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gular ceremony of electing annually
one of the singing boys to sustain the
formalities of a bishop, ib.; some ac-
count of St. Nicholas, ib.; miracles per-
formed at the tomb of Osmond, 444; his
canonization, 445; tower and spire
added to the church, ib.; its liability
to serious ac ident, b.; inclination of
the spire occasi ned by the sinking of
the pillars, 447; supposed relic of the
Virgin Mary discovered at the uppermost
point, ib.

Domingo, St. some facts in connexion
with the intended French expedition
to that place, stated, 200
Duppa, Dr. stated to have assisted in the
composition of the EIKON BASILIKE, 439

Edgeworth's Maria, continuation of early
lessons, 401, 2

Edgeworth, Miss, her defects and excel-
lencies as a moral writer, 159
Eneid, specimen of a blank verse transla-

tion of it, by T. Grinfield, 280
Established Church, claims of 454, et
seq; aim of the author, 455, 6;
powers and rights claimed by the
writer, as delegated to the established
Church by Christ and his apostles,
456, 7; inquiry into what constitutes
the church, ib. et seq.; it derived its
origin from the state, 459; scriptura!
meanings of the term church, ib. et
seq.; on the term bishop or overseer,
460; each congregation had its own
bishop, ih.; assertion that Christ de-
posited his authority with the Apostles,
with the power of delegation, 461;
that this power of delegation was two-
fold, 462; Church, as established by
the Apostles, asserted to be charac-
terize! by two grand fundamental
principles, 463; the three orders of
bishops, presbyters, and deacons, de-
clared to be stated in the New Testa-
ment, ib.; the Apostles stated to have
delegated their authority, especially
the power of ordination, 465; author's
proof of Titus's having been conse-
crated to the episcopal office, ib.;
scripture affords no proof of three
orders, b. et seq.; angels of the Reve-
lation, asserted to mean bishops, 467;
author's reference to the Fathers in
proof of three orders, considered, ib.
et seq.; writings of the Fathers not
authoritative beyond the writings of
other men, 471; the sacred writings
only authoritative, ib.; arguments of
the episcopal writers against the
Romish Church equally conclusive

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against themselves, 472; author's as-
sertions contradictory to scripture,
540; Dr. Campbell on the essence
of Christianity,' 551; ministerial la-
bours, even where Episcopal Ordination
cannot be attained, has not apostolical
sanction, 553; all persons ordained by
a bishop in the Established Church,
are declared to be true ministers of
Christ, 554; reading the bible without
an interpreter, tends to generate spiritual
pride, 555; authority of the church as
an interpreter vested in its Creeds
and Articles, 556; author's bold as-
sertion that no controversy upon funda-
mentals can arise btween those who con-
scientiously subscribe the articles, ib.; re-
viewer's appeal to, and statement of, a
difference on essential points between
some members of the Establishment,
557; Author's remarks on apostolical
succession, and on separation, 560; spi-
ritual descent of the bishops examin-
ed, 561; rise and progress of the Es-
tablished Church, 561, et seq.; Arch-
bishop Parker, the root of present
episcopacy in England, was not con-
secrated by bishops, 562; these al-
leged successors of the apostles, ap-
pointed by lay patronage, &c. ib.; dis-
proportionate salaries in the church,
564; extract from the Christian Ob-
server tending to disprove Mr. Cun-
ningham's assertion of the efficacious
influence of the Church formularies,
565; author's declaration that the Gospel
is preached in the church, ib.; neglect,
in the first instance, of Dr. Bell, and
his system, by the clergy in general,
566; Church of England compared
with the Church of Christ, in regard
to the power of the people, &c. ib.;
to the celebration of the Lord's Sup-
per, ib.; to excommunication, ib.;
to absolution, quotation from Horsley
and Towgood, 568; conclusion and
general reflections, 569

Euripides, his manner of carrying on a
Dialogue defended by Professor Por-
son, 360

Evangelical ministry, Jay's sermon on
the importance of, 93
Estlin's general prayer-book, 189, et
seq.; the writer's views of dissent crude
and low, 190; inquiry into the prin-
ciples common to all Christians, 191;
character of the prayers on the re-
nunciation of human merit, as the
ground of acceptance with God, 192;
the Doctor's opinion of the doctrine of
Divine influence, ib,

