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for accomplishing any pious work enjoined by the Pope.

"Q. Is it credible that the sacred Roman Chancery retains a Tax-book, in which is distinctly marked the rate of indulgences to commit the most flagitious vice?

"A. Yes and duty requires the acknowledgment thereof.

Q. Was it not Pope Leo X. that drove the greatest traffic in that ridiculous and blasphemous merchandise?

"A. Yes: and the immense sales of indulgences which he made under various pretences, with the greatest scandal to the christian name, by the agency of Tetzel; the righteous indignation of Europe became roused, and Leo's name immortalized, in producing hereby a successful and unexpected excitement towards a general reformation."-p. 50.

The passages thus cited, we conceive will fully justify our introductory observations. In the margins of many of his pages, the author has quoted his authorities, unless he refers to facts, the truth of which is universally acknowledged. That he espouses the Protestant cause, he openly avows, and glories in having an opportunity of lifting his voice in favour of the doctrines which the reformation incul

cates. Throughout the whole work, the questions which are proposed are uniformly important, and the answers are in general highly satisfactory. If all our authors had adopted the plan here pursued by Mr. Walker, the world might have contained fewer books, and many of these would be less in magnitude than they are at present, but the stock of useful information would rather be increased than diminished by such a revolution.

REVIEW.-The Tour of the Dove, a Poem; with Occasional Pieces. By John Edwards, 8vo. pp. 162. London: Longman, Hurst, & Co. 1821.

THERE is something in the title of this poem, which, on a superficial glance, would incline the reader to imagine, that the author rather intended to pursue the flight of a bird, than the meanderings of a river. For ourselves, we candidly confess that the ideas suggested by it, transported us in an instant to the Ark and days of Noah, and in imagination we saw the Dove of that patriarch, hovering over "the vast abyss," and awaiting the birth of the postdiluvian world. We need not say, that on turning to the next page,

these towering expectations were severely corrected, so that instead of contemplating

"A shoreless ocean rolling round the globe," we were directed to trace the windings of a neighbouring stream, during its transient passage from the hills of Derby to the parent deep.

We do not, however, mean to insinuate, that the poem has sunk in our estimation, because we happened to fall into the above mistake. The erroneous association, produced by an accidental coincidence of names, was soon dissolved by the murmuring of the water, which the poet taught us to hear, and by the romantic scenery which he invited us to survey; and we candidly acknowledge, that with these confined as this poem is, to isolated we have been much delighted. But views, and local description, it is the varied beauties which decorate its only by those who are acquainted with banks, that the Tour of the Dove can be fully appreciated.

such a minute acquaintance with surWe do not, however, conceive, that rounding objects as might be required variations, will be necessary to render to accompany the poem through all its the following passages intelligible, or to convince the reader that the author knows how to ascend Parnas

[blocks in formation]

Roll on, bright Pair, in galaxy of light, Through the green meadows tow'rd your ocean home:

My fancy kindles at the flashing sight
Of your soft-moving waters, as they come,
Reflecting in their depths the clouded dome
Of that blue heaven to which they seem

And oh, ye rivers! from what sacred womb
Of clouds or mountains sprang your fountain


[blocks in formation]

Engender'd where the cavern'd Geyser lours;

And flung in steam condensed through fissures forth,

The child of fire, upsent to warm and water earth?" p. 8.

The scenes which Mr. Edwards has described throughout this poem, are rather beautiful than sublime. He has dipped his pencil in the variegated colourings of nature, and on his poetical landscape has pourtrayed some of its richest tints. The notes appended illustrate many passages, which would otherwise remain obscure, and through their assistance the reader is made acquainted with the local history of places and objects which pass in review before him. His numbers in general flow with ease and melody; the language is strong, but not affect ed; intelligible to every reader that can appreciate the beauties of his composition; and corresponding with the ideas which it is calculated to convey.

In the minor pieces, the style of composition is greatly diversified, and the versification assumes a variety of forms. In some of these pieces there is a considerable degree of playful humour, of harmless pleasantry, and of captivating wit. From several of these, could we find room, we would gladly furnish the reader with specimens, especially as the author's sentiments and productions are in perfect accordance with those pure morals, which may be contrasted with the filth of Lord Byron, and the miasma of Peter Pindar.

