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There are not wanting those, who, without any ostensible qualifications whatever, real or imaginary, usurp this title of such we can only say, that their impudence is an evil which must be left, like many other evils, to remedy itself; and that we must tolerate them as we tolerate those empirics-their brothers in imposture | who, to dazzle the vulgar, take upon themselves the title of Physician, and are content to forfeit the fairer renown which every man doing his duty in his own natural sphere may render himself worth obtaining.

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perty, &c. through a too latitudinarian | raised in the centre, presented a com application of the term. A common plete skeleton, of large dimensions, in abuse of it, indeed, consists in its a high state of preservation. latitudinarian embrace of the names of skull was placed between the thigh many, (according to popular estima- bones, and the occupant of this narrow tion,) who absolutely shrink from its mansion, who had probably in his day adoption, in the circles in which it filled a considerable space in society, licenses them to appear, from a very had evidently suffered decapitation. natural want of that courage to bear it In the place where the head would out, which a man can only acquire by have lain in an unmutilated body, was keeping good company, and which a stone. The teeth were all perfect, characterises the demeanour of a gen- both in the upper and lower jaw, and tleman, and towards the acquisition the bones are those of a strong athletic of which, the possession of a mind man, cut off apparently in the meri-, "imbued with polite literature," (to dian of life; and when the coffin was use the phraseology of the old school) opened they were all entire, but imis a primary essential. mediately on being exposed to the air of the atmosphere, the ribs fell in, Nothing remains of the flesh; but some hard white chalky substances were found, which appear to be a mixture of the earthy matter of the bones with the muscular part of the body, the latter converted into a fatty substance. The coffin is of the dimensions of six feet five inches in length, and nineteen inches in width within, with sides about four inches thick; it has been cut out of the solid stone, and is supposed to weigh about a ton and a half. The place where these relics were found is about a mile and a quarter from Ferribridge, in a valley near the road leading to Castleford. Many conjectures are of course afloat, as to the identity of this man of other times; but the prevailing, and we think the most probable opinion, is, that these are the remains of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, the unfortunate leader of the insurgent Barons, in the battle of Borough-bridge, fought in the year 1321, and who was beheaded .at Pontefract, 500 years ago, by order of his nephew Edward II.-(See History and Directory of Yorkshire, pp.. A massive and curious piece of anti- | 145 and 239.) The coffin and remains, quity was recently discovered at Wa- which have attracted a great deal of ter-Fryston, near Ferrybridge. As | public attention, are now removed to two labourers were digging ground | Fryston-hall. for liquorice, in a field called the Paper Mill-field, on the Fryston Hall Estate, near the boundary between the parishes of Pontefract and Fryston, they penetrated to a mass of stone, only about 11 inches below the surface, which, on being cleared, proved to be an ancient coffin of undressed stone, without inscription, The lid, which was bevelled, but without harrige, projected over the sides about two inches. This, on being

Such then, finally, is all I know, or have the immediate means of learning, on the subject I have taken up: I may be misinformed in some points, or deficient in information in others; and most happy shall I be, to be corrected (in such a case) by any future correspondent, who, under your auspices, may lay me under obligation to him for such a favour.




THE following interesting and authentic instance of the fidelity of the Dog, has been copied from a public print.–

A beautiful liver-coloured bitch, belonging to James Clarke, one of the convicts now under sentence of death in Shrewsbury gaol, followed her

owner there, on his commitment in October last, and has remained somewhere about the prison walls ever since. The faithful animal was then in excellent condition, fat, clean, and sleek; but poor Dutch (that is her name) lost that fostering hand that administered to her necessities, and, being destitute of a master and a home, has been picking up her precarious and scanty subsistence on any midden that yielded a bone or offal. At length our late assizes came; and Clarke was conveyed with about thirty culprits from the prison to the county hall, for trial. How wonderful is instinct! no one could tell poor Dutch that her beloved master was condensed among the thirty culprits in the caravan, or in its attendant crowd. But the surprising faculty which the God of nature has bestowed on the species, brought this faithful animal to the tail of the caravan, and, notwithstanding the Constable's staves, she followed as chief mourner, watched all the day about the court during the trials, and when the caravan returned in the evening, poor Dutch had dropped into the same situation, and was following it back to the county gaol: with weeping eye her condemned master saw her, and said, Ah, poor Dutch, how thin!" but here description fails; it may be much better conceived than described. The joy that pervaded every part of the poor animal was such, that it actually shivered with rapture. When the vehicle arrived at the gaol, poor Dutch was shut out. And now, what was to be done? she retired to a distance, and seating herself on a mound, surveyed anxiously the prison, gave four loud and pitiful yells, as if she had said, Alas! my master, thy well-known voice has just cheered my heart, and now let me die with thee." The poor animal then solemnly and slowly walked away.

