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LAMP, K. Die Theorie des deutschen Zollrechts und der Entwurf einer neuen österreichischen Zollordnung. (Tübingen: Mohr. 1917. 2.50 M.)

LAWRENCE, F. W. P. The capital levy. How the Labour Party would settle the war debt. (London: Labour Party, 33 Eccleston Sq. 1920. Pp. 8.)

LYSIS. Politique et finance d'avant-guerre. (Paris: Payot. 1920. Pp. 608. 25 fr.)

MATTON, H. Traité de science financière et de comptabilité politique belge et coloniale. (Paris: Rivière. 1920. 1920. Pp. 664. 17.50 fr.) MELIOT, M. and A. Dictionnaire financier international théorique et pratique. (Paris: Berger-Levrault. 1920. Pp. 1256.) QUESNOT, L.

Administration financière. Méthodes comptables et bilans. (Paris: Dunod. 1920. Pp. 464. 18 fr.)

ROBERTS, G. E. The financial situation. (New York: The Review, 140 Nassau St. 1920.)

TAUSSIG, F. W. Free trade, the tariff and reciprocity. (New York: Macmillan. 1920. $2.)

PHILLIPS, J. B. Problems of taxation in Indiana. An address delivered at the twelfth annual conference of the National Tax Association, held at Chicago, Illinois, June, 1919. (New York: The Assoc., 195 Broadway. 1920. Pp. 19.)

PUTNAM, G. E. Investment securities and tax exemption. (New York: Am. Bankers' Assoc., Savings Bank Section. 1920. Pp. 29.)

VILLIERS, B. Tariffs and the worker. (London: Labour Party, 33 Eccleston Sq. 1920. Pp. 8.)

Budget, 1920-1922. For each fiscal year of the biennium, beginning March 1, 1920 and ending February 28, 1922, submitted to the General Assembly of Virginia. (Richmond: Governor's Office. 1920. Pp. 339.)

Cost of the municipal government in Massachusetts. Twelfth annual report on the statistics of municipal finances. (Boston: Bureau of Statistics. 1920. Pp. 305.)

Erbschaftssteuergesetz vom 10. Sept. 1919. (Berlin: Grüyter. 1920. Pp. 56. 1.60 M.)

Federal taxes on income and profits. (New York: Guaranty Trust Co. 1920. Pp. 196.)

The new Massachusetts business corporation excise tax. (Boston:
First Nat. Bank. 1919. Pp. 57.)

New York state income tax: practical questions and answers.
York: Irving National Bank. 1920. Pp. 59.)


Seventy points on the income tax. (New York: Mechanics & Metals National Bank. 1920. Pp. 30.)

Ownership certificates under the federal income tax law including returns of information and withholding. (New York: Guaranty Trust Co. 1920. Pp. 55.)

Report of the Congressional Joint Commission on Reclassification of Salaries. 66 Cong. 2 Sess., H. Doc. No. 686. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. Pp. 884.)

Royal Commission on the Income Tax. Sixth instalment of evidence, with appendices. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1920. 2s. 6d.)

Population and Migration


DAVIS, P. Immigration and Americanization. (Boston: Ginn. 1920. Pp. xii, 770. $4.)

Selected readings.

DÖRING, C. Die Bevölkerungsbewegung im Weltkriege. (Kopenhagen: Bulletin der Studiengesellschaft für sociale Folgen des Krieges. 1919.)

SETON-WATSON, R. W. Europe in the melting-pot. (London: Macmillan. 1920. 4s. 6d.)

Brief in favor of the numerical limitation bill. (Boston: Immigration Restriction League, 11 Pemberton Sq. 1920. Pp. 6.) Immigration figures for 1919. Comparison of the fiscal years ending June 30, 1918 and 1919. (Boston: Immigration Restriction League. 1920. Pp. 4.)

Immigration arguments. (New York: National Liberal Immigration League, P. O. Box 1261. 1920.)

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ARONOVICI, C. Housing and the housing problem. The national science series. (Chicago: McClurg. 1920. Pp. 160. 75c.)

CHANCELLOR, W. E. Educational sociology. (New York: Century. 1920. Pp. 422. $2.25.)

COFFIN, H. S. A more Christian industrial order. (New York: Macmillan. 1920.


1920. $2.)


Education for democracy. (New York: Macmillan.

DOOLEY, W. H. Principles and methods of industrial education. For use in teacher training classes. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1920. Pp. xi, 257. $1.60.)

Contains chapters on the educational needs of trades and industries, types and organization of industrial schools and shops, and manual training. Nearly 50 pages are devoted to course schemes. Stress is laid upon the training of teachers for this special work. Each chapter concludes with questions for discussion and reference lists.

DOWDALL, H. C. Local development law. A survey of the powers of local authorities in regard to housing, roads, lands, buildings and town planning. (London: Unwin. 1920. 10s. 6d.)

ELLWOOD, C. A. Sociology and modern social problems. New edition. (New York: Am. Bk. Co. 1920. Pp. 416. $1.20.)

The book was first published in 1910 and was revised in 1913. This further revision relates the text to current problems of reconstruction, brings statistics down to date, and enlarges the bibliography.

FRASER, J. A. L. and EVANS, P. J. The Welsh housing and development year-book. (London: Welsh Housing Assoc. 1920. 1s. 6d.) GALBRAITH, A. M. The family and the new democracy; a study in social hygiene. (Philadelphia: Saunders. 1920. Pp. 388. $2.25.) GANTT, H. L. Organizing for work. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe. 1919. Pp. v, 113. $1.25.)

