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in the now familiar train. We reached the deserted station and were jogged peacefully to our hotel; our men, in Japanese fashion, sleepily turning out of the way of the ownerless dogs that lay in the middle of streets. And when I awoke in the morning I found that the day's impressions had faded in sleep to what I tell you.


From "The Stones of Venice," New York, 1891 pp. 96-110.

I have pointed out in the Introduction, p. 167-8, how Mr. Ruskin uses the sounds of his words to strengthen the effects which he wants. And I might have pointed to this description as another example of the extreme power of words to set forth feelings which shrivel away before the cool abstractions of the rationalizing parts of the mind, feelings which many men never have, but which to others are palpable and momentous. See Introduction, p. 167-171. Such feelings can only be set forth in writing by means of the subtle and inarticulate associations of things, and by a free use of rhythm and the richness of sounds by which in some degree language can enter on the realm of music: of such power of expression this selection is a famous and admirable example. Richer sensuousness of feeling could be expressed only by music.

AND now I wish that the reader, before I bring him into St. Mark's Place, would imagine himself for a little time in a quiet English cathedral town, and walk with me to the west front of its cathedral. Let us go together up the more retired street, at the end of which we can see the pinnacles of one of the towers, and then through the low, grey gateway with its battlemented top and small latticed window in the centre, into the inner private-looking road or close, where nothing goes in but the carts of the tradesmen who supply the bishop and the chapter, and where

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higher still, to the bleak towers, so far above e eye loses itself among the bosses of their :s, though they are rude and strong, and only ke a drift of eddying black points, now closing, attering, and now settling suddenly into invisices among the bosses and flowers, the crowd of ss birds that fill the whole square with that ge clangour of theirs, so harsh and yet so soothike the cries of birds on a solitary coast between liffs and sea.

ink for a little while of that scene, and the ing of all its small formalisms, mixed with its he sublimity. Estimate its secluded, continuous, sy felicities, and its evidence of the sense and dy performance of such kind of duties as can be alated by the cathedral clock; and weigh the uence of those dark towers on all who have passed ough the lonely square at their feet for centuries, on all who have seen them rising far away over wooded plain, or catching on their square masses e last rays of the sunset, when the city at their feet s indicated only by the mist at the bend of the er. And then let us quickly recollect that we are Venice, and land at the extremity of the Calle unga San Moisè, which may be considered as there nswering to the secluded street that led us to our English cathedral gateway.

We find ourselves in a paved alley, some seven feet vide where it is widest, full of people, and resonant with cries of itinerant salesmen, -a shriek in their beginning, and dying way into a kind of brazen ring

there are little shaven grassplots, fenced in by neat rails, before old fashioned groups of somewhat diminutive and excessively trim houses, with little oriel and bay windows jutting out here and there, and deep wooden cornices and eaves painted cream colour and white, and small porches to their doors in the shape of cockle-shells, or little, crooked, thick, indescribable, wooden gables warped a little on one side; and so forward till we come to larger houses, also old fashioned, but of red brick, and with gardens behind them, and fruit walls, which show here and there, among the nectarines, the vestiges of an old cloister arch or shaft; and looking in front on the cathedral square itself, laid out in rigid divisions of smooth grass and gravel walk, yet not uncheerful, especially on the sunny side, where the canons' children are walking with their nursery-maids. And so, taking care not to tread on the grass, we will go along the straight walk to the west front, and there stand for a time, looking up at its deep-pointed porches and the dark places between their pillars where there were statues once, and where the fragments, here and there, of a stately figure are still left, which has in it the likeness of a king, perhaps indeed a king on earth, perhaps a saintly king long ago in heaven; and so higher and higher up to the great mouldering wall of rugged sculpture and confused arcades, shattered, and grey, and grisly with heads of dragons and mocking fiends, worn by the rain and swirling winds into yet unseemlier shape, and coloured on their stony scales by the deep russet-orange lichen, melancholy gold;

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