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The moralists from Solomon downwards have sent us to the animals for instruction. Let none do evil, and say good shall come. What a frightful monster sin is, when even the animals are brought into suffering circumstances by it! Surely this example enforces the duties of fidelity, patience, and perseverance: Such at present are the trying misfortunes and history of POOR DUTCH.

Shrewsbury, April 10.



SIR,-I beg, through your widely circulated Magazine, to give publicity to the accompanying paper. It is highly creditable to Mr. Alex. Me. Gill, to exert himself for the improvement of navigation; and it is to be hoped that other commanders of vessels will follow his example. I am convinced that it is only by a multiplied series of experiments, in all seasons of the year, that any thing like a rational theory can be established, with respect to the currents in the ocean, which is a great desideratum in that important science.


A bottle was picked up on the shore, on the South side of Milford Haven, near a farm called Sawdern, by Mr. William Hall, the occupier, on the 6th of April, 1822. It contained a paper, of which the following is a copy.

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No.310. The Bottle which contains this card was thrown into the sea, in Lat. 49° 54′ N. Long. 12° 20′ W. at noon, on the 1st day of March, 1822, from the Ship Aspray, of Glasgow, which sailed from Greenock on the 20th day of February, 1820, on a trading voyage round the world. Whoever finds this, is requested to insert a notice of the time and place in some literary or political publication, with the view of establishing facts relative to the currents of the ocean.-130 days from Calcutta, returning towards Greenock-all well-Alexander Mc. Gill, Master."

CHEMICAL EXPERIMENT. MR. EDITOR. SIR,-Flattering myself that the following chemical experiment may be interesting to some of your readers, I would beg the favour of the insertion of it in the Imperial Magazine.

I was lately making a solution of copper in nitric acid, for the purpose of obtaining crystals of nitrate of copper, but before I proceeded to evaporate the solution, the query occurred® to me, whether ammonia would produce the same effect with the nitrate as it does with the sulphate of copper? I accordingly added the solution of

ammonia (liquor: ammonia: pur:) unto saturation, and found the effect produced precisely the same, to all appearance, as when a solution of the sulphate of copper and ammonia are united. This liquor I put aside, without further thought on the subject for that evening, but the next morning, to my surprise, I found in the phial a copious precipitation of beautiful purple crystals; these I partially examined, and obtained the following results.

of which I was an eye-witness, on a gentleman bitten by a mad dog twenty years ago, and who is still alive, and can vouch for the truth of my statement.

As soon as he was bitten, he hastened and took a large glass of brandy, and put between thirty and forty drops of Turlington's Balsam into it, which he immediately drank up. Quickly after this he took his penknife, and opening the wounds made by the bite, took another large glass By placing a few grains on the bar of brandy, and double the quantity of of the fire grate when quite hot, I Turlington's Balsam, or rather more, found that they fused, swelled, and with which liquor he bathed the exploded, like unconfined gunpowder, wounds profusely, at the same time with a dense vapour, but without squeezing out the blood and venom as flame-to the smell, this vapour is not well as he was able. This he repeated so noxious as the nitrous gas, nor so two or three times, and took another pungent as the ammoniacal gas, and draught inwardly. But although he yet it seems to partake of both. On had been bitten by the animal in both live coals they explode with flame, the wrists of his hands, in two or and without vapour, and leave a blue three places, he never felt the least tinge behind. Their taste is highly inconvenience from the wound after styptic. A medical friend, to whom I | this operation. In administering this have stated the experiment, conceives | simple remedy, the quantity may be it probable that the preparation might given according to the patient's age be employed in epilepsy, with better and strength. A trial of this experisuccess than the ammoniated copper ment, with the blessing of God, may of the pharmacopeias. have some good effect. However, should it not succeed in all cases, it cannot do any hurt.

