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is the consequence.

Instructed of this, the domestic fowl quits her nest in warm weather for a considerable time, that the eggs may be properly cooled. The temperature which is fitted to the incubation of most tropical birds, is too great for the eggs of the Cuckoo and Swallow; under the direction, therefore, of a guiding Providence, they pass to more northern regions, in search of that temperature which is become congenial to their feelings. When this great object has been accomplished, the body becomes prepared for another service.

The birds which remain in this country through the year, require the warm temperature of Autumn to enable them to moult; or, more properly speaking, to force out the new feathers when the old ones have been thrown off. A certain degree of feverish action is necessary to this process; and by raising it artificially and prematurely, bird-catchers are known to accelerate the process of moulting. This fever, as the disorder of the same name in the human body, is accompanied with a morbid sensibility that renders highly painful those impressions of the air, which before were pleasing. Instigated by the new train of sensations, they fly towards the regions which have now become grateful; and having there accomplished the natural process of renewing the plumage, again they seek the cooler air, that is now become as agreeable as the hot was before. In many instances the Martin has been known to remain late, for the purpose of feeding the young ones, which from accidental causes have not been brought to maturity in proper season; and as the moulting fever does not make its approach until the constitution connected with breeding is ended, this produces no inconvenience; but sometimes the approach of the fever is felt before the young are able to fly; and in this case, parental fondness gives way to puerile excitement, and I have known them to be left to perish

in the nest.

It is remarkable that in the few instances in which Summer birds have been found torpid in concealed places, mention is made of their being discovered naked; a circumstance which shews both the necessity of the moulting process, and also the importance of a warm temperature to the expul

sion of the new plumage. These observations further give us to see how a warm Summer, by inducing the moulting fever early, causes their early departure; a cold season delays them by retarding it.

The Wheat-ear, known in some parts of Cornwall by the name of Knacker, divides its time between its Summer and Winter residence into nearly equal parts. The earliest arrival, I have found to be the 17th of March, after which they continue dropping in, in small companies, and passing on to their former places of residence. Some facts connected with their middle passage have already been noticed. I have observed that they arrive usually between nine o'clock A. M. and the middle of the day; which, as they do not fly swiftly, leads to the conclusion that they take wing at an early hour in the morning. The state of exhaustion in which they sometimes arrive, shews that many must perish in the ocean. They begin to depart about the commencement of September; but some are to be seen a month after that period. The south of France is believed to be their Winter residence.

The White-throat differs from most of our Summer birds, in not being attached to any one place; so that it may be questioned whether any thing beyond accident drives it to the same district in two following years. It arrives about the same time as the Swallow. The Reed Sparrow is not, with us, a very common bird; it frequents places where willows grow, (hence its trivial name Salicaria) and builds in a low bush. This bird sings through the night most melodiously, and on that account has been mistaken for the Nightingale, a songster that, I am convinced, has never yet been heard wild in Cornwall. The time of the Goatsucker's arrival I do not well know, but I have witnessed its being shot on the 27th of November; which seems to imply not only that it sometimes remains here at a very late period, but also that it is possible it may not always go at all. The Rail, also, which is usually considered as a bird of passage, I have known killed at Christmas, long after the cold of Winter has set in with severity; and it may be questioned whether any Quails depart from us through the year, though usually said to do so.

