페이지 이미지

merce, Miscellaneous series no. 101. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. Pp. 83. 15c.)

MAUTNER, W. Der Bolschewismus: Voraussetzungen, Geschichte, Theorie, zugleich eine Untersuchung seines Verhältnisses zum Marxismus. (Berlin: Kohlhammer. 1920. Pp. xxiii, 368.)

MEHL, J. M. and JESNESS, O. B. The organization of coöperativc grain elevator companies. Bureau of Markets Dept. bulletin 860. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. Pp. 40. 10c.)

METTON, C. Un village syndical. Bibliothèque du syndicalisme agricole. (Paris: Payot. 1920. Pp. 155.)

MONEY, L. C. The triumph of nationalization. (London: Cassell. 1920. Pp. 256. 7s. 6d.)

OPPENHEIMER, M. Outlawing socialism. (Chicago: Socialist Party of U. S. Pp. 44. 15c.)

POSTGATE, R. W. The bolshevik theory. (London: Grant Richards. 1920. 7s. 6d.)

RAVEN, C. E. Christian socialism, 1848-1854. (New York: Macmillan. 1920.)

SHAW, L. M. Vanishing landmarks; the trend toward bolshevism. New edition. (Chicago: Laird & Lee. 1920. Pp. 252. $1.50.) SMITH-GORDON, L. and O'BRIEN, C. Coöperation in many lands. Vol. I. (Manchester, England: Coöperative Union, Ltd. 1919. Pp. 272.)

SOLOMON, C. The Albany "trial." (New York: Rand School of Social Science. 1920. Pp. 71.)

SOREL, G. Matériaux d'une théorie du prolétariat. (Paris: Rivière. Pp. 424. 7 fr.)

SPARGO, J. The greatest failure in all history; a critical examination of the actual workings of bolshevism in Russia. (New York: Harper. 1920. Pp. xvii, 486.)

SPENCE, OGILVIE, and PAINE. introduction by M. BEER. 206. $1.50.)

The pioneers of land reform. With an (New York: Knopf. 1920. Pp. ix,

Contains reprints of The Real Rights of Man, by Thomas Spence (1775); The Right of Property in Land, by William Ogilvie (1781); Agrarian Justice, by Thomas Paine (1795).

TAYLOR, R. The socialist illusion. (London: Allen & Unwin. 1920. 2s. 6d.)

TOWLER, W. G. and RAY, W. Socialism: its promise and failure. (London: Dept. of Social Econ., London Munic. Soc. 1920. 1s.) ULIANOV, V. I. (Nikolai Lenin, pseud.) The Soviets at work; the international position of the Russian soviet republic and the funda

mental problems of the socialist revolution. Fifth edition. (New York: Rand School of Social Science. Pp. 48. 15c.)

WALLING, W. E. Sovietism; the A B C of Russian bolshevism—according to the Bolshevists. (New York: Dutton. 1920. Pp. ix, 220. $2.)

Information respecting the Russian soviet system and its propaganda in North America. (Ottawa: Dept. of Labour. 1920. Pp. 18.) Practical experience with profit sharing in industrial establishments. Research report no. 29. (Boston: National Industrial Conference Board. 1920. Pp. ix, 86.)

Proceedings of the fifty-first annual coöperative congress, 1919, of the Coöperative Union, Ltd. (Manchester, Eng.: Coöperative Union Ltd. 1920. Pp. 814.)

Report of the labour delegation to Russia, 1920. (London: Trades Union Congress and the Labour Party. 1920. 2s. 6d.)

Report on profit sharing and labour co-partnership in the United Kingdom. (London: Ministry of Labour, Intelligence and Statistics Dept. 1920. Pp. 544. 1920. 1s.)

Statistics and Its Methods


CASTELNUOVO, G. Calcolo delle probabilità. (Milan: Soc. Ed. Dante Alighieri. 1919. Pp. xxiii, 373. 18 1.)

DUNCAN, C. S. Commercial research. An outline of working principles. (New York: Macmillan, 1919. Pp. 385. $2.25.)

There are chapters on the need and character of commercial research; and on the sources, character, methods of collecting, analysis, presentation, and interpretation of business facts.

FREDERICK, J. G. Business research and statistics. (New York: Appleton. 1920. Pp. x, 342.)

KEY, W. M. E. Heredity and social rating in a Pennsylvania family. 1920. Pp. 102.)

fitness; a study of differential (Washington: Carnegie Inst.

YULE, G. U. An introduction to the theory of statistics. (London: Griffin. 1919. Pp. 898.)

Annuaire international de statistique. IV, Mouvement de la population (Amérique). (La Haye: W. P. Van Stockum & Fils. 1920. Pp. xi, 120.)

Includes figures for South American nations where available. Tables relate to marriages, divorces, births, and deaths. Illustrated by maps and charts.

Annuaire international de statistique, VI. (La Haye: W. P. Van Stockum & Fils. 1920. Pp. viii, 154.)

Deals with wages, collective bargains, unemployment, employment agencies, trade unions and strikes. Summarizes data collected from all nations publishing material.

Annuaire statistique de la Belgique et du Congo Belge, quarante-cinquième année-1914. (Brussells: Ministère de l'Intérieur. 1920. Pp. 603. 10 frs.)

Birth statistics for registration area of United States, calendar year Fourth annual report. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. Pp. 812. 40c.)

