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countries in question to establish national earning power and build up their currency reserves.

Politically the implications are as great as if not greater than those in the economic field. The struggle with communism has its material as well as its ideological aspects. Our friends abroad are opposed to communism just as we are. However, they must earn their bread and in many cases that means finding markets for their products. If we do not encourage them to look in our direction there will be inevitable tendencies to develop relations with the Communist countries. International trade and commerce are foundation stones for peace and prosperity.

Fortunately the great changes which have occurred in the world and these present-day necessities have been recognized by our legislators during recent years. The reciprocal trade agreements which have been negotiated from time to time have indicated to our friends that, regardless of international politics, our Government has a consistent long-range tariff and trade policy. Extension of the trade-agreements program will confirm this. There is no question raised here of a radical move toward free trade but rather a reaffirmation of present procedures which have worked well.

The proposed legislation is designed to strengthen the hands of our negotiators in their dealings with foreign countries and will encourage representatives of such countries to make just and equitable concessions in return for those received from the United States. For it is essential to the legislation and to its proper application that there be mutuality. It is the duty of our responsible officials to insist on fair terms and the principle of give and take.

Furthermore, each American industry affected by trade negotiations should have an opportunity to present its own case. The terms of the legislation which provide for hearings and for protection of American industries against abuses from abroad, and the restrictions which guard against a too far-reaching lowering of tariffs, are important. Also, capable of efficient domestic producers should be able to apply for and be heard regarding possible increases to offset discriminatory advantages enjoyed by foreign competitors. In supporting the proposed legislation I do so with the conviction that the Congress and the administration will carefully observe those safeguards.

At this moment the free world looks to the United States. It recognizes our position and power and it desires to raise living standards generally toward the levels which our people enjoy. To sum up, I believe the trade agreements program will give reassurance as to the firmness and permanence of American trade policies and will challenge creeping socialism and communism.


New York, June 23, 1958.


Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C.

MY DEAR SENATOR BYRD: I note that hearings are now being held regarding the renewal of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act. United Church Women testified for the renewal of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on March 3, and spent considerable time answering questions which are found in the record.

Since considerable interest in the renewal of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act was evidenced at our annual meeting of the board of managers held in Oklahoma City in April of this year, a resolution was passed and adopted in which we asked that greater efforts be made for expanded programs of reciprocal trade, at which time we endorsed our previous stands for the renewal of Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act without crippling amendments.

Our entire study this year has been under the theme of Exchange: Goods, Ideas, and People; has emphasized a study of world trade. Material has been prepared, copy of one of the leaflets is enclosed, which is being used by our 2,300 local councils and it has been a subject for discussion at our State council meetings held throughout the country this spring. World trade will also be discussed at training institutes held this summer.

I have just returned from the institute held for the 10 Southwest States at Mount Sequoyah, Ark., and even though that is an area that is being affected by imports, I found solid support among our church groups for the renewal of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act as a means of improving the trade for all sections of the country, which in turn would profit their area.

We certainly hope that the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act will be renewed without crippling amendments as an essential step in building a solid framework for an expanded world economy.


Mrs. ESTHER W. HYMER, Director, Christian World Relations.

STATEMENT CONCERNING THE RENEWAL OF THE RECIPROCAL TRADE AGREEMENTS ACT BY ESTHER W. HYMER, DIRECTOR, CHRISTIAN WORLD RELATIONS, GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF UNITED CHURCH WOMEN, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NEW YORK, N. Y. United Church Women is made up of women of the cooperating denominations in the National Council of Churches, organized in 2,200 State and local councils in the 48 States, Washington, D. C., Hawaii, and Alaska.

This statement is in keeping with actions of the constituent bodies of United Church Women and of the National Council of Churches of which we are a part, but of course does not pretend to present opinion of each of the individual members. We support statement made to your committee on June 23 by Dr. Roy Blough in behalf of the National Council of Churches.

A statement is presented because it was decided at the assembly of United Church Women in 1950, and later by the board of managers, that Christian women in the exercise of their great American prerogative had an obligation to enter into the decisions of government in behalf of justice, charity, and the dignity of man. It was stated at that time that church women are deeply conscious of their responsibility to be constantly informed of the decisions made or in the making by various governmental bodies and of making their concerns and convictions known to those whose responsibility it was to formulate those decisions.

They recognized that this responsibility demanded the best they can give in intelligence, humility, and the willingness to see the problems that confront our lawmakers from the point of view of the greatest good to the brotherhood of all men, rather than that of provincial or merely personal self-interest.

With your permission I wish to file in your records a complete statement, including our most recent policy declarations, and shall emphasize here briefly some of the more important points of our position.

Over a period of years the churches have urged that the United States should support programs to expand world trade and extend aid in order to strengthen the foundations of political stability and freedom, in an effort to secure justice for all peoples and peace in the world. This concern was expressed a decade ago at the biennial national assembly held in 1948, when the following statement was adopted:

"The United Council of Church Women reaffirms support of reciprocal trade agreements and urge their renewal as a necessary part of full cooperation with the International Trade Organization and all other means of establishing world economic health."