Birds whose visits are without regu

The birds already enumerated may | ture here, as in any part of England be called natives of England, since where they breed. It is not so diffithey are bred in this island; but those cult to account for the disappearance that follow are foreigners, that visit of the others which have been enumeus only by constraint, and depart as rated. In their nature they are exsoon as it is fafe for them to go. ceedingly shy, and consequently reBirds that regularly visit the West of main in so populous a country as England in Winter.-Royston Crow, England, no longer than they can Corvus Cornix; Starling, Sturnus help; added to which, a strong tempVulgaris; Fieldfare, Turdus Pilaris; tation exists for their return to more Redwing, Turdus Iliacus; Bittern, northern regions, not only in the soliArdeu Stellaris; Woodcock, Scolo-tude, but in the abundance of insect pax Rusticola; Snipe, Scolopax Gal- food which is there to be found through linago; Jacksnipe, Scolopax Galli- the Summer. nula; Curlew, Scolopax Arquata; Lapwing, Tringa Vanellus; Wild- | larity.-Ringtailed Eagle, Falco Falgoose, Anas Anser; Wild-duck, Anas vus: a bird which I believe to be of Boschas; Widgeon, Anas Penelope; this species, was shot a few years Teal, Anas Crecca; Gannet, Pele- since a little way from Fowey. Stormy canus Bassanus; Sea Pie, Hæmato- | Petrel, Proullaria Pelageia; Hoopoe, pus Ostralegus. Upupa Esops-I have known a pair The Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla Fla-killed in the parish of Lansallos. Wild va) and Bullfinch (Loxia Pyrrhula) | Swan, AnasCygnus; Shield-duck, Anas regularly change their quarters according to the seasons; few remain near the shores in Summer, but they appear again when the Winter birds return from their Summer retreats. The Plover_also, at this time, quits the downs for more sheltered situations. The Gannet is the first of our Winter visitants that makes its appearance; which it has done so early as the 18th of September, though more commonly its arrival is delayed | until the beginning of October. Gannets visited the Cornish shores in much greater numbers when Pilchards abounded from October to Christmas; at that period they would even darken the sky. Woodcocks . and Snipes make their appearance early in October; but the latter are usually seen first; for in fact some of them always breed in our moors. The Woodcock is more timid; so that the only authentic account of a Woodcock's having bred in Cornwall, is that recorded by Borlase; but it is not uncommon for a single one to stay behind its companions-perhaps from having been rendered by wounds incapable of distant flight. They fall in at first in a particular district, and afterwards scatter themselves about; so that after some time they seem to be less numerous than before. Star- | lings come about the same time, but Migratory Water Birds. — Eider regularly depart in Spring: for what Duck, Anas Mollissima; Swallowreason I am unable to guess, as it ap-tail'd Shield-duck, Anas Glacialis; pears that the climate, situation, and Wild Swan, Anas Cygnus; Velvet food, are as well adapted to their na- Duck, Anas Fusca; Wild Goose,

Tadorna; Cross Bill, Loxia Curvisostra-this bird is about the size of a Bullfinch, but in shape much resembles the Greenfinch. It is easily tamed, and in a cage has much the manners of a Parrot, particularly in regard to the use which they make of their bills in drawing themselves along. So fond is this bird of biting hard substances, that it soon tears the wood work of the cage to pieces. Bee-eater, Merops Apiaster this is a very rare bird in England; and is here inserted on the authority of Drew and Hitchins' History of Cornwall. Crane, Ardea Grus; Enanthe Attera Aldrov.-Ray's Synopsis Avium, p. 76. I have never seen this bird but once.

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The naturalist may find it interesting to compare this list with the following of the migratory birds of the other extremity of the British Islands: it is taken from Dr. Edmonson's Account of the Zetlands Islands.

Migratory Land Birds.-Land Rail, Rallus Crex; Heron, Ardea Major; Skylark, Alauda Arvensis; Fieldfare, Turdus Pilaris; Snowflake, Emberiza Nivalis; Yellowhammer, Emberiza Citrinella; Stone - Chat, Motacilla Rubicola; Grey Wagtail, Motacilla Boarula-not common. Seapie, Hæmatopus Ostraligus.

Anas Anser; Barnacle Goose, Anas | fluid; and then, by means of its ciliaErythropus; Shielddrake, Anas Ta- ted legs, it passes beneath the water dorna; Puffin, Alea Arctica; Rotche, with rapidity. In order to put its Alea Alle Shearwater, Procellaria powers to the test, I enclosed the Puffinus; Fulmar, Procellaria Glaci- insect in a bottle of concentrated salt alis; Gannet, Pelecanus Bassanus; water. Its exertions shewed that the Foolish Guillemot, Colymbus Troile; fluid was not agreeable to it; though Red-throated Diver, Colymbus Sep- it lived in this condition for twentytentrionalis; Speckled Diver, Colym- four hours. The specific gravity of bus Stellatus; Annett, Larus Rissa; this fluid was so great as to render it Arctic Gull, Larus Cataractes; Pewit very difficult for the Diver to descend Gull, Larus Ridibundus; Common through it; and to do this in any deTern, Sterna Hirundo. gree, it became necessary to throw out a continued succession of air bubbles: no sooner were its efforts relaxed, than again it was obliged to ascend to the surface, until, by a new discharge, it was again enabled to descend. There can be no doubt that this secretion of air beneath the ulytra, or case, is for the suspension of this insect in its native element; and scarcely less doubt can be entertained that both the secretion and discharge of the globules of air are entirely voluntary in the animal. But the fact involves difficulties which must for ever elude our researches. We can easily resolve the whole into instinct, which, though a convenient term, is little better than a garment to conceal ignorance.

