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principal or interest, and (or) balances of princi-jesty's most honourable Privy Council, and his

pal and interest and to determine the same respectively, according to the merits of the several cases, due regard being had to all the circumstances thereof, and as equity and justice shall appear to them to require. And the said Commissioners shall have power to examine all such persons as shall come before them on oath or affirmation, touching the premises: and also to receive in evidence, according as they may think most consistent, with equity and justice, all written depositions, or books or papers, or copies or extracts thereof; every such deposition, book, or paper, or extract being duly authenticated either according to the legal forms now respectively existing in the two countries, or in such other manner as the said Commissioners shall see cause to require or allow. The award of the said Commissioners, or of any three of them as aforesaid, shall in all cases be final and conclusive, both as to the justice of the claim, and to the amount of the sum to be paid to the creditor or claimant: and the United States undertake to cause the sum so awarded to be paid in specie to such creditor or claimant without deduction, and at such time or times, and at such place or places, as shall be awarded by the said Commissioners: and on condition of such releases or assignments to be given by the creditor or claimant, as by the said Commissioners may be directed: Provided always, that no such payment shall be fixed by the said Commissioners to take place sooner than twelve months, from the day of the exchange of the ratifications of this Treaty 1.

Convention between the United States and Great Britain on the difficulties arisen in the execution of the Treaty of November 19, 1794, signed at London, January 8, 1802.

Difficulties having arisen in the execution of the sixth article of the treaty of amity, commerce and navigation concluded at London on the fourth day of november, one thousand seven hundred and ninety four, between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, and in consebuence thereof the proceedings of the Commissioners under the seventh article of the same treaty, having been suspended; the parties to the said treaty being equally desirous, as far may be, to obviate such difficulties, have respectively named Plenipotentiaries to treat and agree respecting the same; that is to say, his Britannic Majesty has named for his plenipotentiary, the right honourable Robert Banks Jenkinson, commonly called Lord Hawkesbury, one of His Ma

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principal secretary of state for foreign affairs; and the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the senate thereof, has named for their plenipotentiary Rufus King, Esquire, minister plenipotentiary of the said Unites States to his Britannic Majesty, who have agreed to and concluded the following Articles :

ART. I. In satisfaction and discharge of the money which the United States might have been liable to pay in pursuance of the provisions of the said sixth article, which is hereby declared to be cancelled and annulled, except so far as the same may relate to the execution of the said seventh article, the United States of America hereby engage to pay, and his Britannic Majesty consents to accept for the persons described in the said sixth article, the sum of six hundred thousand pounds sterling, payable at the times and place, and in the manner following, that is to say the said sum of six hundred thousand pounds sterling, shall be paid at the city of Washington in three annual instalments of two hundred thousand pounds sterling each and to such person or persons, as shall be authorized by his Britannic Majesty to receive the same; the first of the said instalments to be paid at the expiration of one year, the second instalment at the expiration of two years, and the third and last instalment at the expiration of three years, next following the exchange of the ratifications of this convention.

And to prevent any disagreement concerning the rate of exchanges, the said payments shall be made in the money of the said United States ; reckoning four dollars and forty-four cents to be equal to one pound sterling 1.

C. La troisième commission arbitrale fut chargée d'évaluer les dommages réciproques soufferts par des citoyens, tant américains qu'anglais, à raison de captures de vaisseaux et de prises de marchandises. Les travaux de cette commission commencés le 16 août 1796 furent interrompus le 20 juillet 1799 à raison des difficultés qui firent échouer la seconde commission. Les deux nations confirmèrent à nouveau les pouvoirs de la troisième commission par une stipulation expresse du traité du 8 janvier 1802.

1 F. DE MARTENS, Recueil des traités. Supplément, t. III, Treaties and Conventions.... .. 1776-1887, p. 398.

1776-1887, p. 382.

p. 202;

Treaty of amity, commerce and navigation, signed at London, November 19, 1794.

