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LATTIMORE, E. L. and TRENT, R. S. Legal recognition of industrial women. (New York: War Work Council, Y. W. C. A. 1919. Pp. 91.)

LESCOHIER, D. D. The labor market. (New York: Macmillan. 1919. Pp. xii, 338.)

LITCHFIELD, P. W. The industrial republic. (Akron, O.: Author, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 1919. Pp. 73.)

MACIVER, R. M. Labor in the changing world. (New York: Dutton. 1919. Pp. x, 230.)

It is apparent that publishers regard the present as a favorable time to produce books on problems of reconstruction, and much that is being written must inevitably be ephemeral in character. Ten or twenty years hence a few worth-while books may be written that will deal adequately with the present period of unrest; but the time is not now.

The author of this book has done as well, perhaps, as could be expected under the circumstances. He sets forth the chief movements in the labor world, particularly in Great Britain and America, and traces their origins, most of which lie far back of the war. In fact, he says that the "New position and demands of labor have not arisen out of the war situation. . . . The war has hastened the process only as a storm shakes from the tree the ripened fruit." This may be taken as the keynote of the work.

The author calls attention to the fact that working men are increasingly insistent that labor shall not be treated as a commodity, but that it shall occupy the position of a partner in industry. This will involve some sort of economic democracy, though the exact details of the plan can only "be invented and developed at a later stage under the influence of the new spirit."

There is, in the author's estimation, a marked widening in the idea of labor. This would mean the inclusion in the labor organizations of the brain workers, administrators of industry, technicians, and professional workers of all kinds, whether they employ purely economic methods or become parties for the purpose of gaining their objects by political means. The longest step in this direction has been taken by the British Labor party which is seeking to become the party of the producers: that is, "all the people, without distinction of class or sex, who labor to enrich the community." Canadian labor is falling in line with this policy by its approval of the formation of a Labor party whose object is the promotion of the "political, social, and economic emancipation of the people, particularly of those who depend directly upon their own exertions by hand and brain for the means of life."

The author has little faith in the future of arbitration, and, though conciliation has done more, he feels that both are bound to be abandoned when the new order is established. This new order is an economic democracy which is not Bolshevism nor socialism, but

is simply a partnership between labor and capital which shall identify the worker more closely with the control of the industry in which he is engaged and which shall do away with economic autocracy, "nowhere more flagrant and assertive than in America." The writer does not expect the new order to displace or destroy unionism. On the contrary he holds that the union is a sine qua non of industrial order and progress. "In a word, it is not organized labor that is the peril the real peril to the nation is unorganized labor, and the spirit that would keep labor unorganized."


MAGNUSSON, L. Disposition of the public lands of the United States with particular reference to wage-earning labor. (Washington. 1919. Pp. 30.)

MAIER, G. Soziale Bewegung und Theorien bis zur modernen Arbeiterbewegung. (Leipzig: Teubner. 1919. Pp. 131. 1.60 M.)

PHILLIPS, S. L. Reciprocal rights of capital, labor, buyers and the state. (Washington: National Capitol Pub., 330 John Marshall Pl. 1919. Pp. 155. $1.25.)

PROSSER, J. E. Piece-rate, premium and bonus. (London: Williams & Norgate. 1919. Pp. 122. 6s.)

ROBBINS, H. Labor movements and labor problems in America. Compiled and edited from the addresses and writing of Samuel Gompers. Vol. I, Labor and the common welfare. Vol. II, Labor and the employer. (New York: Dutton. 1919.)

ROBERTSON, J. Labor unionism based upon the American shop steward system. (Portland, O.: J. Robertson, Box 4143. Pp. 15. 15c.) SCHIFF, M. L. Profit-sharing. Reprinted from the New York Times. (New York: Author, 52 William St. 1919. Pp. 24.) SCOTT, J. W. King. 1919.

Syndicalism and philosophical realism. (London: 10s.)

SELLEY, E. Village trade unions in two centuries. (London: Allen & Unwin. 1919. 4s. 6d.)

SIMPLEX, S. [pseud.] The "minimum wage" stunt. A pronouncement by Mr. B. Seebohm Rowntree critically examined. (Keighley, Eng.: The Yorkshire and Northern Land Values League. 1918. Pp. 32. 8d.)

SMIDDY, T. The organisation of labour. (London: Methuen. 1919. 5s.)

SOLVAY, E. La rémunération comparative du capital et du travail. (Brussels: F. Van Buggenhoudt. 1919. Pp. 26.)

STOWELL, C. J. The journeymen tailors' union of America. A study in trade union policy. University of Illinois studies in the social

sciences, vol. VII, no. 4. (Urbana: Univ. Illinois. 1919. Pp. 148. $1.)

TAYLOR, R. G. S. The guild state. (London: King. 1919. 3s. 6d.) VALDOUR, J. La vie ouvrière. Les mineurs. (Paris: Rousseau. 1919. Pp. 390. 4.50 fr.)

WHIPP, F. D. The practical operation of the eight hour day in state institutions. (Springfield: Dept. of Public Welfare. 1919. Pp. 21.)

Describes the experience of Illinois and contains data on the operation of shifts, including split shifts.

WING, G. C. Applied profit sharing. (Cleveland, O.: Author. 1919. Pp. 15.)

American Federation of Labor; history, encyclopedia, reference book. (Washington: The Federation. 1919. Pp. 515. $2.)

American and international labor conditions. (Cleveland, O.: Society of Industrial Engineers. 1919. Pp. 230. $2.)