Accidental Land Birds.-Carrion Crow, Corvus Corone; Rook, Corvus Frugilegus-they formerly bred here. Crested Wren, Motacilla Regulus; Blackbird, Turdus Merula; Redbreast, Motacilla Rubecula; House Swallow, Hirundo Rustica; Crested Heron, Ardea Garzetta; Common Crane, Ardea Grus; Woodcock, Scolopax Rusticola; Redshank, Scolopax Calidris; Lapwing, Tringa Vanellus.

Accidental Water Birds.-White and Dusky Grebe, Colymbus Obscurus; Stormy Petrel, Procellaria Pelagica.

It is observed, however, that the ornithology of the Orkney Islands differs very considerably from this; for they are visited by the Wheat-ear, three species of Swallow, (though not by the Swift,) and even by the Cuckoo.


Admirable Butterfly, Papilio_Atalanta.-As butterflies in general are extremely shy, perhaps the following instance of extraordinary tameness in one of this species may be deemed The Diver, Dytiscus Marginalis curious. Sept. 15, 1819, I observed This insect belongs to the class Cole- it fixed on a sunflower, where, as it optera, or those which have hard wing was busily engaged in extracting cases. The generic character is: an- honey, it suffered me to approach so tennæ setaceous; palpi six filiform; near, that I was induced to believe it hind feet villous, formed for swim- to be blind. It several times flew to ming, with hardly any claws. It is a considerable distance, and as often about an inch in length. The habits returned, settling either on the sunof this insect are singular, and have flower or on a wall that was near: but not been noticed by any observer, so in either case it allowed me to touch far as I have had an opportunity of repeatedly its wings, antennæ, and even knowing. It lives in fresh water, for head, shewing little signs of fear, but making its way through which, its stretching its antennæ, and sometimes hinder legs are well adapted; being erecting its head as my finger advanfurnished with filaments of consider-ced to it. When I threatened it by a able length, which, when the creature rests at the bottom, are left floating. When the Diver wishes to keep itself at the surface of the water, a bubble of air is secreted beneath the wing cases, which suspends it in the manner of a balloon in the air: but when the creature has a mind to descend, the bubble is discharged, and perhaps two or three more, in order to render the body specifically heavier than the No. 43.-Vol. IV.

sudden movement, the little creature perceived it at the distance of about three inches, and would start, but not fly away. It seemed to take very intelligent notice of my actions, when very near to it; but except by discovering the flowers, which it might do by its antennæ, I could not discover that its sphere of vision extended beyond about three inches.




"'Tis revelation satisfies all doubts,
Explains all mysteries, except her own,
And so illuminates the path of life,
That fools discover it, and stray no more."

Of all the subjects which excite the attention of mankind, there is not one in which their interests are so deeply involved, as that of religion. Every thing else, which is either the object of the corporeal or the mental faculties, only concerns man as a fugitive inhabitant of time, and is no further contributary or detrimental to his happiness, than as it applies to him in the immediate character of friendship or enmity, ease or pain, knowledge or ignorance. Hence we discover a universal disposition to consider every thing of an inferior order, and of less consequence, than that which constitutes theological sentiment, and is employed to direct the conduct, and inspire the hopes or fears which relate to a superior being, and a future state.

We cannot recognize the foregoing facts without inferring, that, where there is such a prevalence of appetite, there is an adaptation of capacity, and that an adaptation of capacity presumes the truth and reality of some religious system, which is suited to the moral feelings and habits of the mind. A glance at the various theories which have originated in human peccability and weakness, is sufficient to discern the fallacy of their principles, and the incompetency of their energies to the end proposed. I shall therefore endeavour, in this paper, to evince the necessity of such a system, as should recommend itself to mankind by the divinity of its orign and its nature.

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arising from a participation of the common privileges of animals, is impotent to grant that plenitude of felicity, for which he has the appetite and desire. Notwithstanding the ability of reason to project schemes, in which it may eminently display its superiority over the energies of instinct, still he fails to enjoy so delectably as he wishes, and therefore seeks some higher theme, which shall fully involve the operation of his faculties, and fix a point and a limit for their tendencies. In revealed religion we find a subject adapted to that mental insatiety, and behold a theme whose nature affords dignified and exquisitely beautiful topics for contemplation, admiration, and enjoyment.

II. Because the moral nature of man requires a standard, by which virtue and vice shall be properly distinguished, the life regulated, and the fears and hopes of the mind adjusted and excited.

