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ballad: the measure is very un


"3. The third fpecies confifts of three trochees;

When the feas were rōāring,
Phyllis lay deploring:

or of three trochees with an addi-
tional long fyllable;

Thee the voice the dance obey. This is often mixed with the Iambick of four feet, and makes an agreeable variety, when judiciously introduced, as in the Allegro and Penferofo of Milton;

Lamb. But come, thou goddefs fair and free,
In heaven ycleped Euphrofyne.

Trock. Come, and trip it as you go ;

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On the light fantastick toe.

With an additional long syllable; our fourth Trochaick species would be as follows:

īdlě after dinner, în his chair, Sat a farmer, ruddy, fat, and fair. But this measure is very uncom


5. So is the fifth Trochaick fpecies, confifting of five trochees; whereof I do not remember to have seen a specimen in any printed poem.

All that walk on foot or ride in cha. riots,

All that dwell in palaces or garrets. This fort of verfe, with an additional long fyllable, might be thus exemplified:

4. The fourth Trochaick fpe Pleafant was the morning and the

cies confifts of four trochees:
Days of ease and nights of pleasure.
Which followed alternately by the
preceding, forms a beautiful Lyrick
verfe, whereof we have à fpecimen
in one of the finest ballads in the
English language:

As near Portobello lying On the
gently swelling flööd

At midnight with ftreamers flying Our

triumphant navy rode. It is remarkable, that (as Mr. Weft has fomewhere observed) the fame meafure occurs in the Greek tragedians, as in this of Euripides:

Profkunê s' anax nomoifi barbaroifi pro-

And there is an elegant Latin poem
called Pervigilium Veneris, com-
monly afcribed to Catullus; of
which, allowing for fome varieties
incident to the Latin Trochaick
verfe, the measure is the fame :
Ver novum, ver jam canorum; vere nubent

Vere concordant amores; vere natus,orbis eft.

month was May,

Colin went to London in his best array.
Some Scotch ballads are in this
measure; but I know not whether
I have ever feen a fpecimen in

6. "The fixth form of the pure or English trochees; whereof the following couplet is an example: On à mountain ftretch'd beneath à hōary willow

Lay a fhepherd fwain, and view'd the rolling billow;

which is, I think, the longeft Trochaick line that our language admits of.

"IV. The fhorteft poffible Anapeflick verfe must be a fingle anapeft:

But in vain

They complain. But this measure is ambiguous: for, by laying the emphasis on the first and third fyllables, we might make it Trochaick. And therefore the first and fimpleft form of our

* Προσκυνα σ' αναξ νομείσι βαρβάροισι προσπέσων,

anapeftick verfe is made up of two anapests:

But his courage găn fail,

For no no arts could avail.
or of two anapęfts with an addi-
tional short syllable :

Then his courage găn fail him
For no arts could avail him.

English Anapeftick confifts of four anapefts:

At the close of the day when thậ hamlet is ftill.

If I live to grow old, as I find I go


This measure, which refembles the
French heroick verfe, is common in

"2. The fecond confifts of three English fongs and ballads, and anapests:

With her mien she enamours, the brave,
With her wit the engages the free,
With her modefty pleases the grave; .
She is every way pleafing to me.
This is a delightful meafure, and
much used in paftoral fongs. Shen-
ftone's ballad in four parts, from
which the example is quoted, is
an exquifite fpecimen. So is the
Scotch ballad of Tweedfide, and
Rowe's Depairing befiae a clear
ftream; which faft is perhaps the
fineft love-fong in the world. And
that the fame meafure is well fuit-
ed to burlefque, appears from the
very humourous balled called The
tippling Philofophers; which be-
gins thus, Diogenes furly and proud,
&c.-Obferve, that this, like all
the other anapeftick forms, often
(indeed for the most part) takes an
iambus in the first place,
Despairing befide à clear ftream;
and formerly in the first and third,
Grimking of the ghosts, make häfte,
And bring hither all your train:
But this laft variety is unpleafing
to a modern ear. With an addi-
tional fhort fyllable, it is as fol-

Says my uncle, ĭ pray you discōvěr
Why you pine and you whine like a

which, ufed alternately with the preceding, makes the meature of the witty ballad of Molly Mog, written by Gay, and often imitated. #1 3. The third form of the pure


other fhort compofitions both co-
mical and ferious. It admits a
fhort fyllable at the end,
On the cold cheek of Death files and rofes
are blending:

and fometimes alfo between the
fecond and third foot,

in the morning when fōber, in the evening when mellow:

which is the longest form of the regular Anapettick in the English language.

"To one or other of these fe. ven lambick, fix Trochaick, and three Anapettick, fpecies, every line of Englith poetry, if we except thofe few that are compofed of dactyls, may be reduced, I have given only the fimplest form of each. The feveral ligences or variations, that thefe fimple forms admit of, might be without difficulty enumerated; but I cannot at prefent enter into the niceties of English profody.

"Sidney endeavoured to bring in English hexameters, and has given specimens of them in the Arcadia. And Wallis, in his grammar, tranflates a Latin hexameter,

Quid faciam ? moriar? et Amyntam perdet

into an English one,

What shall I do? fhall I die? fhall Amyntaş murder Amyntas ?

Mr. Walpole, in his catalogue of


Royal and Noble authors, afcribes of fome of the tales, but of many

the following to Queen Eliza. Zabeth:

Perfius a crabstaff, bawdy Martial, Ovid

a fine wag.

