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Till grace to glory, rise.

3. Thy glorious purpose, Lord, fulfil; Let all thy glory see;

And, as in heaven, thy will is done,
On earth, so let it be.

4. Our wants with every morning grow,
With food, these wants supply;
And on our souls, that BREAD bestow,
To eat-and never die.

5. Our sins before thee, we confess;
O may they be forgiven;
As we to others, mercy show,
We mercy beg of Heav'n.

6. Still let thy grace our life direct;

From every evil, guard our way;

And in temptation's fatal path,

Permit us not to stray.

ΝΟ. 17. 8,7 & 4. NEWTON. Day of Judgment.


AY of judgment, day of wonders!
Hark! the trumpet's awful sound,

Louder than ten thousand thunders,
Shakes the vast creation round!
How the summons

Will the sinner's heart confound!
2. See the Judge, our nature wearing!
Cloth'd in majesty divine !
You, who long for his appearing,
Then shall say, "This God is mine."
Gracious Savior,

Own me in that day, for thine!

3. At his call, the dead awaken,

Rise to life, from earth and sea; All the powers of nature, shaken By his looks, prepare to flee. Careless sinner,

7. For thine's the power, the kingdom, thine, 4. Horrors past imagination,

All glory's due to thee;

Thine from eternity they were,

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And thine shall ever be.

NO. 15. 8 & 7. NEWTON.

Zion's Prospect.

LORIOUS things of thee are spoken!
Zion, city of our God!

He, whose word cannot be broken,
Form'd thee for his own abode.

On the Rock of ages, founded,
What can shake thy sure repose?
With salvation's wall, surrounded,
Thou may'st smile at all thy foes.

2. See, the streams of living waters,
Springing from eternal love,
Well supply thy sons and daughters,
And all fear of want remove.
Who can faint, while such a river


Ever flows, their thirst t'assuage? Grace, which, like the Lord the giver, Never fails, from age to age.


ΝΟ. 16. 8 & 7. FRANCIS. Property devoted to Christ. ITH my substance, I will honor My Redeemer and my Lord; Were ten thousand worlds my manor, All were nothing to his word. 2. While the heralds of salvation His abounding grace proclaim Let his friends of every station, Gladly join to spread his fame. 3. May his kingdom be promoted; May the world the Savior know; Be my all to him devoted;

To my Lord, my all I owe.

4. Praise the Savior, all ye nations,
Praise him, all ye hosts above;
Shout with joyful acclamations,
His divine, victorious love.

What will then become of thee?

Will surprise your trembling heart, When you hear your condemnation, "Hence, accursed wretch, depart! Thou with Satan

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Shall my love and glory know." 6. Under sorrows and reproaches, May this thought our courage raise, Swiftly God's great day approaches; Sighs shall then be chang'd to praise. May we triumph,


When the world is in a blaze!

NO. 18. L. M. WATTS. Ps. 15.
The Citizen of Zion.

WHO shall ascend thy heav'nly place

Great God, and dwell before thy face

The man, that minds religion now,
And humbly walks with God below;
2 Whose hands are pure, whose heartis clean
Whose lips still speak the thing they mean-
No slanders dwell upon his tongue;
He hates to do his neighbor wrong.

3. Scarce will he trust an ill report,
Nor vent it to his neighbor's hurt;
Sinners of state he can despise;
But saints are honor'd in his eyes.
4. Firm to his word, he ever stood,
And always made his promise good;
Nor dares to change the thing he swears,
Whatever pain or loss he bears.
5. He never deals in bribing gold;
And mourns, that justice should be sold;
While others gripe and grind the poor,
Sweet charity attends his door.

Le loves his enemies, and prays or those that curse him to his face; nd doth to all men still the same, hat he would hope or wish from them. Tet when his holiest works are done, Lis soul depends on grace alone; This is the man, thy face shall see, and dwell for ever, Lord, with thee.

NO. 19. S. M. WATTS. Ps. 19. The Book of Nature and Scripture.


EHOLD the lofty sky
Declares its maker God;

d all his starry works on high,
Proclaim his pow'r abroad.
2. The darkness and the light
Still keep their course the same ;
nile night to day, and day to night,
Divinely teach his name,
3. In ev'ry diff'rent land,

Their general voice is known; mey shew the wonders of his hand, And orders of his throne, 4. Ye Christian lands, rejoice; Here he reveals his word, e are not left to nature's voice, To bid us know the Lord. 5. While of thy works I sing, Thy glory to proclaim, ccept the praise, my God, my King, In my Redeemer's name.