ARTICLE VII. Whereas complaints have been made by divers merchants and others, citizens of the United States, that during the course of the war in which His Majesty is now engaged, they have sustained considerable losses and damage, by reason of irregular or illegal captures or condemnations of their vessels and other property under colour of authority or commissions from His Majesty, and that from various circumstances belonging to the said cases, adequate compensation for the losses and damages so sustained cannot now be actually obtained, had, and received by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings: it is agreed; that in all such cases where adequate compensation cannot, for whatever reason, be now actually obtained, had, and received by the said merchants and others in the ordinary course of justice, full and complete compensation for the same will be made by the British Government to the said complainants. But it is distinctly understood that this provision is not to extend to such losses or damages as have been occasioned by the manifest delay or negligence, or wilful omission of the claimant.

That for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of any such losses and domages, five Commissioners shall be appointed and authorized to act in London exactly in the manner directed with respect to those mentioned in the proceeding article, and after having taken the same oath or affirmation (mutatis mutandis) the same term of eighteen months is also assigned for the reception of claims, and they are in like manner authorized to extend the same in particular cases. They shall receive testimony, books, papers and evidence in the same latitude, and exercise the like discretion and powers respecting that subject: and shall decide the claims in question according to the merits of the several cases, and to justice, equity and the laws of nations. The award of the Commissioners or any such three of them as aforesaid, shall, in all cases, be final and conclusive, both as to the justice of the claim, and the amount of the sum to be paid to the claimant and his Britannic Majesty undertakes to cause the same to be paid to such claimant in specie, without any deduction, at such place or places, and at such time or times as shall be awarded by the same Commissioners, and on condition of such releases or assignments to be given by the claimants, as by the said Commissioners may be directed.

And whereas certain merchants and others, His Majesty's subjects complain that in the course¦

of the War they have sustained loss and damage by reason of the capture of the vessels and merchandise, taken within the limits and jurisdiction of the States, and brought into the ports of the same, or taken by vessels originally armed in parts of the said States:

It is agreed that in all such cases where restitution shall not have been made agreeably to the tenor of the letter from Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Hammond dated at Philadelphia september 5, 1793, a copy of which is annexed to this treaty ; the complaints of the parties shall be, and hereby are referred to the Commissioners to be appointed by virtue of this Article, who are hereby authorized and required to proceed in the like manner relative to these as to the other cases committed to them: and the United States undertake, to pay to the complainants or claimants, in specie, without deduction, the amount of such sums as shall be awarded to them respectively by the said Commissioners, and at the times and places which in such awards shall be specified, and on condition of such releases or assignments to be given by the claimants as in the said awards may be directed. And it is further agreed, that not only the now existing cases of both descriptions, but also all such as shall exist at the time of exchanging the ratifications of this Treaty, shall be considered within the provisions, intent and meaning of this Article '.

Convention between the United States and Great Britain on the difficulties arisen in the execution of the Treaty of November 19, 1794, signed at London, January 8, 1802.

ART. III. It is furthermore agreed and concluded that the commissioners appointed in pursuance of the seventh article of the said treaty of amity, commerce and navigation and whose proceedings have been suspended, as aforesaid, shall immediately after the signature of this convention, reassemble and proceed in the execution of their duties according to the provisions of the said seventh article; except only that instead of the sums awarded by the said commissioners being made payable at the time or times by them appointed, all sums of money by them awarded to be paid to American or British claimants, according to the provisions of the said seventh article, shall be made payable in three equal instalments, the first whereof, to be paid at the expiration of one year, the second at the expiration of two years, and the third and last at the expiration of three years next, after the exchange of the ratifications of this convention.

1 Treaties and Conventions...... 1776-1887, p. 384.

ART. IV. This convention, when the same shall have been ratified by His Majesty, and by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the senate thereof and the respective ratifications duly exchanged, shall be binding and obligatory upon His Majesty and the said United States.

