페이지 이미지


Port and Harbour Authorities Bill
(Mr. Matthew Kenny, Mr. Biggar, Mr. Justin
Huntly M'Carthy, Mr. Peter M'Donald, Mr.
James O'Doherty, Mr. Timothy Harrington)
e. Ordered; read 1°* Jan 22 [Bill 40]
Right Hon. Lord J. J. R.)

POST OFFICE (Questions)

Extra Postage, Question, Mr. E. Rider Cook ;
Answer, The Secretary to the Treasury (Mr.
Henry H. Fowler) Mar 1, 1537

Mails between Cyprus and Alexandria, Ques-
tion, Mr. Howard Vincent; Answer, The
Under Secretary of State for the Colonies
(Mr. Osborne Morgan) Feb 26, 1389
Postal Union, The-Extension to Australasia,
Questions, Mr. Henniker Heaton; Answers,
The Secretary to the Treasury (Mr. Henry II.
Fowler) Feb 22, 879; Feb 25, 1223
Post Cards, Question, Mr. Northcote; An-
swer, The Secretary to the Treasury (Mr.
Henry II. Fowler) Mar 1, 1524
Colonial Post Cards, Question, Mr. Henniker
Heaton; Answer, The Secretary to the Trea-
sury (Mr. Henry H. Fowler) Mar 4, 1900
The Universities, Question, Mr. Shirley; An-

swer, The Secretary to the Treasury (Mr.
Henry H. Fowler) Feb 25, 1208; Question,
Sir John R. Mowbray; Answer, The
Secretary to the Treasury (Mr. Henry H.
Fowler) Mar 4, 1905

[blocks in formation]

Carriage of Parcels in Suburban and Rural
Districts Letter Carriers, Question, Mr.
Boord; Answer, The Secretary to the Trea-
sury (Mr. Henry II. Fowler) Feb 22, 879

I POST OFFICE-Telegraph Department-cont.
tion, Mr. M'Iver; Answer, The Secretary
to the Local Government Board (Mr. Jesse
Collings) Mar 4, 1893
Telegraph Clerks — Sunday Work, Question,
Mr. Howard Vincent; Answer, The Secre-
tary to the Treasury (Mr. Henry H. Fowler)
Mar 4, 1878

Post Office-Submarine Telegraph Con-
tract (St. Vincent to the West Coast
of Africa)

Moved, "That the Contract, dated the 19th
day of January 1886, for the Construction of
a Submarine Telegraph Line from the Island
of St. Vincent to the West Coast of Africa
be approved" (Mr. Henry H. Fowler) Mar 1,
1662; after short debate, Debate adjourned
Debate resumed Mar 4, 2013

Moved, "That the Debate be now adjourned"
(Mr. Labouchere); after short debate, Ques-
tion put, and agreed to; Debate adjourned

[blocks in formation]

Rural Letter Carriers, Question, Sir Richard Private Lunatic Asylums (Ireland) Bill

Webster; Answer, The Secretary to the
Treasury (Mr. Ilenry H. Fowler) Mar 4,


Telegraph Department

Addresses of Telegrams, Question, Mr. Sexton;
Answer, The Secretary to the Treasury (Mr.
Henry H. Fowler) Mar 1, 1525; Question,
Colonel Nolan; Answer, The Secretary to
the Treasury (Mr. Henry H. Fowler) Mar 4,

Delivery of Telegrams, Question, Mr. For-
wood; Answer, The Secretary to the Trea-
sury (Mr. Henry H. Fowler) Feb 22, 886
Overhead Telegraph and Telephone Wires-
The Recent Snowstorm, Question, Sir Henry
Tyler; Answer, The Postmaster General
(Lord John Manners) Jan 25, 307; Ques-

(Mr. William Corbet, Mr. Dillwyn, Mr. P.
J. Power, Dr. Cameron, Mr. Mayne)

c. Ordered; read 1°* Jan 25

[Bill 89]

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Public Health Acts (Improvement Ex-| PULESTON, Mr. J. H., Devonport

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Public Libraries, Parliamentary Papers Quarter Sessions (Boroughs) Bill


Question, Mr. Kenrick; Answer, The Secre.
tary to the Treasury (Mr. Henry H. Fowler)
Mar 4, 1881

Public Meetings

Extra-Parliamentary Speeches

Disloyal Meeting at the Criterion Restaurant,
Question, Mr. Baumann; Answer, The At-
torney General (Mr. Charles Russell) Feb 26,
Speech of Lord Randolph Churchill at Belfast,
Questions, Mr. Sexton; Answers, The Chief
Secretary for Ireland (Mr. John Morley)
Feb 19, 717; Feb 24, 1116; Question, Mr.
Newnes; Answer, The Secretary of State
for the Home Department (Mr. Childers)
Feb 25, 1224; Question, Lord Randolph
Churchill; Answer, The First Lord of the
Treasury (Mr. W. E. Gladstone) Feb 26,
1393;-Extra Police, Question, Mr. John-
ston; Answer, The Chief Secretary for Ire-
land (Mr. John Morley) Mar 1, 1535; Ob-
servations, Sir Michael Hicks- Beach; Re-
ply, The First Lord of the Treasury (Mr.
W. E. Gladstone), 1547