REVIEW.-Lectures on Physiology.

(Concluded from col. 772.)

Mr. Lawrence, from pages 175 to 181, contrasts the functions of the brain in man, with those of that organ in other animals; and he states the result in the following words.

"The most striking character of the human brain, is the prodigious development of the cerebral lobes, to which no animal, whatever ratio its whole encephalon may bear to its body, affords any parallel." p. 181.

We would here infer, (if we can rightly comprehend him, for he is not very clear upon this point,) that he supposes the mental powers in man to depend upon the development of the cerebral lobes. Uufortunately, however, for this opinion, they happen to be the most exposed part of the human brain; have been oftener injured by external violence; and great masses of their substance have been destroyed, and lost, without affecting the reason in the slightest degree: therefore this prodigious development leaves us just as ignorant, with respect to the present question, as before. Mr. Lawrence felt that his work would have been incomplete if he had not attacked the truth of the scriptures, and his failure in this attempt, as it serves to confirm our belief, so it proves the weakness of the cause he advocates.

"The Mosaic account does not, however, make it quite clear, that the inhabitants of all the world descended from Adam and Eve. tion of the various writings comprehended in Moreover, the entire, or even partial, inspirathe Old Testament, has been, and is doubted by many persons, including learned divines, and distinguished oriental biblical scholars. The account of the creation, and subsequent events, has the allegorical figurative character common to eastern compositions; and it is distinguished among the cosmogonies by a simple grandeur and natural sublimity, as the rest of these writings are, by appropriate beauties in their respective parts, not inferior to those of any human compositions." p. 230.

Now, really, we think the descendance from Adam and Eve cannot be more clearly expressed, than where it is told that "Eve is the mother of all living." What other meaning can be ascribed to the passage? There is an old adage which probably would apply to Mr. Lawrence upon many occasions, but particularly here, "None so blind as they who will not see." As for the other part of his objection,

that the scriptures have been doubted by many learned divines; let us take it so, and even then, upon his own principles, the balance will be much against him. For one who has doubted, one hundred thousand have believed, in the truth of the scriptures; and yet Mr. Lawrence, upon such data, would have them discredited. His conclusion is at variance with all logical rules of argument, for the grounds of probability are in favour of the opposite side of the question to that which he has adopted.

In fine, Has the matter been fairly stated? Has Mr. Lawrence candidly informed his pupils of the facts? He did not address them thus:-"Gentlemen, a few solitary individuals, men of reason, talents, judgment, and good sense, and among whom I include myself, have doubted the truth of the scriptures; but on the other hand, they have received universal assent; their truth has been generally acknowledged, during ages of ages, by all ranks and classes-from the most learned to the most illiterate; and, moreover, they still continue to receive implicit faith from the great bulk of civilized society-from the monarch on his throne, to the beggar in his hovel and, notwithstanding occasional attempts are made to shake their credit, and confute their doctrines, their immediate refutation gives them additional splendour, and strengthens the grounds of their truth. Such, gentlemen, are the arguments pro and con; such are the facts upon which I would have you embrace my creed, and assent to my doctrines."

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66 we

"In the first chapter," he says,
learn God created man, male and fe-
male. and this appears to have been
previously to the formation Eve."
With all due submission, we take the
first chapter to be a general account
of those circumstances, of which the
subsequent chapters give a more de-
tailed and particular history. We
ask Mr. Lawrence-Would it invali-
date the testimony of a man, that he
should say his wife had two children
at a birth, but afterwards acknow-
ledged that they being male and fe-
male, the male was born first? An-
other formidable objection in the eyes
of Mr. Lawrence, is, the representa-
tion of the animals being brought
before Adam, in the first instance, to
be named; and subsequently being
collected in the Ark together; this
he holds to be zoologically impos-

"But when we extend our survey, to the
rest of the mammalia, we find at all points
abundant proofs, of animals being confined to
particular situations, and being so completely
adapted, by their structure and functions, by
their whole organization, economy, and habits,
to the local peculiarities of temperature, soil,
food, &c. that they cannot subsist where these
are no longer found."
p. 231.