In faith whereof, We the undersigned plenipotentiaries of his Britannic Majesty and of the United States of America, by virtue of our respective full powers, have signed the present convention, and have caused the seals of our arms to be affixed thereto.

Done at London, the eighth day of January one thousand eight hundred and two .

La commission se réunit de nouveau du 15 février 1802 au 24 février 1804. Elle statua au sujet de 536 cas et accorda environ 11,630,000 £ à des citoyens de nationalité américaine et 143,428 £ 14 à des citoyens de nationalité anglaise.

II. Espagne, Etats-Unis de l'Amérique du Nord.

II août 1802.

L'objet de l'arbitrage a été de fixer les indemnités dues par les deux gouvernements à leurs citoyens respectifs pour excès réciproques commis par ces derniers. Ainsi que la lecture des documents diplomatiques le prouve surabondamment, cette affaire n'offre qu'un intérêt fort secondaire.

Convention between Spain and the United States of America for the indemnification of those who have sustained losses, damages or injuries in consequence of the excesses of individuals of either nation during the late war, concluded at Madrid, August 11, 1802.

1. A board of commissioners shall be formed, composed of five commissioners, two of whom shall be appointed by his Catholic Majesty, two others by the government of the United States, and the fifth by common consent; and in case they should not be able to agree on a person for the fifth commissioner, each party shall name one, and leave the decision to lot: and here- | after, in case of the death, sickness or necessary absence of any of those already appointed, they shall proceed in the same manner to the appointment of persons to replace them.

2. The appointment of the commissioners being thus made, each one of them shall take

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an oath to examine, discuss, and decide, on the claims, which they are to judge, according to the laws of nations and the existing treaty, and with the impartiality justice may dictate.

3. The commissioners shall meet and hold their sessions in Madrid, where, within the term of eighteen months (to be reckoned from the day on which they may assemble) they shall receive all claims, which, in consequence of this convention, may be made, as well by the subjects of his Catholic Majesty as by the citizens of the United States of America, who may have a right to demand compensation for the losses, damages, or injuries, sustained by them, in consequence of the excesses committed by Spanish subjects or American citizens.

4. The commissioners are authorized, by the said contracting parties, to hear and examine, on oath, every question relative to the said demands, and to receive, as worthy of credit, all testimony, the authenticity of which cannot reasonably be doubted.

5. From the decisions of the commissioners there shall be no appeal; and the agreement of three of them shall give full force and effect to their decisions, as well with respect to the justice of the claims, as to the amount of the indemnification which may be adjudged to the claimants; the said contracting parties obliging themselves to satisfy the said awards in specie, without deduction, at the times and places pointed out, and under the conditions which may be expressed by the board of commissioners.

6. It not having been possible for the said plenipotentiaries to agree upon a mode by which the above mentioned board of commissioners should arbitrate the claims originating from the excesses of foreign cruisers, agents, consuls, or tribunals, in their respective territories, which might be imputable to their two governments, they have expressly agreed that each government shall reserve (as it does by this convention) to itself, its subjects or citizens, respectively, all the rights which they now have, and under which they may hereafter bring forward their claims, at such times as may be most convenient to them 1.

Ce traité ne fut jamais exécuté. Bien que ratifié par les Etats-Unis dès 1804, il ne le fut par l'Espagne qu'en 1818. Les ratifications ne furent échangées que le 21 décembre de

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cette dernière année. Elles furent du reste suivies presque immédiatement d'un nouveau traité qui annula le traité de 1802.

Traité d'amitié, d'accord et de fixation de limites, conclu entre les Etats-Unis d'Amérique et Sa Majesté Catholique, signé à Washington le 22 février 1819.

ARTICLE X. La convention passée entre les deux gouvernements le 11 août 1802, dont les ratifications ont été échangées le 21 décembre 1818, est annulée.

ARTICLE XI. Les Etats-Unis déchargent l'Espagne de toutes demandes à l'avenir sous le rapport des réclamations de leurs concitoyens, qui sont comprises dans les renonciations déjà spécifiées, et les considérant comme entièrement closes, se chargent de satisfaire à ces réclamations jusqu'à concurrence d'une somme qui n'excèdera pas cinq millions de dollars 1.

