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have so long been strangers to them. From among the very people whose vile passions gave birth to the atrocities of the 21st of June, you have men standing out in bold relief, meekly bearing injury, suffering, loss of goods, and death itself, who, but for the change wrought in them by "the truth as it is in Jesus," might have been ringleaders in the bloody mob. While we unsparingly denounce a people who can gloat over such deeds, discover such treachery, and revel in the foulest passions, we would be discriminating in our reprobation, and exempt many even who are not Christians from it; but we can point with joy to some, and while directing their attention to the worst of their nation, say, "Such were some of you, but ye


washed," &c. The Gospel has made them to differ, exerting on them the same gracious power that it exerts on people of other lands. It has checked their evil passions, purified their affections, ennobled their sentiments, expanded their views. It has subdued their sordid selfishness, and begotten in them charity, benevolence, and self-denial. It has inspired a courage for truth, and enabled them to brave danger and death for their faith in Christ. It has given them a lively hope of future blessedness, under the power of which they have died in tranquil joy, or with triumphant exultation.

"We speak that we do know, and testify that which we have seen." Among the native Christians in China we have seen exemplified noble virtues which give the lie to the undiscriminating charge of treachery, falsehood, and selfishness. We have seen them risk their all for the welfare of those who were strangers amongst them. We have seen them embrace a faith despised by their country and friends, and stand as the bold champions of that faith in the midst of crowds of their scorning countrymen. We have seen them stand calm and defiant against the upholders of a despotic government, a gross idolatry, and wicked superstition, resisting bribes, threatening, and malign persecution. We have seen them suffer the loss of employment, friends, and family recognition, of goods and liberty, for conscience' sake. Yea, even death itself has been endured for "Christ's

sake." Therefore, we say, we rejoice in these cases as brilliant illustrations of the triumphs of Christianity in the land of Sinim. In this noble struggle in which we have involved them, by sending them the Gospel, it is our duty to stand by them in loving practical sympathy.

There cannot be two opinions on our duty towards these sufferers, be they missionaries or converts; in such a crisis practical sympathy is demanded from us, earnest prayer for their continued preservation and speedy deliverance. Our missionaries are assured of our sympathy, and of our admiration of their fortitude and courage during the perils through which they have passed. We cannot but feel that it was right, but yet it was also noble, for those brethren connected with the three missionary societies in Tien-tsin to link their fate with the converts', to shield and protect them so far as they could, and to abide the issue. The risk was great, but it was shared by merchants and officials on the settlement, who, after doing the best they could for the general defence, remained in their homes to share a common danger. This firm attitude cowed the ferocious rabble, resulted in the preservation of lives and property, and the partial restoration of order. To this action of our mission agents in Tien-tsin we give our most cordial support and approval. We are therefore pledged to vigorously sustain the mission. The native converts have risked their all by embracing the faith we teach. We have rejoiced over their conversion, and now we must sympathize with their sufferings on account of that conversion. To leave them in the time of danger implies pusillanimity, a shrinking from the peril we have brought upon them and dare not meet ourselves. We are as much committed to stand by them as they are committed to maintain their faith in Christ. To withdraw at this juncture would be shameful cowardice.

The present state of the mission in China is saddening. After several years of successful labour, in which over two hundred souls were brought from darkness to light, we hear that "our churches are scattered." It is distressing that our fair fields should thus be suddenly shaded, and our

hopes of further fruits postponed, if not disappointed. Still, it is some relief that many continue to meet in private, both in Tien-tsin and Laouling, and, peradventure, the truth will flourish more now it is thus oppressed than under more favourable circumstances.

"Our chapels are in ruins" in the city of Tien-tsin. This refers to the rooms rented and furnished by us, and not to any real mission property. The English church on our premises and the missionaries' houses are uninjured. And it is right to say that the Chinese Government has declared its willingness to make full compensation for all damage done to these chapels, and also to the houses of the native Christians, as well as to indemnify the sufferers from all pecuniary losses. Even in the most distressing case of all, the murder of Mr. Lien, Mr. Hall states he will claim compensation for his bereaved family. These material redresses, however, though to some extent mitigating the evil, do not repair the breaches made. It may be long before public confidence in foreigners is restored, or the various missions recover that state of prosperity enjoyed before the massacre. But "the Lord reigneth."

