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32. Q. What is the fourth inference, as to the earnestness and passions of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator has great earnestness, together with strong and healthy passions.

33. Q. What three species of unction are enumerated? A. Physical unction, intellectual unction, and the unction of the Holy Ghost.

34. Q. What is the fifth inference, as to the self-possession of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator is always selfpossessed.

35. Q. What does Bishop Simpson think are the two great requisites for ready and correct extemporaneous speaking? A. Self-possession and command of language. | 36. Q. What is the sixth inference, as to the moral fearlessness of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator is morally fearless.

37. Q. What did Goldsmith say were the only rules of eloquence he could offer? A. To feel your subject thoroughly, and to speak without fear.

38. Q. What is the seventh inference as to the convictions and opinions of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator is a man of strong convictions and positive opinions.

39. Q. What is one of the first and best established laws of oratory? A. That the speaker must himself be first persuaded, if he would persuade others.

40. Q. What is the eighth inference as to the perseverance and industry of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator is a man of untiring perseverance and industry.

41. Q. What chapter in the history of oratory is especially full of interest and encouragement to the aspirant for the honors of public speech? A. The one which records the severe application of distinguished orators.

42. Q. In what is the ideal orator a master, as stated in the ninth inference? A. The arts of poetic representation.

43. Q. What does Fenelon affirm of the true orator? A. That he is a poet, a philosopher, and a man of passion in


44. Q. What is the tenth inference as to the logical instincts and methods of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator has logical instincts and methods, but is not trammelled by them.

45. Q. What are some noted illustrations of untrammelled logical powers in the field of secular oratory? A. The orations of Cicero, Burke, Pitt, Erskine, and Webster. 46. Q. What is the eleventh inference as to the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator is a philosopher.

47. Q. What is the twelfth inference as to the memory of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator has a philosophical memory.

48. Q. What is the surest way to come into possession of a philosophical memory? A. The practice of constantly generalizing.

49. Q. What is the thirteenth inference as to the learning of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator is a man of extensive learning.

50. Q. What are the three fundamental factors that constitute the orator? A. What he is, what he knows, and his power of using himself and his knowledge.

51. Q. What is the fourteenth inference as to those arts of eloquence in which the ideal orator is a master? A. The ideal orator is a master in those arts of eloquence adjoining the fields of elocution.

52. Q. Under what are these arts chiefly included? A. Gesture-culture and voice-culture.

53. Q. What three important recommendations are made to the student of oratory in this connection? A. The study of models, constant practice, and professional elocutionary instruction.

54. Q. What is the sixteenth inference as to those arts of eloquence of which the ideal orator is a master? [NOTE.In numbering the inferences fifteen is omitted in the printed book. To avoid confusion I have followed the numbering as there given. A. M. M.] A. The ideal orator is a master of those arts of eloquence bordering upon the department of rhetoric.

55. Q. In what recommendation is there a very general agreement among orators and rhetoricians for the perfection of one's style? A. Through the untiring use of the pen.

56. Q. What other methods are recommended for the perfection of the style of the orator? A. Careful revision of literary productions, translation from one tongue to another, constant study of the best literature of the mother tongue of the orator, and the patient study of words.

57. Q. With what must the ideal orator become thoroughly familiar, by the study of models and constant practice, as stated in the seventeenth inference? A. The forms of expression known as figures of oratory, or figures of emphasis. 58. Q. Mention six among the more important of these figures. A. Antithesis, rhetorical repetition, climax, interrogation, exclamation, and vision.

59. Q. What is the eighteenth inference as to the tactics and artifices of oratory? A. The ideal orator must become familiar with all the tactics and artifices of oratory.

60. Q. What is said of some of these tactics that have not been classified? A. The circumstances under which they can be legitimately used must be left to the instincts and intuitions of the orator.

61. Q. What is the first mentioned of these forms of speech among those classified, technically called "Anacœnosis?" A. Counseling with the hearer and asking an opinion.

62. Q. What is the second form, involving a compliment to the hearer? A. Presuming upon the agreement and knowledge of the hearer.

63. Q. What are four other forms given? A. Admission of difficulty, self-correction, self-interruption, and self-depreciation.

