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of the year when the air is Calm & pleasant it were an injury "subtenness agains nature not of jo out Bee her wiches partake in her &oring

with heaven reaut L'ALLEGRO.

In unreproved pleasures free ;
To hear the lark begin his flight,
And singing startle the dull night,
From his watch-tow'r in the skies,

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Till the dappled dawn doth rise; to fer
Then to come in spite of sorrow,

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And at my window bid good morrow, had devellings like robin

Through the sweet-briar, or the yine,

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Or the twisted eglantine: for honeypuckte

While the cock with lively din

Scatters the rear of darkness thin,

And to the stack, or the barn-door,
Stoutly struts his dames before:

Oft list'ning how the hounds and horn
Cheerly rouse the slumb'ring morn,
From the side of some hoar hill,
Through the high wood echoing shrill :
Some time walking, not unseen,
By hedge-row elms, on hillocks green,
Right against the eastern gate,

57 "Happy

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mon love witnesses other for

42 dull] K. Hen. V. act iv. chorus,

• Piercing the night's dull ear.'

46 good morrow] Browne's Brit. Past. iii. 2.


'Twice bid good morrow to the nether world.'

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50 Scatters] Gallum noctem explodentibus alis.' Lucret. iv. 714.

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With the shrill musicke of the horne.' Warton.

Much Nels about Nothing

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Dapple the drowsy earst with that's

62 Wallesque juste variis chlamydata chorten Milla's. Where the great sun begins his state, Academical varie


Rob'd in flames, and amber light,
The clouds in thousand liveries dight;"
While the ploughman near at hand
Whistles o'er the furrow'd land,
And the milkmaid singeth blithe,
And the mower whets his scythe,


And every shepherd tells his tale sheep of "take of
Under the hawthorn in the dale. Cucks" Excdno I &
Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures

Whilst the landscape round it measures;

orace hree Russet lawns, and fallows gray, light brown
www.Where the nibbling flocks do stray,

Mountains, on whose barren breast
The lab'ring clouds do often rest;
Meadows trim with daisies pied,
Shallow brooks, and rivers wide.
Towers and battlements it sees
Bosom'd high in tufted trees,

Where perhaps some Beauty lies,

Was the four Bear The Cynosure of neighb'ring eyes.

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be Hard by, a cottage chimney smokes,
poler star ofhe. From betwixt two aged oaks,
lect wordion Where Corydon and Thyrsis met,

Are at their savoury dinner set

Of herbs, and other country messes,

35 messes] Sylv. Du Bartas, p. 171.

Yielding more holesom food then all the messes,
That now taste-curious wanton Plenty dresses.'




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91 Men


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sever Be

& Jonser

may securely sin but
Which the neat-handed Phillis dresses;

And then in haste the bow'r she leaves,
With Thestylis to bind the sheaves;
Or, if the earlier season lead,

To the tann'd haycock in the mead,
Sometimes with secure delight


"a tume may be religions"


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The upland hamlets will invite,mation topinthers
When the merry bells ring round, "Alchemist B2", "bell are
And the jocund rebecks sound
To many a youth, and many a maid,
Dancing in the chequer'd shade;
And young and old come forth to play
On a sunshine holiday,
Till the live-long daylight fail;
Then to the spicy nut-brown ale,
With stories told of many a feat,

How fairy Mab the junkets eat;

She was pinch'd, and pull'd, she said,


Friar Rush who haunted houses

And he by friars' lanthorn led, not field was not but on anther,
Tells how the drudging Goblin sweat,

To earn his cream-bowl duly set,
When in one night, ere glimpse of morn,
His shadowy flail hath thresh'd the corn,
That ten day-lab'rers could not end;
Then lies him down the lubber fiend,
And stretch'd out all the chimney's length,



110 lubber] There is a pretty tale of a witch that had the devil's mark about her, God bless us, that had a gyaunt to her


that was called Lob-lye-by-the-fire. Knight of the B. Pestle, act iii. sc. 1. Warton.

94 Probably



with catgut straps planged

a Moored instrument orifmally
ally two, then three strings till is developed into

with a bow. Originally tivo, then three
the more perfect violin 4

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Basks at the fire his hairy strength,
And crop-full out of doors he flings,
Ere the first cock his matin rings.
Thus done the tales, to bed they creep,

By whispering winds soon lull'd asleep.
Tower'd cities please us then,

And the busy hum of men,

Where throngs of knights and barons bold

pascant In weeds of peace high triumphs hold,
With store of ladies, whose bright eyes
Rain influence, and judge the prize
Of wit, or arms, while both contend
To win her grace, whom all commend.
There let Hymen oft appear
In saffron robe, with taper clear,
And pomp, and feast, and revelry,
With mask, and antique pageantry,
Such sights as youthful poets dream
On summer eves by haunted stream.
Then to the well-trod stage anon,
If Jonson's learned sock be on,
or sweetest Shakespeare, Fancy's child,

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probably alive was

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of Unborn by Warble his native wood-notes wild. ft. left) at beginning

a mere she aber And ever against eating cares,

Lap me in soft Lydian airs,

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art and that maro scope 10 weeds] Troilus and Cressida, act ii. sc. 3.

⚫ Great Hector in his weeds of peace.' Todd.



123 Rain] From the Messaggiero of Tasso.
quaggiu della lor virtu.' Black's Life of Tasso, ii, 476.

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Methinks I hear, nethinks I see

Tweet music scoondrous relaty

Towns, palaces.

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Hare now, now these the world is mine;
Kare beauties, gullent deres shine
Whale e in lover or divine


constitute a city other own scontrante all if one great end, is not less admirable than his precation inn afination, was invention & or intentwe knowledge Nature L'ALLEGRO. Wordware (544)

Married to immortal verse,

Such as the meeting soul may pierce,
In notes, with many a winding bout
Of linked sweetness long drawn out,
With wanton heed and giddy cunning,

The melting voice through mazes running,
Untwisting all the chains that tie
The hidden soul of harmony;

That Orpheus'self may heave his head
From golden slumber on a bed

Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear
Such strains as would have won the ear



Of Pluto, to have quite set free litt on here assert superiority

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147 Elysian flowers] See Par. Lost, iii. ver. 359.

it ford

145 The short of Euphous raised to make it
And in these ravishing strains with which he moved
Charon's Cerberus & five himn way

To fetch from hell his last Eurydice

Massinger's "City Maden "I, 3




"Come his with me".

of these delights thy mind may more
The live with me obe



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133 Angous it is a current. I might day an estable to grenier Amay that thakespeare is justly praised whes he is pronouned of bea wild imaguten fening in whom great faults are compensated by of is peat beautic that Howling may it be kijoe this misconception

passes away, & it bearent universally acknowledged that the polymers of I. in the election of his material & in the manned in wh. t has made them, decorousons as they often are

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