The assembly also approved the United States joining the International Trade Organization which at that time was being considered. Concern for trade was included in a statement adopted at the 1950 biennial national assembly on a positive program for peace, at which time belief that peace is possible and achievable in our day was reaffirmed. The following statement was adopted:

"We believe that this is God's world and that we and all of his children are free to choose the path of obedience to his will, the way of justice and of love, which alone can accomplish His purpose for mankind."

Whereas a just and lasting peace depends upon positive, constructive ideas and actions, a list of objectives was agreed upon, one of which dealt with expansion of trade. It stated: "We urge unflagging support by our Government of efforts to expand trade with other nations."

In 1952 our board of managers reaffirmed their position and adopted the further statement:

"Because world economic health depends upon healthy trade relations between nations, United Church Women have continued to support the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act and to urge its renewal."

When our administrative committee met in October 1957, they adopted the resolution which follows:

"Recognizing the need for increased trade in order to speed economic development of underdeveloped areas and assist emerging people in the attainment of economic independence;

"Remembering that United Church Women has reaffirmed repeatedly their support for the renewal of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements and the establishment of an International Trade Organization to regulate and promote increased trade between nations;

"In view of the fact that the World Community Day theme for 1958 will be 'Exchange: Goods, Ideas, and People' which is related to world trade:

"Be it resolved, That the executive committee of United Church Women ask State and local councils that there be continued study of the need for expanding world trade and that there be support for the renewal of the Reciprocal Trade Agreement and approval for the proposed Organization for Trade Cooperation in the next session of Congress."

Our most recent action was taken by our administrative committee, made up of elected representatives from the cooperating denominations and State councils, at its meeting in New York on February 7, 1958. The committee commended the President for his leadership for renewal of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act for a 5-year period, without crippling amendments. They also expressed profound concern regarding the need to reduce barriers to world trade. We speak at this time for the following reasons:

I. Our statements and resolutions are based on study of the overall problem and some general understanding of the questions involved. Intensive study of the question of expanded world trade began with the recommendations of the Christian World Relations Committee made in 1953, that churchwomen should be better informed than they are concerning the importance of the economic factors in the structure of lasting peace.

The Christian world relations committee of United Church Women believes that the following elements of United States foreign-trade policy would further world peace:

1. Elimination of discriminatory trade regulations;

2. Reduction of tariff barriers;

3. Renewal of reciprocal trade agreements with reconsideration of "peril" and escape clauses for possible deletion or adjustment;

4. Simplification of customs regulations.

We therefore urge that churchwomen first study the measures which will promote these aims, then inform their Congressmen of their opinion. World trade has since been incorporated each year in the study program.

In 1957 the study of trade was related particularly to emerging people and improvement of conditions in the less developed areas through economic development. It was found that without markets for their raw materials they could not earn money to buy machines and finished goods to speed development.

In 1958 the study has centered on world trade under the theme: "Exchange: Goods, ideas, people." We have issued a special study guide and program plans, and distributed the pamphlet, Together We Are Strong, published by the Department of State, so that the question of world trade can be studied in every possible local community.

II. Support of measures by which exchange of goods may be increased is based on Christian principles: This continuing support of churchwomen of the United States for measures to reduce trade barriers and increase exchange of goods between nations is in keeping with the basic Christian principles which we profess. While trade is a process, it affects the lives of millions of people in our own and in other countries. Therefore it is a moral question that should be guided by justice to all concerned. We have consistently expressed and demonstrated our concern for the well-being of people in the United States, and wherever there was distress in all parts of the world.

Since the beginning of the 19th century we have had a special concern for those in the less developed areas. We have established channels of friendship and service because we believe that life is one piece, that all humanity is bound up together, and that neither segments of life, nor branches of the human family, can be divided off for separate treatment. Therefore, as American Christians, we are concerned with the whole fabric of world society which conditions the lives of our members, knowing fully that our own well-being and even security in this century will ultimately be influenced by conditions affecting members of the human family in other areas of the world. We must continue to make possible the increasing exchange of goods so that we and they can both prosper. Christian faith has taught us that God's order is one of material and spiritual interdepend


Political or economic isolation is impossible. Therefore we as Christian citizens have a moral responsibility to help shape a foreign policy which makes it possible 27629-58-pt. 1—27

as a nation to use our wealth and our knowledge in helping to meet the material needs of all people.

III. Our support stems from the belief that trade is related to aid and to world peace: The United States has been entrusted with great wealth. It has tremendous influence in the world through the sheer weight of its economic power. How this power is used in this critical period of history may determine the future destiny of free people and independent nations, especially those in less developed areas, some of which are receiving technical assistance and aid for economic development. The trade policy now under consideration to guide economic relations with other nations will affect the well-being of our own people and especially that of millions living in far distant places.

If our concern leads us to give aid for economic development, then we must be ready to find markets for the goods which new countries have to sell. Procedures as laid down in the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act make possible orderly ararrangements whereby this exchange can be facilitated.