64. Q. What remark is made as to the use of these and all other figures of speech, to be adapted to oratory? A. They must be expressed with simplicity, conciseness, and precision.

65. Q. What is the nineteenth inference, as to the naturalness of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator must regain the lost art of naturalness.

66. Q. In what department of oratory is there perhaps more unnaturalness than in any other? A. Modern pulpit oratory.

67. Q. What is the twentieth inference as to the popularity of the ideal orator? A. The ideal orator has the instincts and graces of popularity.

68. Q. What are two evils that interfere with a true popular expression on the part of the orator? A. The presence of the modern reporter, so far as the speaker gives him any thought, and a needless show of learning.

69. Q. Under the twenty-first inference, what is the first requirement to which the ideal orator is expected to conform in a given oration? A. He should have a thorough knowledge of the persons addressed.

70. Q. What is the second requirement, as to the distance between the speaker and hearer? A. The aim from the start should be to shorten as much as possible the distance, figurative and literal.

71. Q. What is the third requirement, as to singleness of aim? A. The aim, when possible, should be single. 72. Q. What is the fourth requirement? A. He must be able to seize upon what is passing.


73. Q. What is the fifth requirement, as to the cause advocated? A. He must believe in the cause advocated.

74. Q. What is the sixth requirement, as to winning his case? He must be determined to win his case.

75. Q. What is the seventh, and final, requirement? A. His self-assertion should be supplemented by entire selfrenunciation.

76. Q. Of what does the science of argumentation treat, and in what field does it rest? A. It treats of the different varieties of reasoning, and of the different modes of conducting an argument, and lies in the field of logic.

77. Q. In what is the basis of an argument? A. In the use of one or more statements in proof of some other statement.

78. Q. What are the principal requirements in regard to those statements? A. That they shall be both correct and clear.

79. Q. What are four classes of subject-matter that form a basis for argumentation? A. Primary mental judgments; facts; opinions; revealed or Bible truth.

80. Q. What are the mental acts included in primary mental judgments? A. Conscience, consciousness, instinct, intuition, memory, perception, and common sense.

81. Q. What are facts given in evidence? A. Premises from which a conclusion is to be drawn.


82. Q. What five classes of facts are enumerated? Truths resting upon first principles, of general experience, of special experience, of testimony, and of experiment.

83. Q. What is the first step in dealing with facts as evidence? A. To acquire a strong belief of the truth of the facts.

84. Q. In estimating the force of evidence built upon facts, how many degrees are there? A. Four: The possible, the plausible, the probable, and the certain.

85. Q. Under one or the other of what two general types is it found that all forms of reasoning fall? A. The inductive method, and the deductive method.

86. Q. When is the reasoning inductive? A. When a general conclusion is drawn from particular instances.

87. Q. What is the deductive method? A. A general conclusion having been reached, the application of it to some particular instance, is reasoning by the process of deduction. 88. Q. When the inductive can be supplemented by the deductive method, what is said of the conclusion? A. It becomes a moral certainty.

89. Q. According to what may certain varieties included under these two general types of reasoning be classified? A. Quality, rhetorical form, and logical method.

90. Q. How is reasoning classified as to its quality, further specified. A. As probable reasoning, demonstrative reasoning, and divine reasoning.

91. Q. Give some of the divisions of reasoning classified as to its rhetorical form. A. Reasoning illustratively, inferentially, suppositively, interrogatively, syllogistically, and oratorically.

92. Q. What are the two general divisions of reasoning classified as to its logical method. A. Sophistical forms of argument, and correct forms of argument.

93. Q. In ordinary discourse, the use of what kind of arguments should be avoided by the speaker? A. Weak arguments; those which prove too much; and those which may be turned against him upon some other occasion.

94. Q. What is said of technical terms? A. Avoid, especially in popular addresses, all technical terms.

95. Q. What should the speaker seek to present fully and fairly? A. The more important arguments.

96. Q. In the form of debate in which the opponent is absent or silent, what should the speaker guard against? A. A too elaborate refutation of unimportant objections, and vehemence while refuting objections.

97. Q. What is said of the correct placing of objections in

this form of debate? A. It requires the exercise of great skill and judgment. The well-nigh universal rule is to state and refute objections either in the middle of the argument or near the introduction.

