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Dnw. ises sets. rises. Bostirise sets rises. N.Y. rises sets. rises h.mih.mh. m. h. m.h.mh.mh. m. h. m. h.mh.mh.m 1 Sa 22 8 [France and England, 1814.4 27 7 28 8 35 11 174 33 7 23 8 30 8 414 1377 19 82 2F 22 16 13 Trinity Sun'y. Peace between 4 277 29 9 28 ev. 94 32 7 23 9 23 9 33 4 36 7 19 92 3M 22 24 43 Earthquake in N. Eng. 1744.4 27 7 29 10 11

Snies were subject to
Sextent not easy to be eradicated. Thus far,
bility of its introduction and growth, is settled. When the9 22 59
Colonies became independent, and were about to set up the
Government of the United States, those members of the
Confedration, which had slavery as a part of their state of
society, foreseeing the evils of interference with this subject
the Constitution, without an
from other quarters, refused to come into the Union under
an express stipulation to secure
their exclusive control of the slave question within their re-15 Sa
rpective limits, which condition was acceded to. Such,
is the origin of slavery in the United States.

Slavery should be approached.-For

[blocks in formation]

104 327 24 10 8 10 24 4 36 7 20 10
1 474 32 7 25 10 45 11 11 4 36 7 21 10 4
2 354 31 7 25 11 16 11 594 35 7 21 11 1
3 23 4 31 7 26 11 45 ev.47 4 35 7 22 11 4
4 134 31 7 26 mor.
5 74 31 7 27 0 11
6 74 307 28 0 37
7 7 114 30 7 28 28 1 4

425 7 33 0 36
4257 34 12
4 25 7 34 1 29 8 104 30 7 29 1 33

1665.4 24/7 35 209 124 30

37 4 357 22 mor 2 314 35 7 23 01 3 314 357 23 03 4 354 347 24

5 34 4 347 24 13 6 36 4 34 7 25 2: 7 30 04 347 25 24 8-12 4 347 26 32 8 524 34 7 26 sets. 9 294 34 7 26 8

27 95

0 404 30 7 31 9 20 10 394 34 7 27 91 1 154 30 7 1 504 30 7 32 10 21 11 514 35 7 28 10 2 2 274 317 32 10 50 mor. 4 35 7 28 10 4 3 84 31 17 32 11 18 0 324 35 7 28 11 1

2d Sunday after Trinity. Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775.4 24 7 37 8 48 0 54 30 7 31 8 45 10 44 34 7 27 8 4 War dec. against G. B. 1812.4 25 7 37 9 23 [Battle of Waterloo, 1815.4 25 7 37 9 54 Wm. IV. died, 1838. Victoria 4 25 57 38 10 22 [proclaimed Queen. 4 25 7 38 10 50 4 257 38 11 17 4 26 7 38 11 46 4 267 38 mor. 4 26 7 38 0 18

1 184 35 7 28 11 5 2 74 367 28 mor 3 3436 728 02 6 484 32 7 33 10 1 4 12 4 36 7 2817 534 32 7 33 1 46 5 17 4 37 7 28 1 5 54 337 33 2 40 29 43 1377 28 24 104 337 33 3 43 7 34 4 387 28 34 84 347 33 rises.18 324 387 28 rises

all classes should reflect upo privilege most readily, gram of moderation.""



Origin of the Names of the States. § 7th month,
MAINE was so called as early as 1638, from Maine in
France, of which Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, A COCKNEY COLLOQUY.-'I say, Jim, are
that time proprietor.... NEW-HAMPSHIRE WAS you going t to see the man hung to-morrow?"

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9 10 43 11 25
9 11 14 11 44
9 11 47 ev.27
9 mor. 1 14

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[blocks in formation]

1335 11 7 1 1 52 332
2 385 127 0 256 4 532
3 475 126 59 436 43
rises. 5 13 6 59 rises. 7 25
7 425 14 6 58 7 36 7 52
8 125 14 6 57 8 10


consumption, was $568,900,000. During the second period ceress, is your prime minister; the lean rat, Full Moon... our imports were $1,302,500,000, and the amount retained your people; and the blind rat, yourself... for domestic consumption was $1,103,100,000; that is, ours, I am afraid,' said a lady to her husband, imports and consumption in the second period, were nearly that I am going to have a stiff neck.' double of the first. Here is the secret of the foreign debt. Not at all improbable, my dear,' answered contracted. the husband, I have frequently seen very strong symptoms of it ever since I have known you, dear.'