The action of the air causes a slight efflorescence.

Such crystals as appear of a determinate form, are hexagonal.

Yours, &c. a constant reader, J. H. Brixham, Feb. 20, 1822.


The purple colour of the crystals proving the action of the ammonia on the copper, and consequently its presence in the salt-and the combustion which takes place on the application of caloric, shewing that it has the property of a nitrate, have induced Chemical Agency by the Magnet.-Mr. J. me to call the preparation a nitro-am- Murray states, that he has succeeded in decommoniaret of copper; but I leave it to posing by the magnet, every metallic salt to the further investigation of more ex-fact, so interesting to science, we quote for which he has applied it. One instance of this perienced chemists, whose thoughts on the subject I shall be happy to see in reply, as I think it worthy their


I am, Sir, your obedient servant,



SIR,-Having observed in your publication for January last, an account of the various methods tried by the faculty for the cure of that terrible malady, the Hydrophobia, I beg leave to recommend for trial, an operation,

the sake of its practical tendency. "A solution of permuriate of mercury was, by the magnet, soon reduced into running or metallic mercury. Hence fine steel filings, magnetized, and administered in syrup, will be an admirable antidote to corrosive sublimate.

Iodine in Scrofula. Dr. Conidet, of Geneva, has communicated to the Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Science, the great success he has met with in the treatment of scrofula, by the use of iodine. In cases of goitre, or scrofulous glands, combined with hydriodate of potash or soda, this remedy appears to have been highly successful, whether administered externally or internally.

Substitute for Alcohol.-The Society of Arts, of London, has adjudged a silver medal to Mr. Cooke, for the discovery of a substitute for alcohol, now used for the preservation of anatomical objects. It consists of a saturated

solution of muriate of soda, or common salt, | barge about 20 inches: to this is fixed a taking about 3lbs. of salt for four pints of paddle-wheel, similar to those used by vessels water. Where spirits of wine are dear, this propelled by steam; each of these wheels condiscovery is likely to be of great utility. tains six paddles. Supposing the man who Improvements in Bleaching Linen. Mr. Crook-treads to weigh 135lbs. and deduct 35lbs. for shank, of Dublin, has, it is said, made a very friction, he will then tread the axle round at a great improvement in bleaching linen; this force of 100lbs. This newly invented machiimprovement consists in the disengagement of nery is very simple, and can be taken off the the chlorine from the oxymuriate of lime, by vessel in a moment, and so light that a man which ingenious process it is enabled to act can walk away with it with as much ease as he with full force upon the cloth and yarn. This can with a pair of oars. Two men can propel process combines many important advantages; a canal barge with this contrivance at the rate it has already been tried upon a considerable of five miles an hour. The expense of keeping scale, and has met with the full approbation of track roads for horses to draw the barges, and a gentleman of chemical celebrity. the expense of keeping the horses themselves, seem to make this a great desideratum to all canal property.

Correspondence with the Blind.-A printing press has been constructed at Geneva, under the direction of M. Huber, the celebrated historian of bees, (who is himself blind,) by Claude Lechet. It was constructed at the express desire of a young lady, a relation of M. Huber, who is also blind, and who conceived a desire of expressing her thoughts in this way. In a very short time after it was sent to her, with all the necessary apparatus of letters, &c. she acquired a complete command of it, so as to be able to express her ideas with the greatest ease. We have seen, says the Editor of the Revue Encyclopedique, a letter of thirty-three lines, addressed to her benefactor, composed and printed by her, with common ink, without a fault, and without any irregularity in the printing.