L'article prémentionné règle pour le surplus la manière dont seront déterminés le montant et la validité des réclamations: comme ces réclamations n'ont concerné que des citoyens américains indemnisés par le gouvernement américain, il n'y a pas lieu pour nous, au point de vue spécial où nous nous trouvons placés, de nous appesantir davantage au sujet du litige ici examiné.

III. Etats-Unis de l'Amérique du Nord, Grande-Bretagne.

24 décembre 1814.

La convention du 24 décembre 1814 a institué, comme celle du 19 novembre 1794, trois arbitrages distincts, dont l'objet et les résultats seront étudiés séparément par nous.

A. – Le premier arbitrage avait pour but de déterminer auquel des deux pays certaines îles, situées dans la baie de Passamaquoddy, appartenaient en réalité, aux termes du traité du 3 septembre 1783. Nous reproduisons le passage du traité de 1814 qui institue cet arbitrage, ainsi que la décision intervenue le 24 novembre 1817.

1 CH. DE MARTENS. Ibid. Tome III, p. 410 (414). F. DE MARTENS. Nouveau Recueil. Tome V, p. 328.

Traité de paix et d'amitié entre Sa Majesté Britannique et les Etats-Unis de l'Amérique, signé à Gand le 24 décembre 1814.

ARTICLE IV. Comme il a été stipulé par l'article II du traité de paix de 1783, entre Sa Majesté Britannique et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, que les limites des Etats-Unis comprendraient << toutes les îles à la distance de 20 lieues d'aucune partie des côtes des Etats-Unis, et situées entre les lignes à tirer directement à l'est des points où lesdites limites, entre la Nouvelle Ecosse d'une part, et la Floride occidentale de l'autre, toucheront respectivement la baie de Fondy et l'Océan Atlantique, excepté les iles qui sont ou ont été jusqu'à présent comprises dans les limites de la Nouvelle Ecosse », et comme les diverses îles de la baie de Passamaquoddy, qui fait partie de la baie de Fondy, et l'île de Grand Monan, dans ladite baie de Fondy, sont réclamées par les Etats-Unis comme étant comprises dans lesdites limites, lesquelles iles sont réclamées comme appartenant à Sa Majesté Britannique, comme étant comprises dans les limites de la Nouvelle Ecosse à l'époque du susdit traité de 1783, et antérieurement; en conséquence, afin de statuer finalement sur ces réclamations, il est convenu qu'elles seront référées à deux commissaires qui seront nommés de la manière suivante, savoir: un commissaire sera nommé par Sa Majesté Britannique, et un par le président des Etats-Unis, avec l'avis et le consentement du sénat; et lesdits deux commissaires, ainsi nommés, prêteront serment d'examiner et déterminer impartialement lesdites réclamations, conformément aux preuves qui seront mises sous leurs yeux de la part de Sa Majesté Britannique et de celle des Etats-Unis respectivement. Lesdits commissaires se réuniront à Saint-André, dans la province du Nouveau Brunswick, et ils auront le pouvoir de s'ajourner à tels autres endroits qu'ils jugeront convenables. Lesdits commissaires décideront par une déclaration ou rapport, revêtu de leurs signatures et cachets, à laquelle des deux parties contractantes les diverses îles susdites appartiennent respectivement, en conformité du véritable sens dudit traité

de paix de 1783; et si lesdits commissaires s'ac

cordent dans leur décision, les deux parties considéreront ladite décision comme définitive et péremptoire.

