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good-natured Turk blunders into such an affair, but he is usually the surprised victim of a priestly intrigue, and not seldom the most innocent of all the parties concerned, while he is ever a willing, and, if unnoticed, grateful fugitive.

As the report of Mr. Baraczi will give the Department full information as to the true condition of a matter which has attracted great attention in the religious world, both in the United States and in Great Britain, it will not be necessary for me to continue the subject.

Í have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 276.]


Mr. Baraczi to Mr. Boker.

CONSTANTINOPLE, March 4, 1875.

SIR: I have the honor to state that, while I was in Syria, the American missionaries complained that the Turkish government persecuted the Protestants in Syria, and, in order to prevent the conversion of the people to Christianity, it not only submits the converts to a hard and unjust treatment, but recently directs all measures against the missionaries themselves.

The principal points of their complaints are

First. That the custom-house authorities make great difficulties in letting pass, free of duty, the goods destined for the private use of the missionaries.

Second. That the government made difficulties about the establishment of a printingpress connected with the Bible-house at Beirût.

Third. That it refused to grant the permission.to practice to the graduates of the medical college at Beirut.

Fourth. That their elementary schools had been closed by the Ottoman authorities. The latter complaint having filled almost all the newspapers of America and Europe, I felt it my duty to examine it. The other three questions having previously been brought to the knowledge of the legation, I found no object in investigating them. The results of my inquiries, in reference to the question of the elementary schools, do not coincide with the exaggerated and perverted statements published in so many papers. I found that while one part of the population of Syria is friendly to the missionaries, because they feed and clothe their children, the greater part, the Mussulmans, are the most implacable foes of the foreign teachers, who, according to their opinion, sap the foundations of Islamism. This fanatic part of the inhabitants accused the missionaries of promising foreign protection and exemption from military service to those who would become Protestants; of sending the daughters of the Ansayrich inhabitants to America; and of founding schools without asking the authorization of the government, as they are required to do by the laws of the country.

The two former complaints afforded no reasonable ground for a formal proceeding, but the third accusation was brought to the knowledge of the Sublime Porte, which instructed the governor-general of Syria to put a stop to such abuses and to prevent the missionaries from building and opening schools without the permission of the govern


Halet Pasha, the governor-general of Syria, addressed a circular to the governors under his jurisdiction, ordering them to watch that no schools be built and opened by foreigners without previous authorization of the Ottoman government. The governors transmitted this order to the caïmmakams of their districts, who communicated it to the consular officers, on whom the schools depended.

I herewith inclose a copy of a communication sent by the caïmmakam of Latakia to the United States consular agent at the same place.

The note of the caïmmakam contains a request to stop the building of schools, and to close those which had already been opened. But the latter part of his communication is only an explanation of the order received from the governor of Tripoli, which is repeated in the first part of the said communication. An ambiguous Arabic word made the caïmmakam believe that the schools already existing should be closed, while the order really said, "to prevent the building and opening of schools by foreigners." As far as I could ascertain, no American school in Syria was closed by force, and the above communication arrived a long time after the schools had been closed by the missionaries themselves for reasons entirely independent from the above orders. Still the communication of the caïmmakam of Latakia was termed everywhere a governmental measure by which the Protestant schools in Syria had been closed.

The real reasons for closing the schools are the following:

The greatest part of the converts to Protestantism consist of Ansayrichs, who embraced Christianity in order to escape certain obligations imposed on them by the Ottoman laws. It was impossible for me to find out whether this hope was fostered by the missionaries or not. When the converts heard that three conscripts were taken out even of the American school at B'hamra and sent to Damascus to do military service, they lost all confidence in the power of the missionaries. After waiting some time, and when they saw that the conscripts did not come back from Damascus, they deserted their new faith. Reports of cruelties exercised by Turkish officials and soldiers against the Protestant conscripts contributed very much to intimidate and determine them to remain on a better footing with the Ottoman authorities, which they had ignored up to that time. So, in the spring of 1874, the chapels and schools of the missionaries counted but very few visitors. The elders and notables of some villages, in order to get entirely rid of the missionaries, addressed a petition to the caïmmakam of Djebleh, asking the expulsion of the missionaries and closing their schools. The caîmmakam, of whose order I inclose a copy, took into consideration only the latter part of their request, and authorized them only to prevent their children from going to school and to abstain from all intercourse with the missionaries, so as to compel them to go whence they came. The school at Bahloolich was consequently abandoned in June, and the benches of the school of B'hamra became empty about the same time, and, as the schools already existing remained empty, there was no inducement to the missionaries to continue building new schools.