New Metal.-Counsellor Giesse, of Dorpat, has communicated to the world, the discovery of what he at present thinks to be a new metal, extracted from the residue of English sulphuric acid, on distilling it to dryness. One variety left, out of 16 ounces, 9 grains of a white residuum, in which there was no sulphate of lead. It changed colour several times during the experiments made upon it, and he thinks it was formed of the sulphur employed in manufacturing the acid. It is susceptible of oxidation, and its alkaline combinations form double salts with acids.

Astronomical Society of London.-A communication has been made to this society by M. Gauss, respecting a very simple contrivance for a signal, in geodetical operations, which may be seen at an immense distance. This contrivance is nothing more than the common reflecting speculum of a sextant; being about two inches long, and an inch and a half broad; and mounted in such a manner that it may always reflect the solar rays to the given distant point, notwithstanding the motion of the sun. The instrument, thus mounted, he calls a " 'Heliotrope;" and the reflected light was so powerful, that, at ten miles distant, it was too bright for the telescope of the theodolite, and it was requisite to cover a part of the mirror. At 25 miles, the light appeared like a beautiful star, even when one of the stations was enveloped in fog and rain: and at 66 miles distant, it was sufficiently powerful as a signal. In fact, the only limit which appears to the use of this beautiful instrument, is that which arises from the curvature of the earth.

Temperature of Rooms.-Mr. John Murray has published some curious observations on the temperature of a room indicated by two thermometers at different altitudes. Two thermometers being placed one on the floor and the other suspended 6 feet above it, between the 5th and 24th of November, indicated differences of from 1 to 5°, the greater heat being in that 64 feet above the floor.

Earthquakes and Magnetism.-M. Arago has transmitted to the French Academy of Sciences, an account of an observation he had made, which proves that the recent earth- Spontaneous Explosion of Chlorine and Hydroquake, the shocks of which were felt at Lyons gen.-It has been long known, that a mixture and its neighbourhood, also extended its of chlorine and hydrogen explodes when exaction to Paris. M. Arago has an observatory posed to the direct action of the sun's rays. in Paris, for the purpose of noticing the vari- In order to try if this effect could be produced ations of the magnetic needle. On the 19th of by the radiation of a common culinary fire, February, the needle remained perfectly stea- Professor Silliman filled a common Florence dy until half-past eight o'clock; at a quarter oil-flask (well cleaned) half full of chlorine before nine it became agitated in a very extra- gas, and was in the act of introducing the hyordinary manner, with an oscillatory motion, drogen in the pneumatic cistern. "There was strongly inclining towards the magnetic meri- not only no direct emanation from the sun, but dian. On observing this truly singular pheno-even the diffuse light was rendered much feemenon, M. Arago was of opinion that it was occasioned by an earthquake. At the same day and hour, M. Biot remarked an oscillatory movement produced by the same earthquake, at his own residence in the College de France.

Canal Boats.-Mr. T. M. Van Heythusen has lately obtained a patent for propelling barges or boats through canals; of which we give the following description:-A treadwheel is fixed either to the fore, or both to the fore and after part of a barge, which is trod round. The axle passes through the tread-wheel, and projects from the sides of the

bler than common by a thick snow storm, which had covered the sky light above with a thick mantle, and veiled the heavens in a singular degree for such a storm. Under these circumstances the hydrogen was scarcely all introduced before the flask exploded with a distinct flame. This occurrence then proves, that a mixture of chlorine and hydrogen gas may explode spontaneously, in a diffuse light, and even in a very dim light."

Blowpipes. Some time ago, Mr. J. Tofts, of Cambridge, contrived a curious blowpipe, calculated to maintain, uninterruptedly, during

two hours, a degree of heat capable of melting platinum. Mr. H. B. Leeson, of Nottingham, has devised a method by which Toft's blowpipe may be adapted with perfect safety to the burning of the gaseous constituents of water, and used as an oxy-hydrogen, or gas blowpipe.

