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carriages of travellers coming into this Province with the intent of immediately leaving it again; provided always that no such agreement shall be for any long term than ten years.

16. Any shareholder in the said Company, whether a British Aliens may subject or alien, or a resident in Canada or elsewhere, shall vote, &c. have equal rights to hold stock in the said Company, and to vote on the same and to be eligible to office in the said Company.

17. This Act and all the provisions thereof shall become Forfeiture of null and void unless the construction of the said railroad be Act for noncommenced within two years and completed within five years user. of the passing of the same.

18. The Interpretation Act shall apply to this Act, and this Public Act. shall be deemed a Public Act.


(Form of Deed of Sale.


Know all men by these presents, that I, A. B. of hereby in consideration of paid to me by the Chaudière Valley Railway Company, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Chaudière Valley Railway Company, their Successors and Assigns, all that tract or parcel of land, (describe the land,) the same having been selected and laid out by the said Company for the purposes of their Railway; to have and to hold the said land and premises unto the said Company, their successors and assigns forever.

Witness my hand and seal this thousand eight hundred and

day of


Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of

A. B. [L. S.]


An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Massawippi
Valley Railway Company.


[Assented to 30th June, 1864.]

HEREAS the Massawippi Valley Railway Company Preamble have petitioned the Legislature for certain amendments

o their Act of Incorporation, and whereas it is expedient to


Further time for commen

pleting the


grant the same: Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. Notwithstanding anything in the one hundred and seventeenth section of the sixty-sixth chapter of the Consolidated cing and com- Statutes of Canada, known as "The Railway Act," and notwithstanding anything contained in the special Act of Incorporation of the said Company, the corporate existence and powers of the said Company shall be deemed to have continued and shall continue in full force and effect, provided the said railway be commenced within two years, and completed within five years, after the passing of this Act.

Time for the

holders extended.

2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the said Act of next and other Incorporation, the next general meeting of Shareholders of the general meetings of Share- said Company, for the election of Directors thereof, and for the transaction of the general business of the corporation, shall be holden on the first Wednesday in September next after the passing of this Act, and thenceforward annually on the first Wednesday in September in each year thereafter, public notice of such annual general meeting and election to be given in the manner provided by the said Act.

Public Act.

3. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act.



An Act to incorporate the Wellington, Grey and Bruce
Railway Company.

[Assented to 30th June, 1864.].

WHEREAS the Hon. John MacMurrich and Francis

Shanly, of the city of Toronto; Alexander Harvey, Thomas S. Parker, William Clarke, A. L. Argo, James Wilson, James Cattanach, William Robertson, John Watt, Matthew Anderson, J. B. Wyllie, Sem Wissler, John Beattie, Geo. A. Drew, James M. Fraser, John Mundel, W. P. Newman, Levi Erb, James Ross, William Reynolds, John Smith, Sidney Smith, Hugh Roberts, Charles Clarke, Robert McKim, William Sturtridge, George Allen, William S. Hambly, Alexander Dyce, James Davidson, W. Ayhurst, Charles Gillespie, A. F. Stewart, J. Stevenson, Duncan Saunders, John Smithurst and Archibald Harrison, of the county of Wellington; Alexr. MacNabb, John Gillies, James Broclebank, John Bruce, Alexander Sproat, William Miller, Thomas Adair, Thomas Orchard and William Gunn, of the county of Bruce; George Jackson, David Yeomans, John Nasmith, William Lackey, H. Wakefield and W. H. Ryan, of the county of Grey, and others, have petitioned the Legislature for an Act of incorporation to construct a Railway from the town of Guelph, in the


county of Wellington, to or near Fergus, thence to Owen Sound and some point on Lake Huron; and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition: Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. The said Hon. John MacMurrich and Francis Shanly, of Incorporation the city of Toronto; Alexander Harvey, Thomas S. Parker, and corporate William Clarke, A. L. Argo, James Wilson, James Cattanach, name. William Robertson, John Watt, Matthew Anderson, J. B. Wyllie, Sem Wissler, John Beattie, Geo. A. Drew, James M. Fraser, John Mundel, W. P. Newman, Levi Erb, James Ross, William Reynolds, John Smith, Sidney Smith, Hugh Roberts, Charles Clarke, Robert McKim, William Sturtridge, George Allen, William S Hambly, Alexander Dyce, James Davidson, W. Ayhurst, Charles Gillespie, A. F. Stewart, J. Stevenson, Duncan Saunders, John Smithurst and Archibald Harrison, of the county of Wellington; Alexr. MacNabb, John Gillies, James Broclebank, John Bruce, Alexander Sproat, William Miller, Thomas Adair, Thomas Orchard and William Gunn, of the county of Bruce; George Jackson, David Yeomans, John Nasmith, William Lackey, H. Wakefield and W. H. Ryan, of the county of Grey, together with such other persons or corporations as shall become subscribers and shareholders in the Company hereby incorporated, shall be, and are hereby ordained, constituted and declared to be a body corporate and politic in fact, by and under the name and style of the "Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway Company."