The communication of the caïmmakam of Latakia arrived only three months after these events had taken place. Whatever might have been its contents, it could not effect the closing of schools which were not open.

While I repeat that no violent act took place on the part of the Ottoman authorities in regard to Protestant schools, which is proved best by the medical college and preparatory school at Beirut, which have never been molested, I leave it to your appreciation to decide whether the proceedings above stated were illegal or not.

I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, your most obedient servant,


United States Resident Minister, Constantinople.

[Subinclosure 1 in No. 276.-Translation.]
Order of the Caïmmakam of Djibleh.

TWENTY-THIRD REBI'EL COOEL 1290. (May 5, 1874.)

To the Elders and Notables of the Village of Bahloolieh :

We have read your report asking that the schools established in your village by American missionaries should be abolished, because the instruction given in them by the Protestant teachers is contrary to the principles of your religion, and because said schools have not been established with permission from the imperial government, as should have been done. As you ignored in the beginning that the lessons given in those schools are contrary to your religion, and as it is improper to establish schools without the permission of the government, we have made the necessary representations in order to obtain the closing of said schools. As to you, you are instructed to prevent your children from going to those schools, and from associating with the teachers, so that they [the teachers] might move with their families to the place where they came from.

Be it known to you.

Caïmmakam of Djebleh.

[Subinclosure 2 in No. 276.-Translation.]

The Caïmmakam of Latakia to the United States vice-counsul.

SEVENTEENTH SABA'N 1291. (September 16, 1874.) To our honored friend the Vice-Counsul of the mighty United States of America, at Latakia: We have the honor to receive an order from the high government, (at Tripoli,) which has been sent in consequence of an order of the government-general at Damascus, based upon an order from the Sublime Porte. The substance of the said high order is that constant care be taken to prevent the building and opening of schools by foreigners, whosoever they may be. We, therefore, inform you that you are requested to do

your best to prevent the subjects of the Government which you represent from doing anything of the kind. And if anything of the sort has taken place, you will be kind enough to stop it, and to close the schools already established, and to inform me of the measures you take in that respect. Hoping that you will kindly acknowledge the receipt of this communication, I seize this opportunity to assure you of my sincere friendship.

[L. S.]


Caimmakam of Latakia.

No. 630.

No. 4.]

Mr. Goodenow to Mr. Fish.


Constantinople, May 7, 1875. (Received June 1.)

SIR: Herewith I have the honor to transmit a copy of a communication addressed to Mr. Boker by the American missionaries and teachers in Robert College, residing here, just before his departure from Constantinople. Mr. Boker expressed his acknowledgments to the deputation who presented the communication in suitable terms.

As an evidence of the very high esteem in which Mr. Boker was held by his colleagues, as well as by the public in Constantinople, I may mention the fact that the English, French, Russian, and Austrian ambassadors and the Persian minister took leave of him on board the steamer. I have, &c.,


[Inclosure in No. 4.]

The American missionaries to Mr. Boker.

CONSTANTINOPLE, May 1, 1875. DEAR SIR: As American citizens residing in Turkey, we desire to express to you our appreciation of the uniform courtesy and kindness which have marked all your intercourse with us during the period in which you have so ably represented our Government at the Sublime Porte.

We are sensible, to some degree at least, of the embarrassments of your position, and the difficulties which you have had to encounter in the performance of your duty in defending the rights of American citizens residing within the bounds of the Ottoman Empire. You have frequently had to meet with vexatious delays, postponements, and prevarications, complicated, also, in some cases by restrictive instructions from home; and we feel that we are doing but simple justice to acknowledge our indebtedness for efforts which, even when not successful, were earnest and well directed, and which, in so many instances, have gained the results that were sought. The honor of the American name and the dignity of the American legation have not suffered at your hands.

Permit us to assure you that in leaving this post for one of higher diplomatic rank, you bear with you our sincere congratulations, together with our best wishes for your personal welfare and your official success.

We remain, your sincere friends and well-wishers,










No. 7.]

No. 631.

Mr. Maynard to Mr. Fish.


Constantinople, June 30, 1875. (Received August 5.) SIR: I have the honor to inform the State Department that the Ottoman government has thought proper to transmit to me through the minister of foreign affairs certain executive orders, or, as they are termed, circulars, with a request that they be made known to our fellowcitizens.

As I have no means of promulgating them, I transmit copies of the original French, with translations, for such action as the Department may deem proper.

