POEMS. I. WRITTEN IN AN ALBUM. 1. As o'er the cold sepulchral stone 2. And when by thee that name is read, And think my heart is buried here. September 14th, 1809, To II. On Lady! when I left the shore, All charms which heedless hearts can move, Whom but to see is to admire, And, oh! forgive the word to love. Forgive the word, in one who ne'er Thou lovely wand'rer, and be less? The Turkish tyrants now enclose; And though I bid thee now farewell, III. STANZA S. Written in passing the Ambracian Gulph, November 14th, 1809. 1. THROUGH cloudless skies, in silvery sheen, 2. And now upon the scene I look, The azure grave of many a Roman; 3. Florence! whom I will love as well (Since Orpheus sang his spouse from hell) Whilst thou art fair and I am young; 4. Sweet Florence! those were pleasant times, 5. Though Fate forbids such things to be, But would not lose thee for a world. |