NO. 20. S. M. WATTS. Ps. 19.
God's Word most excellent.
EHOLD the morning sun

B Begins his glorious way

is beams through all the nations run, And life and light convey. 2. But where the Gospel comes,

It spreads diviner light,

- calls dead sinners from their tombs,
And gives the blind their sight.
3. How perfect is thy word!
And all thy judgments just;
For ever sure, thy promise, Lord,
And men securely trust.
4. My gracious God, how plain
Are thy directions giv'n!
O may I never read in vain;
But find the path to heav'n.

NO. 21. L. P. M. WATTS. Ps. 19.
God's Glory in the Heavens.


REAT God, the heav'n's well order'd frame

Declares the glory of thy name;

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NO. 22. S. M. WATTS. Ps. 45.
Triumphs of Christ.
Y Savior and my King,

Thy lips with blessings overflow,
And ev'ry grace is thine.
2. Now make thy glory known;
Gird on thy dreadful sword;

And ride in majesty, to spread
The conquests of thy word.
3. Strike through thy stubborn foes;
Or melt their hearts, t'obey;
While justice, meekness, grace and truth,
Attend thy glorious way.
4. Thy laws, O God, are right;
Thy throne shall ever stand;
And thy victorious gospel prove
A sceptre in thy hand.




NO. 23. C. M. WATTS. Ps. 47.
Christ ascending and reigning.
a shout of sacred joy
To God, the sov'reign King!
Let ev'ry land their tongues employ,
And hymns of triumph sing.
2. Jesus our God ascends on high;
His heav'nly guards around,
Attend him rising through the sky,
With trumpets' joyful sound.

3. While angels shout and praise their King,
Let mortals learn their strains;
Let all the earth his honors sing;
O'er all the earth he reigns.

4. Rehearse his praise with awe profound;
Let knowledge lead the song;
Nor mock him with a solemn sound
Upon a thoughtless tongue.

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There thy rich works of wonder shine; 2. No more shall bold blasphemers say,

And near the western sky.

"Judgment will ne'er begin;"

No more abuse his long delay,

Of boundless pow'r and skill divine.

To impudence and sin.

A thousand starry beauties there,

A thousand radiant marks appear,

3. Thron'd on a cloud, our God shall come; 2. Not Sinai's mountain could appear

Bright flames prepare his way; Thunder and darkness, fire and storm

Lead on the dreadful day.

4. Heav'n from above, his call shall hear, Attending angels come;

And earth and hell shall know and fear

His justice, and their doom. 5. "But gather all my saints (he cries) "That made their peace with God, "By the Redeemer's sacrifice, "And seal'd it with his blood.


6. "Their faith and works, brought forth to
"Shall make the world confess,
"My sentence of reward is right,
"And heav'n adore my grace."

NO. 25. L. M. WATTS. Ps. 50.
A penitent pleading for pardon.
HEW pity, Lord; O Lord, forgive;
Let a repenting rebel live;
Are not thy mercies large and free?
May not a sinner trust in thee?

1. SHE

2. My crimes are great, but can't surpass
The power and glory of thy grace;
Great God, thy nature hath no bound;
So let thy pard'ning love be found.

3. O wash my soul from ev'ry sin,
And make my guilty conscience clean;
Here on my heart, the burden lies,
And past offences pain my eyes.

4. Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord,
Whose hope still hov'ring round thy word,
Would light on some sweet promise there,
Some sure support against despair.

NO. 26. S. M. WATTS. Ps. 61.
Safety in God.
1. WHEN overwhelm'd with grief,
My heart within me dies,
Helpless, and far from all relief,
To heav'n, I lift my eyes.
2. O lead me to the Rock,
That's high above my head;
And make the covert of thy wings,
My shelter and my shade.
3. Within thy presence, Lord,
Forever I'll abide;

Thou art the tow'r of my defence,
The refuge, where I hide.
4. Thou givest me the lot
Of those that fear thy name;

If endless life be their reward,
I shall possess the same.

NO. 27. L. M. WATTS. Ps. 68.
Christ's Ascension, and the Gift of the Spirit
ORD, when thou didst ascend on high,
Ten thousand angels fill'd the sky;
Those heav'aly guards around thee wait,
Like chariots, that attend thy state.


More glorious, when the Lord was there; While he pronoune'd his dreadful law, And struck the chosen tribes with awe. 3. How bright the triumph, none can tell, When the rebellious pow'rs of hell, That thousand souls had captive made, Were all in chains, like captives, led. 4. Rais'd by his Father, to the throne, He sent the promis'd Spirit down, With gifts and grace for rebel men, That God might dwell on earth again.