Il est convenu, en outre, que, dans le cas où les deux commissaires différeraient d'avis sur toutes ou aucunes des matières à eux ainsi référées, ou dans le cas où tous deux ou l'un desdits commissaires refuseraient, ou s'excuseraient, ou négligeraient à dessein d'agir comme tels, ils feront conjointement ou séparément leurs rapports tant au gouvernement de Sa Majesté Britannique

qu'à celui des Etats-Unis, dans lesquels ils relateront en détail les points sur lesquels ils diffèrent, et les raisons sur lesquelles leurs opinions respectives ont été formées, et les motifs par lesquels ils ont été ainsi tous deux ou l'un des deux refusé, se sont excusés, ou ont négligé d'agir. Et Sa Majesté Britannique et le gouvernement des Etats-Unis conviennent ici de référer le rapport ou les rapports desdits commissaires à un souverain ou Etat ami, qui sera alors nommé à cet effet et qui sera prié de donner une décision sur les différends qui seront exposés dans lesdits rapports, ou sur le rapport de l'un des commissaires ainsi que sur les motifs par lesquels l'autre commissaire aura refusé, se sera excusé, ou aura négligé d'agir selon le cas. Et si le commissaire qui aura ainsi refusé, se sera excusé ou aura négligé d'agir, néglige aussi à dessein de déduire les raisons pour lesquelles il l'a fait, de même ledit rapport sera déféré audit souverain ou Etat ami, ainsi que le rapport dudit ! autre commissaire, afin que ledit souverain ou Etat prononce ex parte sur ledit rapport seul; et Sa Majesté Britannique et le gouvernement des Etats Unis s'engagent à considérer la décision dudit souverain ou Etat ami comme définitive et concluante sur toutes les matières ainsi réérées 1.

Décision des commissaires nommés par la Grande-Bretagne et les Etats-Unis de l'Amérique septentrionale conformément au quatrième article du Traité de Gand de 1814, datée de New-York du 24 novembre 1817.

By Thomas Barclay and John Holmes, esquires, commissioners, appointed by virtue of the fourth article of the treaty of peace and amity between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, concluded at Ghent, on the

twenty fourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, to decide to which of the two contracting parties to the said treaty, the several islands in the Bay of Passamaquoddy, which is part of the Bay of Foundy, and the island of Grand Menan, in the said Bay of Foundy, do respectively belong, in conformity with the true intent of the second article of the treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, between his said Britannic Majesty and the aforesaid United States of America.

We, the said Thomas Barclay and John Holmes, commissioners as aforesaid, having been duly sworn impartially to examine and decide upon the said claims, according to such evidence as should be laid before us on the part of His Britannic Majesty and the United States, respecti

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vely, have decided, and do decide, that Moose island, Dudley island and Frederick island, in the Bay of Passamaquoddy, which is part of the Bay of Foundy, do, and each of them does, belong to the United States of America; and we have also decided, and do decide, that all other islands, and each and every of them, in the said Bay of Passamaquoddy, which is part of the Bay of Foundy, and the island of Grand Menan, in the said Bay of Foundy, do belong to his said Britannic Majesty, in conformity with the true intent of the said second article of the said treaty of one thousand seven hundred and eighty three.

In faith and testimony whereof we have set our hands and affixed our seals, at the city of New York, in the State of New York, in the United States of America, this twenty fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen 1.

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ARTICLE V. Comme ni le point des hauteurs situées directement au nord de la source de la rivière de Sainte-Croix, désigné dans le précédent traité de paix entre les deux puissances comme l'angle nord-ouest de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, ni la partie supérieure la plus au nord-ouest de la rivière de Connecticut, n'ont pas encore été constatés: et comme la partie de la ligne frontière entre les possessions des deux puissances qui s'étend depuis la source de la rivière de Sainte-Croix, directement au nord du susdit angle nord-ouest de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, de là longe se jettent dans le fleuve de Saint-Laurent, de lesdites montagnes qui divisent les rivières qui celles qui se jettent dans l'Océan Atlantique dans la partie supérieure la plus à l'ouest de la rivière Connecticut, de là descend au milieu de cette rivière jusqu'au 45° degré de latitude nord, de là par une ligne directe à ladite latitude jusqu'à ce qu'elle touche à la rivière des Iroquois

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