Discusses the place of the engineer as an industrial leader; efficiency and idleness; the economics of democracy; and democracy in production, in the shop, and in management. The economic system must be purged of all autocratic practices of whatever kind. HETHERINGTON, H. J. W. and MUIRHEAD, J. H. Social purpose.

(New York: Macmillan. 1920.)

LEACOCK, S. The unsolved riddle of social justice. (New York: John Lane Co. 1920. $1.25.)

LEWINSKI-CORWIN, E. H. The dispensary situation in New York City. Reprinted from the Medical Record. (New York: William Wood & Co. 1920. Pp. 21.)

LIPPMAN, W. Liberty and the news. (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Howe. 1920. Pp. 104.)

MCMURRY, O. L. The teaching of industrial arts in the elementary school and junior high school. (New York: Macmillan. 1920.) MATHEWS, B. Essays on vocation. (London: Oxford Univ. Press. 1920. Pp. 128. 3s. 6d.)

MEES, C. E. K. The organization of industrial scientific research. (New York: McGraw-Hill. 1920. Pp. 170. $2.)

PHELAN, J. Readings in rural sociology. (New York: Macmillan. 1920.)

POHLE, M. Wohnungsnot und Wohnungsbau in Ostpreussen. (Jena: Fischer. 1919. Pp. xii, 250. 18.75 M.)

SNEDDEN, D. Vocational education. (New York: Macmillan. 1920.) STEINER, R. I punti essenziali della questione sociale. (Rome: Bocca. 1920. 3.50 1.)

TODD, A. J. The scientific spirit and social work. (New York: Macmillan. 1919. Pp. 212. $2.)

TUFTS, J. H. The family. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1919. Pp. 20.


VEBLEN, T. The place of science in modern civilisation and other essays. (New York: Huebsch. 1919. Pp. 509. $3.)

WARD, H. F. The new social order; principles and programs. (New York: Macmillan. 1920. Pp. 884. $2.50.)

WALLERSTEIN, H. C. The functional relations of fifteen case working agencies as shown by a study of 421 individual families and the report of the Philadelphia intake committee. (Philadelphia: Harper Prtg. Co. 1919. Pp. 176.)

WEEKS, E. T. Reconstruction programs; a comparative study of their content and of the viewpoints of the issuing organization. (New York: Woman's Press. 1919. Pp. 95.)

A church year-book of social justice; advent 1919-advent 1920, compiled by the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross under the auspices of the Social Service Commission. (New York: Dutton. 1919. Pp. xvi, 416.)

City planning needs of Omaha. (Omaha: City Planning Commission. 1920. Pp. 41.)

Commercial education, federal aid, recent developments, retail selling education; addresses delivered at the twelfth annual convention of the National Society for Vocational Education, St. Louis, Mo., February, 1919. (New York: Nat. Soc. for Vocational Educ. 1920. Pp. 79.)

Every child in school. A safeguard against child labor and illiteracy. Children's year follow-up series no. 3. Bureau publication no. 64. (Washington: Children's Bureau. 1920. Pp. 15.)

Forty-eighth annual report of the Local Government Board, 19181919. Cmd. 413. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1920. 1s.) Housing schemes submitted to the Ministry of Health by local authorities and public utility societies up to the 29th of November, 1919. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1920. 9d.)

Illegitimacy in Cincinnati. Studies from the Helen S. Trounstine Foundation, vol. 1, no. 6. (Cincinnati, Ohio: The Foundation.

1919. Pp. 37. 50c.)

An analysis is made of the cases of illegitimacy occurring in Cincinnati during the period June, 1912-September, 1914. The report also discusses the handling of cases in the courts and the rehabilitation work done by the local social service agencies. It analyzes some of the recent legislation and contains suggestions for a model law on bastardy. The statistics relate primarily to the occupations, ages, and residence of the mothers and fathers of the illegitimate children and to the vitality of the children themselves.

G. B. M. Industrial education, trade tests, unit trade schools, general industrial schools, shopwork on productive basis, teacher training, state supervision, training and upgrading of women workers; addresses delivered at the twelfth annual convention, St. Louis, February 20-22, 1919. (New York: Nat. Soc. for Vocational Educ. 1920. Pp. 72.)

Seventh annual proceedings of the National Association of Corporation Schools: addresses, reports, bibliographies, and discussions: Chicago, June, 1919. (New York: Nat. Assoc. of Corp. Schools. 1920.)

The new American thrift. (Philadelphia: Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. 1920. Pp. 248.)

The January number of the Annals is devoted to the subject of thrift and contains chapters on Wealth, income and savings; American farmer's need for capital; U. S. government bonds as investment; Coöperative credit institutions in the United States; Life insurance in its relation to thrift; Promotion and practice of thrift in foreign countries; and there is a brief bibliography.

Proceedings of the National Conference of Social Work at the fortyfifth annual session held in Kansas City, Mo., May, 1918. (Chicago: The Conference. 1919. Pp. 722.)

Report of the Under Secretary for Education for the year ended 31st December, 1918. Part I, Child welfare. (Cape Town, S. A.: Gov. Printers. 1919. Pp. 99.)

Chapter 4 contains the summarized experience of other countries dealing with infant mortality, care of mothers, housing, playgrounds, defective and backward children, children's courts and other agencies for the care of special classes of children.

State Americanization, the part of the state in the reëducation and assimilation of the immigrant. Education Bureau bull. 77. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. 5s.)

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