페이지 이미지


James Baird Weaver.

Iowa biographical series. (Iowa City: State Hist. Soc. of Iowa. 1919. Pp. xiv, 494. $2.) This volume is a helpful contribution to the student of monetary and social history of the United States. Although material for the biography was somewhat scanty, the author has been able by diligent reference to newspaper files to fill out the narrative of Weaver's participation in the greenback and populist movements. Twentyfive pages of notes and references will lighten the labor of future investigators, and there is an exceptionally complete index.

HEYDE, L. Die Sozialpolitik im Friedensvertrag und im Völkerbund. (Jena: Fischer. 1920. Pp. 48. 1.90 M.)

KELTIE, J. S. and EPSTEIN, M., editors. The statesman's yearbook for 1920. (New York: Macmillan. 1920.)

KNAPP, T. Neue Beiträge zur Rechts- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte des württembergischen Bauernstandes. (Tübingen: Mohr. 1919. 24 M.)

LOEB, E. Wirtschaftliche Vorgänge, Erfahrungen und Lehren im europäischen Krieg. Two volumes. (Jena: Fischer. 1919. Pp. 108; 92. 4.50 M.; 4 M.)

MARCHETTI, L. The economic revival of Italy. Translated by M. SINDICI. (Torino: Unione Tip.-ed. Torinese. 1918. Pp. 91.) OSBORN, C. S. The iron hunter. (New York: Macmillan. 1919. Pp. 316. $2.)

Chapters of autobiographic incidents in the life of a newspaper reporter and editor who lived in Sault de Sainte Marie, Michigan, for many years and became interested in prospecting for iron ore. Mr. Osborn later was elected governor of Michigan.

SCHELLE, G. Turgot. Oeuvres et documents le concernant, biographie et notes. (Paris: Alcan. 1920. 12 fr.)

SCHOLEFIELD, G. H. The Pacific. Its past and future and the policy of the Great Powers from the eighteenth century. (New York: Scribners. 1919. Pp. 346. $5.50.)

SCHULZE-GAEVERNITZ. Der Frieden und die Zukunft der Weltwirtschaft. (Zürich: Füssli. 1919.)

SLATER, G. Some South Indian villages. University of Madras economic studies, vol. I. (New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 1919. Pp. 265. $5.65.)

SPARGO, J. Russia as an American problem. (New York: Harper. 1920. Pp. 444. $2.25.)

THOMAS, H. C. The return of the Democratic party to power in 1884. Columbia University studies in history, economics, and public law, vol. LXXXIX, no. 2. (New York: Longmans. 1919. Pp. 261. $2.25.)

An historical monograph in which the author investigates among other questions, problems of the currency, the tariff in 1884, the greenback movement, and the Mills tariff bill.

TSOUDENOS, E.-J. Le relèvement économique de la Grèce. (Paris: Berger-Levrault. 1919. Pp. xvi, 255. 8 fr.)

USHER, A. P. An introduction to the industrial history of England. (New York: Houghton Mifflin. 1919. Pp. xxii, 529, xxxiv. $2.50.) WALLAS, G. The life of Francis Place (1771-1854). Third edition. (New York: A. A. Knopf. 1919. $3.50.)

WIESER, C. W. Der finanzielle Aufbau der englischen Industrie. (Jena: Fischer. 1919. Pp. xv, 482, 59. 21 M.)

WOODBURY, M. Public opinion in Philadelphia, 1789-1801. Smith College studies in history, Oct., 1919-Jan., 1920. (Northampton: Smith College. 1920. Pp. 138.)

Chapter 2 treats of the financial system, showing the nature of criticism in regard to the funding of the public debt, assumption of state debts, the excise and the United States Bank.

WOOLF, L. Empire and commerce in Africa. A study in economic imperialism. (New York: Macmillan. 1920. Pp. 374.)

WOOLF, L. S. International economic policy. (London: The Labour Party, 33 Eccleston Sq. 1920.)

Argentina. (New York: American Exchange National Bank. 1920. Pp. 20.)

Memorandum on certain aspects of the bolshevist movement in Russia. (Washington. State Department, Russian Division. 1919. Pp. 55.)

The Southern Highlands. A selected bibliography. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1920. Pp. 3.)

The world almanac and encyclopedia, 1920. (New York: Press Pub., Pulitzer Bldg. 1919. Pp. 912. 35c.)

Rapport général sur l'industrie française, sa situation, son avenir. (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. Pp. 736.)

Agriculture, Mining, Forestry, and Fisheries


ARNOLD, J. H. Farm management. (New York: Macmillan. 1919. Pp. 343.)

BENNETT, H. H. The soils and agriculture of the Southern States. (New York: U. S. Dept. of Agri. 1920.)

CAZIOT, P. La valeur de la terra après guerre. (Paris: Baillière. 1920. Pp. 45. 2 fr.)

DAMASCHKE, A. Die Bodenreform. (Jena: Fischer. 1919. Pp. xvi, 512. 8.75 M.; 11.87 M.)

FAY, A. H. A glossary of the mining and mineral industry. (Washington: Bureau of Mines. Pp. 754. 75c.)

GOOD, W. C. Production and taxation in Canada. From the farmers' standpoint. (Toronto: Dent. 1919. Pp. vi, 133. $1.)

The title of this book suggests a study of a very important nature, and the introduction, styled "an appreciation," by the Minister of Agriculture, bears out the impression without even hinting at the hidden fact. However, the nature of the book is not long disguised. The purpose of the author is to prove that what Canada lacks is the single tax. A much better title would be: "A Plea for the Single Tax in Canada."

