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particular study, are requested to give their opinion on this subject, and if any of them should wish to examine this remarkable vestige of the universal deluge, by giving their address, I will send them specimens.

If this remarkable fact, among many thousands more, should be deemed confirmatory of the Mosaic account of the universal deluge, your insertion of this communication will oblige your most obedient servant,

J. P.

Eastwood Vale, near Hanley, Staffordshire Potteries, Oct. 30th, 1822.



on a visit to Re, to see a relation. On the Monday after his arrival, he walked down to the bridge. That morning, some disturbance happening in the town, the volunteers having been ordered out, were drawn up on the bridge, and, as C- was shaking hands with an old acquaintance, who had been present in the former fray, when the man was killed, they received orders to fire. C- and his old acquaintance both fell; C- - to rise no more; the other survived a short time: and these were the only men who lost their lives.

The circumstances connected with this incident are striking: 50 years had elapsed, and the murder was forgotten by man,-but not by God: his going to the bridge; meeting his acquaintance; and both falling as It is the decree of the Divine Being, near the spot as possible, where the that whoso sheddeth man's blood, man fell whom C killed; and only by man shall his blood be shed;" and, these two being hurt by the fire of however the criminal may escape the the soldiers. These are coincidences penalty of human laws, through vari- that force the most careless to say, ous means, yet the retribution of Pro-"Verily there is a God that judgvidence is often seen in the many eth in the earth." judgments inflicted upon offenders; judgments, often remarkable in the striking coincidence between the crime and the punishment, thus proving, that the voice of blood crying from the ground, cannot be unheeded by the Almighty; and though the offender may forsake the error of his way, and become, through faith in Christ, a sincere Christian, yet even then God often visibly punishes him in this life for his crime. These remarks are strikingly exemplified in the following


In the town of R- -e, in Lancashire, a practice formerly prevailed of playing at foot-ball, by the men of the town and the men of the neighbouring country places. This amusement seldom concluded without quarrels. In one of these disputes, about the year 1745, a man named C, from M- -d, 4 miles from R- -e, killed a man belonging to Re; but as no proper evidence could be obtained of the fact, he escaped without prosecution.

Some considerable time after, he left R-e, and went to reside at C-n, in Cheshire; there he heard the gospel; it reached his heart, he became truly converted to God, and adorned the gospel by an holy life.

After a lapse of 50 years, he went



SIR,-In an essay on the "Abilities required in the Pulpit-the Senateor at the Bar," which was inserted in the June number of the Imperial Magazine, col. 501, your correspondent,

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T. W -m," "has informed your readers, that the divine ought to possess the "profoundest erudition," and that "an acquaintance with the original tongues," and " critical study of the scriptures," are necessary qualifications" for the due performance of his sacred duties.-That the Christian minister has many and important duties to perform, is a truth too evident to admit of controversy. But that he cannot occupy his situation in the church in a manner creditable to himself, and advantageous to the cause of godliness, without "profound erudition,"-" a knowledge of the original tongues," and "a critical study of the scriptures," is a proposition so monstrously absurd, and so decidedly opposed to matter of fact, that it is impossible to acquiesce in its reasonableness, until we have discarded every sense of the body, and every

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I have passed my time in the mountainous district of the West Riding of Yorkshire, and have had favourable opportunities for observing the effect produced on my contemporary rustics, by the preaching of men, possessed of neither profound erudition,”—“ a knowledge of the original tongues," nor "a critical acquaintance with the sacred writings." And from several years of observation and experience, I am perfectly satisfied that these unlettered preachers have been agents in the hands of the infinitely wise disposer of events, for the effecting of his gracious purposes. I have seen the ignorant blasphemer become a wellinformed member of society, and an exemplary Christian, without ever listening to the teachings of a man of "profound erudition." I have seen the profligate libertine forget his vicious practices, and become a useful member of a Christian community, without attendance on any other ministry than one which possessed not any acquaintance with the "original tongues."-I have known the liar, the sabbath-breaker, and the drunkard, brought to a knowledge of the doctrines and practice of piety, through the instructions of one, who never addressed him with that "force of argument, bold and energetic language, historical and descriptive illustration, and eloquence of arrangement, "which "T. W-m" thinks necessary for the gaining of admission to the hearts of an audience.

