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some of it to the coarse. Our parties, our theatres, our public meetings, our rejoicings, are all defiled by crowds met on the way of filthy and wretched, who would gladly have rejoiced with us, but are now worse than unhappy, actually 'damned' by the negligence of the State, in almost every sense that every sect of Christians or of non-Christians choose to use that word. We allow them to grow, and then send to re-mould them with the most delicate and refined of the tools of civilisation. Sanitary reform can never be complete when it stands alone, and these people must be taught when they are children, or they will never be clean or helpful; to some men the condition of others is of little consequence, and to such we must add that even they are not safe so long as others are in danger.


ABOUT and his Writings, 411-458.
Arabia (Central), W. G. Palgrave's Journey
through, 1; previous authentic accounts of
Nejd, 3; account of the Wahabys and
their founder, Ibn-Abd-ul-Wahab, 4; er-
rors in Palgrave regarding them, 5, et
seq.; the valley and town of Djowf, 10;
description of the inhabitants, 11; ad-
ministration of justice amongst them, 12;
journey across the sand-desert to Ha'yel,
13; the palace of Telal, 14; inconsist-
ency between accounts of Palgrave and
former travellers, 14, 15, 17; walk with
a mechanic of Kaseem, 16; Sir Harford
Brydges' account of his audience with
Abd-ul-Azeez, the Wahaby sovereign,
about the end of last century, 18; Oney.
zah and Bereydah, 19; encounter with a
Persian caravan, 20; encampment of
Solibah, a remnant of the ancient Sa-
bæans, at Zulphah, 21; Toweym, 21;
insect plagues in Arabia, 22; previous
knowledge of places named by Palgrave,
23, and his mistake in supposing he has
filled up a blank in the map of Asia,'
24; his account of Feysul, the Wahaby
chief, contrasted with that of Col. Pelly,
24-27; his description of the Wahaby
government unintelligible, 28; the Zela-
tors, 28; a practical attempt to exercise
their powers, 29, 30; immorality of the
Wahaby capital, 31; Hofhoof, 31; the
people on the shores of the Persian Gulf,
32; absurd notions about Arabs, 33;
gale and shipwreck, 34; 'truth of fact'
versus 'truth of imagination,' 35.
Austria, modern history of, 51; recent wri-
ters upon, 52; Joseph H., 53; his plans
of reform, and the forces opposed to them,
54; regard for traditional rights in Hun-
gary, 54, 55; policy of Leopold, 55;
Austria as transmitted to the hands of
Francis in 1792, 55; the inactionary
SYSTEM, 56; the two dominating men
during this state of things: the Emperor
Francis and Prince Metternich, 56-59;
the Greek insurrection in 1821 and the
policy of Metternich, 59; excitement in
Hungary, 60; the Polish struggle of
1831, 61; state of Austria at the death of
Francis, 62; the triumvirate under Ferdi-
nand, 62, 63; course of events in Hun-

gary, 64-68; the nobles and the SYSTEM,
68; the Galician massacres, 69; seizure
of Cracow by Austria, 69, 70; the revolu-
tionary period of 1848-49, 70-73; the
reaction-Schwartzenberg, 73-76; influ-
ence of the Russian war on the internal
politics of Austria, 76; fall of M. Bach,
77; session of the 'strengthened Council
of the Empire,' 78; Bach's successor,
Schmerling, 79; the Hungarian Protes-
tants and their leader, 79, 80; the Hun-
garian Diet in 1861, 81; the 'Old
Conservatives' and the Federalist section
of the Reichsrath, 83; subjects discussed
in three letters setting forth the pro-
gramme of the moderate Hungarian Libe-
rals, 84; Francis Deak, 85; Count
Esterhazy: the overthrow of the Schmer-
ling policy, 86; the change of system at
Vienna, 87, 88; the Commercial Treaty
with England, 89; the nationality cry,
90; the question of Venetia, 91; future
position of Austria with regard to North-
ern and Central Germany, 92; the Polish
question, 93; the future of Austria, 93.

BAKER'S Explorations in Central Africa;
see Central Africa.

CENTRAL AFRICA: explorations of Samuel
White Baker, 363; his qualifications for
the work undertaken, 363; determines to
master the Arabic language; his diffi-
culties at Khartoum-physical explana-
tions, 364; arrival at Gondokoro, where
he meets Speke and Grant, 365; slave
ivory-parties; Ibrahim, commander of the
Turkish traders, 366, 367; Mr. Baker's
difficulty with Ibrahim at Ellyria; squab-
bling and fighting among the traders,
368; Bellaal, 368; pursuit of a fugitive,
and its results; desertion of men, 369;
arrival at Tarrangollé, 369; native fune-
ral rites; polygamy, 370; the Latooka
war-signal, 371; parley: too 'wide-awake,'
372; our travellers move on to Obbo, 372;
reconnaissance to the south, 373; Kat-
chiba, a comical old sorcerer, 373, 375;
return to Latooka: illness of Mrs. Baker:
small-pox among Turks, 373, 374; de-
termined to push for Magungo, but
detained at Tarrangollé, 374; dull fever