British oversea dominions from 1903 to 1917. Statistical abstract, 54th number. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1920. 3s. 6d.) The Canada year book, 1919. (Ottawa: Bureau of Statistics. 1920. Pp. xvi, 697.)

Central electric light and power stations with summary of electrical industries, 1917. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. 75c.)

Cotton production in the United States, crop of 1919. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. 10c.)

Financial statistics of states, 1919. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. Pp. 119.)

Graphic and statistical sales helps; a comparative and statistical data for sales executives on manufacturing wholesaling, and retailing. (Chicago: A. W. Shaw. 1920. Pp. 179.)

Mortality statistics, 1918. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. Pp. 603.)

Nomenclatures internationales destinées a rendre comparables entre elles les statistiques nosologiques. (Paris: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. 1920. Pp. 52.)

Official year book of the Commonwealth of Australia, statistics for period 1901-1918. (Melbourne: Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. 1920. Pp. xxxviii, 1234.)

Report and resolutions adopted by the first conference of government officers engaged in dealing with statistics in the British Empire, held at the Board of Trade January 20-February 26, 1920. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1920. Pp. 68.)

Statistical abstract of the United States, 1919. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. Pp. 864. 50c.)

Statistics of railways in the United States.

Twenty-third annual report for the year ended December 31, 1917. (Washington: Supt. Docs. 1920. Pp. 580.)

Year book of the state of Indiana for the year 1919. (Fort Wayne, Ind.: Legislative Reference Bureau. 1920. Pp. 1190.)


Industries and Commerce

FARM LAND VALUES IN IOWA. In the last issue of this REVIEW (p. 644) appeared a review of the results of an investigation of farm land values in Iowa, issued by the United States Department of Agriculture. At the time the REVIEW went to press the bulletin had not yet appeared and therefore it was not practicable to give specific credit for the authorship of the publication. The results of the investigation have been published under the title of Farm Land Values in Iowa, by L. C. Gray and O. G. Lloyd, Bulletin No. 874, United States Department of Agriculture. The investigations were made in coöperation with the Iowa Agricultural College which was represented by O. G. Lloyd.

This bulletin is the first product of the Division of Land Economics, of the newly organized Office of Farm Management and Farm Economics. Dr. L. C. Gray is in charge of the division. The establishment of this field of work in the Department of Agriculture represents a recognition by the department of the fact that the nation has reached the close of an epoch in its policies with respect to agricultural land and that it is necessary to anticipate by systematic investigation the formulation of policies that will regulate in the interest of national welfare the tenure and use of land rather than merely provide for the alienation of the public domain.

Although the investigational work of the Division of Land Economics has been under way little more than a year, numerous investigations are being carried on concerning the following major topics: causes and significance of tenancy, the distribution of farm land ownership, methods of facilitating the ownership of land, land values and methods of valuation with special reference to measuring the influence of the factors determining rents and values, the tenant contract and methods of improving it in various systems of farming, organization of estate farming with special reference to the plantation system, conditions determining the use or non-use of agricultural land in various regions, and methods of land settlement and colonization public and private. This is a field of economic research in which additional well trained students are needed.

Attention of professors of economics is called to the fact that land economics is a field of research that is likely to offer opportunities of increasing importance in the next few years to young men and women who have had the suitable training and that not only the United

States Department of Agriculture but the colleges of agriculture and other public agencies, national and state, will provide attractive employment for men trained for work in this field. H. C. T.

The United States Tariff Commission has printed for the use of the House Committee on Ways and Means A Survey of the British WoolManufacturing Industry (Washington, 1920, pp. 106), the result of a field investigation in Great Britain made during the later months of 1919.

The United States Tariff Commission has recently published Reciprocity with Canada, A Study of the Arrangement of 1911 (1920, pp. 114) and in its Tariff Information Series, No. 17, Subject Index to Tariff Information Surveys and Reports (pp. 25); No. 19, The Crude Botanical Drug Industry (pp. 69).

The Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture has prepared a new edition of Regulations of the United States Warehouse Act of August 11, 1916, as Amended July 24, 1919 with special regulations for wool warehouses (Washington pp. 81).

The Bureau of the Census has compiled a pamphlet on Cotton Production in the United States, Crop of 1919 (pp. 39).

Two additional volumes of the Cost Reports of the Federal Trade Commission on Coal have appeared. No. 5 relates to Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan-Bituminous; and No. 6, to Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia-Bituminous (Washington, 1920, pp. 258; 286).

The Federal Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce has issued Special Agents Series, No. 98, South African Markets for American Hardware, by R. A. Lindquist and C. S. Williams (pp. 56).

The Department of Agriculture has recently issued as department bulletins Requirements and Cost of Producing Market Milk in Northwestern Indiana (No. 858, July 16, 1920, pp. 31); The Organization of Coöperative Grain Elevator Companies (No. 860, Aug. 20, 1920, pp. 40); and Marketing Eastern Grapes (No. 861, Sept. 13, 1920, pp. 61); also Timber Depletion, Lumber Prices, Lumber Exports, and Concentration of Timber Ownership, submitted in compliance with Senate resolution 311 (Washington, June 1, 1920, pp. 71), which is a nationwide survey of the present status of forest supplies, illustrated by maps and charts.

The hearings held before the Committee on Manufactures of the

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