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2. The several clauses of the "Railway Act" with respect Certain clauto the first, second, third and fourth clauses thereof, and also ses of the the several clauses of the said Act with respect to "Interpre- incorporated Railway Act "Powers,' tation," Incorporation," "Plans and Surveys," with this Act. "Lands and their Valuation," "Highways and Bridges,' "Fences," "Tolls," "General Meetings," "Directors, their election and duties," "Shares and their Transfer," "Municipalities," "Shareholders," "Actions for indemnity, and Fines and Penalties and their prosecution," "Working of the Railway," and "General Provisions," shall be incorporated with this Act; and the expression "this Act" when used herein, shall be understood to include the clauses incorporated with this Act, save and except in so far as they are varied by any of the provisions of this Act.

be construct

3. The said Company and their servants shall have full Line or lines power and authority to lay out, construct, make and finish a of Railway to double or single iron Railway, at their own cost and charges, ed from the town of Guelph, in the county of Wellington, to the village of Southampton or other point on Lake Huron, in the county of Bruce, with a branch should they so desire it to the town of Owen Sound in the county of Grey, and with power to connect with the Great Western or Grand Trunk Railways, or


Capital stock; shares; in



both at or near the said town of Guelph, and crossing the Grand River about midway between the villages of Fergus and Elora.

4. The Capital Stock of the said Company shall not exceed in the whole the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars (with power to increase the same as provided by the Railway Act), to be divided into fifteen thousand shares, of one hundred dollars each, which amount shall be raised by the persons herein before named, and such other persons and corpoApplication of rations as may become shareholders in such Stock; and the money so raised shall be applied, in the first place towards the payment of all fees, expenses, and disbursements for procuring the passing of this Act, and for making the surveys, plans and estimates connected with the Railway, and all the rest and remainder of such money shall be applied towards the making, completing and maintaining the said Railway and other purposes of this Act; provided always, that until the said preliminary expenses shall be paid out of the Capital Stock, it shall be lawful for the Municipality of any county, city, town or township interested in the Railway, or otherwise, to pay out of the general funds of such municipality, such preliminary expenses, which sums shall be refunded to such Municipality from the Stock of said Company, or be allowed to them in payment of stock.

Proviso as
to preliminary

First Board of

5. The said Hon. John MacMurrich, Francis Shanly, Charles Clarke, George A. Drew, James M. Frazer, James Ross, Alexr. MacNabb, James Broclebank, John Gillies, John Bruce, Alexander Harvey, T. S. Parker, James Cattanach, William Robertson, John Watt, J. B. Wyllie, Sem Wissler and George Jackson, with power to add to their number, shall be, and are hereby constituted a Board of Directors of the said Company, and shall hold office as such until other directors shall be elected under the provisions of this Act, by the shareholders, Their Powers and shall have power and authority immediately after the passing of this Act, to open stock books and procure subscriptions for the undertaking, to make calls upon the subscribers, to cause surveys and plans to be made and executed, and as hereinafter provided, to call a general meeting of the shareholders for the election of directors.

[blocks in formation]

6. The said directors are hereby empowered to take all necessary steps for opening the s'ock books for the subscriptions of parties desirous of becoming shareholders in the said Company; and every person whose name shall be written in such books as a subscriber to the said undertaking, and who shall have paid, within ten days after the closing of the books, into the bank appointed by the directors, or into any of its branches or agencies, to the credit of the said Company, five per of the amount so subscribed for, shall thereby become a member of the said Company, and shall have the same rights



and privileges as such as are hereby conferred on the several persons who are herein mentioned by name as members of the said Company.


7. And whereas it is desirable to commence and proceed First general - with the work as soon as possible, and to make the road in meeting of sections, it is enacted that when and so soon as one-fifth part of the said Capital Stock shall have been subscribed as aforesaid, and ten per centum paid thereon, it shall and may be lawful for the said directors, or a majority of them, to call a meeting of the shareholders at such time and place as they may think proper, giving at least two weeks' notice in newspapers published in the Counties of Wellington, Grey and Bruce, at which general meeting, and at the annual general meetings, in the following sections mentioned, the shareholders present, Election of either in person or by proxy, shall elect eleven directors, in the Directors. manner and qualified as hereinafter provided, which said eleven directors shall constitute a Board of Directors, and shall hold office until the first annual meeting for the election of Directors

and until others are elected in their stead; this Act and all Forfeiture of the provisions thereof shall become null and void unless the Act by nonconstruction of the said Railroad be commenced within three years, and completed within seven years of the passing of the



election of

S. On the last Wednesday in May in each year thereafter, Yearly genethere shall be holden a general meeting of the shareholders of ral meetings; the said Company, at the principal office of the said Company, Directors. in the village of Fergus, or elsewhere, as may be appointed by by-law, at which meeting the shareholders shall elect eleven directors for the then ensuing year, in the manner and qualified as hereinafter provided; and public notice of such annual Notice. general meeting and election shall be published one month before the day of election, in one or more newspapers published in the counties of Wellington, Grey and Bruce, and the election of directors shall be by ballot; and the persons so elected together with the ex-officio directors under "the Railway Act," shall form the Board of Directors.


9. One third at least of the whole number of directors may Board of be English directors, of whom the Company at any meeting of English Dithe shareholders called for that purpose in the usual manner, may form a board in London, England, for such purposes as they in the said by-law shall provide, or in any subsequent bylaws may from time to time provide; provided always that Proviso. none of the powers to be so given shall be inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, but may be the same as the powers given in this Act to the board generally.

10. Any director resident beyond the limits of this province Directors may may appoint another director to be his proxy and to vote for vote by proxy. him at the board, but no director shall act as proxy for more


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