NO. 28. L.M. WATTS. Ps. 68.
Common and Spiritual Mercies.

1. WE bless the Lord, the just and good,
Who fills our hearts with joy and food;
Who pours his blessings from the skies,
And loads our days with rich supplies.
2. He sends the sun his circuit round,
To cheer the fruits, to warm the ground
He bids the clouds with plenteous rain
Refresh the thirsty earth again.

3. 'Tis to his care, we owe our breath,
And all our near escapes from death;
Safety and health to God belong;
He helps the weak, and guards the strong

4. He makes the saint and sinner prove
The common blessings of his love;
But the wide difference, that remains,
Is endless joys, or endless pains.

5. The Lord, that bruis'd the serpent's head
On all the serpent's seed shall tread;
The stubborn sinner's hope confound,
And smite him with a lasting wound.
6. But his right hand his saints shall raise
From the deep earth, or deeper seas;
And bring them to his courts above,
There shall they taste his special love.



NO. 29. L. M. WATTS. Ps. 72.
Christ's Kingdom.

ESUS shall reign, where e'er the sun
Does his successive journeys run ;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore
'Till moons shall wax and wane no more

2. Behold the islands, with their kings, And Europe her best tribute brings; From north to south, the princes meet, To pay their homage at his feet. 3. There Persia, glorious to behold; There India shines in eastern gold; And barbarous nations, at his word, Submit and bow and own their Lord. 4. For him, shall endless pray'r be made, And praises throng, to crown his head; His name, like sweet perfume, shall rise With ev'ry morning sacrifice. 5. People and realms of ev'ry tongue, Dwell on his love with sweetest song;

infant voices shall proclaim ir early blessings on his name. sings abound, where e'er he reigns, pris'ner leaps, to loose his chains ; weary find eternal rest;

all the sons of want are blest. ere he displays his healing pow'r, ath and the curse are known no more; nim the tribes of Adam boast

re blessings than their father lost.
- ev'ry creature rise and bring
culiar honors to their king;
gels descend with songs again,
d earth repeat the long Amen.

NO. 30. C. M.

WATTS. Ps. 96.

The latter day Glory.

ING to the Lord, ye distant lands, • Ye tribes of ev'ry tongue; Is new discover'd grace demands A new and nobler song. ay to the nations, Jesus reigns, God's own almighty Son; is pow'r the sinking world sustains, And grace surrounds his throne. et heav'n proclaim the joyful day, Joy through the earth be seen; et cities shine in bright array, And fields in cheerful green. Let an unusual joy surprise The islands of the sea;

Le mountains, sink, ye valleys, rise,
Prepare the Lord his way.
Behold he comes, he comes, to bless
The nations, as their God,
To shew the world his righteousness,
And send his truth abroad.

NO. 31. C. M. WATTS. Ps. 102.
Restoration of Zion.


ET Zion and her Sons rejoice;
Behold the promis'd hour!

Her God hath heard her mourning voice,
And comes t'exalt his pow'r.
Her dust and ruins, that remain,
Are precious in our eyes;
Those ruins shall be built again,
And all that dust shall rise.
The Lord will raise Jerusalem,
And stand in glory there;
Nations shall bow before his name,
And kings attend with fear.
He sits a Sov'reign on his throne,
With pity in his eyes;

He hears the dying pris'ners groan,
And sees their sighs arise.

5. He frees the souls, condemn'd to death; And when his saints complain,

It shan't be said, that praying breath
Was ever spent in vain.

6. This shall be known, when we are dead,
And left on long record,
That ages yet unborn may read,
And trust, and praise the Lord.

NO. 32. Ρ.Μ. 6,6,8,6,6,8. WATTS. Ps. 133



Blessings of Friendship.

OW pleasant 'tis to see

Kindred and friends agree,
Each in their proper station, move,
And each fulfil their part,
With sympathising heart,
In all the cares of life and love.

2. "Tis like the ointment, shed
On Aaron's sacred head,
Divinely rich, divinely sweet!
The oil through all the room,
Diffus'd a choice perfume,

Ran through his robes, and blest his feet,

3. Like fruitful show'rs of rain,
That water all the plain,
Descending from the neighb'ring hills;
Such streams of pleasure roll
Through ev'ry friendly soul,

Where love, like heav'nly dew, distils.

NO. 33. S. P. M. 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4. WATTS. [Ps. 136.



