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view taken by my hon. Friend on this side it implies a great deal of labour, and the of the House (Mr. H. H. Fowler), and by exercise of a great deal of conveyancing my right hon. Friend on the other side skill, and that the man who earns (Sir Henry Holland). I fail to see that £1,500 a-year in this way would be able because it is necessary that a particular to earn a great deal more at the Bar if Office should be carried on that, there- engaged in a similar vocation. But this fore, public faith with a public servant is not all. These 3,000 titles are irreshould be broken-and that is what the spective of a very large number of titles Government are proposing in pressing-possibly many more than that—which on this Bill. The late Government stood in no such position. They acted honourably with their servants, because the position of matters was then this. When the Marquess of Salisbury was in Office the position was this. The late Lord Chancellor had prepared (ready for bringing in) a Bill for the establishment of a new system of Land Transfer and Registry-I am repeating a public statement publicly made. From that it would appear that that Bill was ready to be brought forward in the House of Lords almost immediately; and pending the bringing forward of that matter, which was a matter almost of days, no one complained-I am quite sure the Assistant Registrar of the Land Registry Office would not complain-of the Assistant Registrar being required to perform the duties of Chief Registrar on the same footing as he was carrying on his own duties. But what does the present Government propose to do? They propose to put it in the power of the Lord Chancellor to require the Assistant Registrar to carry on the business of the Registrar's Office, in addition to what he undertook to do when he was appointed, for the same amount paid him when he originally accepted his Office, and to go on doing for an indefinite time all the duties for which the late Mr. Follett was paid the sum of £2,500 a-year. The hon. Gentleman's statement, I maintain, proves a great deal too much. My hon. Friend, I suppose, like myself, knew Mr. Follett very well. Does he mean to tell us that Mr. Follett was a man who would have taken £2,500 a-year for doing nothing? | Laughter.] Hon. Gentlemen laugh. I find I am in a hot-bed of economy here. Does the House know what Mr. Follett did, and what the Office has been doing? The Office has been in existence 25 years, and during that period has registered over 3,000 titles. Laughter.] I am afraid, from the laughter of hon. Gentlemen, that they do not know what this implies. If my hon. Friends around me were hon. and learned also, they would know that Mr. Ince

have been looked into, and which have not been passed on account of irregularities of title. All this work has to be most carefully performed. I have tested the matter in another way, which will, perhaps, come home more to the minds of my hon. and economical Friends. The value of the estates of which the titles have been registered is between £6,000,000 and £7,000,000. And that is not all. In addition to that there have been between £7,000,000 and £8,000,000 of mortgage debentures dealt with in that Office. All this has involved an immense deal of inquiry into titles, and an immense deal of work. When the hon. Gentleman speaks of the staff of the Office-I think he spoke of the various supernumerary officials in the Registration Office-I would inform him that these officials are two clerks and a law stationer; so that, in fact, the whole of the real business of this Office devolves upon the Registrar and Assistant Registrar. The Assistant Registrar took his office 24 years ago, and the salary he was paid then and has been paid since has been £1,500 a-year. He was when appointed-and here I mention a matter which must be within the knowledge of many hon. and learned Members here, as it certainly is within my own-a gentleman of large knowledge and experience of conveyancing. He has been the working spirit of the Office, has drafted all the rules; and, in fact, the Office has mainly rested on his shoulders-of course, under the supervision of Mr. Follett. I say that a gentleman who has sacrificed his career to enter into an Office of that kind should be dealt with fairly; good faith should be kept with him; and if he should be asked to carry on more onerous dutiesfor the ultimate responsibility rested on Mr. Follett -I maintain it is neither just nor fair that he should be asked to carry them on for an indefinite time at a remuneration that was fixed when he was in the position of a subordinate. I am not going to suggest, though the idea may have crossed hon. Members'

minds, that the labourer is worthy of his | neration. I submit that the question is hire; but I must say that if you agree one the House is fully capable of dealto pay one salary for one class of work, ing with at once. It has all the facts and you put on the shoulders of the before it to enable it to deal with the man who receives it another and more subject, and I do not think the debate onerous class of work, the fact should should be adjourned. be taken into consideration in relation to salary. My hon. Friend, I am sure, does not want to do an injustice. As I am anxious to give him an opportunity of avoiding that, and to enable him to further consider the matter I will move the adjournment of the debate.

