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[Bill 12]

Admiralty-Naval Pensions, Question, Cap-
tain Price; Answer, The Civil Lord of the
Admiralty (Mr. R. W. Duff) Feb 25, 1205;
-Sale of Surplus and Unserviceable Stores,
Question, Sir Roper Lethbridge; Answer,
The Surveyor General of Ordnance (Mr.
Woodall) Feb 23, 1030

Expenditure, Question, Mr. Pearce; Answer,
The Secretary to the Admiralty (Mr. Hib-
bert) Mar 4, 1909

Haulbowline Dock (Cork Harbour), Questions,

Mr Lane; Answers, The Civil Lord of the
Admiralty (Mr. R. W. Duff) Feb 25, 1203
H.M.S. "Bellerophon," Question, Sir John

Gorst; Answer, The Secretary to the Ad-
miralty (Mr. Hibbert) Mar 2, 1767
Queen's Regulations, The-Promotion of Sea-
men, Question, Captain Verney; Answer,
The Secretary to the Admiralty (Mr. Hib-
bert) Mar 4, 1914



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NOLAN, Colonel J. P., Galway, N.
Harbours of Refuge, 1038

Imperial Revenue (Ireland and Great Britain),
Res. 1070


Landlord and Tenant - Estate of Colorel
Clive, 876

Post Office-Galway Mails, 1535

Sea and Coast Fisheries Trawling in
Galway Bay, 307, 902

Seed Supply Act Fourth Instalment of
Rate Postponement of Payment, 318,

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903, 1534, 1894

Post Office-Telegraphic Addresses, 1890
Supply-Dover Harbour, 744, 750

Orange River Territory, &c. 1631
Post Office, 1283, 1284

Town Holdings, Motion for a Select Com-
mittee, 1804

Ulster Canal and Tyrone Navigation, Motion
for Leave, 1652

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O'KELLY, Mr. J., Roscommon, N.


Army-Effects of a Deceased Soldier-Case of
Dennis M'Donnell, 1545, 1546
Burmah-Annexed Territory, The, 899

Military Executions-The Provost Mar-
shal, 316


British Force in Egypt and the Soudan,

Operations in the Soudan, 1391

Port of Suakin, 1891, 1892

War in the Soudan-Garrison at Kassala,


in the First Session of the Twenty-third
Parliament of the United Kingdom (No. 8)
Jan 12, 3

Certificate of the Election of Sixteen Repre-
sentative Peers for Scotland, delivered and
read Jan 12, 4

esquire, appointed to the Office of Clerk of
the Parliaments, vacant by the death of Sir
William Rose, K.C.B. Jan 12, 4

Ireland-Landlord and Tenant-The King-Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech

ston Estates, 1880

Post Office at Clashaganny, 1546

Law and Justice (England)-Public Execu
tions, 1382

Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in An-
swer to, 249

Supply-Courts of Law and Justice in Scot-
land, &c. 793

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The QUEEN being seated on the Throne, and
the Commons being at the Bar, with their
Speaker, The Lord Chancellor delivered Her
Most Gracious Speech to both Houses of
Parliament Jan 21, 32

The Queen's Speech having been reported by
The LORD CHANCELLOR ; An Address to
HER MAJESTY thereon moved by The Duke
of ABERCORN (the Motion being seconded by
The Earl of SCARBROUGH) Jan 21, 36; after
debate, Address agreed to, nemine dissen-

reported Jan 28, 531

Address and Answer ordered to be printed and

Chairman of Committees-The Earl of Redes-
dale appointed, nemine dissentiente, to take
the Chair in all Committees of this House
for this Session Jan 21

Committee for Privileges-appointed Jan 21
Sub-Committee for the Journals appointed

Jan 21

Appeal Committee-appointed Jan 21
Receivers and Tryers of Petitions -appointed
Jan 21

Standing Orders Committee nominated Feb 19;
List of the Committee, 703

Committee of Selection nominated Feb 19; List
of the Committee, 704

Office of the Clerk of the Parliaments and
Office of the Gentleman Usher of the Black
Rod-Select Committee appointed and nomi-
nated Feb 26; List of the Committee, 1350
Election of Representative Peers for Scotland -
Minutes of Meeting, presented and ordered
to lie on the Table Jan 21, 84
Private Bills

All Petitions relating to Standing Orders
which shall be presented during the present
Session referred to the Standing Orders
Committee unless otherwise ordered Feb 19