Extravagant hire of steamboats and other vessels.-
From the beginning of 1836 to 1841, (during Mr. Van Buren's
administration,) the number of steamboats and sail craft
employed in the transportation service for the Florida war,
was 737, for which a a very extravagant hire was generally
paid. About fifty of these are named in House Document
No. 458, 2d Session 27th Congress, and their rates of hire
d. m.
specified. We give the following as specimens: The 1 Tb 17 54
steamboat, John Crowell, estimated to be worth $15,000, Fri 17 39

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N. York City; Baltmre:


rises sets. rises. Bos. rises sets, rises. NY. rises sets. rises.
h.mh.mh. m. h. m. h.mh.mh. m. h. m.h.mh.mh. m..
Election in N. Carolina and 4 54 7 17 8 40 1 174 587 13 8 40 10 415 17 10 8 41
[Tennessee, 1844.4 55 7 16 9 6 1544 59 7 12 9 8 11 185 27 9 9 9
15 9 33 2315 15 07 11 9 36 11 555 37 89 38

hired at $300 day, provided for and insured, till the
compensation amounted to $82,555. The Reindeer, 42 days,
at $175 a day-being $7,350. The Georgiana, 32 days, at
$200 a day-$6,400. The Charleston, 10 months, at $4,4000 6 Tu 16 34 [na, Illinois, Missouri, and 4 59 7 11 11 11

23 A. Burr's trial com'ced, 1807.4 567
3 a 17
24F 7Υ 9th Sunday after Trinity. 4 57 7 14 10
5 M 16 518 Election in Kentucky, India-4 587 13 10 35

a month $44,000. The Mobile was paid $11,625 for 25 207 W 16 17 days. The Minerva, 73 days, days, at $300 a day-$21,900. The Merchant, 85 days, at $450 a day-$38,250.

in Contracts for Mail Bags, &c. From House 10 Sa 15 25

Doc. No. 989, 2d Session, 27th Congress, it
the cost of mail bags, from 1831
Mr. Jewett, (Ohio, contractor, was paid $68,124

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to 1841, was $336,000; that

in November, 1840, there were on his

(Jewett's) hands 4,020 bags, not wanted, which cost $65,000; that a large overplus was in the hands of other contractors: that bags could be got at 50 per cent. less than was paid in those years; that for blanks, $300,000 was paid between 1829 and 1841, generally price, leaving a supply that storage for these surplus articles was

at about 50 per cent. more than fair

17 10 10 6 ev.315 47 710 9 27 9 10 39 1 75 57 6 10 43 37 8 11 17 1 485 67 5 11 21 2 355 77 4 mor.

5 115 15 47 47 611 59

6 165 57 5 mor. 3 405 87 203 7 375 67 4 0 47

5 15 97 1 0 51

5 17 9 mor.
5 27 7 0 41
5 37 6 134 8 565 77 3 140 6205 97 0 144
5 47 5 2 32 9595 87 1 2 37 7 235 10 6 59 2 42
557 3 3 34 10 45 5 97 0 3 38
5 67 2 4 39 11 245 10 6 59 4 42
5 77 1 sets.. mor. 5 11 6 57
5 86 59 7 26 0 25 12 6 56 7 26

8 95 11 6 57 3 42 8 485 126 56 4 45 9 265 136 55 sets.. 10 15 14 6 54 7 26

[Ajaccio, 1769.5 10 6 587 54 0 375 136 55 7 56 10 355 15 6 527 57

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5 116 56 8 25 1 11 6 14 6 53 8 27 11 125 16 6 51 8 30 5 126 55 8 58 1 485 15 6 52 9 2 11 495 17 6 50 9 5 2 255 16 6 50 9 42 mor. 5 186 48 9 46 355 55 176 49 10 28 0 295 16 6 47 10 32 1 155 20 6 45 11 26 2 75 21 6 44 mo.. 3 185 21 6 43 027 4 455 22 6 41 6 135 23 6 40 2 41 7 215 24 6 38 3 50 8 155 57 6 37 457 905 266 35 rises.

the Post Office Department nt were
nue, one year, by $386,759 19, and another year by
thus requiring special appropriations out
from Customs and public lands, and rolling a heavy bur-26 M 10 14
den on the 27th (Whig) Congress; that Cyrus Barton, Con-02 27 Tu 9 53
cord, (N. H.), for blanks, from 1836 to 1841, received
$13,927 14; Beals &

1832, for do., received d $51,732 76; Paine & Clark, New-30 Fri 849

28 W 9 32 € Green, Boston, Mass., from 1829 to 29 Th 9 11 York, from 1836 to 1841, for ford do. do.. $1,883 81; 1; S. Penn, jr.31 jr. Sa 1827 Louisville, Ky., for do. from 1830 to 1841, $26,942 58;

37 7 7 ev.16 5 25 6 35 7 8 9 405 27 6 34 79

5 246 36 7 34 0 525 26 6 34 7 37 10 165 28 6 32 7 39 5 256 34 8 31 26 627 6 32 8 6 10 505 203 31 8 9


vere $798,

4,782 bags; that, i

on hand for twenty years to come

&c. &c. &c.

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