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Sermons; Mason on Self-Knowledge; as attempt the acquisition of it by their own Law's Serious Call; Doddridge's Rise exertions.

and Progress of Religion in the Soul;thropists, political and private, suggested by Preparing for publication, Lives of Philanand Kempis's Christian Pattern, revised and improved by Wesley.

By carefully perusing the above works, and importunately praying to Almighty God for divine illumination, Ignoramus may be made "wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus"-and ultimately fitted for the enjoyment of the regions of immortality.

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Foster's Essay on Decision of Character.

Sequel to an unfinished manuscript of Henry Kirk White's, designed to illustrate the contrast afforded by Christians and Infidels at the

close of life.

In the Press, and speedily will be published, An Historical Sketch of the United States of America, with personal observations, made during a residence of several years in that country, by Isaac Holmes, in 1 vol. 8vo.

The 10th Quarterly Number of the Investigator will be published on the First of October.

The Heir of Kenningmuir, a tale, in 3 vols, by Thomas Angus Lyle, Esq.

The Rev. T. Durant, of Poole, has in the Press, a second edition, with corrections, of Memoirs and Select Remains of an only Son, in 2 vols. 12mo.

An Abridgment of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, in a Series of Letters from a Father to his Daughter, chiefly intended for the Use and Advancement of FeF.A. and F.L.S. male Education, by a Barrister at Law, F.R.

The Cento, a volume of prose selections, from the most approved works of living authors, will be published in the course of the ensuing month.

Just Published, The Returning Sinner assured of a successful reception at the foot of the Cross, third edition, by S. Nichols.

The 4th edition, boards, Friendly Hints,

REPLY TO A QUERY ON THE KING OF principally addressed to the youth of both



SIR, I have waited until your number for June was published, to see whether there would be any reply to the query proposed by S. H. col. 486. respecting the King of Poland's speech. As no reply has been given, I take the liberty of informing her, that she may find it (whether it is the one she requires I am not certain) in the Arminian Magazine for 1785, page 97. The volume mentioned is the only book in which I have ever seen a speech of the King of Poland. LECTOR.

Literary Notices.

Preparing for the Press, in 1 vol. 8vo. Essays and Sketches, in prose, by George Milner, Jun. author of Stanzas written on a Summer's evening, and other Poems.

The Rev. B. Andrews, of Trowbridge, intends putting to the press, as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained, A Greek Lexicon, for the Septuagint, New Testament, and Apocrypha, in which the significations of the words will be given in Latin and English. An introduction to the Greek Language will be prefixed, for the benefit of such

sexes; uniting subjects the most pleasing and instructive, relative to the duties of this life, and the joys of Immortality; interspersed with striking anecdotes, by J. Doncaster.

Letters to a Member of Parliament on the Character and Writings of Baron Swedenborg, by the Rev. J. Clowes.

A few Plain Answers to the Question, "Why do you receive the Testimony of the Hon. E. Swedenborg.?" 4th edition,

Mr. Shoveller has just published a second edition, (much improved,) of his Plain Dialogues, designed to relieve from various difficulties connected with the Doctrines of Predestination, Spiritual Inability, Christian Perthe severance, and the Law of God, as it relates to

Believer; and to correct some popular

abuses of those subjects.

Average Price of Grain per Quarter, for the 12 Districts, from the Gazette.

Wheat. Barley.Oats. Rye. Beans. Peas. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Aug.24.41 11 18 7 18 020 0 24 5 24 7 31.38 9 19 8 17 4 19 11 23 9 24 0

Sept. 7.38 8 21 2 17

819 8 23 2 24 3

14.39 4 22 11 18 018 1 23 2 25

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COMMERCIAL REPORT, LIVERPOOL, 24th SEPTEMBER, 1822. THERE is great steadiness in the consumptive demand for produce in general; and although the operations of the market have been chiefly confined to the transactions of the dealers and consumers, yet in some instances a speculative inquiry has arisen for several articles, no doubt arising from a conviction, that the prevailing low rates will eventually check the production in some degree.