"T. W―m," if he thinks proper, may denominate such a teacher of righteousness "the presumptuous scribe of ignorance," or "the ardent devotee of fanaticism;" and he may, with his wonted ardour and temerity, denounce his disciples, as the dupes of pious quackery; but, Mr. Editor, though I am not yet "seated on the snow-white throne" of Truth, "the unsullied goddess of the intellectual world," I am induced to place more reliance on the evidence of apposite facts, than on the elaborate declama

tion of the essayist from " Blackfriars' Road."


When "T. W- -m" enumerates the qualifications of a Christian minister, I know not by what fatality he has been impelled to omit the one which is of greatest importance, and that is absolutely essential,-an experimental acquaintance with the truths and promises of righteousness. Without this, he may possess that "eloquence which is nature's proudest jewel," a sury of argument," and "biblical understanding, with the ordinary talent to expound it," but he will never be a truly useful shepherd of souls ;— whereas, were he in possession of a sound understanding, and religious experience, (the only essential requisites for the fulfilment of his calling,) he might expect the work of the Lord to prosper in his hands. "Profound erudition," and critical acumen, are serviceable to an apostle of righteousness, but the privation of them will not destroy his usefulness.

Gargrave, June 8th, 1822.



SIR,-If you think the following curious anecdote worthy a place in the Imperial Magazine, it is at your service. I have taken it from a book, bearing the date of 1710, which contains some very interesting accounts.

L. I. C. E. C.

"LEOPOLD, Duke of Lorrain, had a bear, called Marco, of the sagacity and sensibility of which, we have the following example :-During the winter of 1709, a poor Savoyard boy, nearly perishing with cold, in a barn, into which he had been put by a good woman with some more of his companions, thought proper to enter Marco's hut, without reflecting on the danger he ran, in exposing himself to the mercy of the animal which occupied it. Marco, however, instead of doing any injury to the child, took him between his paws and warmed him, by pressing him to his breast, until the next morning, when he suffered him to depart, to ramble about the city. The poor Savoyard, on returning at night to the hut, was received with the same affection, and for some follow

ing days he had no other retreat. But what added much to his joy was, to perceive that the bear had reserved part of his food for him. Several days passed in this manner, without the servants noticing any thing of the circumstance. One evening, however, when one of them came to bring Marco his supper rather later than ordinary, he was astonished to see the animal roll his eyes in a furious manner, and appear as if he wished him to make as little noise as possible,-for fear of waking the child, whom he clasped to his breast. In addition to this, the animal, though naturally ravenous, did not seem in the least moved with the food which was placed before him.

"The report of this extraordinary circumstance being spread at court, soon reached the ears of Leopold, who, with part of his courtiers, was desirous of being satisfied of the truth of Marco's generosity. Several of them, accordingly, passed the night near the hut, and beheld, with astonishment, that the bear never stirred, so long as the child shewed any inclination to sleep. At break of day the lad awoke, and was very much ashamed to find himself discovered; and fearing some punishment for his rashness, begged for pardon. The bear, however, caressed him, and endeavoured to prevail on him to eat part of what had been brought for him on the preceding evening; which he did at the request of the spectators, who conducted him to the Prince.-Having learned the whole history of this singular alliance, and the time it had continued, the Prince ordered the little Savoyard to be taken care of; and he, without doubt, would soon have made his fortune, had he not died a short time after."


positions we commit to writing: and perhaps the human faculties can scarcely partake of a higher treat, than that of being present at the exertions of great abilities, meeting together in opposition on some important question; and observing the strength and agility of the combatants, the arts and subterfuges of the vanquished, the skill and dexterity of him that pursues his conquest, the sudden reverse occasioned by a single new idea, or a happy illustration; insomuch, that the unconscious auditor, lost and absorbed in the subject before him, frequently bursts out in involuntary exclamations of sympathy or applause.

