Superior sway. From thus distempered breast "Would thou hadst hearkened to my words, and stayed I know not whence possessed thee! We had then Let none henceforth seek needless cause to approve 1140 To whom, soon moved with touch of blame, thus Eve:"What words have passed thy lips, Adam severe ? Imput'st thou that to my default, or will Of wandering, as thou call'st it, which who knows Going into such danger, as thou saidst? 1150 I 160 To whom, then first incensed; Adam replied : "Is this the love, is this the recompense Of mine to thee, ingrateful Eve, expressed Immutable when thou wert lost, not I Who might have lived, and joyed immortal bliss, And am I now upbraided as the cause. Of thy transgressing? not enough severe, It seems, in thy restraint! What could I more? 1170 I warned thee, I admonished thee, foretold That lay in wait; beyond this had been force, I also erred in overmuch admiring What seemed in thee so perfect that I thought Lets her will rule: restraint she will not brook; The fruitless hours, but neither self-condemning ; THE END OF THE NINTH BOOK. 1180 PARADISE LOST. BOOK X. THE ARGUMENT. Man's transgression known, the guardian Angels forsake Paradise, and return up to Heaven to approve their vigilance, and are approved; God declaring that the entrance of Satan could not be by them prevented. He sends his Son to judge the transgressors; who descends, and gives sentence accordingly; then, in pity, clothes them both, and reascends. Sin and Death, sitting till then at the gates of Hell, by wondrous sympathy feeling the success of Satan in this new World, and the sin by Man there committed, resolve to sit no longer confined in Hell, but to follow Satan, their sire, up to the place of Man to make the way easier from Hell to this World to and fro, they pave a broad highway or bridge over Chaos, according to the track that Satan first made; then, preparing for Earth, they meet him, proud of his success, returning to Hell; their mutual gratulation. Satan arrives at Pandemonium ; in full assembly relates, with boasting, his success against Man; instead of applause is entertained with a general hiss by all his audience, transformed, with himself also, suddenly into Serpents, according to his doom given in Paradise; then, deluded with a show of the Forbidden Tree springing up before them, they, greedily reaching to take of the fruit, chew dust and bitter ashes. The proceedings of Sin and Death': God foretells the final victory of his Son over them, and the renewing of all things; but, for the present, commands his Angels to make several alterations in the Heavens and Elements. Adam, more and more perceiving his fallen condition, heavily bewails, rejects the condolement of Eve; she persists, and at length appeases him: then, to evade the curse likely to fall on their offspring, proposes to Adam violent ways; which he approves not, but, conceiving better hope, puts her in mind of the late promise made them, that her seed should be revenged on the Serpent, and exhorts her, with him, to seek peace of the offended Deity by repentance and supplication. EANWHILE the heinous and despiteful act MEANWH Of Satan done in Paradise, and how Was known in Heaven; for what can scape the eye Of God all-seeing, or deceive his heart Omniscient? who, in all things wise and just, Hindered not Satan to attempt the mind Of Man, with strength entire and free will armed Whatever wiles of foe or seeming friend. For still they knew, and ought to have still remembered, With pity, violated not their bliss. About the new-arrived, in multitudes, The Ethereal people ran, to hear and know How all befell. They towards the throne supreme, ΙΟ 20 30 When first this Tempter crossed the gulf from Hell. I told ye then he should prevail, and speed Or touch with lightest moment of impulse 40 50 By some immediate stroke, but soon shall find But whom send I to judge them? whom but thee, All judgment, whether in Heaven, or Earth, or Hell. Mercy colleague with justice, sending thee, Both ransom and Redeemer voluntary, And destined Man himself to judge Man fallen." бо Expressed, and thus divinely answered mild : "Father Eternal, thine is to decree; Mine both in Heaven and Earth to do thy will Supreme, that thou in me, thy Son beloved, 70 May'st ever rest well pleased. I go to judge On Earth these thy transgressors; but thou know'st, |