페이지 이미지

Item No. 17. To the Jordan Stationery Company, for stationery, et cetera, furnished committee on stationery, house of assembly, five hundred and ten dollars and thirty cents.

Item No. 18. To Callahan & Gartlan, for stationery, et cetera, furnished sergeant-at-arms of the house of assembly, one hundred and fiftysix dollars and twenty-five cents.

Item No. 19. To George D. Bower, Frank Huber, Frank Wanser, George Forman, Frank Garwood, John Clark, Harry Herr, David Conklin, Edward W. Ryan, William Pancoast, William Waldron, August Bergman,

Mulford, for services as pages and doorkeepers in opening house of assembly, session of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, ten dollars each, one hundred and thirty dollars.

Item No. 20. To Naar, Day & Naar, for one student lamp, minute books, et cetera, for stationery committee, house of assembly, fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents.

Item No. 21. To Lawrence Farrell, for repairing furniture for house of assembly, ten dollars and seventy-five cents.

Item No. 22. To Delaware Coal and Ice Company, for ice for senate and assembly, six dollars. Item No. 23. To James Jamison, for cleaning spittoons, sixty dollars.

Item No. 24. To James Burns, for services rendered as assistant doorkeeper, house of assembly, three hundred dollars.

Item No. 25. To Geo. S. Smith, for services rendered as assistant doorkeeper, house of assembly, three hundred dollars.

Item No. 26. To J. H. Petermann, for musical services rendered on occasion of presentation of Yorktown vase and governor's reception, seventy-five dollars.

Item No. 27. To John L. Murphy, for calendars, minute books, et cetera, furnished clerk of the house of assembly, one hundred and twenty dollars.

$510 30

$156 25

$130 00

$14 75

$10 75


$60 00

$300 00

$300 00

$75 00

$120 00

Item No. 28. To Naar, Day & Naar, for selfinking stamp for speaker of house of assembly, eight dollars.

Item No. 29. To Ingalls & Company, for duplex clips for stationery committee, house of assembly, seventy-four dollars and seventeen


Item No. 30. To C. J. Donovan, for expressage on stationery, letter files, and other incidental expenses for house of assembly, twenty-six dollars and sixty-five cents.

Item No. 31. To Naar, Day & Naar, for stationery for clerk of house of assembly, one dollar.

Item No. 32. To John L. Murphy, for one student's lamp and shades, for reading clerk, house of assembly, fifteen dollars and forty


Item No. 33. To J. C. Thomas, for oil furnished for lamp for engrossing clerk and reading clerk, mail basket for sergeant-at-arms, et cetera, four dollars and forty cents.

Item No. 34. To C. J. Donovan, for expenses and services in serving subpoenas and services to the committee appointed to investigate charges in governor's veto of assembly bill number sixtynine, forty-five dollars.

Item No. 35. To the clergy for services in opening the session of the legislature of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, with prayer, ten dollars each.

Item No. 36. To John Mackelheny, for services rendered in attending fires in the senate and assembly chambers and the president's and speaker's rooms, and ventilating the same, during the session of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, one hundred dollars

Item No. 37. To Ellen Meley, for cleaning senate and assembly chambers and committee rooms, during the session of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, two hundred dollars.


$74 17

$26 65

$1 00

$15 40


$45 00

$100 00

$200 00

Item No. 38. To David Campbell, for services in attending electrical gas machine in senate chamber and house of assembly, one hundred dollars.

Item No. 39. To Naar, Day & Naar, for printing furnished committee on presentation of Yorktown vase, four dollars and fifty cents.

Item No. 40. To J. Banks Reford, for extra services rendered as assistant engrossing clerk of the house of assembly, session of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, the extra services being made necessary through work being left undone by the then engrossing clerk, George W. Wyncoop, twenty dollars.

Item No. 41. To George W. Woodward, for extra services as clerk to the committee on engrossed bills of the house of assembly, session of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, made necessary through work being left undone by the then engrossing clerk, twenty dollars.

Item No. 42. To Robert McCague, junior, four hundred dollars, and to E. V. S. Besson one hundred dollars, for expenses incurred and counsel fees in contested election case of E. V. S. Besson versus Robert McCague, junior, five hundred dollars.

