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State Papers.

SPEECH of the Lords Commissioners, on the Opening of the British Parliament.-Westminster, February 5, 1863.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

HER Majesty commands us to inform you that since you were last assembled she has declared her consent to a marriage between His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Her Royal Highness the Princess Alexandra, daughter of Prince Christian of Denmark; and Her Majesty has concluded thereupon a Treaty with the King of Denmark, which will be laid before you.

The constant proofs which Her Majesty has received of your attachment to her person and family persuade her that you will participate in her sentiments on an event so interesting to Her Majesty, and which, with the blessing of God, will, she trusts, prove so conducive to the happiness of her family, and to the welfare of her people.

Her Majesty doubts not that you will enable her to make provision for such an establishment as you may think suitable to the rank and dignity of the heir apparent to the Crown of these realms.

A revolution having taken place in Greece, by which the throne of that kingdom has become vacant, the Greek nation have expressed the strongest desire that Her Majesty's son, Prince Alfred, should accept the Greek Crown. This unsolicited and spontaneous manifestation of goodwill towards Her Majesty and her family, and of a due appreciation of the benefits conferred by the principles and practice of the British Constitution, could not fail to be highly gratifying, and has been deeply felt by Her Majesty.

But the diplomatic engagements of Her Majesty's Crown, together with other weighty considerations, have prevented Her Majesty from yielding to this general wish of the Greek nation.

Her Majesty trusts, however, that the same principles of choice which led the Greek nation to direct their thoughts, in the first instance, towards His Royal Highness Prince Alfred, may guide them to the selection of a Sovereign under whose sway the Kingdom of Greece may enjoy the blessings of internal prosperity and of peaceful relations with other States; and if in such a state of things the Republic of the Seven Islands should declare a deliberate wish to be united to the Kingdom of Greece, Her Majesty would be pre[1862-63. LIII.]


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