II and 12th. Pulld the Flax at home. II. Got in the most of the Mill Wheat, but was prevented finishing by Rain. Three white Men (Cradlers) cut down abt. 10 or 12 Acres of Muddy hole Wheat. 12. Hands went to Muddy hole and finishd Harvesting the wheat there - that is cutting and securing it in shocks. 13. Some hands went and got the Residue of the Mill Wheat into the House, and all the Rest with the Cradlers went into the Neck and cut down and securd little more than 20 Acres of Wheat. 14. The hands from the Mill joind the others, and altogether finishd the Cut of Wheat (containing 50 Acres) at the Orchard point, great part of which was very thick, Rank and heavy cuttg. 15. Began cuttg. the Wheat next to it on the River side. Abt. One Oclock was stopd. by Rain, which continued the whole afternoon. 16. Finishd this cut and began the one next to the House. This day it also Raind and stopd the Harvest abt. an hour or two. 17. Dischargd three Cradlers, keepg. only Jonathan Palmer and Eliab Roberts.' 18. Nine Cradlers at work, including the two white men. 20th. About 11 Oclock finishd Harvesting the Wheat in the Neck; that is cutting it down and securing it in shocks. 'In Ledger A, Washington has entered this payment as to Abner Roberts. 1768] THE WHEAT RUST In the whole, allowing for the time lost by Rain, we were six days doing it. 20. About 2 Oclock in the Afternoon began to cut the Field at Doeg Run, containing 150 Acres, with 10 Cradlers - 3 of them sorry hands. 21. Finishd one quarter of the above field abt. 2 Oclock. Note this cut was in places greatly injured by the Rust. 22. About 2 Oclock finishd another Cut in this field, being of the same size of the last. This was also injured by Rust as well as by the frosts. 23. At 12 Oclock finishd the third cut of 371⁄2 Acres at Doeg Run and clapd into the last one. 25. Finishd the last cut abt. One Oclock this day (Monday) part of wch. was much hurt by the Rust, and cut down the small piece at home and securd it. Note. From the most accurate experiments I coud make this year upon Wheat siezd with the Rust before it is fully formd and beginning to Harden, it appears to be a matter of very little consequence whether it is cut down so soon as it is siezd with this distemper (I mean the parts of the field that are so) or suffered to stand; for in either case the grain perishes and has little or no flower in it. That indeed wch. is suffered to stand may gain a little, and but a little, in respect to the grain, and the other in respect to the straw, so that I think it is nearly equal wch. of the two methods is followed. Note also- from this year's experiments, it appears certain that Wheat may be cut down (suffering it to take a day or two's Sun) much sooner than it generally is. I took Wheat of three differt. degrees of Ripeness, i. e., some whose straw and head was green (but the grain of full size and Milky); some whose straw from the upper joint was colouring; and some that the straw from the said joint was cold, but the Knots (at the joints) Green, and observd after they had lain 2 or 3 days in the sun that the grain of the first was but little shrunk, the 2d scarce perceptable, and the last plump and full, by wch. it evidently appears that to cut Wheat Knot green is not only safe but the most desirable state it can be cut in; and that there is a large q[uantity. The question is, whether it may not be better to begin while the Wheat is colouring from the upper joint, as the grain will loose but little (if any) than to cut it in an overripe state, when it may loose a good deal more by shattering. For my part I am clear it is better to cut it green and shall have no reluctance to practice where the whole cannot be cut at the exact period one woud choose it. 26. Began to cut my Timothy Meadow. 30. finishd Do. and got into Stacks without damage. About the 27 and 28 Sowed some Turnep Seed in Corn Ground at Morris's -- that is at Doeg Run Plant. Memm. on the 30th of this Month I agreed with Jonathan Palmer to come and Work with my Carpenters; either at their Trade Coopering — or, in short at anything that he may be set about. In consideration of which, I am to pay him £40 pr. Ann; allow him 400 lbs of Meat and 20 Bushels of Indian Corn. I am also to allow him to keep two Milch Cows (one half of whose Increase I am to have), and to have Wheat for which he is to pay. He is to be allowed a Garden and I am also to take his Waggon at £17, if he brings it free from damage, and it is no older than he says that is about a 12 Month. Note, he is to be here as early as possible in April — if not in March. 1768] FOX-HUNTING AND A RACE AUGUST Where & how my time is Spent. 1. Went to Belvoir and dined; returnd in the afternoon. 2. Rid to the Mill, Doeg Run, and Muddy hole. Miss Manly' dind here and Mr. Alex[ande]r came in the Evening. 3. Mr. Alexander and Miss Manley went away. Rid to the Mill and Muddy hole. 4. Went a fox hunting in the Neck with Lund Washington and Mr. Thos. Triplet. Started nothing. 5. Went by Muddy hole, the Mill, and Doeg Run Plantations to a Race at Cameron. Returnd in the Evening. 6-7. At home all day. 8. Went a fox hunting, but started nothing. Visited Plantations in the Neck and Mill. 9. At home all day. 'Molly Manley, daughter of Harrison Manley. (Toner.) In 1746, John Colvill and John Minor sought to establish a town at the head of Hunting Creek, in rivalry to the 'Belhaven' which was then growing up about the Hunting Creek warehouse on the Potomac. Bidding for the support of Lord Fairfax, they gave this proposed town the name 'Cameron.' Although their plans were urged upon the Assembly in 1749, when the petition to establish Alexandria was under consideration, they failed. Though there was never anything on the site but the ordinary, or tavern, marked on the 1755 edition of the Fry and Jefferson map, the name persisted because it marked the junction of all the roads leading into Alexandria. Races and musters of the militia were held there and the Truro Vestry made it the point of departure of processionings. At the end of the century the 'Cameron Mills' perpetuated the tradition, and the waters which actuated those mills are still marked 'Cameron Run' on the modern map. 10. Rid to the Mill, Doeg Run and Muddy hole and returnd to Dinner. II. Rid to the same places as yesterday and returnd to Dinner. I2. Rid to Muddy hole, Doeg Run and Mill, and returnd to Dinner, when I found Dr. Rumney. 13. The hounds havg. started a Fox in self huntg. we followed and run it after sevl. hours chase into a hold, when digging it out, it escapd. The Doctr. went home. 14. At home. Mrs. Fairfax and Miss Nicholas came in the afternoon 15. Went to Court.' Mr. Igns. Digges,' Mr. Lee,3 and Mr. Hill came here. 16. At home with the above Gentlemen. Mrs. Fairfax and Miss Nicholas went home after Dinner. 17. Dind at Belvoir with the above Gentlemen, and returnd in the afternoon. 18. Rid round all my Plantations after the above Gentlemen went away. 19. At home. Settled and paid the Sheriff.s I 'Augt. 15. By Club at Arrols' [Alexandria] 6s. 3d. (Ledger A.) Ignatius Digges, of Prince George County, Maryland, brother of William Digges of 'Warburton.' (Toner.) Thomas Sim Lee (1745-1819) married a daughter of Ignatius Digges. Delegate to the Continental Congress, 1783-84; selected for the United States Constitutional Convention, but declined to serve; elected United States Senator from Maryland in 1794, but declined to serve. Governor of the State, 1780-82 and again 1793-94. 4 Hill -, presumably of Charles County, Maryland. (Toner.) s William Adam was sheriff of Fairfax County, but Pierce Bayley, the sub |