98. Q. In the form of debate in which the opponent is present and states and defends his own views, what should the speaker guard against? A. Accusations of insincerity; reflections against the character or standing of the opponent; misrepresentation of an opponent; treatment of an opponent's views contemptuously; resort to sophistry; mistaking violence or rashness for either chivalry or courage. 99. Q. What is the leading step in debate? A. Clearly and accurately to define all terms to be employed.

100. Q. What has the public already decided as to logical exactness in speech? A. That he who dares not reason is a slave; that he who will not is a bigot; and he who can not is a fool.


For the month of April the Required Reading is the second volume of Dr. Townsend's Art of Speech; and in THE CHAUTAUQUAN, Mosaics of History, Christianity in Art, Mountain of Miseries, readings about Mathemation and Chemistry. There are one hundred questions and answers printed in this number of THE CHAUTAUQUAN, based on the second volume of Dr. Townsend's Art of Speech. We divide the work for the month into four parts, one for each week, as a matter of convenience to members of local circles, and others who wish such a division, as follows:

FIRST WEEK.-1. The Art of Speech, Studies in Eloquence, to page 58.-Introductory, History of Eloquence, Life and Character of Demosthenes, and Oration on the Crown.

2. Questions and Answers on the Art of Speech, from No. 1 to No. 25, inclusive.

3. Mosaics of History, and Mountain of Miseries, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN.

SECOND WEEK.-1. The Art of Speech, Studies in Eloquence-Inferences-from page 58 to page 114, inclusive. 2. Questions and Answers on the Art of Speech, from No. 26 to No. 50, inclusive.

3. Christianity in Art, and Mathematics, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN.

THIRD WEEK.-1. The Art of Speech, Studies in Eloquence-Inferences, continued-from page 115 to page 179,


2. Questions and Answers on the Art of Speech, from No. 51 to No. 75, inclusive.

3. Readings about Chemistry, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN. FOURTH WEEK.-1. The Art of Speech, Part SecondStudies in Logic, from page 183 to end of book.-Introductory, Argumentation, Classification, Practical Observations upon Argumentative Speech.

2. Questions and Answers on the Art of Speech, from No. 76 to No. 100, inclusive.

The Forest City Circle of the C. L. S. C., Cleveland, Ohio, held its annual meeting on Thursday evening, February 9th, at which time the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Judge G. M. Barber; vice presidents, L. J. P. Bishop and Mrs. T. S. Paddock; secretary, Mrs. Dr. A. C. Miller; treasurer, E. B. Grover; executive and educational committee, the officers, and Mrs. J. C. Covert and Mr. S. A. Bradbury; music committee, Mrs. J. Ingersoll, Miss Marian L. Barber, and Mr. Howard Yost. The circle is in a flourishing condition, having a member

* All communications from local circles intended for THE CHAU TAUQUAN should be addressed to Albert M. Martin, General Secre tary of the C. L. S. C., Pittsburgh, Pa.



ship of forty in good standing. It has ever aimed to follow the Chautauqua idea, believing it better to instruct than to While this has tended to drive several members of the local circle away, it has proven quite a boon for all students who have come into the circle. The exercises are conducted somewhat as follows: Opening exercises of prayer and music, followed by a short essay on some topic connected with the reading of the circle. Then perhaps a class exercise consisting of the voluntary answering of questions by the members. The questions are printed and distributed at the previous meeting. Occasionally a talk is had on an important subject by some of the ablest literary talent obtainable. Music and miscellaneous business close the exercises.

The O. W. Holmes Local Circle, at Trenton, New Jersey, was organized in October, 1881, with fourteen members, which number has since been increased to thirty-four. The officers are: Rev. John R. Westwood, president; Ed. C. White, secretary; A. Zimmerman, treasurer, and Miss Hannah Davis, orthoëpist. The secretary writes as follows: "Our meetings are held on Saturday night of each week, in the Central M. E. Church. Our membership, however, is not confined to the Methodists, as we count among us some Baptists, Presbyterians and Lutherans. We all agree wonderfully on the C. L. S. C. Questions for further study are assigned different members each week, and the week's reading reviewed in a general way. We have a basket which is passed around the circle for any questions the members are desirous of having answered. Some of these questions are answered in open circle, while others are referred to some one to hunt up the answers. No names are attached to the questions. We set apart a portion of the meeting nearest a memorial day as 'memorial night.' On Milton's night we divided the hymn on the nativity into sections, which were read by seventeen of our members. 'Satan' was read by Miss Ida McMahon, and a five-minute sketch of his life by the secretary. similar manner we remembered 'Bryant's night.'"