Tin Pipes.-Block Tin pipes have been lately made by Mr. J. Milne, brass-founder, of Edinburgh, which promise to be of considerable utility for the conveyance of gas, and for other purposes. The chief advantages of the block-tin pipe over any other are, in its being less liable to be acted upon by gas, and, from the nature of the metal, not likely to oxidate or corrode; from its ductility, it is casily bent to suit the different situations required; and, as the joinings are made with solder, nearly of the same nature as the pipe itself, any blow or strain which the pipe may receive at or near the joint, can do little injury. The facility of joining it is also of considerable advantage; any ordinary workman will make a perfect joint in less than two minutes. These pipes may also be joined and soldered while full of water.


Improved Preparation of Coal for Fuel. patent has lately been obtained by Mr. Davey, of Chelsea, for an improved preparation of coal, which he calls Gaseous Coke; it consists of "very small coal mixed with coal tar, either in a pure state, which is the best, or combined with naphtha, and those other ingredients with which it is generally found impregnated." These materials are made to coagulate and cement together by the application of heat, so as to form large cakes capable of being broken into lumps of such sizes as may be found convenient for the purpose of fuel.

Literary Motices.

Just published, in 8vo. The Rules and Orders of the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, and Regulations of the Office; also a List of the Officers; the London and Country Attorneys, with the Agents of the latter, corrected to the present time; a Table of the Fees, &c. &c. and an Appendix, containing a new and most useful summary of the Insolvent Debtor's Act.

The Imitation of Christ; in Three Books. By Thomas à Kempis. Translated from the Latin, by John Payne. With a Recommendatory Preface, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D. Minister of St. John's Church, Glasgow.

Dr. Chalmers' Christian and Civic Economy of Large Towns, No. XI. On Pauperism. Published quarterly. This Number is the second of the Series of Essays, by Dr. Chalmers, on the Causes and Cure of Pauperism.

Dr. Chalmers' Scripture References, for the Use of Sabbath Schools, and Private Families.

An Edition of the References is also published, with the Scripture Passages printed in full, for the Use of Parents and Teachers, when hearing the Lessons of their Children or Scholars. 18mo.

An Address to the Promoters of the late Concert, at Surrey Chapel.

By the Rev. Dr. James Kidd, of Aberdeen, A Dissertation on the Eternal Sonship of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

An Abridgment of the Youth's Spelling and Pronouncing Theological Dictionary. By E. Dawson.

The School of the Sabbath, a poem, 8vo. By William M'Comb, of Belfast.

Elements of Self-Improvement; comprising a familiar view of the intellectual powers and moral characteristics of Human Nature, 8vo. By Thomas Finch.

The Preacher, or Sketches of Original Sermons, chiefly selected from the MSS. of two eminent Divines of the last century, in two small vols. 8vo.

Mr. Jehoshaphat Aspin is preparing for the press, the third volume of his Analysis of Universal History; which is expected to appear in the course of the ensuing autumn.

The Rev. J. W. Bellamy, B. D. is preparing for publication, by subscription, a Selection of the Poems of the Rev. Thomas Cherry, B. D. late Head Master of Merchant Tailors' School.

Mr. George Downe, of Trinity College, Dublin, will publish in a few days, Letters from Mecklenburgh and Holstein, including an Account of the Cities of Hamburgh and Lubeck, written in the summer of 1820.

We understand that an Historical Account and Delineation of Aberdeen, compiled and drawn up by Robert Wilson, A. M. will shortly be published. It will also be embellished with Engravings of the principal Bridges, Public Buildings, and Sacred Edifices, in and about the city.

In the press, by the author of "Select Female Biography," The Wonders of the Vegetable Kingdom displayed. This work is particularly calculated to lead the attention of the reader from the minor wonders of creation, to a consideration of their Divine Artificer.

On May 1, 1822, will be published, An original set of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, with a Funeral Ode, adapted for Public Worship, and harmonized for three and four Voices, with Figured Basses for the Organ and PianoBy the Rev. David Everard Ford, Lymington, Hants. Second Edition, cor




1. On Poetry. Emma asks, Is Poetry independent of the Passions?

2. On the King of Poland's Speech.

S. H. would esteem it a favour if any correspondent would inform her in what work or history she can meet with the (last) King of Poland's speech to the judges appointed to try the regicides?

3. Man of Bath.

Z. of Aberdeen, asks, Who is the author of the Man of Bath?

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