The sales of Cotton, since our last, have been on a most extended scale; amounting to upwards of 55,000 packages, a quantity unprecedented during so short a space of time; and although it must be allowed, that a great proportion of the above quantity was in a measure forced on the market, yet during the last week an improvement in price, as well as in demand, has taken place. There was an animated inquiry for all kinds of Cotton during the week, both by the trade and speculators, further assisted by some orders for export: the holders have in consequence obtained a small advance in Boweds, Orleans, and Maranhams. Pernams have likewise participated in the improvement. For Sea-Islands, a speculative inquiry has appeared, and considerable business has been done in them. On the 20th inst. were offered by auction, 1025 Demeraras, of which 796 was sold from 7 d. to 11 d. the quality, ordinary to fine; 206 Barbadoes, 164 sold from 7d. to 8d. ordinary to fair; 28 West-Indies, 24 sold from 7d. to 8d. middling to good; 1259 offered, 984 sold.

The sale was not numerously attended, but went off at full prices, particularly the inferior qualities. The following is the result of the sales by private treaty :

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7745 Bags of Bowed,

from 5 to 8


583 Bags of Bahias,

d. from 8 to 98

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Sugars.-There was a good demand for British Plantation Sugars during the week, and upwards of 1000 casks sold at an advance of 1s. to 2s. per cwt. 400 bags of East India also brought rather better prices, low and middling white, 70s. 6d. to 73s.; good, 74s. 3d. to 75s. 3d. 200 chests and boxes Brazil Sugar, brought to auction on the 19th instant, were all sold. Low to good Brazil, 17s. to 19s. 6d.; yellows, 19s. 9d. to 21s. 9d.; low to middling white, 23s. 6d. to 30s. up to 33s. for good white.

Tobacco. Middling and good qualities of Virginia and Kentucky, stemmed, have been in good demand.

Dry Salteries-Montreal Pots sell at 36s. to 37s. Pearls at 42s. per cwt. The business done in Dyewoods during the last eight days, has been very considerable, consisting of 100 tons Jamaica Logwood, £8. 2s. to £8. 5s. 50 tons Campeachy, £9. 5s. to £10. 60 tons of Cuba Fustic, £10. 10s. 200 tons of Spanish Fustic, £6. to £9. per ton. Nicaragua Wood fetches now £50. per ton. In Mediterranean produce, 30 tons of Sicily Brimstone have been taken at £22. 15s. to £23. per ton; and some small lots of Sumach, at 9s. 6d. to 20s. per ton.

Notwithstanding the heavy imports of hides, the demand continues unabated, and the sales of last week were, 15,200 Buenos Ayres Dry Cow and Ox, at 10 d. to 12 d. per lb.; 1900 Salted, at 6 d. to 63d. per lb.; and 36,700 Buenos Ayres Horse Hides, at 5s. 6d. to 6s. per hide. The imports of German and Dutch Bark have nearly closed, and the prices are looking up.

Corn Market. Our market remains very inactive; prices, however, are fully supported for the finer descriptions of Wheat, but inferior qualities may be bought at rather lower rates. There has been a little inquiry for bonded grain, but holders prefer exporting on their own account rather than accept the prices offered.



Emperial Magazine ;





No. 11.-Of Physical or Natural Evil, as a Consequence of Moral Evil.

HAVING in the preceding number demonstrated the existence and general nature of moral evil, it must surely appear evident to every one, that if there be a Moral Head over this part of the universe, moral evil, which is sin, must be attended with physical evil, which is punishment. Accordingly, we see and feel this indeed to be the case; which is a demonstration (glory be to the Just One!) that the moral, as well as the physical, part of the universe, has a Lawgiver and a Judge.