Creation and Redemption.

IVE thanks to God most high,

「The universal Lord,
The sovereign King of kings;
And be his grace ador'd.
His pow'r and grace

Are still the same;
And let his name

Have endless praise.
2. How mighty is his hand!
What wonders hath he done!
He form'd the earth and seas,
And spread the heav'ns alone.
Thy mercy, Lord,
Shall still endure;
And ever sure

Abides thy word.

3. His wisdom fram'd the sun,
To crown the day with light;
The moon and twinkling stars,
To cheer the darksome night.
His power and grace
Are still the same;
And let his name

Have endless praise.

4. He saw the nations lie,
All perishing in sin;
And pity'd the sad state,
The ruin'd world was in.

Thy mercy, Lord,
Shall still endure;
And ever sure

Abides thy word.

5 He sent his only Son,
To save us from our woe,
From Satan, sin and death,
And ev'ry hurtful foe.

His pow'r and grace
Are still the same ;
And let his name

Have endless praise.
6. Give thanks aloud to God,
To God the heav'nly king;
And let the spacious earth
His works and glory sing.
Thy mercy, Lord,
Shall still endure;
And ever sure

Abides thy word.

NO. 34. L. M.

WATTS. Ps. 139.

The All-seeing God.

One glance of thine, one piercing ray,
Would kindle darkness into day.

10. O may those thoughts possess my breast
Where e'er I rove, where e'er I rest;
Nor let my weaker passions dare,
Consent to sin; for God is there.

11. The veil of night is no disguise,
No screen from thy all-searching eyes;
Thy hand can seize thy foes as soon,
Thro' midnight shades, as blazing noon.
12. Midnight and noon in this agree,
Great God, they're both alike to thee.
Not death can hide what God will spy;
And hell lies naked to his eye.

13. O may these thoughts possess my breas
Where e'er I rove, where e'er I rest!
Nor let my weaker passions dare,
Consent to sin, for God is there.

1. LORD, thou hast search'd and seen me 1.

Thine eye commands with piercing view,
My rising and my resting hours,
My heart and flesh, with all their pow'rs.
2. My thoughts, before they are my own,
Are to my God distinctly known.
He knows the words, I mean to speak,
Ere from my op'ning lips, they break.
3. Within thy circling pow'r, I stand;
On ev'ry side, I find thy hand;
Awake, asleep, at home, abroad,
I am surrounded still with God.
4. Amazing knowledge, vast and great!
What large extent! What lofty height!
My soul, with all the pow'rs I boast,
Is in the boundless prospect lost.

5. O may these thoughts possess my breast,
Where e'er I rove, where e'er I rest;
Nor let my weaker passions dare
Consent to sin; for God is there.

6. Could I so false, so faithless prove,

To quit thy service and thy love,

NO. 35. L. P.M. WATTS. Ps. 146.
Everlasting Praise to God.

1. I'LL praise my Maker with my breath

And when my voice is
Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs;
My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
While life and thought and being last,
Or immortality endures.

2. Why should I make a man my trust?
Princes must die, and turn to dust;

Vain is the help of flesh and blood; Their breath departs, their pomp & pow'r And thoughts all vanish in an hour;

Nor can they make their promise good

3. Happy the man, whose hopes rely
On Israel's God. He made the sky,

And earth and seas, with all their train
His truth for ever stands secure ;
He saves th'opprest; he feeds the poor;

And none shall find his promise vain.
4. The Lord hath eyes, to give the blind;
The Lord supports the sinking mind;
He sends the lab'ring conscience peace
He helps the stranger in distress,
The widow and the fatherless;

And grants the pris'ner sweet release.

Where, Lord, could I thy presence shun? 5. He loves his saints; he knows them well

Or from thy dreadful glory, run ?

7. If up to heav'n, I take my flight,

'Tis there, thou dwell'st, enthron'd in light;
Or dive to hell, there vengeance reigns ;
And Satan groans beneath thy chains.

8. If mounted on a morning ray,
I fly beyond the western sea,
Thy swifter hand would first arrive,
And there arrest thy fugitive.
9. Or should I try to shun thy sight
Beneath the spreading veil of night,

But turns the wicked down to hell.

Thy God, O Zion, ever reigns.
Let ev'ry tongue, let ev'ry age,
In this exalted work engage;

Praise him in everlasting strains.
6. I'll praise him, while he lends me breath;
And when my voice is lost in death,

Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs;
My days of praise shall ne'er be past,
While life and thought and being last,
Or immortality endures.

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