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nemus etiam ut eleemosynas quæ quotannis ex largitione fidelium copiose admodum, ut accipimus, colliguntur, indigentibus personis, ac præsertim iis qui pro fide Catholica in carcere detinentur, large et fideliter distribuas; deque appellationibus ad nos et sedem Apostolicam interpositis in casibus quibus de jure deferendum erit, deferas, quæ quidem appellationes ad protecterum nunc, et pro tempore existentem, devolvantur. Cæterum ut omnis hujus controversiæ memoria penitus aboleatur, eadem auctoritate damnamus, et prohibemus omnes libros ubicunque impressos, in quibus aliquod continetur contra institutionem societatis Jesu, seu contra privatas illius personas, et qui etiam in alterutram partem criminosi seu quovis modo injuriosi sunt, illosque ab omnibus damnari, prohiberi, et interdici mandamus. Ac insuper omnibus et singulis, sive laicis, sive clericis secularibus, ac cujusvis ordinis et instituti regularibus, et nominatim ipsis presbyteris appellantibus, et religiosis societatis Jesu, aliisque quibuscunque ejusdem regni Angliæ, sive in eodem regno, sive extra illud, existentibus, sub amissionis omnium facultatum a sede Apostolica vel aliis superioribus quovis modo ipsis, ut præfertur, concessarum, necnon excommunicationis ipso facto absque alia declaratione incurrendis pœnis interdicimus, et prohibemus ne libros illos pro alterutra parte in posterum edant nisi prius obtenta protectoris similiter nunc, et pro tempore existentis, approbatione et licentia. Quicunque vero aliquod genus librorum literarumque et tractatuum in quibus alicujus veri Catholici fama violari poterit, in posterum, aut aliquando fuerit violata, aut ex quibus excitari possint veteres vel novæ contentiones, vel quæcunque alia scripta contumeliosa, ex quibus odium dissidiumve inter partes quovis modo renovari possit, communicaverint, seu penes se retinuerint, vel evulgaverint, aut aliquid de hac controversia publice vel privatim scripserint, defendendo vel impugnando unam vel alteram partem, aut personas aliquas vel domus, aut qui cum hæreticis in præjudicium Catholicorum quovis prætextu vel causa participaverint aut communicaverint, eos in omnibus et singulis casibus eisdem amissionis facultatum suarum, nec non excommunicationis ipso facto, ut præfertur, incurrendis pœnis volumus subjacere. Et licet nos ex iis quæ ab utraque parte audivimus longe plura ad te scribere poteramus; tamen cum te mentem nostram ex his quæ diximus intelligere posse arbitramur, paucis contenti fuimus,


ac solummodo te, ac omnes tam religiosos quam presbyteros seculares quoscunque, et eos qui ad nos appellarunt hortamur in Domino, ut communi privatæque inter vos paci ac concordiæ studeatis, ac id ipsum invicem sentiatis, non alta sapientes, sed humilibus consentientes. Nam si Evangelicam prædicationem in charitate Christi suscepistis, cur Evangelicam pacem in eadem charitate non sectamini? Charitas omnia suffert, non irritatur, non æmulatur. Charitas docet nos inimicos diligere, quanto magis amicos et socios fidei et laborum! Itaque vos per viscera misericordiæ Christi obsecramus, ut diligatis invicem, nemini detis ullam offensionem, nulli malum pro malo reddatis, ut non vituperetur ministerium vestrum, ut benefaciatis omnibus, providentes bona non solum coram Deo, sed etiam coram hominibus, et quod ex vobis est cum omnibus pacem habentes, ut fructum quem in laboribus vestris in summis periculis et tribulationibus quæritis, et nos cum Ecclesia universa toto animo expectamus: tandem, adjuvante Domino, qui est vera pax et charitas, cum animi nostri exultatione referatis. Datum Romæ ad Sanctum Marcum sub annulo piscatoris die quinta Octobris, 1602, pontificatus nostri anno undecimo.

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The Number of all the Benefices in England, with their several

The number of all the benefices in England, 8803.


Impropriations at the taxations of the first-fruits,
with vicarages endowed.

Parsonages impropriated since the taxation.



In all 3277


Livings under 107.

Whereof discharged of first-fruits by act of parlia

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A brief Note of such Matters as were agreed on by the King's Majesty, the Lords of his Council, and the Clergy, to be reformed in the Government of the Church, January 18, 1603-4.

His majesty in an excellent oration reduced all the points to Paper-office. certain heads. The first was concerning the Book of Common Prayer, wherein four things were concluded to be amended.