Field of Waterloo, a poem by Walter
Scott, 570; extracts, 575, et seq.
Fellowes's Paris, during the interesting
mont' of J'v, 1815, 510
Fontency and ess of Louis XV. to his
son o the day after the battle of,
Forster's sketch of the new anatomy
and physiology of the brain and ner-
vous system of Drs. Gall and Spurz-
heim, 507, et seq.; atheists state i to be
devoid of the organ of veneration, 508;
necessary moral consequences of this
state of organizat on, ib.; the will
made up of bramular matter, 508;
organs of the will, ib; the only and ne-
cessary correctives for moral delin-
quency, according to the system of
organization, &c. ib. et seq.; insanity
declared to be always corporal, 509
France, Lacretelle's history of, during
the 18th century, 102, et seq.; politi-
cal and domestic calamities of Louis
XIVth, 104; Death of the Duke of Bur-
gundy, 104, 5; profligate regency of
the Duke of Orleaus, 106, 7; and ex-
tract, ib.; germe of the French revo-
lution traceable to this period, ib.;
degradation of the church in France,
and its causes, ib.; character of Car-
dinal Fleury's regency, 108; un-
settled state of Poland, and its ef-
fects on Europe, ib.; misfortunes of
Stanislaus, 109; elevation of his
daughter to the crown of France, ib.;
calamitous situation of Maria There-
sa, 241; her appeal to the Hungarian
states, ib.; joins in the dismemberment
of Poland, 242; Louis XV. wonders
why his subjects should lament his
illness, ib.; ascendency of Madame Pom-
padour over his mind, ib.; immorality of
his court, 243; execrated by the
French at his death, ib.; state of
France on the accession of Louis
XVI, 244; the author composed
his history under restriction, 245;
18th century, the age of human
butchery, 248; Louis XV, address to
his son after the battle of Fontenoy, ib.;
reflections of Marshal Saxe on the even-
ing preceding a battle, ib.; moral im-
provement of the world very slow,

Francis, St. de Sales, memoirs of, 614;

sketch of his life, 615; et seq.; his dis-
tress of mind and recovery, ib.; attempts
to convert Beza to the Romish faith,
616; his zeal in his missionary labours,
ib.; his great success in converting
Calvinists into Papists, 617; his cano-
nization, 618

French church, its degradation by the

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elevation of persons of infamous cha-
racter to its highest stations, 107
French females; see Scott's Visit to Paris
Frenilly Monsieur de, cons d rations re-
lative to a year of the history of
France, 421, et seq.; cause of the dif-
ference between the evolutionary
changes in England and those of other
countries, ib; evils arising from the
sources of information on political
subjects being under the cotrol of
party writers, 425; importance of
passing circumstances, considered as
the materials of future history, 424;
author's qualifications, ib.; advan-
tazes and disadvantages of a contem-
porary and retrospective survey of
great transaction considered, ib.;
state of England at the return of Charles
II., as contrasted with that of France
on the return of Louis XVIIIth, (1814),
426; anih otion of the no ility in
France, 427; author's ve arks on the
state of religion in France, 423, 9; re-
flections on the subject of a sttempt
to revive religion in France, 430; on
the morals and natione i charecter of the
French, 431, et seq.; true wundation
of the national character of the Eng-
lish, as it differs from that of other
countries, 433; reflections on, and
probable causes of the complacent
admiration, with which Buonaparte's
character is viewed and estimated
by many in this country, 581; infi-
delity of the most determined nature,
the basis of his character, 392;
unfeeling rather than cruel, 593;
extract, ib; his utter coatempt of
truth, 594; folly of acting on the sup-
position of reformation in regard to
his character, ib.; his alleged re-
formation utterly groundless, ib. ct
seq.; M. de F's remarks On the
character of Buonaparte, and the means
thrown into his hands, 596; his charac
ter as a politician, &c. ib.; Buonaparte
an extraordinary man, 597; allies jus-
tifiable in renouncing all alliance with
the Buonaparte family, 599; exist-
ence of Buonaparte as ruler of France
incompatible with the safety and
quiet of Europe, ib; a system of
aggression the necessary result of the
peculiar nature of his despotism, i

Gaelic chapel, Dewar's sermon preached
in it, 300, et seq.; great deficiency of
public instruction in some districts of
the Highlands, ib.; extract; Jona, its
desolate state in regard to religious in-
struction, 301

Garde, General de la, attempt on his

[blocks in formation]