The first, dated June 12, instant, interdicts the export of eereals from certain districts; the second, dated June 30, instant, interdicts the export by sea of corn and coru-meal from certain ports; the third, dated June 12, instant, is an interdiction to the introduction into Turkey of arms, munitions of war, and revolvers; the fourth, dated June 12, instant, is of a graver and more important character. It puts a censorship upon the press, which, in the language of one of my colleagues, carries us backward centuries.

I have received the protest of certain of our citizens resident in the Ottoman Empire, a copy of which is inclosed. The printing question is likely to be seriously discussed.

I am, &c.,


[Inclosure 1 in No. 7.-Translation.]

Safvet Pasha to Mr. Maynard.


In consequence of the bad condition of the harvests in the districts of Yeni-Bazar, Mitrovitza, and Senidje in Bosnia, where the insufficiency of food even for the inhabitants has been ascertained, the local authorities found themselves under the necessity of interdicting, until further information, the exportation of cereals from the said districts.

It is understood, however, that exceptions will be made in favor of contracts entered into previously to this prohibition.

Having the honor to bring this measure to your knowledge, I request you to give your orders so as to secure its execution on the part of American citizens.


[Inclosure 2 in No. 7.-Translation.]

Safvet Pasha to Mr. Maynard.


In consequence of a persisting drought, and in view of the wants of the population, the authorities of Samsoun have deemed it necessary to interdict for one month from the 15th of June (O. S.) the exportation by sea from the districts of Unia and of Fatsa, of maize and of the farine of maize.

This measure has already been brought to the knowledge of the consuls of Samsoun. I now, on my part, beg you to give your orders so as to secure its observance by the American citizens.


[Inclosure 3 in No. 7.-Translation.]

Safvet Pasha to Mr. Maynard.


You are aware of the ordinances prohibiting the introduction of arms, munitions of war, and revolvers into the Ottoman Empire.

Some time, now, certain foreign merchants introduce into Turkey these forbidden articles, which are notwithstanding confiscated by the state.

In order to prevent any misunderstanding, and for the interest of commerce, I think it proper to request you to give such orders, that the American merchants shall observe strictly the regulations above indicated.


[Inclosure 4 in No. 7.-Translation.]



[From the "Daily Levant Herald" of June 17.]

The Press Bureau has sent us the following official notification regulating the importation and publication of books and pamphlets in Turkey:

Acting under the advice of the council of state, the Porte has taken the following steps to prevent the importation of improper books, pamphlets, and writings into this country, as well as to restrain their publication within the limits of the empire. For the future the manuscripts of all works intended to be published at Constantinople must be submitted to the ministry of public instruction, which, if advisable, will give the provisional permission for it to be printed. When the work is completed, two copies, bearing the seal of the author and publisher, must be sent in to the same ministry. If, on examination, they are found to be exact reproductions of the original manuscript, one of the copies will be retained, and the other, bearing the seal of the council of public instruction, will be returned to the proprietor with a permission to publish. The title-page of every work must bear an indication showing whether the subject is religious or scientific, the authorization of the minister of public instruction, the names of the author or translator and publisher, the date of the impression, and the name of the printing-office. Publications coming from abroad or from the provinces will be detained at the custom-house. Those written in Turkish, Arabic, or Persian will be examined by the council of public instruction, and those in foreign languages by the press department and the custom-house officials. Works of an unobjectionable nature will be stamped with a seal bearing the word "authorized" as used by the press department for political publications, and by the ministry of public instruction for the others. Whoever forges this seal or wrongfully states on the title-page of a book, &c., that it is published with authorization without having really obtained it, will be punished according to law, without prejudicing the confiscation of such publications. All works judged to be of an improper tendency will be confiscated, and the authors and printers will be amenable to the penalties inflicted by the law. Newspapers will not be allowed to publish authorized works en feuilleton. Works imported into the provinces will be examined by the local authorities, who will deliver a declaration indicating the subject, the name of the authors, the owner and importer, the number of volumes, and finally stating whether the custom-house authorities think it fit to confiscate the work or allow it to pass.

[Inclosure 5 in No. 7.1


DEAR SIR: We have received through Dr. Bliss, from you, a copy of the new regulations issued by the Sublime Porte for the better control of the book-trade, and have examined the same with great interest.

While anxious to obey the laws of the country where we live, and while acknowledging the protection afforded by its government to our business interests, it is but natural that if we find those interests imperiled by any new law, we should wish to call attention to the fact, especially as the imperial government has always been willing to submit new regulations affecting the established business of foreign residents to

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