by nature formed for thing to ensure success; he had faced military greatness. His memory was every danger in person, and braved retentive; his judgment clear; and he every privation and hardship, and the possessed that strength and steadi- thought of returning unsuccessful was ness of mind, which neither danger worse than death. At last, single and could deter, nor difficulty obstruct. alone in opinion, he executed that Generous almost to profusion, every dangerous, though necessary plan, deserving unfortunate character, not which will for ever denominate him only excited his compassion, but re- the Conqueror of Canada. Having in ceived relief from his beneficent hand. the defenceless hours of night gained Sorry are we that the span of life per- the heights of Abraham, on which mitted him not to furnish more nume- side the city of Quebec was most exrous instances; but all its passages | posed, hitherto unnoticed, they perare replete with glory. He had the ceived the enemy crossing the river honour to introduce into the army, by St. Charles; upon which Generał his example and kindness, rather than Wolfe immediately formed his lines. by his severity, such regularity and When the battle began to waver, and exactness of discipline into his corps, victory seemed doubtful, Wolfe made "that, as long as the six British batta- a desperate charge at the head of a lions on the plain of Minden are re- column, when a ball entered his corded in the annals of Europe, so wrist, which he immediately wrapped long will Kingsley's stand among the up, and went on with the same alaforemost in the glories of that day." crity, animating his troops by precept It appears the first battle he was in, and example; but, in a few minutes was that of La Feldt, when scarcely after, a second ball through his body, twenty years of age, where he exerted and a third above his breast, obliged himself in such a manner, as to draw him to be carried into the rear, where forth the highest encomiums. The roused from fainting by the cry "they Duke of Cumberland recognized his run, they run;" Who run, cried he, promising talents, and rewarded them gasping for breath, and being told the by promotion: but the gradations of French, and that they were defeated, his rank are not known. We shall he said, "Then I thank God, I die pass over his magnanimous conduct contented;" and with a faint smile at Louisbourg, his manly advice at playing over his gallant countenance, Rochfort, and come to his Herculean almost instantly expired. labours at Quebec.

When his body was brought to In 1759, by the advice of Mr. Pitt, Portsmouth, the scene was most imthe reduction of Quebec was under-pressively solemn. Minute guns were taken. Here the abilities and courage of Wolfe shone forth in the fullest lustre. After publishing a manifesto, and summoning the Governor of Quebec to surrender, which he refused, and also after an attack had been made at Montmorenci, which, with other minor ones, proved abortive, Wolfe dispatched Brigadier Murray with 1200 men, to make an attempt above the town. After a third essay, the troops landed unexpectedly at Chambaud, and did considerable da

fired from the men of war, from the time that the corpse was taken out of the ship, to its landing at the point, where it was received by the military with arms reversed. The coffin was put into a hearse; and, preceded by a band, playing the dead march, passed through the garrison, who were under arms.__During this awful procession, the Fort colours were struck half-mast high, while the deep and solemn tolling of the muffled bells, fell like bolts on the heart of every

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