First. The Absolution, which contained nothing amiss in the matter, and only quarrelled for the name, therefore hereafter it shall be called the Absolution or general Remission of Sins.

Secondly. The Confirmation, which being shewed to be no Sacrament with us, but of very good use for preparing of children to the Communion, it was concluded it should remain only with the alteration of the name; that it should be called the Confirmation, or rather the Examination of the said children.

Thirdly. That private Baptism now by laymen, or women, shall be called the private Baptism by the ministry and curacy only. And all the questions in that baptism, which insinuate it to be done by women, taken away.

Fourthly. The Apocrypha that has any repugnancy to the canonical Scripture, shall not be read, and other places chosen, which are either explanations of Scripture, or serve best for godliness and manners.


The Second, was concerning Matters of Jurisdiction, concerning
Bishops and high Commissioners.

For bishops, it was concluded that their jurisdiction should be somewhat attenuated, so that they should either have the dean and chapter, or some grave ministry in ordination, suspension, degradation, &c., and not to exercise their authority alone.

For the high commissioners, it was concluded, that the court should be reformed, and to deal only in causes of a high nature, and to have no commissioners sit but men of high honour.

Excommunication by chancellors and commissaries, as is now used, shall be taken away, both in name and in nature; and a writ out of the Chancery, to punish the contumacious, shall be framed.

The Third Point, for preaching the Word, and maintaining the true Doctrine.

For preaching, that a more learned ministry and maintenance for them be provided in such places in England where there is want.

Then as few double beneficed men and pluralities as may be; where they have double benefices to maintain preaching, and to have their livings near one another.

And that the kingdom of Ireland, the country of Wales, and the borders of Scotland be planted with schools and preachers and for better effecting of this, commissioners best experienced in every of those countries are appointed.

For doctrine, that there be one uniform translation of the Bible to be made, and that only to be used in all the Churches of England, and that the articles of religion made primo Eliz. be explained and enlarged, and that no man do read or preach against any of them.

The Fourth Head to be reformed rather by care of good Magistrates than by straitness of Law.

As, that care be taken to inhibit popish and pestilent books, both at home and for coming over; and, if they do come over, to deliver them to persons only fit to have them.

Then, a care to be had who do not receive the communion

once a-year; the ministers to certify the bishops; the bishops, the archbishops; the archbishops, the king.

Lastly, for matter of ceremonies and order, being things indifferent, that the rule of the apostle be kept, that all things be done to edification; that so neither grave, sober, and peaceable persons be not too far urged at first, nor turbulent and unquiet persons and busy spirits to do what they list.

These are the conclusions of this conference, wherein his majesty sat as moderator, to the great admiration of all.


Pope Paul V.'s Brief to the English Roman Catholics, forbidding them going to the English Service, or taking the Oath of Allegiance.

A. D. 1606.

Dilecti Filii, salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem: magno Paper-office. cum animi moerore nos semper affecerunt tribulationes et calamitates quas pro retinenda Catholica fide jugiter sustinuistis: sed cum intelligamus omnia hoc tempore magis exasperari, afflictio nostra mirum in modum aucta est: accepimus namque compelli vos gravissimis pœnis propositis templa hæreticorum adire, cœtus eorum frequentare, concionibus illorum interesse; profecto credimus, proculdubio eos qui tanta fortitudine atque constantia atrocissimas persecutiones, infinitas propemodum miserias perpessi sunt, ut immaculate ambularent in lege Domini, nunquam commissuros esse ut coinquinentur communione desertorum divinæ legis. Nihilominus zelo pastoralis officii nostri impulsi, ut pro paterna solicitudine, qua de salute animarum vestrarum assidue laboramus, cogimur monere vos, atque obtestari, ut nullo pacto ad hæreticorum templa accedatis, aut eorum conciones audiatis, vel cum ipsis in ritibus communicetis, ne Dei iram incurratis. Non enim licet vobis hoc facere, sine detrimento divini cultus et vestræ salutis. Quemadmodum etiam non potestis, absque evidentissima gravissimaque divini honoris injuria, obligare vos juramento, quod similiter cum maximo cordis nostri dolore audivimus propositum vobis fuisse præstandum infra scripti tenoris, viz. "Ego A. B. vere et sincere agnosco, profiteor, testificor, et declaro in conscientia mea coram Deo et mundo, quod supremus Dominus noster Jacobus rex," &c., prout sequitur in ipso juramento.

Quæ cum ita sint, vobis ex verbis ipsis perspicuum esse

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