In the first chapter the author deplores the decrease of rural population in the older portions of the Dominion. He ventures the statement that "it has become profitable, indeed, almost necessary, for farmers to curtail production." Just what farmers have profited by curtailing production he does not say; neither how they are in the future to do so. The decrease in rural population he deplores since it means a failure to keep up rural institutions. There is some ground for this view and this lament, but probably it will develop that rural institutions can be reorganized and taken care of in some less expensive manner than by inducing farmers to stay in the country when it is more profitable for them to go elsewhere. We need farmers enough to balance other workers. Of course, it must be conceded that Mr. Good appreciates that fact. He believes that manufacturing interests in Canada have been overstimulated.

Approximate figures are submitted showing that manufacturers make a good income while agriculture is conducted at a loss. The figures are not convincing. The value of the farm as a home and the value of the products used by the farm family are treated as trifles. It has been found in this country that such income amounts to about $500 per farm family. This sum multiplied by 714,000, the number of Canadian farmers, amounts to $357,000,000. The balance of the farm account is thus changed from a deficit of $110,000,000 to a credit of $247,000,000, a sum not unlike the profit attributed to the manufacturers.

Mr. Good shows by the usual method, that in a country like Canada the tariff is paid in the main by the farmer class. In this he is correct. He also undertakes to show that urban rents are shifted to the farmer in the form of lower prices for produce. This version does not square very well with the proposition that farmers' prices are made in a world market. Neither does it coincide with the usual belief that rent is not likely to be shifted. Possibly by "urban rents," Mr. Good means largely the rent on buildings, but "tremendous urban rents" are likely to rest very heavily on the ground. Mr. Good would not have to revise his views much to agree

with the eighteenth century doctrine that all tax eventually comes out of agriculture. The conclusions arrived at will be accepted by those who believe in the postulate on which the discussion is based. B. H. HIBBARD.

HOWE, J. L. and HOLTZ, H. C. Bibliography of the metals of the platinum group; platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, 1748-1917. (Washington: U. S. Geol. Survey. 1920. Pp. 558.)

HUNEEUS, F. R. Summary of the present condition of agriculture in Chile. (Santiago: Dept. Agri. 1919. Pp. 48.)

McLEISH, J. The production of coal and coke in Canada during the calendar year, 1918. (Ottawa: Mines Branch. 1919. Pp. 40.) PIRTLE, T. R. Trend of the dairy-cattle industry in the United States and other countries; simple charts with interpretations. (Washington: Dept. Agri. 1919. Pp. 19.)

REW, H. Food supplies in peace and war. (New York: Longmans. 1920.)

SHANAHAN, E. W. Animal food-stuffs, their production and consumption with a special reference to the British Empire. A study in economic geography and agricultural economics. (London: Routledge; New York: E. P. Dutton. 1920. Pp. 331. 10s. 6d.)

SMITH, J. R. The world's food resources. (New York: Holt. 1919. Pp. 634.)

SMITH, W. W. Pork production in North America. (New York: Macmillan. 1920. $2.)

Agriculture. Interim report. (London: Royal Commission on Agriculture. 1920. 3d.)

Analytic survey of the oil industry and statistical handbook. (New York: Prichitt & Co. 1919. Pp. 56.)

Annual report on the mineral production of Canada during the calendar year 1918. (Ottawa: Mines Branch. 1919. Pp. 80.) Coal mining. 1, Coal Industry Commission. 2, Output of coal. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1919.)

Mineral resources of Alaska. Report on progress of investigations in 1917. (Washington: U. S. Geol. Survey. 1920. Pp. 420.)

The production of copper, gold, lead, nickel, silver, zinc, and other metals in Canada during the calendar year 1918. (Ottawa: Mines Branch. 1919. Pp. 74.)

A review of mining in California during 1919, with notes on the outlook for 1920, labor conditions, needs of the industry. (San Francisco: Calif. State Mining Bureau. 1920. Pp. 43.)

Summary report of the Mines Branch of the Department of Mines for

the calendar year ending December 31, 1918.
Branch. 1920. Pp. 225.)

Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture, 1918.
Supt. Docs. 1920. Pp. 822. 85c.)

Manufacturing Industries

COOKE, M. L., editor.

ism and commonsense. 1919. Pp. xix, 324.


(Ottawa: Mines


Modern manufacturing, a partnership of ideal(Philadelphia: Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci.


MAYER, C. L'industrie chimique aux Etats-Unis. (Paris: Dunod. 1920. Pp. 291.)

The paper box making industry in Philadelphia. (Philadelphia: Chamber of Commerce, Educational Committee. 1920. Pp. 14.)

Transportation and Communication


D'AVENEL, G. L'évolution des moyens de transport. (Paris: Flammarion. 1919. 7 fr.)

DAVIS, W. W. The railroad problem. A suggestion. (New York: Putnam's. 1920. Pp. 128.)

The plan of railway reorganization here presented was submitted by the author during 1919 to the Senate and House committees on interstate commerce. The volume consists of an introductory discussion of sixteen reorganization principles which the author regards as important to be carried out; a brief synopsis of the plan proposed by him for making those principles effective; an argument for the plan; and a carefully drafted outline of 19 articles which can be expanded into a legislative bill with slight revision.

The plan provides for a National Railway Company which shall purchase securities of existing interstate railroads by the issue of its own stock. This corporation is to be supervised by a board of directors of twenty-five persons, six of whom shall represent the government, the remaining nineteen being elected by the stockholders. Operations proper are to be conducted by separate subsidiary managements or subordinate regional railways, which shall provide a number of balanced railway systems in competition with each other. Each regional railway shall keep its own accounts, and bonuses are to be distributed to the employees and registered stockholders of such railways as show "the greatest zeal and interest as reflected in the profits." There shall be a secretary of transportation representing the small stockholders, the shippers, and the public generally, and the Interstate Commerce Commission is retained with many of its supervisory powers over rates, operating practices, and the like. J. H. PARMELEE.

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