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The visit of Miss Lucy M. Washburn, the former secretary of the California Branch of the C. L. S. C., to Chautauqua last summer, awakened much interest on the part of other members in the membership on the Pacific coast. The present secretary, Miss Mary E. B. Norton, in a recent letter says: "Our 'Pacific Branch' moves on slowly, but we hope surely toward a more prosperous future. We have an increase of seventy members upon the number who paid their fees last year, including a circle of nine just formed in Idaho. I hope to set a little torch burning in each of the States and Territories on this coast before the year closes, and we have already, as you will see when the membership records are all in, members in Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Idaho.

In view of the delays and changes at the opening of the year, I do not feel discouraged, and my interest in the grand work deepens each month. In no part of our country can there be greater need of its growth and onward progress than on this coast."

At Bryan, in the northwestern corner of Ohio, they have organized a local circle of the C. L. S. C., with a membership of twenty, eighteen of whom are women. The meetings are held on Saturday of each week. The time is occupied in reading and discussing the required reading in THE CHAUTAUQUAN. The vice president acts as teacher. On the first Monday of each month a meeting is held for general review and a discussion of all the matter in THE CHAUTAUQUAN of the preceding month. At this meeting the president acts as teacher. The secretary writes: "I am sorry not to be able to say that we all belong to the class E

proper, but I am proud to report that each member of the class is reading THE CHAUTAUQUAN 'for all there is in it,' and all enjoy it thoroughly."

Miss Fanny L. Armstrong, the corresponding secretary, relates the manner in which they organized a local circle in New Orleans, La., as follows: "When I was young, they used to keep wood on the andirons, light wood splinters under it, with a few coals, all in order, with a match lying on the mantelpiece, so a fire could be kindled in an instant. In some such way our C. L. S. C. was formed. Rev. D. L. Mitchel, ex-Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., had all things in order; I went to Chautauqua, and saw him the next day. after my return, and he said, 'What about it?' I said, 'All right. At least that is the substance of our remarks. So we promised to meet that week, and on the 10th of September ten persons met, and I told them about it, and we organized and elected officers."

The recording secretary, in a report of a meeting of the circle, gives the following information: "The meeting was opened with reading of Scriptures and prayer. An essay was read on "The Third Period of Egyptian History,' by Mr. A. F. Godat; Miss Mitchel conducted an exercise from the questions and answers on language and writing; Mr. Riply gave a discourse on geology. The exercises closed with a recitation of Longfellow's 'Ladder of Augustine,' by Miss Prospect. The circle numbers sixteen, nine of whom are women, and seven men."

The Mansfield Valley, Pa., local circle had a very enjoyable reunion at the residence of Captain Glenn, one evening in February, and were royally entertained by the Captain and his estimable wife. During the evening a history of the circle since its first organization, now nearly four years ago, was read by one of the members, commencing with this poetic prologue:

"While rowing o'er the pearly lake,
In the bright and sunny days,
Comes joy in tracing back our path,
O'er the ripples and the waves;

As the sunlight on the dimples
Gives the most resplendent sight,
So we'll give the sunlight picture

Of our Chautauqua days to-night."

The circle has kept its work up to a high standard from the beginning, and has exerted a marked influence in the community. Those who have persevered through the entire course feel their enthusiasm and zeal growing as they near the end. The close of the year of study will be celebrated by the circle in a manner befitting the occasion.