We believe that under all these reverses the real progress of the mission has not been arrested. Labour has been interrupted, and results numerically might have been greater; but progress is not always told by numbers. The conduct of the converts shows that strength is being acquired. This crisis may give greater consolidation to the Church. As yet no declension has been reported, and no spiritual loss sustained. We have a valuable property in Tien-tsin, and a most important native society. We have an out-station in Laou-ling, with six small but flourishing societies. We have an aggregate membership in these two places of two hundred and four. We have twelve intelligent Christian men out of this number engaged in preaching and teaching the Gospel to their own countrymen, and some of them are men of great literary ability. We have a good acquaintance with the officials and population, and an ever-widening sphere of usefulness. We have some young men of piety and promise under

training for the work of the ministry; and these are the result of ten years' toil and suffering, sustained by the prayers and contribu tions of Christian friends in England. Can we, then, after what we have spent, done, suffered, and realized, afford to withdraw? Would not a retreat imply failure? and can we say our success has been a failure ? Never!

The present is a time of trial, but so much the greater need for invincible faith and courage. We can encourage our missionaries to carry on the more quiet labour of preparing their students for their glorious work, and teaching and comforting the few who gather in secret at their houses. They can prepare for a more energetic campaign when the present storm is over. We at home may do more for making the mission effective by a deeper sympathy, more fervent prayers, and greater liberality. We know that many of our circuits and many of our friends contribute nobly, but is it not also true that others give but little and with a grudging hand? Some who could give largely out of the abundance supplied to them by a beneficent Providence an abundance of which the Lord has made them stewards, and committed it to them as a talent for use and improvement -" withhold more than is meet," proving themselves to be unfaithful stewards and hiding their talent in the earth. In some of our circuits, by a more systematic and active canvass, many small sums could be gathered from our respectable and poorer members, and from the children in our schools. Surely, a consideration of the urgent needs of the heathen, and the claims of our Divine Redeemer, is enough to excite all to do their utmost in giving. Does not the present state of our mission appeal to the Christian liberality of the friends of the Connexion, and especially to those who have hitherto held back their subscriptions from certain private but unjustifiable reasons? And allow us here to suggest that we should like to see a plan organized by the ladies of the Connexion for sustaining a Mission to the Women of China. In America there is a "Woman's Missionary Society," which sends out and sustains female agents in the

East-in India, China, and elsewhere. We might not, and do not expect to, get such a society; but we affectionately suggest to the ladies, who do so much already, that they might imitate the American sisters by forming organizations in different circuits for raising funds, by collecting useful articles for sale from private individuals, or the surplus stock of bazaars. Some of these might be sold in England, and others sent to China for sale; and thus a fund raised by which a female agent might be sent out and supported, to labour amongst the women in China and superintend a girls' school, in which young women might be trained as Christian wives for the young men connected with our Churches there. At once, and as a beginning, the support of Mrs. Hu and another suitable Christian woman in China might be undertaken by their sisters in England, and this would be some relief to the general fund. We shall be glad to give a more detailed plan of this scheme on a future occasion, and hope it may meet with favour.

It is not money only that we want, we also want more prayer for the mission. It has warmed our hearts to find in some places the "Monthly Missionary Prayer Meeting" as a standing institution. Can we not have it in all our circuits?

On the mission field I believe it is a fixed rule to have this prayermeeting the first Monday in every month. In China the missionaries and the members of the different mission churches meet together in one place to pray for the outpouring of the Divine Spirit and the prosperity of the cause of God. Never do these native converts forget their Christian brethren in England and America when they thus meet; and often do they realize rich blessings as the result of such meetings. At home they might be made instructive and profitable, by reading or narrating facts from the mission chronicles, which would keep alive the interest of the people in missionary work. These meetings would enable the people at home to identify themselves more with their brethren abroad and the work in which they are engaged. It is this we want. We are too much isolated from them; feel as though they and their work were far off

from us; but if we meet oftener at the throne of grace and talk of their doings, we shall feel that we are near them and know them. The missionary wants the Church at home to be with him thus in loving sympathy and prayer; to feel that he is only the active representative of their faith and benevolence and zeal. When the priests went into the midst of the Jordan with the ark, the people of Israel were commanded to follow and go in to possess the land; so should we follow the missionary in loving sympathy for God and his cause, in taking China for Christ. The obligation to "preach the Gospel to every creature" is as binding on us at home, as on the man who goes to foreign lands to make known the Saviour. Each may, according to his ability, do it by his hearty interest in the work, his fervent prayers, and his generous gifts. In this way the struggles and triumphs, the reverses and successes of the missionary will be ours. We are "workers together with God."