Certainly indeed, but not more certainly, is his eternal power and godhead, in a physical sense, demonstrated by the works he has made; than it is, in a moral sense, by the manner in which he continually executes his providence; which is constantly and invariably, could we only comprehend it fully, a most decided approval of that which is right, and as decided a testimony against that which is wrong.

in the briers and thorns which teem from its surface all over, nor in the noxious quality of plants which every where abound, nor in the ferocious nature of animals, which have cast off their allegiance to their rightful sovereign, and have usurped dominion over him; but in matters which more immediately concern the happiness and well-being of man in this life. Man, on account of sin, is exposed to diseases, diseases too, of a long and lamentable train. Diseases now, seem to have their origin from the very constitution of his animal frame; so that not an individual is exempted from them, but all are liable to be seized at one period or another. Some diseases are now conveyed from parent to child, like an hereditary possession; which may appear in the earliest days of infancy; or occur equally at all ages; or lurk in the constitution unsuspected even to the latest old age, when at last they will break out with the utmost violence, and put an end to life. Some diseases are now born with us, and others are sucked in with the nurse's milk. There is now no stage of life, nor sex, exempted from them, whether infancy, youth, or old age, male or female. The climate itself, under which people live, may now produce diseases, because the balance between men and the variable temperatures of the globe, and mutability of the weather, is nearly destroyed; so that the heaven over head sometimes becomes to him as brass, and the earth iron. An immense number of diseases may also be produced by impure air, or such as is loaded with putridity, marshy, and other noxious vapours. The same thing may happen likewise from corrupted aliment, whether meat or drink; though even the best and most nutritious aliment will hurt, if it be taken in too great quantity; not to mention poisons, which are endowed Every thing now bears evidence with such pernicious qualities, that that God hath smitten the earth with even when taken in a very small quana curse. Not only is this to be seentity, they produce the most grievous No. 46.-VOL. IV.

All the train of physical evils to which the inhabitants of this globe are exposed, from that which occasions the slightest uneasiness we can well conceive, up to the extinction of life itself, derive their origin from moral evil. It was sin

"Brought death into the world, with all our woe."

"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death has from that fatal period, with a demonstration which


never be controverted, passed through, from this one root to all the branches, in all succeeding generations, for that all have sinned." Rom.

v. 12.

3 R

diseases, or perhaps even death itself. | amalgamated into one consistent symAnd also, to what innumerable acci- metrical scheme, which scheme or dents and dangers are mankind now whole is the Mystery of Good and Evil, exposed, by storms and tempests, which at first lay hid in the forbidden hurricanes and earthquakes, and thun- tree; but now being evolved, it apder and lightning; which are so many pears to natural reason, as if it had physical evils in the hand of the Judge been the original ordination of things: of all the earth, and are occasionally as if things never had existed, with reemployed to admonish the inhabit- spect to this globe, in any other condiants thereof to consider their ways. tion. Hence the difficulty to be encountered in reasoning with men who see things only with their fleshly organs, but have not spiritual penetration to discern, nor moral ingenuity and candour to admit, even when delineated to their view, the whole of the scheme as it actually existed from the beginning. But as the apostle said of the gospel," If our gospel be hid, or vailed, it is vailed only to them that destroy themselves:" so may we say here; for there is no subject with which we are acquainted more clearly demonstrated than this of Moral and Physical Good and Evil.

Hitherto, however, we have mentioned only the dangers which come from without; but those are not less, nor fewer in number, which come from within. At every breath, man pours forth a deadly poison both to himself and others. Neither are the effluvia of the lungs alone hurtful: there flows out from every pore of the body a most subtile and poisonous matter, perhaps of a putrescent nature, which being long accumulated, and not allowed to diffuse itself through the air, infects the body with most grievous diseases; nor does it stop here, but it produces a contagion which spreads devastation far and wide among mankind. The solid parts of the body sometimes become flabby, soft, and almost dissolved, and unfit for their proper uses; and the fluids are sometimes inspissated, and formed even into the hardest solid masses. As the heart itself, in a moral sense, is compared to the hardest stone, so, literally, in a physical view, we have seen it ossified, and converted into bone; hence impeded actions of the organs, vehement pain, various and grievous diseases. Lastly, some animals are now to be reckoned among the causes of diseases to others; namely, such as support their life at the expense of others; and these either invade us from without, or take up their residence within the body, gnawing the bowels while the person is yet alive, not only with great danger and distress to the patient, but sometimes even producing death itself.*

Having thus demonstrated the existence of physical, as well as moral evil, we now remark, in the words of our author, or nearly so, that by reason of the blending above mentioned, the scheme of contrast which nature originally exhibited, and the new contrast of sin, disease, and death, by which she was afterwards tainted, are

* See Edinburgh Practice of Physic, Vol. I. Page 4. Theory of Medicine.