Classification and salaries of engineers. (Toronto: Canadian Engincer. 1919. Pp. 5.)

Dix-neuvième congrès national corporatif, tenu à Paris, du 15 au 18 Juillet, 1918. Compte rendu des travaux. (Paris: Confédération Générale du Travail. 1919. Pp. 308.)

The economic structure of the League of Nations. Memorandum on international labor legislation. (London: British Labor Party. 1919. Pp. 46. 1s.)

The industrial counsel for the building industry. (London: Garton Foundation. 1919. 1s.)

Industrial democracy, 1848-1919. A study help prepared by the Library Employees' Union of Greater New York. (New York: The Union, 463 Central Park West. 1919. Pp. 34. 20c.)

Contains a useful bibliography with annotations on industrial parliaments, labor councils, shop committees and works councils, Whitley committee, and works councils and shop committees. Includes foreign references on shop committees.

Investigation of strike in steel industries, hearings pursuant to S. Res. 202 on resolution of Senate to investigate strike in steel industries. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1919. Pp. 1051.)

Is this living? (New York: Consumer's League of the City of New
York. 1919. Pp. 15.)

The Joint Commission on Social Service of the Protestant Episcopal
Church. Third Triennial Report to the General Convention. (New
York. 1919.
1919. Pp. ix, 191.)

It is significant of the trend of public interest that about two

thirds of this report should be devoted to industrial relations. In fact this subject constitutes practically the entire body of the report after part 1, which gives a detailed record of the activities of the commission. The main topics covered are demobilization and unemployment, strikes, trade unions, shop stewards, shop committees, joint industrial councils, socialism, syndicalism, guild socialism, and the coöperative movement. Throughout the discussion of these topics there is manifested a sympathetic understanding of the laboring man's point of view. There is also the explicit recognition that the Church cannot hold itself aloof from these movements if it is to continue to be a vital force in the world.

The treatment is chiefly descriptive. There is little if any criticism of policies or methods, and no fear of the evil consequences of any of these movements seems to have been felt by the commission. On the contrary there is both tacit and explicit approval of the tendencies to seek a greater amount of leisure for working people and to place the emphasis on human welfare and the dignity and worth of life rather than on increased productiveness.


Labour legislation in Canada, for the calendar year 1918. (Ottawa: Dept. of Labour. 1919. Pp. 152.)

The labor situation in Great Britain and France, by the commission on foreign inquiry of the National Civic Federation. (New York: Dutton. 1919. Pp. x, 433.)

Labor in the treaty of peace. Part 13 of the treaty of peace with Germany. (Boston: World Peace Foundation. 1919. Pp. 345.) Lonninger og levevilkar i Norge under verdenskrigen. (Christiania: Statistiske Centralbyra. 1919. 1919. Pp. 158.)

Minimum wage commissions.

Consumers' League. 1919.

Current facts.

Current facts. (New York: National
Pp. 15.)

Nevada Industrial Commission annual report, 1916-1918. (Nevada:
Carson City. 1919.)

Oregon Industrial Accident Commission. Annual report, 1916-1917. (Salem. 1919.)

The peace treaty and the labor legislation program. (New York: American Association for Labor Legislation. 1919. Pp. 393. $1.) The practical operation of the eight-hour day in state institutions. The quarterly conference of the Minnesota State Board of Control and Institution Superintendents, held at Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 5, 1919. (Springfield, Ill.: Dept. of Public Welfare. Pp. 21.)

State laws affecting women in the United States. (New York: The Woman's Press. 1919. 40c.)

Substitution of women for men during the war. Reports of H. M.

inspectors of factories showing the position in certain industries at the end of 1918. (London: Home Office. 1919. Pp. 142. 8s.) Substitution of women in non-munition factories during the war. (London: Home Office. 1919. Pp. 52.)

War Cabinet report for the year 1918. (London. 1919. Pp. 339. 3s. 6d.)

Wartime changes in wages, September, 1914, to March, 1919. Research report no. 20. (Boston: Nat. Industrial Conference Board. 1919. Pp. xiii, 128. $1.50.)

Contains data in regard to metal, cotton, wool, silk, boot and shoe, paper, rubber, and chemical manufacturing industries. The study is based upon an analysis of the movement of hourly and weekly earnings rather than full-time earnings. Chapter 10 deals with wages and cost of living. The pamphlet is abundantly illustrated by thirty-five charts.

Works councils in the United States. (Boston: National Industrial Conference Board. 1919. Pp. 135. $1.50.)

Money, Prices, Credit, and Banking

Effects of the War on Money, Credit and Banking in France and the United States. By B. M. ANDERSON, JR. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Preliminary Economic Studies of the War, No. 15. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1919. Pp. iv, 227.)

Students of money, banking, and finance will find this volume filled with solid information and marked by penetrating insight and illuminating interpretation. It is an interpretive and critical, finely and judicially critical, record for both countries of the main transformations effected by the war in the field under discussion.

An introduction familiarizes the reader with the main outline of the story that is told in detail in later pages, about two thirds of which, twelve chapters, fall to France, and one third, five chapters, to the United States. Financial and economic conditions in both countries at the outbreak of the war are set forth; as also conditions in foreign trade and foreign exchange, fiscal methods, banking and the medium of exchange, prices of commodities and securities. An appendix contains statistical tables and numerous graphs.

Features of outstanding interest and significance are so numerous as to make particularization difficult. A chapter on Money, Credit, and Banking in France contains an analytical contrast be

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