The following account of the manner in which a minister in one of the Western States organized a local circle contains hints that might be acted upon with profit by others. He says: "I preached on 'mental girding' on New Year's, and presented the 'Chautauqua idea' as a practicable method of doing it. The subject was taken up and talked on the streets and in the offices. I answered many questions, and distributed several copies of the Hand-book No. 2. Last Sunday I announced a meeting at the parsonage of all interested in a Chautauqua class. The evening and the morning were the first day.' And this morning I find that of the forty-five or more who came last evening, thirty-five have left their names and orders for the books required, and others who were not here will have their names added. We hope to have a working circle. Let me mention some of our material: Three preachers, one lawyer-and we expect another or two-one physician, three active school teachers, and several that have been teachers, the assistant superintendent of a Sunday-school, and many other men of weight and experience in society and business circles."

The Chautauqua Young Folks' Reading Union comes so near being a preliminary course of the C. L. S. C. that reports as to its progress are appropriate in this department. Local circles will, in some instances, find it interesting and profitable to have meetings combining features of both courses. A lady writes from the state of New York concerning a local circle or union of the C. Y. F. R. U.: "Early in last December I forwarded thirteen names for membership in the Chautauqua Young Folks' Reading Union. We have an organized class, and since the time I wrote have met every week, with twenty-five or thirty persons in attendance. We have had some 'talks' on the etiquette and history, but our main work has been with the chemistry, and we have been very successful in experiments with the candle. We have smoked a good many glass tubes, and broken some, made hydrogen, and attempted two or three other things which we expect will succeed next time. We shall meet every week until the evenings get short and farm work begins."

The secretary of the local circle at Boise City, Idaho Territory, writes as follows: "The members of the C. L. S. C. have organized a local circle in Boise City. We have six members of the C. L. s. C. and five local members. We meet on Wednesday evening of each week. Our officers consist of a president and secretary. At each meeting the president appoints a critic and leader, or questioner, for the next meeting. Our programmes are made up of the required reading, and questions as divided in THE CHAUTAUQUAN. A portion is read aloud at the meeting, and the rest is left for home study. We also have two essays each week, and exercises in pronunciation. We are all very enthusiastic, and enter heartily into the work. We are few in numbers, but expect our enthusiasm will incite others to join us, and hope they will also unite with the 'parent circle.'"

The Athens, Ohio, readers of the C. L. S. C. have formed a local circle with officers as follows: Mrs. J. D. Brown, President; Miss Lucy Ballan, Vice President; and Miss Jennie Sloane, Secretary. From a letter by the secretary we take the following: "We have been reading for some time, a few of our members belonging to the class of 1882, others to 1883, and the remainder to 1884. We number in all fourteen members, but until quite recently have not organized a local circle. Now, however, we wonder how we ever did without it. We make our meetings very interesting by securing the services of our college professors in the way of lectures on geology, etc.; also make very useful one of our members who has just returned from Europe."

A member of the C. L. S. C. writes from Illinois as follows: "In connection with others I have been enabled to organize a Literary and Social Circle,' one of the features of which is that old-time debating system that you advised in your last address. There is considerable interest manifested, and I think that by the next commencement sufficient interest will be sustained to join the C. L. S. C. as a society, the name of each member becoming enrolled upon the C. L. S. C. books."


A member asks for the address of the publishing house that has "Conversations on Creation" in pamphlet form. The address is London Sunday-school Union, 56 Old Bailey, London, England.

The corresponding secretary of the New Orleans, La., local circle writes: "Not long ago we made an innovation. We thought New Orleans might have some architecture; so we appointed a committee of two, Miss Riggs and Miss Prophet, to look around and write essays on the Custom

House and City Hall. They had a ludicrous but instructive search. They discovered that the City Hall and Custom House were grand buildings. They wrote beautifully about the Ironic, Byronic, or whatever it is, order of architecture, and gave fine descriptions of the buildings, both within and without. Next week they will hunt some others to describe for us. I believe a genuine Greek church will be next in order. I don't know what they will do when they get among the old Spanish and French buildings."

A lady member writes from Iowa: "I am pursuing my studies alone, and I feel that I have not accomplished as much as I would if I could have had the benefit of a local circle. The nearest one is eighteen miles from my home. I attended once, and saw how much I was losing. But I have been greatly benefited, and I hope to help others, for I awakened no little interest among my neighbors rummaging their books to find answers to those art questions. I do the most of my work on a large dairy farm, but have kept up with my reading, and hope to organize a large circle next year in the neighborhood."