Gilbert's power of God in the soul of
man, a sermon, 512, 3; leading sub-
jects of the discourse, ib.
Giraud's campaign of Paris, in 1814,
196, et sq.; consists of abstracts from
gazettes, &c. ib.; obstinacy and fatal
error of Buonaparte in the campaign
of 1813, ib.; repeats this error, 197;
Allies pour into France, ib.; defeat
of Buonaparte at Rothiere, b.; pro-
fits by the error of the Allies, ib.;
captures the corps of Alsulief, ib.;
assaults Blucher and drives him back,
198; steady firmness of the Prussians,
ib.; farther advantages gained by
Buonaparte, ib.; be tears the treaty
of Chatillon, ib.; defeat of the French,
at Laon, 199; Buonaparte throws
himself into the rear of the Allies,
ib.; Allies advance on Paris, ib.;
battle of Paris, b.; capitulation of
Paris, 200; characteristic anecdotes
of Buonaparte, ib.

Gospel, its genius spiritual, not ceremonia!,

Grecian women inelegant, 540; utterly

destitute of inental cultivation, ib.
Gregory's dissertations and letters, re-
lating to the trigonometrical survey of
England and Wales, by Col. Mudge
and Capt. Colby, 505, et seq.; bene-
ficial tendency of Dr. Gregory's col-
lection o. letters on this subject, 506
Gregory's letters to a friend on the evi-
dences, doctrines, and duties of the
Christian religion, 194, et seq; im-
provements of this edition stated, ib.;
futility of the Socinian argument that
Jesus suffered as an example of patience
and resignation, 195
Grinfield's poems, &c. 273, et seq.; cha-
racter and contents of the volume,
ib.; poetic description of morning and
evening, 274; poem on memory, 275;
Kulle ankie, battle of, 276, 7; fancy-
view of the submarine world, 278, 9;
specimen of a blank verse translation of
the Eneia, 280

Griesbach's systematical classification
of manuscripts, Dr. Lawrence's re-
marks on, 1, et seq.; Griesbach, the
first reformer of the Greek text of the
New Testament on critical principles,
ib.; his theological sentiment, ib.;
literary estimate of his second edi

tion of the New Testament, 3; expo-
sition of some errors, 4; and misquo-
tations, ib.; his decisions not always
in accordance with those in his Sym-
bolæ Criticæ, ib.: his system opposed
by Dr. Lawrence, 5; basis of his sys-
tem, 6; his three recensions, with the
MSS. comprised under each, 6, 7; his
system unsupported by history or tra-
dition, 8; on what founded, 9; ob-
jection stated, 10; existence of the
Alexandrine recension not proved, 12;
his classification too limited, ib.; his
mode of deciding on a classification of
MSS objected to, 13; his calculations
inaccurate, 15, et seq.; objections
against the structure of Griesbach's
system, 173; his promises uncertam,
176; principal use of recensions,' as
stated by Griesbach, 179; objection
to Griesbach's decision on the reading
of 1 Tim. iii. 16, 183, et seq.; Dr.
Lawrence's comments of Griesbach's state-
ment, the versions, 185; benefits result-
ing from Griesbach's labours, 189
Guul, river, its sudden disappearance
and fatal consequences, 34

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Hall on the terms of communion, 338,
et seq.; the church of Christ on earth,
visible and undivisible, ib.; not an
exclusive church, ib.; tendency of the
Romish church to secularize every
thing, 339; an essential difference
between the church of Rome and the
reformed National churches, 340;
their notions of the ordinances of the
church unscriptural, ib; object of the
present work, b.; principle on which
the strict baptists exclude other Chris-
tians from their community, generally
prevalent in the Christian world, 341;
the anomaly, as it regards the strict
baptist, ib.; Mr. Hall's remarks on the
communion of saints, ib. et seq.; sub-
jects of the first part of Mr. Hall's
work, 343; Christian baptism not the
baptism of Jonn, but instituted sub-
sequently to the eucharist, ib.; Mr.
Hale's remarks on the apostolic pre edent
in regard to eucharistic communion, ib.,
baptism by the apo-tls during the
ministry of our Saviour, identified
with that of John, 344; the apostles
and the 120 disciples were never bap-
tized, b.; Acts 19 and 5, considered,
ib.; Mr. Hali in reply to Mr. Booth in
regard to admitting unbaptized bc-
lievers to the Lord's Table, 345; ex-
travagant notions of the efficacy of
baptism, entertained by early Chris-