Agreeably to the principles upon which he would support this objection, the actual existence of man might be disproved, being, according to them, both physiologically and zoologically impossible. The physiological history of man proves, that his existence has a beginning, and we can trace the means by which this end is accomplished-but how did the first man obtain existence? how was he produced? By the interposition of an ex

Such a statement, though it might not have answered Mr. Lawrence's purpose, would yet have had the me-traordinary power, but this is conrit of candour and honesty. As to the allegorical figurative character, common to eastern compositions, and which resemble the scripture writings, we can only observe, that his statement is rather too comprehensive for us; and as Mr. Lawrence has not been so obliging as to direct our attention particularly to them, we have only the alternative to accept the fact upon his own assertion; and the usual limitation, that "assertion is no proof,' must have its full force in this instance.

In a note to this paragraph, Mr. Lawrence endeavours to point out an inconsistency in the Book of Genesis,

trary to all observation-to all the observable phenomena in the history of human existence. What would Mr. Lawrence say to any one who would, upon such grounds, deny existence, either animal or material? But Mr. Lawrence would have us concede to him, the extraordinary exercise of an almighty power, to account for the production of the first man; nay, not only for that of the first man, but also for that of the first of each of those varieties, into which he has thought proper to divide the race; and yet he will not grant the same to have any weight against his zoological impossibility. But after

all, for what would he have this concession?—that he may thus be enabled to infer that man's origin is not derived from a first parent-and that the Mosaic account of the creation is a mere fairy tale. But how does Mr. Lawrence know that there was that variety of season and climate, before the deluge, which now actually exists? -2dly. Might not the enmity sown between man and savage animals be the cause of their present abodes, and the consequent peculiarities in their constitutions? It is a fact, to be observed every day, that as places become more cultivated, and more thickly inhabited, the wild animals desert them, and seek other habitations. There are many ways of reconciling this anomaly-this zoological impossibility.

hood of his doctrines to be a matter of great moment in a pathological view, We grant the establishing of the falsehood as of great importance, so far as respects those diseases, termed mental: but if this truth were fully proved, it would lead to the adoption of a practice, which experience has proved to be very often totally inefficient, frequently inert, and sometimes injurious. An appeal to facts will establish the truth of these assertions. Mr. Lawrence's doctrines would induce us to depend wholly upon active and vigorous medical treatment, in all cases of mental alienation; but experience has shewn, that they, who rely upon such a plan, will often be disappointed; not only in those diseases which we shall, for distinction sake, term purely mental, but also in many of those deranged organic functions, which are sometimes the consequence or result of the excessive operations of the mind: but surely we shall not henceforward reject the advantages which medical treatment derives from pleasant society, journeys, amusements, watering places, &c. merely to revive again old and obsolete hypotheses, which have been already ad

We have now examined the principal part of Mr. Lawrence's metaphysical opinions, and the arguments he adduces in their support; and we mean to confine our observations to this part only, as the most interesting to society in general. We have done our best to present our readers with the real state of the arguments, and we leave the further determination upon this important question to their judg-vanced and confuted, and advanced ment. As a conclusion, however, we shall take a cursory view of the consequences of the doctrines he would establish,

Mr. Lawrence deprecates all ideas of sinister motives, and we fully acquit him of any such intention: he declares that he has been actuated only by a love of truth; and indeed we give him full credit for the best intentions. We really do not believe he would willingly misrepresent, that he might wantonly deceive; and we consequently regret, that upon such an important question he should have been so entirely deserted by his better judgment. He qualifies his assertions, by repeatedly avowing that he is merely speaking physiologically and he only means to say, that "the immaterial soul of man cannot be detected in the blood and filth of the dissecting room," we think that would have been most willingly conceded to him. But if he would assert, that the same proposition can be logically true, and physiologically false; we reply, that the thing is impossible, and therefore is not fact. He farther declares, the establishing of the truth or false

and refuted again and again.