That the intercourse between mind and mind is much more intimate, and consequently more interesting, when it takes place by this immediate communication, than when it is derived through the more indirect channel of writing, cannot be doubted; even independent of the strength and vivacity of expression generally occasioned by an opposition of opinion, the ideas of the speaker are impressed upon his hearers by every auxiliary advantage of cadence, countenance, and action; the powers of which are sometimes so happily combined, that they give importance to mediocrity of sentiment, and when employed in the service of truth and good sense, carry with them irresistible conviction.

I have heard of a gentleman, who possessed to such a degree the power of rendering things in themselves indifferent, very interesting to his hearers, that by pronouncing repeatedly two or three words, though without meaning, in a serious and affecting tone, he could melt them into tears. What then must be the effect of such talents, exerted upon a subject previously calculated to draw forth the strongest impulses of feeling, and operate upon the affections and passions of an audience? If the viva voce communication of sentiment be more inte

AMONG the variety of innocent and rational gratifications that an improv-resting than that by writing, it has ed state of society affords, there are also superior advantages in attaining none perhaps of a higher relish, than the great end of all rational investigathose we derive from a free and reci- tion-the discovery and development procal communication of our senti- of truth. The solitary reasoner, purments and opinions. There is a suing his own train of ideas, can only warmth, an energy, an originality, in impress upon his reader certain prethe freedom and familiarity of conver-conceived opinions; but in conversasation, which is sought after in vain tion, those opinions are generally put in the more correct and studied com- to the test as they are advanced, and

it happens not unfrequently, that the groundwork on which it was intended a weighty superstructure should be erected, is found weak and insufficient for the purpose, and the illustration of a few minutes prevents the misemployment of many months. The shock of argument is almost always necessary to the production of truth, which not unfrequently starts out, as apparent as the spark from the collision of flint and steel.

My intention, however, in the paper now before me, is not so much to dwell on the pleasures or advantages to be derived from conversation; informing mankind that they are already in possession of these benefits would be rather a useless labour; but to consider how they may be turned to the readiest and most pleasant account. I mean, therefore, in the short space I have allotted myself, not only to point out how these social benefits may be improved, but to trace the causes whence originate the general excellencies or defects in conversation, of which indeed our intercourse with mankind affords us so many instances.

improving himself by the observations and reflections of others, but merely to inculcate, at all times and on all occasions, his own peculiar opinions.

Now, though it be possible these opinions may be well founded, a pertinacious adherence to them is no additional recommendation, and no proof of their rectitude. But, however incorrect, it is not improbable that by a free and fair discussion some of them might be changed, and others modified or improved, were it not for this spirit of dogmatizing, which is perhaps of all others the most fatal to conversation. If, indeed, facts be ascertained, and the judgment formed respecting them, all further inquiry becomes useless; while, on the contrary, scepticism, however culpable it may be thought on some points, is here an indispensable ingredient; and where it exists not in fact, may sometimes be reasonably assumed, in order the better to try the validity of an opinion already formed-an experiment frequently not without its use.

It is amusing to observe the opposite defect to this peremptory and assuming temper, in that compliable servility which prevents a man from asserting an opinion of his own, and

Of the usual defects observable in common discourse, I think some may be assigned to particular ble-leads him perpetually to assent to mishes of character and disposition, and others, of a more obvious kind, to mere impropriety of manner. I shall at present endeavour to point out the ill consequences that result from the first of these causes, leaving the second to some future opportunity.

That much more depends on the temper and disposition we bring with us into society, than on the mode in which we advance our opinions, is, I believe, sufficiently evident ;-an irritable, imperious, or sullen turn of mind, is far more destructive to the pleasures of social converse, and strong intellectual argument, than any peculiarity of manner, however unpleasant or inconvenient. Amongst every variety of character which an acquaintance with the world exhibits, there is perhaps none more unfavourable to all free and candid disquisition, than that of a man attached and riveted to certain opinions, which he allows not to be called in question. A person of this turn enters into company, not for the purpose of contributing his part towards the general amusement, or of No. 48.-VOL. IV.

those of others, whether he conceives them to be well founded or not. This, it may be said, may sometimes arise from an indolence of disposition, that shrinks from the labour of examining the truth of a proposition; at other times from a mistaken notion of politeness, and a paltry unwillingness to dissent from that which another person has advanced. Were I called upon to exemplify these defects in the instances of individuals, I should, in the first place, point out a friend of mine, W— who, with abilities to comprehend and judge of the most important subjects, will frequently sit by whilst they are discussed, with the utmost placidity of indifference, excepting at due intervals, when he testifies, by a significant nod, his alternate concurrence with each of the disputants.