That man has a moral quality of mind, is one of those undisputed facts which flow unassailed onward in the tide of sentiment. Referring then to that fact in our present business, it must be admitted that this attribute should fully develop itself. To be unfettered by ignorance or prejudice, it is essential that it be competent at once to recognize the nature of objects, and discern how and when virtue is distinct from vice, and when either is comparative or absolute. It may be urged-reason itself is equal to this work, and that, by its operation, all the ends of moral feeling may be accomplished. Not to dispute what reason could effect, if it resided where there had been no infraction of moral rights, and no consequent degeneracy of principle, it must be replied, that reason, as it is now exemplified by faculties all polluted and disordered by sin, is vastly unequal to it. True, there are some lineaments of its primal aspect--some traces of its ante-fallen nature, and it is owing to these, that where revelation is still unknown, the distinction between virtue and vice is yet partly preserved. But the immature state in which every ethical system is found, whose parts have not been framed and united by any super-human help, evinces that moral feeling would be very low, and almost intangible, were it not excited

by divine energy; and that pure ideas of virtue and vice would be unknown, were they not revealed by one who cannot err, and memorialized in the literature of successive ages, that the Divine will might be known to all. Void of that knowledge, how ill would the conduct of mortals be regulated, and in what disorder and absurdity would the affairs of society be carried on. For a proof of this, we need only advert to the condition of those who, either through their obstinacy, or the accident of situation, are unacquainted with divine things; and it will be seen, that it is far from being otherwise than what excites the disgust, and compassion, and pity, of an enlightened mind. They have indeed their peculiar and valued notions, at whose shrine they bow, and by whose principles they are actuated; but it must be seen, their hopes and fears are excited falsely, and the energies of their mind devoted, by consequence, to what ends at best in delusion and disappointment.

Without a Divine Revelation, therefore, that which is now (be it said with gratitude) only partial, and it is hoped temporary, would be found universal; and anarchy and discord, idolatry and superstition,-strife and revenge,—would ravage and ruin the noble rational.

III. Divine Revelation is necessary in order that men might know to what to attribute their demoralized condition, and ascertain if there be any means of recovery.

What hourly passes in the human breast, and is daily witnessed abroad in creation, satisfies the mind addicted to inquiry, that human nature has sustained a severe calamity. Thus far is information derived from the posture and influence of facts; but these sources can disclose no more. Of the prior causes and ultimate effects, the mind is left in ignorance, -to speculate in theories, and indulge the wildest notions, or look with apathy at the question, and with passive but affecting indifference, gaze at the sorry lot of mortals, and wonder they should exist. Tradition might indeed convey to distant ages tidings of the disastrous event; but the ignorance connected with that event, is calculated to distort the features of truth, and obliviate what was most important of the narrative; hence the extrava

gance and incoherence of that intelligence, which is exposed to the barbaric waste of time, and the confusion and rust of age.

To be acquainted with the existence of disease, and know neither its origin nor remedy, is to increase the affliction, and sadden the sensibilities, of the mind. That no investigation which might be instituted could ever obtain the requisite information, is evident from the circumstances themselves, abstractedly considered, and the nature of that knowledge which the records of Divine Truth furnish. We here perceive that the origin of evil could never be ascertained, and its consequences no more easily apprehended, since it would be impossible for the mind to penetrate the barrier of death, and familiarize itself with the proceedings of eternity. The means of recovery from the condition of sin, if any existed, would likewise be hidden, as it is the peculiar province of the being offended to provide both the means, and the knowledge of those means, if such was his will and pleasure; and this would be to execute what the foregoing is designed to prove necessary: for if we admit that man, remaining in darkness and deprivation, was deplorably miserable, and that the Creator possesses the benevolent affections we conceive to be inherent in his nature, we must infer that Divine Revelation is essential to the melioration of his circumstances.

IV. That the human soul might arrive at the greatest possible knowledge of itself, and be satisfied respecting the apprehensions it is wont to indulge of immortal life.

The intestine operations of mind, by an inevitable tendency, convince it of the dissimilitude of their nature from all that is corporeal. The ability to think, reflect, reason, and anticipate, invincibly prove that the soul is

"Of subtler essence than the trodden clod."

But its discoveries are so limited, that it fails to educe, from any exertion of its intellect, what, as a whole, it is. It does indeed comprehend much, but it is obliged to apprehend far more. From its spiritual habits, it is led to guess, that its duration cannot expire when the material associate dissolves; and with that guess and

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