We shall now consider these doctrines, with respect to polity and ethics; and in these points of view, the consequences become of the most serious moment. According to these opinions, in this life consists the sum of human existence; and therefore, all apprehension from transgressing any law, either divine or human, perishes in the grave. Then we askWhat security has his majesty, or his government, in the oath of allegiance? What security does the coronation oath present to the subject? These ceremonies, instituted with such views, performed with such solemnity, cannot be defended even as the follies of matter of form, for they are actually worse than ridiculous.

Who is secure from the murderer, the robber, the assassin, or the perjured? Who is there that will not assume these characters whenever it may promote his objects, or suit his purposes? There is no moral responsibility-no punishment beyond the grave. It may indeed be said, that society can punish crimes, and thus deter from committing them. How

many crimes are there, against which human prudence cannot provide? The rich adulterer may destroy the peace of his poorer neighbour, and, by means of his misapplied wealth, baffle every punishment-all attempts to make him responsible. But where is the society to punish? where the individual who is not himself a criminal? Take away all moral responsibility, and man instantly sinks below the level of the brute. Such a state of things cannot be: it is contrary to the pure dictates of reason and common sense. Who would bear the troubles and disappointments, the anxieties and vexations of this life, when so easy a remedy is offered in the grave, when so effectual a release is presented in self-destruction. Such are the necessary consequences of these opinions. Doctrines which would at once bring the noblest on a par with the lowest works of the Creator-which would reduce the master-piece in divine mechanism-the boast of heaven-the pride of angels-the glory of providence-below the level of the brute.

The very consequences-the necessary results of these opinions, are sufficiently adequate to their refutation. Indeed, that such opinions have been entertained, is nothing new, and that such may continue occasionally to be entertained, is neither wonderful nor extraordinary. When we reflect that a Berkeley not only doubted the existence, but denied the reality of matter; we cannot be surprised that a Lawrence should be found, who, believing in its existence, would assign to it all the attributes of the divinity.


A workman employed in removing the foundation of an old house near Montpellier, found a glass bottle hermetically sealed: it was found to contain, in an excellent state of preservation, a Latin inscription on vellum.-The following is a translation:-"Mortal! thou hast found a treasure! Here are placed before thee, FAITH IN CHRIST, and MODERATION in things terrestrial. The bottle is neither empty, nor of little worth, which affords cheerfulness to the mind, and health to the body. Quaff off this, and thou shalt imbibe what is more precious than the juice of Falernum or Chios. So wrote John Locke, Englishman, in the year of our Lord 1675,"


With an Engraving.

THERE is nothing either new or astonishing in the simple erection of monuments to commemorate the exploits of heroes, and transmit a nation's gratitude to posterity. These tributes of respect, and trophies of victorious honour, are not confined either to creeds or national peculiarities. In some form or other they may be found in every climate, and among all the gradations of society, from the rude barbarian to the polished citizen, who displays the refinements and elegancies of social life.

Nor has the erection of monuments been confined to any particular age. In following the stream of time, they may be traced from the most remote antiquity; and through every century we find them scattered on its margin. Some periods, indeed, are more thickly sown with these silent recorders of victorious exploits than others, much depending on the prevailing taste of the age, and the character of that community, whose deeds of prowess are to be thus preserved, in these public archives of national glory.

Forming our judgments from the catalogues of works in bronze, and the various critiques written upon them, and handed to us by Plutarch, Pliny, Pausanias, and other writers of antiquity, we cannot but conclude that this art was held in high estimation by the Greeks; but at what particular period the casting of statues in metal began, it is rather difficult to ascertain. In the infancy of this art, the metal was sometimes beaten into plates of various dimensions, which were afterwards rivetted together; and occasionally statues were cast in solid figures; but considerable advances had been made in this latter branch about four centuries before the Christian era. This art was afterwards carried to the highest state of perfection by Lysippus and his disciples; and so numerous were the works produced about this time, that notwithstanding the vast quantities transported to Rome in the days of Nero, Pliny asserts, that upwards of 3000 were to be seen in the island of

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