A lady who would like to correspond with some other member of the circle for mutual help, says: "I am interested in the lady in Alabama who is a terminus of a straight line, and whose neighbor is the other terminus: also, in the lady who is changing the social atmosphere of that country store. Are their names among those desiring correspondence?" If either of the ladies referred to would like to open such a correspondence she will please communicate with the C. L. S. C. office at Plainfield, N. J.

In the most of our large cities the canvass is now being made for the city directories. The C. L. S. C. should be represented among the organizations given in these publications. The officers of the local circles will do well to give the subject attention. The C. L. S. C. is a permanently established society, and members in a city away from home should be able to find the time and place of a meeting through the help of the directory, as readily as members of other organizations.

The memorial day for the present month is Shakspere's Day, April 23d. As that date falls on Sunday, local circles can either observe the preceding Saturday, the following Monday, or the nearest time to it for a regular meeting. The selections to be read are "Fall of Cardinal Wolsey," from the second scene of the third act of Henry the Eighth, and Hamlet's "Soliloquy on Death," from the first scene, third act, of Hamlet.

A member of the class of 1882 says: "While I intend to complete the prescribed four years' course this year, yet I do not expect to sever my connection with the C. L. S. C. I am enlisted, not for three or four years, but during the 'war,' and I will reënlist at the end of my term of present service, and if we have any more definite terms I will continue to enlist as often as 'mustered out."

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There is an error, or rather an omission, in the answer to question No. 34, February number of THE CHAUTAUQUAN, page 297. The answer reads, seven thousand volumes." Of course it should read, "seven hundred thousand volumes," referring to the Alexandrian library.

A lady from Ohio would like to open correspondence with some of the C. L. S. C. members relative to conducting local circles. Any person willing to render such assistance will please report to the C. L. S. C. office at Plainfield, New Jersey.

The members of a local circle composed mostly of ladies, are alluded to by a Young America as "she-talkers," and an ungallant newspaper refers to them as "she-tauquans."


DR. VINCENT: I am never thoroughly satisfied with a meeting of the Round-Table, for I have a feeling always that we might have done something to make you remember the occasion with greater satisfaction. I believe that our old plan with which we began, of holding students' sessions of the C.L. S. C., is a wise one, and I think we must come back to that. Do you remember those beautiful evenings in the amphitheatre, with outline lessons in English history, and outline lessons in every department we were to study the coming year? I think that with next year we will begin with students' sessions as we did before, and make more of those sessions as illustrations of how to teach. When we come to the natural sciences in the regular course, whether we have much of natural science in our public program or not, we will have some scientific conferences which will be helpful in our local work.

Now, will Prof. MacClintock make a report on the pronunciation of the words submitted to him the other day? PROF. MACCLINTOCK: We are asked such questions as "Is there a standard for English pronunciation?" "Would two differing standards be equivalent to none?" "Does not long usage establish, in a measure, the pronunciation of words?" We can not take the time here to state the condi tions of English pronunciation, or propose any laws for its governance. As long as the three laws, according to which the sounds of a language change, hold their force, it may be doubted if we will ever arrive at a uniform pronunciation. These laws are:

(1) The chronological law. Changes in sounds take place in time, not by insensible degrees, but per saltum, from generation to generation.

(2) The individual law. A series of spoken sounds acquired during childhood and youth remain fixed in the individual during the rest of his life.

(3) The geographical law. A series of spoken sounds adopted as the expression of thought of persons living in one locality, when wholly or partly adopted by another community, are also changed, not by insensible degrees, but, per saltum, in passing from one individual to another. Now, all of us are familiar with the fact that there is a great diversity of opinion among our authorities. Mr. Ellis (Early English Pronunciation, vol. II, page 630) says: "At present there is no standard of pronunciation. There are many ways of pronouncing English correctly, that is according to the usage of large numbers of persons of either sex, in different parts of the country, who have received a superior education. All attempts to found a standard of pronunciation on our approximate standard of orthography are futile." The only expedient, then, seems to be to take the average pronunciation of the persons of superior education with whom one is thrown in contact, counting the dictionaries among these. Let me commend to all the work above mentioned, by Mr. Alexander J. Ellis, by far the most masterly treatment of English sounds, and destined to have great influence in the future. He admits that when asked for a pronunciation, he gives his usual way, and then adds that he has heard it pronounced otherwise, and has no means of saying which ought to be adopted, or even of saying which is more customary. The standard used in these corrections is Webster.