Parliament-Sir William Rose, K. C.B.,
late Clerk of the Parliaments
Moved to resolve "That this House is deeply
sensible of the loss which they have sustained
by the death of Sir William Rose, K.C.B.,
the late Clerk of the Parliaments, and think
it right to record the just sense which they
entertain of the zeal, ability, diligence, and
integrity with which he executed his im-
portant duties in that and other offices in the
service of this Ilouse during a period of 50
years" (The Marquess of Salisbury) Jan 22,
184; Motion agreed to, nemine dissentiente





Statement of The Lord President of the Council
(Viscount Cranbrook) Jan 28, 531; Ilouse
adjourned till Monday next

Statement of The Marquess of Salisbury Feb 1,
533; House adjourned till Thursday
House adjourned till Monday next Feb 4, 535


On the Motion of Earl Granville, Ilouse ad-
journed till Thursday the 18th instant,
except for Judicial Business Feb 8, 538


Policy of Her Majesty's Government - Ministe-
rial Statement, Earl Granville Feb 18, 543;
debate thereon

Parliament-Ventilation of the House
Ventilation of the Committee Rooms, Question,
The Earl of Belmore; Answer, The First
Commissioner of Works (The Earl of Mor-
ley) Feb 22, 868

Moved, "That the evidence of John Percy,
Esquire, M.D., taken before fhe Select Com-
mittee on the Office of the Clerk of the Par-
liaments and Office of the Gentleman Usher
of the Black Rod in session 1869, be laid
upon the Table, and that the same be
printed" (The Earl of Limerick) Mar 2,
1664; after short debate, Motion agreed to;
to be printed (No. 26)


A Book containing a List of the Names of the
Members returned to serve in this Parlia-
ment delivered to Sir Thomas Erskine May
by Kenneth Augustus Muir Mackenzie,
Clerk of the Crown in Chancery in Great
Britain [See Rolls of Lords, and List of
the Commons]

Jan 12, 5

The IIouse went up to the House of Peers;
and being returned-The Ilouse proceeded
to the

Election of a Speaker

The Right Honourable Arthur Wellesley Peel
unanimously called to the Chair Jan 12, 5
Mr. SPEAKER reported Her Majesty's Approval,
and took and subscribed the Oath Jan 13,

Parliamentary Oath (Mr. Bradlaugh)
Letters received by Mr. Speaker from The
Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir Michael
Hicks- Beach), Mr. Henry Cecil Raikes, and
Sir John I. Kennaway Jan 13, 21; The
Entry in the Votes, 24

Questions, Mr. Raikes, Mr. Labouchere; An-
swers, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
Jan 26, 418; Question, Mr. Norris; An-
swer, The Attorney General (Mr. Charles
Russell) Mar 4, 1901


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Moved, That the Committee of Selection do
consist of Nine Members " (Sir John R.
Mowbray Jan 26, 407; after short debate,
Moved, "That the Debate be now adjourned'
(Mr. J. W. Barclay); after further short
debate, Question put; A. 43, N. 399;
M. 356; (D. L. 2)

Original Question put, and agreed to
Moved, "That the name of Lord Edward
Cavendish be placed upon the Committee
(Sir John R. Mowbray); after short debate,
Question put, and agreed to; List of the
Committee, 416

Printing Select Committee appointed and
nominated Feb 19; List of the Committee,

Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms (House of Com-
mons)-Committee appointed and nominated
Feb 22; List of the Committee, 1007


Address to Her Majesty, Notice of Amend-
ments, Mr. Jesse Collings, Mr. J. W. Bar-
clay, Mr. Hunter Jan 21, 86

The QUEEN'S SPEECH having been reported by
Mr. Speaker; An humble Address thereon
moved by Viscount CURZON (the Motion
being seconded by Mr. HOULDSWORTH) Jan 21,
87; after long debate, Moved, "That the
Debate be now adjourned" (Mr. Sexton);
Question put, and agreed to; Debate ad-

Debate resumed [Second Night] Jan 22, 193;

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after long debate, Debate further adjourned
Debate resumed [Third Night] Jan 25, 321
Amendt. at end of 6th paragraph, add
"But this Ilouse humbly expresses to Iler
Majesty their regret that the Revenues of
India have been applied to defray the ex-
penses of the military operations carried on
in the Kingdom of Ava, without the consent
of Parliament as required by The Govern-
ment of India Act, 1858'" (Mr. Hunter),
321; Question proposed, "That those
words be there added; after debate,
Amendt. withdrawn
Amendt. to insert, after "Agriculture," in 11th
paragraph, and humbly to represent the
pressing necessity for securing without
delay to the cultivators of the soil such con-
ditions of tenure as will aid and encourage
them to meet the new and trying circum-
stances in which the Agriculture of the
Country is placed" (Mr. Barclay), 348;
Question proposed, "That those words be
there inserted;" after debate, Moved, "That
the Debate be now adjourned" (Sir Richard
Temple); after further short debate, Motion