IV. The question is of international concern: Expansion of international trade was thorougly discussed in Geneva last summer by representatives of 18 countries, members of the UN Economic and Social Council. The report was considered by the representatives of 82 nations at the Twelfth Session of the General Assembly. After considerable discussion it was agreed that further expansion of international trade is necessary to the full employment and the improvement of living standards of all countries, and especially to the economic development of the less developed countries; and that, in order to achieve such an objective, greater efforts should be made to promote free and fair international competition by eliminating or lowering unduly high tariffs and other unjustifiable barriers to international trade.

Governments were requested to continue their efforts to reduce existing barriers to international trade in a mutually satisfactory manner for the purpose of expanding such trade at the fastest possible rate.

Since United Church Women have given full support to the United Nations, it feels compelled to ask you to consider this request from the United Nations General Assembly to expand trade through the renewal of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act.

Because I may be one of the few to testify who were here in 1934 when this measure was first proposed and have followed or participated in its renewal since that time, I would like to add a personal conclusion, since I have known five Members of Congress both for and against this measure who have been from both political parties and all parts of the country. A set pattern of support has been lacking. Each time renewal has been considered, there has been a welter of conflicting local, sectional, or specific industry special pleadings. It is true that certain industries, specific areas, and some individual towns have been and will be adversely affected, sometimes temporarily. We recognize that there is an obligation to find a way to equalize the burden so that a few will not carry an unjust share of this burden resulting from reduced tariffs on specific items.

All parts of the country and every business interest has a stake in the present struggle for survival and we know that trade between nations is the lifeblood of a free, prospering economy essential to any foundation for peace. The renewal

of this act should be considered on the basis of whether it will assist the freer movement of goods, with an overall expansion of world trade, and whether it is clearly in the national interest of the whole country.

I will conclude by bringing you a statement, adopted at our 1950 assembly in Cincinnati, which has continued to guide church women in their work. "Whereas we recognize that the difficulties in the making of our foreign policy are extreme, and the importance of right decisions is profound; Therefore be it "Resolved, That we urge our statesmen to judge foreign-policy issues by moral principles, with humility, mature thinking, and a concern for the needs and aspirations of all poeple; further, that they use boldness, vision and consistency in the solution of the problems facing them, thinking of their task in terms of unified global policy.'

The resolution was concluded by these significant words:

"Resolved, That we inform those responsible for guiding United States foreign policy that they have our constant prayers for God's leading presence at all times."

Thank you for this privilege.


I believe that your committee should approve H. R. 12591 extending the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act for an additional 5 years.

Mutual tariff reductions will make a wider variety of goods available to United States consumers at the best possible value, will provide additional dollars in foreign countries and expand domestic export and import ind stries.

The increase of world trade will contribute to the growth of all countries, particularly the less developed, who will be better able to meet the economic needs of their peoples by fuller use of skills and resources.

Stable international economic relations and the promotion of world peace depend on the United States taking constructive steps toward unimpeded world trade.


The National Council of Jewish Women is a membership organization of 110,000 in 240 sections throughout the country.

Our business is not in the field of industry or agriculture but in the field of supporting through well-informed citizenship those policies and programs of our Government which will further the goals of peace and prosperity for the United States.

It is in the light of these twin national aims that we have come to believe through our study of available information and our observation of the results of foreign economic policy, that the American economy and the national security and the well-being are in the long-run furthered most by an expanded trade agreements program.

There is past history to be studied on both sides of the complex questions of trade and tariff policy; the United States has had its experience of high tariffs, quotas, and the other factors of a restricted trade policy. We have also in these last few decades seen the results of loosening the barriers to trade throughout the world, and most particularly with the western European nations. We of the National Council of Jewish Women believe, as a result of consistent, serious study of the results of both policies, that the policy of lowering tariffs and eliminating barriers to trade has proved itself in the best interest of the United States. There is particular point to refer to our western European allies now because they are embarked on a great new development in broadening the possibilities of their trade through the Common Market developments. If these plans are successful they should prove of economic benefit to us too, particularly if the United States complements them through a trade agreements program which assures the continuity of 5 years as passed by the House.

We in council recognize the distress suffered by the owners and workers in certain American industries when those industries suffer loss of their markets. We recognize that this situation is aggravated when those industries face competition from products imported from abroad. We do not believe, however, that the American economy will benefit from the consequent imposition of tariffs and other forms of economic exclusion; quite the contrary, the results will harm all Americans. We do believe that relief measures including relocation, retraining and subsidies should be offered distressed industries.

Therefore, may we urge the members of your committee, to bend all their efforts to the support and passage of a bill for the 5-year extension of the trade agreements program such as was passed by the House of Representatives.


We in the Midwest are looking eagerly ahead to completion of the St. Lawrence seaway which will make ocean ports of our lake harbors and bring the world's freighters to their wharves.

But our hopes will not be realized, and the millions being spent on the seaway will largely be wasted, if our national trade policy is not favorable to an expanding international commerce. We believe it is greatly in our own national interest that the Reciprocal Trade Act be extended by Congress as proposed by President Eisenhower.

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