"It gave a good deal of satisfaction," was an expression used by a speaker. A. A good deal is incorrect. Cf. Moetzner's English Grammar, vol. I, p 282.

Some of our speakers say Italian (ī). A. Wrong. It should be Italian (1).

*The Fifth Round-Table Conference of the C. L. S. C. for 1881, held in the Hall of Philosophy, Chautauqua, Monday, August 15th, at 5 o'clock p. m., Rev. Dr. J. H. Vincent presiding.

"Trade is not luck" was used by a speaker. Does luck mean the same as chance? A. Though luck sometimes occurs by chance, we think the phrase illogical. How do you pronounce duty? A. Diúty.

A speaker said sin-e-cure and ex-hil-yer-ate; was he right? A. No; si'-ne-cure; and egz-hil-a-rāt. Is it bronchitis, broncheetis, or bronkitis? A. Bron-chitis.

Is it ker-rect, or cor-rect? A. Cor-rect.

Is this correct: "This occupied a couple of centuries?" A. It may be, according to the intention of the speaker. A couple is two things of the same kind taken together; as, "He had a garden a couple of miles out of town."-Dickens. Some of the speakers pronounce nauseous and genius in three syllables. Is this correct? A. As to the first, no. It should be naw-shus. As to the second, there are two words spelled alike. (1) Gen-yus-special taste, inclination; mental superiority; a man endowed with mental superiority; peculiar constitution. (2) Gen'-i-us-a good or evil spirit, hence a supernatural spirit; the animating spirit of a people or period.

The word agriculturalist was used by a speaker. Is it. correct? A. There is no such word. The word intended was agriculturist.

Should the words papa and mamma be accented on the first or last syllables? A. According to Webster, on the last. Pronounce laryngitis. A. Lărʼ-in-ji-tis.

How shall we pronounce envelope? Then, how develop? A. En'-vel-õpe or en-věl'-ope. Envelope sometimes preserves a semi-French pronunciation, as Ŏng'-ve-lõp', or Ŏng-vel-ōpe'. Dē-věľ·õp.

Doubtful words: Dynasty, decade, prelude, Prussian, Louisville. A. Dy'-nas-ty; děc'-ade; pre-lude, noun; prelude', verb; either Prush'-ian, or Proo-shian; Loo'-is-vil, formerly Looʻ-I-vil.

Give the pronunciation of isolated. A. According to Webster, Is-o-la-ted.

Though at the

Is slang ever allowable? A. This is one of two ways in which a living language grows. "Slang is merely a form of dialect.”—Ellis. "Such phrases betray their original syntactical relation, and penetrate out of the more rapid colloquial into the written language.”—Moetzner. Cf. This from Lowell's essay on witchcraft: ". risk of bringing it to a no-go." Shall we say "can not but," or "can but?" A. We prefer "can not but," though it would take some time to defend the phrase properly. I can but think-I can (not do, etc., anything) but think. But only implies a negation. The difficulty lies in supposing that there is a negation in but itself. It merely implies a suppressed thought which is either a positive negation, or at least a restriction. Since, then, we always understand the negative spirit of the phrase, it is according to the spirit to insert the negative. However, all the arguments must be drawn from the literary usage. Cf. "What we can not but consider as his error."— | Macaulay's Essays, III, 1. See further under Moetzner, Vol. III, page 467.

Why say "very like" rather than "very much like?" A. Very like is objected to, though it was originally good. Cf. Moetz., I, page 388.

Is every-whither as good as every-where? A. Every-whither is unauthorized by Webster or Moetzner.

Which is better, shōne or shone? A. Shōne. There is no more permanent law in the transitions of English sounds than that of Anglo-Saxon â (â in father), into modern English ō.

How pronounce truths? Should the th be pronounced as in the singular, or as th in this? A. Before an inflectional 8 the th is softened. Cf. Moetzner's English Grammar, vol. I, page 57.

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