tians and others, ib.; subjects of the
second part of the work, 346, 7; duty
of cultivating a warm attachment to the
members of Christ's body,' 347; a plura.
lity of true churches not in communion
with one another repugnant to the princi-
ples of the scriptures, 348; Mr. Hall's
definition of schism, 349; religious
societies bound to preserve the purity,
&c. of their communion, ib.; ineffi-
cacy of terms of communion for this
purpose, 350; communion with a Chris-
tian society not to be had at the expense
of Christian liberty, 351; modern dis.
sent chiefly occasioned by the terms
of communion, ib; exclusion of dissenters
from the church of England, intended as
a punishment, 352; uniformity in re-
ligious matters, by human compul-
sion, unlawful and contrary to the
spirit of the gospel, 353; hopes of the
author, as to the result of the adoption of
his principles, 354; genius of the gospel
spiritual, not ceremonial, 355

Hamilton's sermon, occasioned by the
execution of Mr. J. Blackburn, 280, et
seq.: general character of the sermon,
ib.; extrac, as a specimen of Mr. W.
Hamilton's style, 282; reflections sug
gested by the publicat on, ib. et seq.
Hanbury's extracts from Mr. Williams's
diary, 396, et seq. pious resolutions,
397, letter to his daughter, 398; on the
declining state of religion among the dis-
senters in his day, 399

Harvard college, remarks on the establish-
ment of Socinianism there, 268
Hebrew melodies by Lord Byron, 94, et
seq; Jephthah's daughter, ib.; the wild
gazelle, 95, 6

Henry and his bearer, the history of,

Hints from an invalid mother to her
daughter, 504, 5; principal subjects

of the work, ib.; nature and efficacy
of Christian patience, ib.

Historical sketch of the translation and
circulation of the scriptures from the
earliest period, 284, et seq.; Bible so-
ciety liberally supported by the people
and clergy of Scotland, ib., opposition
of the synod of Merse and Tiviotdale,
286; reflections on their proceedings, 287,
et seq.; contents of the sketch, 288
History of Henry and his bearer, 401
Hobhouse's journey through Albania,

&c. 525, et seq.; first view of Ioannina,
526; some account of the Pasha of
Albania's family, 527; description of
Ioannina, 528; its trade, &c, ib.;
arrival at Tepellenè, 529; some Turks

irreligious, ib.; Albanian mode of sum-
moning to prayers, 530; author's visit
to the Pasha, ib.; his person described, ib.;
his state, 531; slight sketch of his his-
tory, ib.; his address in avoiding the
dangers of an elevated situation in the
state, 532; state of the country, prior
to, and under, his government, ib.; his
barbarity, 533; state of females in Al-
bania, 534; robbing and stealing
essentially different in Albania, 535;
mistatement of Lady Mary W. Mon-
tagu, ib.; arrival at Delphi, 537;
Thebes, &c. ib.; Athens, ib. et seq.;
rapid decay of its ruins, 538; -
stance of Turkish avarice and stupi-
dity, 539; form of the Grecian wo-
men inelegant, 540; modern Grecian
women, utterly destitute of mental
cultivation, ib. et seq.; religion of the
Greeks, 541; their avarice, ib.; im-
patience of subjection, ib.; author
sceptical in regard to the Troad, 542;
general estimate of his qualifications
as a literary traveller, ib.
Holland, favourable state of its schools,
number of scholars, &c. 517, 8
Horne on the formation of fat in the in-
testines of living animals, 58
Horne's additions to an account of the
anatomy of the Squalus Maximus,
contained in a former paper; with
observations on the bronchial artery,

Hottentots, their indolence partly occasioned
by the conduct of the Dutch boors, 142
Hottentot woman, her whole family de-
voured by lions, &c. 144

Humorous in poetry, differs from the
ludicrous, 126; requisites in the com-
position of the humorous 126, 7
Hydrocephalus, Yeats on the early
symptoms of it, 250, et seq; promi-
nent importance of the subject, 251;
subdivisions of the grastic theory of
medicine, 251, et seq.; opinion of Dr.
Yeats as to the original seat of the
complaint, 255; objections, ib. el seq.;
reasous proving it to originate in the
head, 256; Dr. Yeals's account of tis
symptoms in a little girl, 257, et seq.;
symptoms indicative of its commence-
ment, 259; characteristic symptoms
distinguishing it from some other dis-
orders, 260; cautions in regard to its
exciting causes, 262; treatment 263
Hypothesis, vindication of its right ase,