But did our limits permit, we might prosecute the subject still further, in order to bring out some important developments which yet remain on this subject.

Passing these, however, at present, we go on to inquire how the scale of grace, which is the device of infinite wisdom for rescuing mankind from their morally lapsed condition, comes to be formed. Be it therefore remembered, that the subject we are treating, is moral evil; and that there is but one method only for the removal of it. We can easily conceive of a thing which is foul being made clean by washing, scouring, and such like operations, according to the nature of the material. But this is not the case with moral evil. The pollutions of the body may be removed by such means, but those of the soul never can. Moral evil can never be removed by external violence, or mechanical force. The wise king of Jerusalem had the true and philosophical view of this subject when he said, "Though you bray a fool in a mortar, among wheat, with a pestle, yet will not his folly depart from him." No; such means are inadequate to the end. The source of moral evil consists, as we have remarked, in the total inversion or perversion of all the powers of the mind. Now the question is, How are these to be restored? As the thing can never be effected by mechanical

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means, which act merely upon material body; so neither will it yield to the mere speculations and theories of moralists; for these, it will be found, are as inapplicable to the circumstances of the case, as are the mechanical powers above mentioned. What reformation did ever moralists or their theories, even the best, produce in the earth? It is too much to say, that their help has been but small, that they have done nothing, that they have left men where they found them; for they have rendered matters a great deal worse. All the little traces of moral principle which were written upon the heart of men, and all the knowledge of God, which might be derived from his works, or handed down by tradition, they have darkened, perplexed with a thousand doubts, and placed their disciples in a situation worse than they were before. Neither master nor scholar could ever arrive at any certain principles, by which they might trace back their way to God. This is the peculiar work of the gospel; and as it is the work of the gospel only, so it is the gospel alone, without human aid, which effects the whole. This is the instrument of power over moral corruption, though weak in the eyes of flesh. It is not by swords of steel, nor the battle-axe of the warrior, nor yet the theories of men; but by my word, saith the Lord. The words of Jehovah are living and powerful; their effects are like those of a hammer which breaks, or a fire which burns and consumes whatever combustible matter is opposed to it; nothing can withstand their force.

But it may be asked, What is it in or about the gospel, which produces such amazing effects as have been ascribed to it?

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ascribed to the resurrection of the Saviour, by which he was declared to be the Son of God with power; with the greatest power of evidence of his divine mission; and with power to rescue his people, and to defeat their foes. For, "for this cause was the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." In a fifth respect, it may be ascribed to his ascension: "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son; much more, being reconciled, by his death, namely, we shall be saved by his life; by the life that he now lives in heaven at the right hand of God: For he is our advocate with the Father: and as a merciful and faithful high priest, he ever liveth to make intercession for us." In a sixth view, it may be ascribed to the descent and influences of the holy Spirit: “For if ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give his holy Spirit unto them that ask him. It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing. And verily, verily, 1 say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." And, lastly, in a seventh view, it may be ascribed to the Word of God, which is the record God hath given of his Son; and by which believers are regenerated or born again, not of corruptible seed, but by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." To all these particulars, in their different bearings, may the effects produced by the gospel be ascribed, in regard to God. By these his love is manifested in a manner that affects the heart: "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly." But this is not the manner of men: For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet peradventure for a good man, a benevolent man, whose diffusive goodness has been felt all around, some, smitten with a sense of his disinterested love, would even dare to die." But what is all this to the example of God? "For God commendeth his love towards us," in higher strains, and well he may, "in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Now we are informed, that this is the doctrine which reconciles sinners to God: for it runs, "When we were ene


In answer to which, in one view, we may say, It is the love, and not the wrath, of an offended God: "We love him because he first loved us." In another view, we may say, It is by his gifts of kindness: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him might not perish, but have everlasting life." In a third view of the subject, it may be ascribed to the death of the Saviour: for, "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be a propitiation formies, we were reconciled to God by the our sins." In a fourth view, it may be death of his Son." This manifestation

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