2 K

months at Obbo, 375; hears a further
account of Magungo from a woman, 376:
plan of his expedition, 376; after further
detention at Obbo, they start for the
south, 377; Kamrasi's country, 378;
island of Rionga, 378; the Victoria Nile,
378, 379; welcome by Kamrasi's people,
379; Kamrasi, 380; situation of Mr. and
Mrs. Baker, 381; Mrs. Baker receives a
sun-stroke, 381, followed by fever, 382;
first view of Lake N'zigé, the reservoir of
the Nile, 382; its extent, 383-385; a
fortnight's voyage on the lake, 385, 386;
geographical interest attaching to this
expedition, 386, 387.

Coloured Races, Colonial policy in the
government of, 388, et seq.

Colonial policy, our, 388; importance at-
tached to this department of the public
service, 39; colonial self-government,
389; Jamaica, 390; Report of Commis-
sioners, 391; means used to suppress
the insurrection, 392; coloured
lations, 393; practical problems arising
out of our colonial administration, 394;
Mr. J. S. Mill on dealing with barbarians,
395; Ceylon, 395; British settlements in
Western Africa, 396; Report of Colonel
Ord on our political experiments there,
397; conflicting rights of our colonists
and native tribes, 398; aboriginal popu-
lations, and the march of colonization;
native races, 400, 401; incapacity of
coloured races as to international bar-
gains, 403; wearing out of colonial
representative institutions, 402; embar-
rassments besetting colonial governors,
403; New Zealand, 404; its native popu-
lation, 405; appeal of the Auckland
colonists for separation from the Imperial
government, 406; dangers of a divided
authority, 407, 408; superiority of Colo-
nial levies to imperial troops for bush-
warfare, 408; our future colonial policy,
409, 410.

DISINFECTION: ancient use of perfumes, 458;
preservation of meat, 459; preservation
of human body from decay, 459; effects
of moisture in atmosphere, 460; burning
the dead, 461; crowding of houses in
towns, 462; antiseptic action, 463; earth
as a disinfectant, 463; gases and vapours:
oxygen, 464; saltpetre, 465; other bodies
which condense oxygen, 466; importance
of pure rain, 467; sulphur, 468; action
of sulphurous acid, 469, 472; chlorine,
470; muriatic and nitric acids, 471; heat
and cold, 472, 473; carbolic acid, 474;
kreosote, tar-water, 475, 476; tar acids,
477; reasons for fumigation, 478; miasms,
478; the question of spontaneous genera-
tion, 479; organic matter found every-

where, 480; explanation of fumigants,
481; volatile organic bodies the truest
antiseptics, 481; results obtained by appli
cation of volatile disinfectants to different
bodies, 482, 483; charcoal, etc., 483;
cattle-plague, cholera, 484, 485; cases in
which disinfection is needful, 485; dis-
infection of solids and liquids, 485; sul-
phur in coals, 486; the evil of middens,
486, 487; modes of fermentation, 487;
water and water-closets, 487, 488; how
the vitiated air over all accumulations of
manure gender and feed disease, 488, 489;
table showing the gas evolved during
putrefaction, with various disinfectants,
490; M'Dougall's powder, 491; rapid
disinfection, 491; which disinfectants are
we to use, and how? 492; chlorine, 493;
sanitary reform, 494; limits of disinfec-
tion, 495, 496.

EASTERN (Ancient) monarchies : features of
early times dissimilar from the present
state of things, 331, 332; isolation of the
ancient nations, 333; their attainments
in science and art, 333; the two great
agencies to which the modern expansion
of the means of knowledge is due, 334;
modern appreciation of the Past, 335
Greece, Rome, and Egypt, 335, 336; the
Mesopotamian Valley, 336; original popu-
lation of Chaldea, 337; Hamitic and
Semitic populations, 336, 337; Nineveh
founded by the Semite Asshur, 338; the
Assyrians, 339; irruptions of the Medes
into the Valley, 339, 340; the Median
dynasty in Chaldea, 340, 341; Cyaxares
and the destruction of Nineveh, 341, 342;
the Babylonian Empire, 342; the Median
monarchy supplanted by the Persian, 343;
Cyrus, and Nebuchadnezzar, 344, 345;
the siege of Babylon, 346; its fall, 347;
the greatness of Nineveh and Babylon,
348, 349; extent and appearance of the
ruined cities of the Mesopotamian Valley,
350, 351; the question as to the position
of Ancient Nineveh, 351-353; the pro-
bable solution of the difficulty, 353;
defences of the royal cities, 354; Nine-
veh, 355-6; Babylon, 357; its public
buildings and palaces, 358, 359, the Babil
mound and the Birs-i-Nimrud, 359, 360;
the Temples of Babylon, 361; Professor
Rawlinson's great work favourably char-
acterized, 361, 362.