MR. BAGGALLAY: I beg to second the Motion.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Debate be now adjourned." -(Mr. Ince.)

MR. AMBROSE: I rise for the purpose of supporting the proposal of the hon. and learned Member for Islington (Mr. Ince), because I concur in the view he has expressed of this matter. I do not agree with the sincere and earnest desire of the right hon. Baronet the Member for Hampstead (Sir Henry Holland) to cut down expenses wherever it can be done

MR. SPEAKER: I would point out to the hon. Member that the Question before the House is the adjournment of the debate, and that he cannot enter into a discussion of the Main Question.

THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (Mr. CHARLES RUSSELL): On the Question of the adjournment I wish to say that my hon. Friend the Secretary to the Treasury (Mr. H. H. Fowler) has put before the House the reasons why this matter is urgent. It comes before the House on the recommendation of the late Lord Chancellor, backed up by the further recommendation of the present Lord Chancellor; and while I do not want to debate the Main Question I may be forgiven for pointing out that my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Islington (Mr. Ince) has not discussed this matter on its merits. He has moved the adjournment, but has suggested no reason why the merits of the measure have not been already sufficiently discussed. He has declared his objection to the Bill with perfect candour-namely, against making the gentleman who has hitherto been the Assistant Registrar responsible for the whole of the work of the Office without an adequate increase of remu

MR. T. H. BOLTON: I hope the hon. and learned Member for Islington (Mr. Ince) is actuated by a desire to promote economy in this matter. He proposes that the Assistant Registrar, whose duties are of such a slight character

MR. SPEAKER: I am sorry to interrupt the hon. Member; but I would remind him that the debate must now be confined to the Question of adjourn


THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES (Mr. OSBORNE MORGAN): This is really a very urgent matter, because unless some Bill of this kind is passed it is very doubtful whether there is anyone to pass these titles, which may consequently become invalid.

Question put, and negatived.

Original Question again proposed.

MR. AMBROSE: I do not know that I should have risen to support this Bill if it had not been for the statement of the hon. Gentlemen the Secretary to the Treasury that it was intended to transfer the duties of the Registrar to the Assistant Registrar, without making any sort of addition to his salary. I do not mean to contend that it is necessary to proceed to appoint a Registrar at the salary paid to the late Registrar. That is not the view that I am prepared to submit to the House at all. I confess to some disappointment at seeing the way the Government are dealing with that to which the country has so long looked forward for cheapening the transfer of landnamely, a Land Registry. It does not seem to me that the system best calculated to improve the Land Registration is such economization as that now proposed-namely, a reduction of the staff to the lowest possible minimum. It seems to me there is great risk in reposing so much responsibility upon the Assistant Registrar, especially in view of the proposed reform in connection with the Land Transfer, if you look to the system of Registration as a means of perfecting and cheapening the transfer of land. That being so, I do not think

