of the year when the air is Calm & pleasant it were an injury "subtenness agains nature not of jo out Bee her wiches partake in her &oring with heaven reaut L'ALLEGRO. In unreproved pleasures free ; Till the dappled dawn doth rise; to fer And at my window bid good morrow, had devellings like robin Through the sweet-briar, or the yine, Or the twisted eglantine: for honeypuckte While the cock with lively din Scatters the rear of darkness thin, And to the stack, or the barn-door, Oft list'ning how the hounds and horn 57 "Happy mon love witnesses other for 42 dull] K. Hen. V. act iv. chorus, • Piercing the night's dull ear.' 46 good morrow] Browne's Brit. Past. iii. 2. Steevens. 'Twice bid good morrow to the nether world.' 50 55 50 Scatters] Gallum noctem explodentibus alis.' Lucret. iv. 714. With the shrill musicke of the horne.' Warton. Much Nels about Nothing Dapple the drowsy earst with that's 62 Wallesque juste variis chlamydata chorten Milla's. Where the great sun begins his state, Academical varie Lantakip Rob'd in flames, and amber light, 65 And every shepherd tells his tale sheep of "take of Whilst the landscape round it measures; orace hree Russet lawns, and fallows gray, light brown Mountains, on whose barren breast Where perhaps some Beauty lies, Was the four Bear The Cynosure of neighb'ring eyes. which Are at their savoury dinner set Of herbs, and other country messes, 35 messes] Sylv. Du Bartas, p. 171. Yielding more holesom food then all the messes, Warton. 70 73 91 Men L'ALLEGRO. 145 sever Be & Jonser may securely sin but And then in haste the bow'r she leaves, To the tann'd haycock in the mead, 90 "a tume may be religions" 95 profane, The upland hamlets will invite,mation topinthers How fairy Mab the junkets eat; She was pinch'd, and pull'd, she said, 100 Friar Rush who haunted houses And he by friars' lanthorn led, not field was not but on anther, To earn his cream-bowl duly set, 105 110 110 lubber] There is a pretty tale of a witch that had the devil's mark about her, God bless us, that had a gyaunt to her son, that was called Lob-lye-by-the-fire. Knight of the B. Pestle, act iii. sc. 1. Warton. 94 Probably VOL. III. L with catgut straps planged a Moored instrument orifmally with a bow. Originally tivo, then three Basks at the fire his hairy strength, By whispering winds soon lull'd asleep. And the busy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold pascant In weeds of peace high triumphs hold, 116 120 .25 130 probably alive was of Unborn by Warble his native wood-notes wild. ft. left) at beginning a mere she aber And ever against eating cares, Lap me in soft Lydian airs, art and that maro scope 10 weeds] Troilus and Cressida, act ii. sc. 3. ⚫ Great Hector in his weeds of peace.' Todd. 135 Piovano 123 Rain] From the Messaggiero of Tasso. Methinks I hear, nethinks I see Tweet music scoondrous relaty Towns, palaces. Hare now, now these the world is mine; of constitute a city other own scontrante all if one great end, is not less admirable than his precation inn afination, was invention & or intentwe knowledge Nature L'ALLEGRO. Wordware (544) Married to immortal verse, Such as the meeting soul may pierce, The melting voice through mazes running, That Orpheus'self may heave his head Of heap'd Elysian flowers, and hear 140 145 Of Pluto, to have quite set free litt on here assert superiority 147 Elysian flowers] See Par. Lost, iii. ver. 359. it ford 145 The short of Euphous raised to make it To fetch from hell his last Eurydice Massinger's "City Maden "I, 3 757 of Marlowe's "Come his with me". of these delights thy mind may more my love" 133 Angous it is a current. I might day an estable to grenier Amay that thakespeare is justly praised whes he is pronouned of bea wild imaguten fening in whom great faults are compensated by of is peat beautic that Howling may it be kijoe this misconception passes away, & it bearent universally acknowledged that the polymers of I. in the election of his material & in the manned in wh. t has made them, decorousons as they often are |