Index to the anatomical, medical, chi-
rurgical, and phisiological papers,

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contained in the transactions of the
royal society of London, 396
Judia, Tytler's present political state of,
318, et seq.; British community ill
informed as to the state of India, its
causes, ib; duty of the British to
compel a good government in India,
.319; correct information as to the
government of India, of difficult at-
tainment, 320, obligation due to Mr.
Tytler for his work, 321; wilful delu-
sion of the company's servants in re-
gard to the lower classes in India,
322; extract, illustrative of this remark,
323; leading topics of the work 325;
youths sent to India generally ill
qualified for the purpose, 326; their
mode of obtaining money, 327;
beco subiect to the control of the
Baboos 328, who eventually govern
the country, b.; the great body of the
people poor, 329, extract; prevalence
of er me, ib; Dacoity, ib.; cruelties of
the Doits, 330; Bergalee's great dis-
regard of truth, 331; revenge of two
condemn d Dacoits, 332; causes of the
great prevalence of delinquency in
India, b.; effecs of poverty, b.; iu-
quiry into the causes of the poverty of
the British subjects in India, 333;
extract; imperfection of the adminis-
tration of justice in India, 334, ex-
tract, ib. et seq; vices, &c. of the
police, 337; management of the jails,

Indulgences granted in aid of the expense

attending the erection of Salisbury cathe-
dral, 442

Influences of the Holy Spirit explained
and defended, a sermon by Mr.
Bennet, 510

Insanity always corporal, according to
chronological principles, 509; see
Forster's sketch

Ioannina, its appearance, 526; its size,
population &c 528

Iona, island of, its destitute state in regard
to religious ordinances, 301

Jamieson on the construction of maps,
168, et seq; contents of the treatise,
169; its character, b.

Jay's sermon on the importance of an
evangelical ministry, 93, 4; popula-
rity of Mr. Jay, ib.; its probable causes
as ilustrated by an extract from his own

sermon, 20.

Jennings's scupture testimony, 193, 4
Jerdan's Paris Spectator, 608, et seq.;
the work strictly descriptive of Pari-
sian manners, 606; a pictureof modern

French rural retirement, ib. et seq.; le
colimaçon, 608; translation, ib.

Keminoom, a well fortified city in the
interior of Africa, 220; thievish pro-

pensity of the natives, ib.
Killicrankie, battle of, from Grinfield's
poems, 276, 7

Knight's Christian courtesy, a sermon,
511, 2; extracts, ib.

Kitchen library, of what it should consist,


Lacretelle's history of France during the
eighteenth century, 102, et seq.; ob-
jections to the supposed superiority
of the ancients, as historical writers,
over the moderns, ib.; superiority of
the moderns in the development of
the moral features of history, 103;
ancients mere sciolists on certain
branches connected with the know-
ledge of the philosophy of history,
103; political reverses of Louis XIV.,
ib. et seq.; his domestic calamities,
104; death of the duke of Burgundy,
104, 5; profig cy of the regency of
the duke of Orleans, 106, 7; extract,
107; germe of the French revolution
to be traced to this perio, b.; degra-
dation of the Gallican church, by the
elevation of infamous persons to its
highest stations, ib.; character of the
regency of Cardinal Fleury, 108;
troubles in Europe, occasioned by the
unsettled state of Poland, ib.; mis-
fortunes of Stanislaus, and elevation of
of his daughter to the crown of France,
109; disastrous situation of Maria
Theresa, 241; her appeal to the Hun-
garian states, ib.; confederates in the
dismemberment of Poland, 242; sur-
prise of Louis XV. at finding his ill-
ness lamented by his subjects, ib.; in-
fluence of Madame Pompadour over this
prince, ib.; depravity of the court of
Louis, XV., 243; his memory detested by
the French, ib.; state of France on the
accession of Louis XVI, 244; the au-
thor has composed his history under
restriction, 245; the eighteenth cen-
tury, the age of human butchery,
248; Louis XVth's address to his son
after the battle of Fontenoy, ib.; reflec-
tions of Marshal Saxe on the even-
ing preceding a battle, ib.; moral im-
provement of the world very slow,


Lamotte's voyage dans le nord de l'Eu-
rope, 22, et seq.; occasion of the excur-
sion, and the quality of the travellers,

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