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The first is on Fable and Romance, the fecond on the Attachment of Kindred, and the third contains Illuftrations on Sublimity. In the firft of thefe, after fome general remarks on ancient and Oriental proje Jable, he proceeds to modern profe fable, which he divides into four claffes. 1. The hiftorical allegory; 2. The moral allegory; 3. The poetical and ferious fable; 4. The poetical and comic fable, of which the two lafi he comprehends under the general term Romance.

Under each of thefe feveral heads he has claffed a variety of authors, according to the nature of their writings; and has given a critique upon each: For the moft part his obfervations are made with great judgment, and a juft conception of their respective merits, although we cannot in every refpect agree with him. As, for inflance, we differ with him when he fays, that in the Arabian Nights Entertainments "there is great luxury of defcription without elegance; and great variety of invention, but nothing that elevates the mind, or touches the heart." This is true


it certainly is not. We find our.
felves frequently affected both with
horror, and with pleafing fenfations,
in reading the Arabian Nights
Entertainments, by the mere force
of fituation and defcription; and
we are much mistaken if that col-
lection of fables has not often given
rife in its readers to ideas both of
a fublime and beautiful nature.

In fpeaking of the rife and pro-
grefs of modern romance, Dr. Beat-
tie takes an opportunity of intro-
ducing an account of the character
of thofe nations who introduced
the feudal government and man-
ners, and of the crufades and that
fpirit of chivalry and knight-errane
try which fucceeded, as the natural
offspring of the feudal manners and

In the Effay on the Attachments of Kindred, Dr. Beattie difcuffes the three questions following, "1. Whether it is according to nature, that the married perfons thould be only two, one man and one woman; 2. Whether the matrimonial union should laft through the whole life; 3. Whether the rearing and educating of children fhould be left to the parents, or provided for by the publick." With regard to the first queftion, Dr. Beattie founds his reafons against polygamy upon the following principles-"That it is against the intention of nature, who having given all men propenfities alike that prompt to an union betwixt the fexes, muft have intended that all fhould enjoy the happiness refulting from it - that if polygamy was to prevail, this would be impoflible, because, agreeable to every computation, the males exceed the females ;-2dly, That polygamy is inconfiftent with that affection which married people



ought to bear to one another: 3dly, That it deftroys the peace of families, and therefore ftands, in direct oppofition to one of the chief ends of the matrimonial union :4thly, That it is fubverfive of filial and parental affection, must be in. confiftent with the right education of children, and fo counteract an. other chief end of marriage."

In answer to the second question, Whether the matrimonial union ought to last through the whole life? Dr. Beattie fays it ought, and this he infers from the following principles," That it tends to. wards our making a deliberate choice-2dly, That as those who are united by friendthip have the beft chance of being happy, and as true friendship requires a permanent u nion, fuch an union is most likely to be happy-3dly, That the re. verfe of fuch an union would debase thofe ideas of delicacy, wherewith the intercourfe of the fexes ought always to be accompanied :-4thly, That it would be fatal to the edu. cation of children, whofe parents might be totally engroffed by other connections."/


In examining the third question, Whether the rearing and educating of children fhould be left to the parents, or provided for by the public? Dr. Beattie endeavours, and fuccefsfully, to overturn Pla. to's theory on this fubject. Indeed Plato's fupport of this theory is fo weak and abfurd, fo completely contradicts every feeling and fenti. ment that nature has implanted in us, that fo far from promifing any political good, it fcarcely leaves a fingle fource from which the beft and greatest of all our actions muft flow, or not at all. This Eday certainly do's great honour both to

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2. Poetry is fublime when it conveys a lively idea of any grand appearance in art or nature."3." When without any great pomp of images or of words it in. fufes horror by a happy choice of circumftances." -4. When it awakens in the mind any great or good affection, as piety or patrio. tifm." This divifion feems to be included, in our opinion, under the first head.

5. "When it defcribes in a live. ly manner the visible effects of any of thofe paflions that give elevation to the character."

Under each of thefe heads Dr. Beattie has given feveral appofite examples. He concludes by enumerating a variety of thofe faults in ftyle and expreffion, which are inimical to, and deftroy fublimity in writing.


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Retrospective view of affairs in India. Benares, Tranfactions which led to the dependance of that country on the Eaft India company. The Rajah Bulwant Sing, having taken a decided part in their favour, in the war against his paramount lord, Sujah Ul Dowlah, his territories are fecured to him by the treaty of Illahabad. Inveftiture of Cheit Sing, upon the death of his father Bulwant, and a new treaty concluded in favour of the family by Major Harper. A third treaty, in confirmation of the tavo former, concluded by Mr. Haftings, who is himself a party to it, and renders the company guarantees of the Rajah's poffeffions. Upon the death of Sujab Ul Dowlah, the Nabob vizier, the fovereignty of Benares is transferred by his fucceffor to the company. Extraordinary fubfidies demanded and levied from the Rajah, Cheit Sing, en occafion of the war with France, lay the foundation of thofe differences which took place between him and the government of Calcutta. A supply of 2000 cavalry demanded from the Rajah. Charges of difaffection and contumacy laid against him. Governor general's progress from Calcutta, to fettle the affairs of Benares, and other countries. Proceeds up the Ganges to Buxar, where he is met by the Rajab, with great attendance and number of boats. Different accounts of the conference on the water. Rajah's vifit at Benares forbidden. Rajah taken into cuftody: rescued, and the fepoys, with their offficers, maffacred. He flies firft to Ramnagur, and from thence retires in the night to the fortrefs of Lutteef poor. Ouffaun Sing appointed by the governor general to adminifter the affairs of the country in the place of the Rajah.


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