Speech of Mr. Chamberlain at Birmingham —
"Ransom," Question, Baron Henry de
Worms; Answer, The President of the Local
Government Board (Mr. J. Chamberlain)
Feb 22, 876; Notice of Question, Viscount
Grimston; Answer, The President of the
Local Government Board (Mr. J. Chamber-
lain) Feb 23, 1018

Speech of Mr. Thomas Hughes at Chester,
Questions, Mr. Johns, Mr. T. P. O'Connor;
Answers, The Attorney General (Mr. Charles
Russell) Feb 23, 1018

Speech of Mr. John Morley at Chelmsford,
Questions, Baron Henry de Worms, Mr. T.
P. O'Connor; Answers, The Chief Secretary
for Ireland (Mr. John Morley) Feb 22, 901

Public Offices (Sites)

Moved to resolve "That in the opinion of this
House no further steps either of demolition
or construction ought to be taken under the
Public Offices Site Act before Her Majesty's
Government have heard the deputation from
the Institute of Architects, arranged to take
place on the 1st of March next" (The Lord
Stratheden and Campbell) Feb 25, 1170;
after short debate, Motion withdrawn
Observations, Mr. Beresford Hope; Reply,
The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir Wil-
liam Harcourt) Mar 4, 1999

Public Parks and Recreation Grounds-
Public Park at Dulwich

Question, Mr. Baumann; Answer, The Chair-
man of the Metropolitan Board of Work-
(Sir James M'Garel-Hogg) Mar 4, 1905


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Rivers Pollution (River Lea)

Moved, "That a Select Committee be appointed
to inquire into and report upon the condition
of the River Lea, and to make such recom-
mendations as may appear necessary" (Mr.
Attorney General) Feb 25, 1342; after short
debate, Motion agreed to

Select Committee nominated Mar 4; List of
the Committee, 2014

River Thames, Pollution of the-Report of
the Royal Commission

Questions, Mr. Thorold Rogers; Answers, The
Secretary of State for the Home Depart-
ment (Mr. Childers) Feb 25, 1220

ROBERTSON, Mr. E., Dundee

Land Registry Office-The Registrar, 420
Scotland-Collegiate Appointments, 1218
University of St. Andrew's, 1764
Unclaimed Deposits, 2R. 1842

ROBERTSON, Mr. J. P. B., Bute

Sporting Lands Rating (Scotland), 2R. 1487
Supply-Courts of Law and Justice in Scot-
land, &c. 784

ROBSON, Mr. W. S., Tower Hamlets, Bow
and Bromley

London Water Companies, 1222

ROGERS, Mr. J. E. Thorold, Southwark,

Belfast Main Drainage, Res. 1703

East London Water, 2R. 1665

Employers' Liability Act (1880) Amendment,
2R. 1086

Labour Statistics, Res. 1798

Lambeth Water, 2R. Amendt. 1505, 1511
Metropolis, Distress in the-South London,

Parliament-Queen's Speech, Address in An-
swer to, 260

Shop Hours Regulation, 2R. 684
Southwark and Vauxhall Water, 2R. 1511
Thames, Pollution of-Report of the Royal
Commission, 1220

ROSCOE, Sir H. E., Manchester, S.
Italy-Arrest of Professor Nichol, 606

ROSEBERY, Earl of (Secretary of State
for Foreign Affairs)

South-Eastern Europe-Policy of II. M. Go-
vernment, 577

RUSSELL, Mr. C. (Attorney General),
Hackney, S.

Compensation for Damages, 2R. 2009

Employers' Liability Act (1880) Amendment,
2R. 1081

Inland Revenue-Income Tax, Schedule A,

Land Registry, 2R. 1001, 1004


RUSSELL, Mr. C.-cont.