Item No. 43. To George S. Smith, for services rendered as clerk to the committee appointed to investigate the charges against the grand army of the republic, twenty-five dollars.

Item No. 44. To Edward Mullin, for services rendered as clerk to the committee on incidental expenses, house of assembly, and amount paid newspapers for advertising, one hundred dollars.

Item No. 45. To the Jordan Stationery Company, for stationery furnished sergeant-at-arms, house of assembly, forty-six dollars.

Item No. 46. To John B. Dusenberry, for services rendered as clerk to the committee appointed to investigate whether the law in relation to limiting the number of convicts

$100 00


$20 00

$20 00

$500 00

$25 00

$100 00

$46 00

employed at any one branch of industry in the state prison to over one hundred, was complied with, fifty dollars.

Item No. 47. To Asa W. Dickinson, for services rendered as assistant clerk in the opening of the house of assembly, session of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, fifty dollars.

Item No. 48. To the Jordan Stationery Company, for stationery, rubber bands, et cetera, furnished the sergeant-at-arms, house of assembly, two hundred and seventy-two dollars and seventy-five cents.

Item No. 49. To Mrs. Maloney, for washing towels for house of assembly, twenty-five dollars. Item No. 50. To James Jamison, for services rendered in cleaning water-closet, house of assembly, twenty-five dollars.

Item No. 51. To the widow of Cummins O. Cooper, for services as clerk in opening house of assembly, one hundred dollars.

Item No. 52. To Andrew M. Clarke, for services as journal clerk in opening the house of assembly, fifty dollars.

Item No. 53. To Catharine Traverse, for cleaning old water-closet, house of assembly, ten dollars.

Item No. 54. To Andrew J. Smith, for services as assistant clerk, house of assembly, one hundred dollars.

Item No. 55. To John A. Brown, for services as sergeant-at-arms in opening house of assembly, twenty-five dollars.

Item No. 56. To Theodore Lawrence, for services as assistant sergeant-at-arms in opening house of assembly, ten dollars.

Item No. 57. To William J. Pohl, for services rendered in opening house of assembly, twentyfive dollars.

Item No. 58. To Frank Huber, for extra services as bill clerk of the senate, one hundred and fifty dollars.

$50 00

$50 00

$272 75

$25 00


$100 00

$50 00

$10 00

$100 00

$25 00

$10 00

$25 00

$150 00

Item No. 59. To Knight & Knight, stenographers, for services as such to the special committee appointed by the house to investigate charges of bribery, one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Item No. 60. To George W. Areson, for extra services as keeper of cloak room, ten dollars.

Item No. 61. To James D. O'Brien, for extra services as assistant doorkeeper of the house of assembly, fifty dollars.

Item No. 62. To C. J. Donovan, for extra services in serving subpoenas and attendance on committee to investigate bribery charges in connection with senate bill number one hundred and sixty-seven, fifty dollars.

Item No. 63. To John L. Murphy, for bill files furnished senate, sixty dollars.

Item No. 64. To John L. Murphy, for stationery, wrapping paper, pails, and so forth, furnished sergeant-at-arms of senate, two hundred and eighteen dollars and ninety cents.

Item No. 65. To E. Wells Sackett & Rankin, for calendars for senate, ten dollars.

Item No. 66. To W. Scott Snyder, assistant engrossing clerk of the senate, the sum of six hundred dollars.

Item No. 67. To J. C. Thomas, for oil furnished engrossing clerk of senate, ninety cents.

Item No. 68. To Mrs. Daniel S. Lee, for washing towels for the senate during the session, twenty-five dollars.

Item No. 69. To John L. Murphy, for calendars, bill books, and so forth, furnished president of the senate, twenty-seven dollars.

Item No. 70. To John L. Murphy, for stationery furnished on the order of the president of the senate, eighty dollars and sixty cents.

Item No. 71. To John L. Murphy, for minute books, calendars, and so forth, furnished secretary of the senate, one hundred and thirtyone dollars.

$125 00

$10 00

$50 00

$50 00

$60 00

$218 90

$10 00

$600 00


$25 00

$27 00

$80 60

$131 00

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