Ecce Homo' and Modern Scepticism: the
conflict of Christian faith with Atheism,
124; these argue that the shortcomings
among Christians are rather spiritual
than intellectual, 126; object of the
author of Ecce Homo, 126; regal char-
acter of Christ's spiritual legislation, 126;
inductive science and its claims, 129;

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history versus science, 130; society not
held together by science, 131; the true
relation of theology to science, 132; the
illegitimate extensions of theology, 133,
134; miracle, 135-137; Christ's claims
to legislate for the spirit of man, 138;
secularism and its scepticism, 139; the
'enthusiasm of humanity,' 139, 140; the
working classes and Christianity, 141;
the aims of Christ involve a theology,
142-144; cares of this world,' 144-146;
scepticism of modern æsthetic refinement,
147; schools of philosophy, 148; the 'rela-
tive spirit' and Christ, 149; the 'tender
justness' of His moral judgments, 149,
150; the source of gentle judgments, 151;
characteristics of our Lord's teaching,
152; value of the author's book, 153.
Ecclesiastical Commission, the;-its object,
180; pluralism, 181; obstacles to carry-
ing into practice the old truth that the
labourer is worthy of his hire,' 182-184;
the Church in 1836, 184; the Pluralities
Act of 1837, 135; the Cathedral Act,
185; criticism provoked by it, 186; fruits
of the measure, 187; the Commission and
leasehold properties, 187-190; resolution
to get rid of the system of leases, 190;
191; unpopularity of the Commission, 192,
the palace at Stapleton, 193; other tras
actions connected with bishops' houses,
194, 195; the year 1850 a new era in the
bistory of the Commission, 196; the Estates
Committee, 196, 197; the 'Episcopal and
Capitular Estates Management Act,' 197;
lessors' and lessees' advantages, as proposed
to be treated by the Lords' Committee,
198, 199; great annual revenue of the
common fund, 201; principles on which
the Commissioners distribute it, 201-204;
remarkable success of the Commission,
205; the Commission and the Legislature,
206-207; Mr. Edmund Smith's Apology
for the Commission, 207-209; constitution
of the Commission, 210; dangers of cen-
tralizing the control of a large amount of
property, 211; great benefits conferred
by the Commission on the worst-endowed
of the parochial clergy, 212.

FAUST, Goethe's, translated by Theodore
Martin: in what the myth had its origin:
Johann Faust, the man around whom this
mythology groups itself, 95; Faust and
Melanchthon, 96; Faust the representative
of the modern sceptic, 96: the past broken
with-authority thrown off-free inquiry
entered on, 97; the contest of spiritualism
and sensualism represented in the charac-
ter of Faust, 98; development of the
Faust legend, 99; circumstances in which
the Faust poem burst forth in full blossom,
100; Goethe's Faust THE Faust, 100;

Mephistopheles and his witches, 101;
the popular devil's skill in logic, 101, 102;
witches in the old Germanic mythology,
103; Goethe's admirers in England, 103;
comparative merits of Goethe's translators,
104; specimens from Anster and Blackie,
105-107; scenes of the poem: Faust and
his study, 107-111; scene before the
Gate, 111-113; second scene in Faust's
Study (academical learning), 113-116;
third Study-scene (academical life), 116-
120; Faust's meeting with Margaret,
120, 121; the Walpurgis night, 122; the
Ravenstone, 122; the concluding scene,
123; personages of the Intermezzo, 123.
Fisheries; see Sea-Fisheries.
Francis 1., description of, 313.

GREEK insurrection of 1821, 59.

HENRYSON, Robert, Poems and Fables of,
154; James Iv.'s reign the culminating
point in the history of Scottishi poetry,
155; Dunbar, 156; Henryson's personal
history, 156; contemporaneous events, 157;
inferences from these as to his circum-
stances, 158, 159; his Testament of
Cresseid, 159, 169; the 'Orpheus and
Eurydice,' 161; shorter poems, 162; his
'Moral Fables of Esop,' 163; the
middle-age bibliography of the Æsopean
Fables, 163-166; fable-books printed in
fifteenth century, 167; from what source
did Henryson derive his fables? 167-169;
his Description of Maister Esope,' 169,
170; tale of the Dog, the Sheep, and
the Wolf, 171; Episcopal Courts satirized,
172-175; comparison of Henryson with
Dunbar, 178; the language in which he
wrote, 179.

Hungary under Joseph 11., 54, 55; under
Francis, 59, 60; and under Ferdinand,
64-68; Hungary in 1848, 70-73; in
1861, 81; the Old Conservatives,' 83.