we should run any risks of serious mis- | to these-transfers, mortgages, and other takes being made by the Land Registry dealings-have to come under the Regiswhich would tend to draw discredit on try Office. There are a large number of the Registry system. I must say I think mortgages which involve a great deal of the Secretary to the Treasury and the work. I should not have risen to oppose right hon. Baronet the Member for the second reading of the Bill if it had Hampstead (Sir Henry Holland) have not been stated that all this work is to underrated the work that will have to be be put on the Assistant Registrar withdone by the Assistant Registrar if this out increasing his salary. If the Bill is Bill passes. It has been said that the read a second time, I shall certainly feel work of the Registrar is not merely it necessary in Committee to move a Ministerial, but hardly more than-I do clause by which it will become the duty not recollect the exact words used-the of the Lord Chancellor or the Treasury, work of a clerk, mere work of detail. when they assign these additional duties That is an entire misapprehension. The to the Assistant Registrar, also to assign work that has had to be done by the additional remuneration. Registrar, in many instances, has been THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (Mr. judicial work requiring legal training CHARLES RUSSELL): I should like to say and knowledge, and entailing very great a word or two on the Main Question. responsibility. It involves judicial work The first Act which bears on this subas to the effect of titles and putting them ject of the registration of titles was an on the Register, and it is very onerous Act passed in 1862, and was followed by work, although it does not bring much the Act in question, which was passed public fame. There is not that honour in 1875, at the instance of the then Lord about it which falls to the lot of men Chancellor, the late Earl Cairns. I speak when they have to appear in public. in the hearing of a great many hon. and Everything is done in the Office. A learned Friends, and I speak the opinion great deal of painstaking is involved, of the Profession, when I say that and a large amount of scientific know- from beginning to end these two Acts ledge is necessary to enable the Regis- were signal failures-that they have cost trar to discharge his duties satisfactorily. this country a great deal more money With regard to the Assistant Registrar, than they are worth, and that they he has been holding office for the last have done little better than to establish 24 years. I am told, and I have every one or two not unimportant sinecures. reason to believe it to be the fact, that My hon. and learned Friend the Member when he accepted the office he gave up for East Islington (Mr. Ince) used an exvery lucrative work. I ask, is it right, pression which was a strong one to use, for the sake of cutting down the Esti- and which I think he entirely failed to mates, to do this injustice? Is it fair to justify. He accused the Government of put on the shoulders of a man who has a breach of faith, stating that when the been a subordinate these responsible late Government were in Office it had duties without increasing his remunera- been their intention to bring in a general tion? It has been said, and I know there Bill to deal with the whole question of is a curious notion prevailing, that there Land Transfer; and, as I understood is nothing to do in connection with the him, to provide for the Deputy RegisRegistry. It is true that, comparatively trar. That was intended to be a Bill speaking, there have been very few much wider than this; in fact, there is titles registered; but it must be remem- little connection between the two matbered that the titles registered have been ters; and I know of no pledge or promise accumulating for 24 years, and that there as to the Deputy Registrar in relation to are now 3,000 on the Register. I would it. My hon. and learned Friend saysask any Gentleman with any knowledge" Is it to be supposed that Mr. Follett at all on the subject whether it is not a would have taken £2,500 a-year for doing fact that when a title is once on the nothing?" In answer to that, I can only Register subsequent transactions under say that if the duty of receiving £2,500 that title have to come under the super-a-year for doing little or nothing is cast vision of the Registry Office to be dealt with by the gentleman who fills the post of Registrar? There are 3,000 titles registered, and all transactions in regard Mr. Ambrose

upon a man, most men will find it a very difficult thing to refuse the burden. There is very little real work to do in the Office; and the advantage the com

of new estates registered in this Office had "Within the past two half-years the number been six-two in one half and four in the other; so that this fact came out that the taxpayers of this country had to pay £1,000 for each new would see at once what a scandalous, extravaestate registered in this Office. Hon. Members gant, and wasteful expenditure of money there was in this Department."-(3 Hansard, [299] 744.)

munity has gained by it has been very | have been told that this Office is a sineslight. The case of the Deputy Regis- cure, and now it is said it is not. What trar is this-that he has been for many are the facts? Will the House allow me years acting in his present capacity at a to quote what was said by Mr. Arthur salary of £1,500; and it is suggested, or Arnold last year, who did not overstate implied, that he had a right to look for- the case? That hon. Gentleman said— ward to some advancement. Well, I entirely deny the suggestion that his acceptance of the Deputy Registrarship implied that the Office of Registrar was to be kept up for his benefit in case of a vacancy where the needs of the public service did not require it. I deny that any public servant who accepts a position accepts it under any such implied promise. I should be inclined to say that the question now under discussion is not germane to the Bill. The course suggested by the hon. and learned Gen-mitted for To-morrow. tleman opposite (Mr. Ambrose) as to inserting a clause in the interest of the Deputy Registrar may or not be regular; but it certainly would be most irregular to attempt to stop the second reading by arguments which in no sense go to the merits of the Bill.

