able communications, with which the pages of the IMPERIAL MAGAZINE have been enriched, and for many more which are held in reserve for ensuing numbers. Of these papers, several have been so long in the Editor's hands, that to prevent their highly esteemed authors from thinking themselves neglected, some apology may be necessary. Favoured as we have been with abundance and variety, in the articles which have been communicated, we sometimes find it exceedingly difficult to make selections from among papers, that are perhaps equally meritorious, without incurring the charge of partiality. Against surmises of this kind, we have no means of defending ourselves, but by pleading our integrity, our equity, and the rectitude of our intentions. It sometimes happens, that communications transmitted to us, are located by time, event, and circumstance. Such papers must always wait the arrival of favourable opportunities for their appearance, since, without this, they would lose half their interest, and nearly all their efficacy. As the IMPERIAL MAGAZINE is not under the control of any party, it is not the mere organ of sectarian dogmas. Its pages are open for the investigation of doubtful propositions, and the reception of moral and scientific truths, from what quarter soever they may arrive. Against vice, atheism, and infidelity, the IMPERIAL MAGAZINE declares determined and perpetual war; and keeping these objects continually in view, the local differences which subsist between the advocates of hostile creeds, under the sanctions of Christianity, are surveyed as articles of minor importance. Hence, papers advocating the cause of truth against the attacks of these foreign assailants, will always be more acceptable, than such as attempt to extinguish the flames of civil discord, by throwing a faggot into the sectarian fire. From the unremitting efforts which are making by the emissaries of infidelity, to diffuse its pernicious principles throughout the community, the advocates of virtue, the friends of revelation, the supporters of social order, and those who believe in the existence of a God, are called upon to rally round the throne of eternal Truth. To these points, during the ensuing year, particular attention will be paid, in the pages of the IMPERIAL MAGAZINE; of which some propositions, and other articles in the January number, may be considered as specimens. In this volume there is one trifling irregularity, which has unavoidably occurred, but which, it is hoped, will not again so glaringly return. When the portraits, with which it is ornamented, were prepared for publication, it was intended to accompany them with the memoirs of the individuals in the same numbers, in which they appeared, or in those which immediately succeeded. But it has occasionally happened, that the information expected was not attainable until à longer time had elapsed than had been taken into calculation. It is on this account, the volume being bound, that the plates appear to be distributed without any strict regard to order. |