JACOBITE Family, a glimpse of its inner
life, 36-50.

Jesus Christ, his Life and Work surveyed;
see Ecce Homo.'

PALGRAVE, W. G.; see Arabia.
Pelly, Colonel; see Arabia.

RAWLINSON's Great Monarchies of the East-
ern World; see Eastern.
Reform and Political Parties, 213; Palmer-
ston's diplomacy, 214; contrast between
a Liberal and a Tory Government, 215;
bearing of England's policy on other na-
tions, 216; the true meaning and proper
limits of the doctrine of non-intervention as
given by Lord Russell, 217; falsity of the

popular theory, 'Silence, until you are
prepared to strike,' 218; present condition
of the Continent, 219; Home Policy of
the Tories, 220; Church questions, 221;
Reform, 221; educational questions, 223;
land questions, 224-226; Ireland, 227;
what may be expected from a Reformed
Parliament, 228; have we reached per-
fection?229; desirability of Reform, both as
a means and as an end, 230, 231; attitude
of the working classes in regard to Reform,
232; Lord Russell's early career, 233,
234; principles of Reform, 235; Earl Rus-
sell's views on some leading points in this
question, 235, 236; Mr. Lorimer's scheme,
237; what are the dangers of Reform? 238,
democracy in England, 240; does the
aristocracy govern us well? 241; impor-
tance of disposing of the question in one
complete measure, 242; re-distribution of
seats, 242, 243; duty of the Liberal party
towards Ministers, 244; necessity of deci-
sion on the part of Ministers, 245; acces-
sion of the Tories to office deprecated as a
great evil, 246; future of England, 247.
Roman history, of universal interest; Nie-
buhr as a historical critic, 249; importance
of a just conception of it, 250; disadvan-
tages under which native historians
laboured, 250; prejudices of the Roman
historians, 251; the Empire and Em-
perors, 252; the Roman policy of assimi-
lation, 253; Roman colonization, and the
gift of citizenship, 254; the unity of
Roman history, 255; the Latin allies,
256; the social war, 257; widening
boundary of the State, and what it neces-
sitated, 258; was a representative system
possible? 259; the army of Rome, 260;
necessity of the Empire, 261; the Em-
perors and the aristocracy, 262; Cæsar's
plans and policy, 263; Roman system of
jurisprudence, 264; Rome the great
leveller, 265; but destitute of the energy
and spirit and life to animate her organi-
zation, 266; prepared the way for Chris-
tianity, though often animated by an
opposite spirit, 267; general longing felt
and expressed for a purer past, 268; the
Alexandrian philosophy, 268; Stoicism,
269; Stoicism and Christianity, 270; the
Empire and the Church, 271.

SEA-FISHERIES Commission: questions sub-
mitted for investigation, 272; sup-
ply of fish increasing on our coasts,
273; quantity forwarded by railway, 274;
the herring fisheries, 275; prices of fish
as influenced by railway communication
in interior and sea-coast towns, 276;
'prime' and 'offal'-price of fish, 277;
prosperous condition of our fishermen,
277, 278; two exceptions to this general
prosperity: oyster-fisheries; Irish sea-
fisheries, 278, 279; consumption of
trawled fish in London, 279; importance
of the development of the sea-fisheries as
a means of enterprise, 280; conflicting
evidence on second question, 281; com-
plaints against modes of fishing classified,
282 beam-trawling, 283; examination
of objections to trawling, 284, 285; the
trawl-net, described, 286; action of the
trawl-net, 287; the 'haul,' 288; advan
tages of trawling, 289; the question of
waste by trawl-fishing, 290; destruction
of herring by codfish, 291; waste of
young fry by the retiring of the tide in
summer, 291, 292; disappearance of fish,
293; food of the haddock and the floun-
der, 293, 294; trawling for herrings, 235,
296; free use of the sea, 297; third
question: legislative restrictions, 297;
Fishing Convention Act, 298; its ano-
malous character, 299; other legislative
enactments, 300; effects of the Close-time
Act of 1860, 301; the Close-time Act
modified in 1865, 302; the 'Board of
British White-Herring Fishery,' 302;
the branding system, 303; special Sea-
Fisheries Police Act recommended, 304.

VENETIAN Relazioni; two classes of diplo-
matic correspondence, 306; the Venetian
envoys, 308; collections of relazioni, 310;
France under Charles VIII., 311; rela-
zioni of 1535, of 1537, and of 1542, 312,
313; last years of Francis 1., 313; the
French clergy- the Parisians, 314;
Henry ., 315-318; Catherine de Medici,
316; state of the Church, 317; relazioni
of 1561, 318; early life of Catherine,
319; internal dissensions of France, 320;
massacre of St. Bartholomew, 321-327;
Queen Elizabeth and Mary Stuart, 329.

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