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Question again proposed, "That those words
be there inserted," 394; after short debate,



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Debate resumed [Fourth Night] Jan 26, 442
Amendt. to insert, after "transient," in 11th
paragraph, "but this House humbly ex-
presses its regret that no measures
announced by Her Majesty for the present
relief of these classes, and especially for
affording facilities to the agricultural la-
bourers and others in the rural districts to
obtain allotments and small holdings on
equitable terms as to rent and security of
tenure" (Mr. Jesse Collings), 443; Question
proposed, "That those words be there in
serted;" after long debate, Question put;
A. 329, N. 250; M. 79; Div List, A. & N. 525
Main Question, as amended, proposed
After short debate, Moved, "That the Debate
be adjourned till Thursday " (Mr. Chancellor
of the Exchequer); Question put, and agreed


Moved, "That this House, at the rising of the
House this day, do adjourn till Thursday
(Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach); Question put, and agreedto

Personal Explanation, Mr. Llewellyn Feb 18,

Debate resumed [Fifth Night] Feb 18, 607
After debate, Amendt. at end of 15th para-
graph, insert" This House humbly expresses
its regret that in Her Majesty's Gracious
Speech the reference to the condition of the
people in the lighlands and Islands of Scot-
land is of a vague and indefinite character,
and contains no satisfactory assurance that
such Legislation as the serious nature of the
case demands will be undertaken, and is of
opinion that, until a Land Bill dealing in a
comprehensive manner with the proved and
admitted grievances of the Highland People
has been passed into Law, the Civil or Mili-
tary Forces of the Crown should not be em-
ployed to evict those People from their
hereditary homes (Mr. Macfarlane), 642 ;
Question proposed, "That those words be
there inserted; " after further debate, Ques.
tion put; A. 104, N. 234; M. 130 (D. L. 4)
Main Question, as amended, put, and agreed to
Committee appointed, to draw up an Address

to be presented to Her Majesty upon the said
Resolution; List of the Committee, 663

Report of Address brought up, and read Feb
18, 663; after short debate, Address agreed

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Questions, Mr. Woodall, Mr. Labouchere, Mr.
Gladstone, Mr. Joseph Cowen, Mr. Parnell;
Answers, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
(Sir Michael Hicks-Beach), Mr. Speaker
Jan 26, 429

New Rules of Procedure, Notice of Resolu-
tions, The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir
Michael Hicks-Beach) Jan 21, 86; Ques-
tion, Mr. Raikes; Answer, The Chancellor
of the Exchequer (Sir Michael Hicks-Beach)
Jan 25, 320

Introduction of Public Bills, Observations, Mr.
Joseph Cowen, The Chancellor of the Exche-
quer (Sir Michael Hicks Beach) Jan 22, 192

Moved, "That the Order of the Day for re-
suming the Adjourned Debate on the Ad-
dress, in Answer to Her Majesty's Most
Gracious Speech, have precedence, this day,
over the Notices of Motion (The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer, Sir Michael Hicks-
Beach) Jan 26, 431

After short debate, Amendt. to leave out all
after "precedence to end of Question,
add "on all days on which it is set down
over Notices of Motions and Orders of the
Day" (Mr. Parnell); Question proposed,
"That the words, &c.;" after further short
debate, Amendt. withdrawn

Amendt. at end of Question, add "and To-
morrow over other Orders of the Day and
the Notices of Motions" (Sir William Har-
court); Question, "That those words be
there added," put, and agreed to

Main Question, as amended, put, and agreed to

Ordered, "That the Chairman of the Select
Committee on Standing Orders have leave
to seek a Conference with the Chairman of
Committees of the Ilouse of Lords, for the
purpose of determining (under Standing
Order 79), in which House of Parliament the
respective Private Bills should be first con-
sidered, and to report the same to the
House" (Sir John Mowbray) Jan 28
Police and Sanitary Regulations — Muni-
cipal and Local Authorities,
"That the Committee of Selection do
appoint a Committee not exceeding nine
Members, to whom shall be referred all
Private Bills promoted by Municipal and
other Local Authorities, by which it is pro-
posed to create powers relating to Police or
Sanitary Regulations which deviate from,
or are in extension of, or repugnant to, the
General Law

That Standing Order 173A shall be applicable
to all Bills referred to the said Committee
That the Committee have power to send for
persons, papers, and records

That Five be the quorum" (Mr. Broadhurst)
Feb 26, 1361; Moved, "That the Debate
be now adjourned" (Mr. Sexton); after
short debate, Motion withdrawn
Main Question put, and agreed to


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