An example of the second character may be found in S, who, though lively and communicative, scarcely ever ventures to oppose an opinion adverse to his own; and, with a little art, he may be led to give himself the lie in the most amusing manner, politely

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assenting to the assertion of his neigh-able companions; to constitute which bour, however doubtful or contradic- characters, candour and sincerity are tory it may be. This conduct has, indispensable ingredients. But, to however, led him into difficulties and the man who has been so unfortunate embarrassments, which, I must own, as to contract a reserved and silent I have enjoyed:-when some opi- habit, a word of advice may perhaps nion big with absurdity has been ad- be useful. Let him run into dissipavanced, S has immediately given tion as fast as ever he can, and get a it his sanction; but a direct and unmo- little army of duns and bailiffs about dified attack from another part of the him, and I promise him he will soon table, has as suddenly placed it in its learn the art of talking, both long true, or rather false light; and poor and loud enough for his guests. Let S, with ten times the understand him associate with the merry and the ing of the person who advanced it, has young, and with persons of his own been obliged to share with him in the age and humour, where he may at ridicule attending the confutation of times feel his own importance, and an opinion grossly erroneous and un- try his own strength. He will there founded. find no difficulty in breaking through the magic chains of silence, which sit so awkwardly upon him,—and after a little training in this way, let him boldly mingle in the conversation of those, whom he will soon be too vain to conceive his superiors. Thus let him gradually accustom himself to give his opinion only on such occasions as he thinks calculated to display, while he feels satisfied that the subject is within the grasp and scope of his talents. But, above all, let him strive to reach a firm and manly tone of mind; to know the value of his own abilities, and scorn to sit a silent hearer, whilst ignorance and presumption are gratifying themselves, and lording it over the sacred but silent cause of sense, of reason, and of truth. R. T.

There is another character often met with, which I am doubtful whether I should refer to the present class, or should merely ascribe to manner or to an ill habit; I mean the silent man, who sits patiently by whilst the discourse is carried on, without contributing any thing towards it. Were I to suppose that this conduct arises from sullenness, pride, or an affectation of superior knowledge, I should then certainly regard it as a proof of that most incurable of all blemishes, the offspring of an ill formed character; and the mind, not the manner, should here be submitted to correction. But I am inclined to think this taciturn behaviour is more frequently to be attributed to habit, and that it often originates with our being much accustomed, when young, to the company of our superiors in knowledge and learning. Such a person acts as a dead weight upon conversation; and whenever the subject begins EVERY one remarks the extraordinary to lose its interest, the example of the changes in the seasons of the year.— silent man makes the scale prepon- When we observe, as it has recently derate, and the whole company sud-happened, that in the depth of winter, denly relaxes into listlessness and insipidity, until the great mother of dulness herself seems to take her seat amongst them.


trees bear a second crop of fruit, and nosegays are gathered of summer flowers, we cannot but think "this is wondrous strange." Laplace, in his To those who enter society with the Syteme du Monde, and others, have moral dispositions I have been de- said something on this subject, which scribing, arguing and dogmatizing for at this moment may be worth repeatthe sake of triumph, I shall only ing. "We find from the testimony of observe, that they ought to be put ancient writers, that Britain, Germaupon a low diet, to drink no spirituous ny, and France, were much colder liquors, and to apply for further remedy than at present, and that their great from another quarter than the pen of rivers were annually frozen over. Astroan idler like myself. Till some nomy teaches us, that since this reformation commence within, there period, the obliquity of the earth's is little probability of their becom- position has been considerably dimiing either kind friends or agree-nished. Astronomy teaches us also,

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