Law and Justice (England and Wales)-
Appointment to the Recordership of
Liverpool, 1528

High Court of Justice-The Long Vaca-
tion, 590

Mr. Bradlaugh, 1901


[blocks in formation]

Parliament Business of the House-Order of SALISBURY, Marquess of (Prime Minister

Public Business, Res. 919

Parliament-Privilege-Interference of Peers

in Election of Members of this House, 887,
888, 1516

Political Meetings, Speeches at-Mr. Thomas
Hughes at Chester, 1019

Public Meetings-Disloyal Meeting at the
Criterion Restaurant, 1387

Rivers Pollution (River Lea), Motion for a
Select Committee, 1342, 1343

[blocks in formation]

and Secretary of State for Foreign

Government of Ireland-Ministerial Policy,
Res. 300

Greece Collective Note of the European
Powers, 303

Lord Lieutenancy of Ireland, Res. 293, 294
Parliament-Adjournment-Resignation of the
Statement of the Marquess of
Salisbury, 533, 535



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SANDHURST, Lord (Under Secretary of
State for War)

Mounted Volunteer Infantry, 1663

SANDYS, Colonel T. M., Lancashire, S. W.,

Metropolis-Organization of the Police, 1532
Sanitation of Houses Bill

(Mr. Dixon-Hartland, Sir Edmund Lechmere)
c. Ordered; read 10 Jan 22

SAUNDERS, Mr. W., Hull, E.

[Bill 80]

Appointments under the Crown, Motion for a
Select Committee, 1076


[blocks in formation]


Aberdeen University - The Chair of Physiology,
Question, Mr. James Campbell; Answer,
The Secretary for Scotland (Mr. Trevelyan)
Mar 2, 1765

Arrears of Rates in Skye, Question, Mr.
Fraser-Mackintosh; Answer, The Secretary
for Scotland (Mr. Trevelyan) Mar 1, 1518
Collegiate Appointments, Question, Mr. Ed-
mund Robertson; Answer, The Secretary
for Scotland (Mr. Trevelyan) Feb 25, 1218
Errors in Statistical Returns Return of
Municipal Burghs, 1885, Questions, Sir
George Campbell; Answers, The Lord Advo-
cate (Mr. J. B. Balfour) Mar 4, 1877
Local Taxation Returns, Question, Mr.
Bruce; Answer, The Secretary for Scotland
(Mr. Trevelyan) Mar 4, 1902


Established Church-Disestablishment, Ques-
tion, Sir Donald Currie; Answer, The First
Lord of the Treasury (Mr. W. E. Gladstone)
Feb 22, 906



Farm Servants-A Royal Commission, Ques.
tion, Dr. Clark; Answer, The Secretary for
Scotland (Mr. Trevelyan) Feb 19, 712
Foreshores and Fishings, Question, Mr. Mac-
farlane; Answer, The Secretary to the
Treasury (Mr. Jackson) Jan 26, 416

Harbour Accommodation (North of Scotland),
Question, Dr. R. M'Donald; Answer, The
Secretary to the Board of Trade (Mr. C. T.
D. Acland) Feb 25, 1206
Harbours Invergordon Harbour, Question,
Dr. R. M'Donald; Answer, The President
of the Board of Trade (Mr. Mundella) Mar 2,

[ocr errors]

Parliamentary Elections-Election Expenses,
Question, Sir Donald Currie; Answer, The
Lord Advocate (Mr. J. B. Balfour); Question,
Mr. T. M. Ilealy [no reply] Mar 4, 1899
Representation of the People Act-Polling
Places in Argyllshire, Question, Mr. Mac-
farlane; Answer, The Lord Advocate (Mr.
J. B. Balfour) Feb 22, 881

Sheriff Clerk Depute of Skye, Question, Mr.
Fraser-Mackintosh; Answer, The Lord Ad-
vocate (Mr. J. B. Balfour) Mar 1, 1517
University of St. Andrew's, Question, Mr.
Edmund Robertson; Answer, The Secre-
tary for Scotland (Mr. Trevelyan) Mar 2,

Education Department (Scotland)

Education Code-School Attendance, Question,

Mr. J. W. Barclay; Answer, The Secretary
for Scotland (Mr. Trevelyan) Mar 1, 1523
Gaelic in Board Schools, Question, Mr. Beith;
Answer, The Secretary for Scotland (Mr.
Trevelyan) Mar 2, 1762

Fisheries (Scotland)

Private Piers - Pier Dues, Questions, Mr.
Macfarlane; Answers, The Lord Advocate
(Mr. J. H. A. Macdonald) Jan 25, 305
Tweed Fisheries Acts, Question, Sir Charles
Tennant; Answer, The Secretary for Scot-
land (Mr. Trevelyan) Mar 2, 1753
Law and Justice (Scotland)

Administration of Justice in the Highlands and
Islands, Question, Dr. R. M'Donald; An-
swer, The Lord Advocate (Mr. J. B. Bal-
four) Feb 25, 1207

Mr. R. W. Renton, Procurator Fiscal of East
Fife, Question, Dr. Cameron; Answer, The
Lord Advocate (Mr. J. II. A. Macdonald)
Jan 25, 308; Question, Dr. Cameron; An-
swer, The Lord Advocate (Mr. J. B. Balfour)
Feb 22, 890; Question, Mr. Boyd-Kinnear;
Answer, The Lord Advocate (Mr. J. B.
Balfour) Mar 4, 1903

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