MR. T. H. BOLTON: I do not wish to stand long between the House and a division, if there is to be one; because I am perfectly sure there will be but one result of the division. But I venture to say, as a man having some little knowledge of this Land Registry Office, that if there is one complete failure in connection with legal reform it is in

connection with this Office. Several

persons were appointed to positions in
which they had very good salaries, and
very little to do. Now, an opportunity is
afforded us of making alterations by
which we may reduce a thoroughly use-
less staff. To talk about 3,000 cases being
dealt with in 25 years requiring this staff
is absurd-about 120 cases a year, and
two and a-half a-week. I undertake to
say that any efficient and respectable firm

of solicitors would transact the whole of
this business for £1,000 a-year,
and con-
sider themselves exceedingly well paid.
And yet we find the Deputy Registrar
suggesting, through an hon. Member of
this House, that he should have addi-
tional remuneration. The whole thing
is absurd. I hope the House will, by a
unanimous vote, show they quite appre-
ciate the common sense of the Govern-
ment in supporting this Bill.

BORNE MORGAN): Year after year we

Original Question put, and agreed to.

Bill read a second time, and com




Speaker, I beg to move that a Select
Committee be appointed—

dowed Schools Act, 1869, and the amending
"To inquire into the operation of 'The En-
Acts, and to consider and report how far it may
be expedient to amend the powers exercised
under them by the Charity Commissioners."
I only wish to remark that a Committee
sat last year upon Charitable Trusts,
and strongly recommended that a Select
Committee on "The Endowed Schools
Acts" be moved for this year. My right
hon. Friend the President of the Board
the Government, and my right hon.
of Trade (Mr. Mundella), on the part of
Friend opposite (Sir Henry Holland),
who preceded me in my Office, on behalf
of the late Government, recommended
the appointment of the Committee. I,
therefore, move that a Select Committee
be appointed.

Motion agreed to.

Select Committee appointed, "to inquire into the operation of The Endowed Schools Act, 1869, and the amending Acts, and to consider and report how far it may be expedient to amend the powers exercised under them by the Charity Commissioners."-(Sir Lyon Playfair.)


Purification of Rivers, ordered to be brought in On Motion of Mr. Hastings, Bill for the by Mr. Hastings, Sir Edward Birkbeck, Lord

Charles Beresford, Sir W. Guyer Hunter,
General Sir William Crossman, and Colonel GLEBE LOANS (IRELAND) ACTS CONTINU-

Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 101.]

[blocks in formation]


On Motion of Mr. John Morley, Bill to continue the Glebe Loans (Ireland) Acts, ordered to be brought in by Mr. John Morley and Mr. Henry Fowler.

Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 107.]



amend "The Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1872," On Motion of Mr. Arthur O'Connor, Bill to ordered to be brought in by Mr. Arthur O'Connor and Mr. T. P. O'Connor.

Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 108.]

REAL ASSETS ADMINISTRATION BILL. On Motion of Mr. Arthur O'Connor, Bill to facilitate the administration of Deceased Persons' Estates, ordered to be brought in by Mr. Arthur O'Connor, Mr. M'Laren, and Mr. Molloy.

Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 109.] House adjourned at half after One o'clock.


Tuesday, 23rd February, 1886.


Sir Edmund Beckett, Baronet, having been created Baron Grimthorpe of Grimthorpe in the East Riding of the county of York-Was (in the usual manner) introduced.

Several Lords-Took the Oath.


QUESTION. OBSERVATIONS. VISCOUNT SIDMOUTH, in rising to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty, Whether he will lay on the Table the reports of Admiral Hamilton on Coast Defences and on the Royal Naval Volunteer Artillery Corps; also reports from any other officer commissioned to inquire said, the question was a very important into either or both of the above matters? one, and he was anxious about it, and thought it most desirable to know what the action of the Admiralty was likely to be in this matter.

Their Lordships

were no doubt aware that, before the close of last Session, the Admiralty had taken steps to inquire into this matter;

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