The present crisis in our Chinese mission must be peculiarly painful and trying to our brethren on the field. Dwelling as they do "in the midst of alarms;" seeing their flocks scattered, and their chapels in ruins; being prevented from following their accustomed pursuits, or preaching to the people; suspected and menaced by those amongst whom they dwell, still, they say, "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed." The Lord, whose servants they are, will not permit the enemy to triumph over them; and we must encourage their hearts and hold up their hands. The work of reconstructing the shattered mission may be a long and arduous process, and the unfriendly temper of the people may restrain them from listening to the Gospel, and thus retard success for a while. Even if it be so, the work must be done. Whether they hear, or whether they forbear, we must preach to them. Difficulties will give way, and success come under patient faith and toil. Let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due time ye shall reap if ye faint not. The day of triumph is often

very near the day of deepest depression; and sometimes the darkest clouds are laden with the greatest blessings. In Madagascar the Christian cause was oppressed and persecuted for a quarter of a century, during which period it acquired strength to throw off the idolatry of a nation, and rise to predominance. God is speaking to us, as his people, by these events in China, not to relax our efforts, but increase them; not to be discouraged, but be strong; not to be faithless, but confident. Let us follow the pillar of cloud by which he leads us, and carry the ark of the Lord and his tabernacle into every city and town of China.


Tien-tsin, Sept. 8th. We have now eight gunboats at Tien-tsin-two English, five French, one American; and there is one English gunboat at Taku, watching the forts. Large Chinese forces are in the neighbourhood, and the chief military officials of known antiforeign tendencies seem all to be gathering here. The authorities in the city profess to be very busy taking and examining the wretches who were engaged in the massacre; but our people inform us that they are released in all cases where friends come forward with the requisite funds and guarantee the good conduct of the prisoners; also that both authorities and people take advantage of this extensive inquisition to extort money from the wealthy. They are willing to pay pecuniary compensation, both for life and property; but the demand made by Rochehouart for the heads of the three murderers chiefly implicated is contemptuously rejected. They are well aware of the French difficulties, and do not fear war with France. Rochehouart appears to be altogether confounded, and has probably determined to take no further step, but await the arrival of the appointed minister. The official telegrams sent to Europe are supposed to have been intercepted, as no instructions have yet been received. The Peking foreign representatives, nearly all, in face of the very strongest evidence implicating the authorities-convicting them not merely of neglect, but collusion and deed-persist in regarding the affair

as a mere mob-massacre. We cannot yet go into the city unattended. Yesterday, one of the Peking missionaries visited the city. Two Chinese officers accompanied him from here; so soon as he was seen approaching the city, two other soldiers came out and marched behind. At the next guard-house two other soldiers relieved these, and so on in this fashion, until he reached the settlement again. He says most positively that such was the excitement in the city amongst the people, though the city is full of soldiers, that he believes no foreigner could enter the city in safety without a guard.

You will be very sorry to hear that trouble bas come upon the Tung Chow missionaries. Tung

Chow is about seventy miles on this side of Chefoo, on the coast. A good number of missionaries labour there under the auspices of American Boards, and very successfully have they toiled. They had gathered together large and hopeful churches. But a little time back rumours arose; threatenings were multiplied; the popular excitement manifested itself so strongly, that the chief magistrate informed the missionaries that he would not guarantee their lives for more than forty-eight hours. A courier was despatched to Chefoo; a gunboat immediately went up; and, as the American Minister had previously given notice that in case of danger he could not protect them there, took them all on board, and conveyed them to Chefoo. Thus the Tung Chow churches are entirely abandoned for the present. Winter

is coming on, and no one knows what is to be done. Our consul is applying for a small force of land troops. If this be not granted, and if things continue as unsettled as they are, he intends notifying us that he will not be responsible for women and children during the winter. In this case, of course, they will have to go south, or else home.

Our churches have suffered, and are still suffering fearfully. God only knows whether all shall be gathered together again. Our company is a small one now. Mr. Hu has this week gone out to Laou-ling. We pray that we may have better tidings than we have feared.


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EVERY good man is a gentleman. The qualities of a real Christian are those which constitute genuine politeness. Gentleness, generosity, the love of others for Christ's sake, purity of heart, benevolence of disposition, a desire to serve, and a good conscience are essentially Christian qualities, and will make a man polite wherever he is— considerate of the feelings of others, easy in his deportment, truthful and sincere in all his conduct; and what more is there in true politeness anywhere, or in any class of society? Such a man may not know how to dance, or how to play a game at whist, or how to handle the cues at a billiard-table; but he knows enough to make him worthy of the respect of all really educated and true men, move they in whatsoever station of life God may have placed them.

If there is a quality of character which saves a man from evil, clothes him with dignity, and makes him beloved, it is that of honour. Not the honour conferred by others, but the inherent honour springing from the qualities we have enumerated. The honour which scorns all meanness, all sinister motives, all shabby expedients, and stakes its whole power and resources on the side of right and truth. Such honour have not all men, nor, alas ! all saints. There are some very mean saints in the world, or who, at least, make a profession of that character. Doctor Johnson once said, "We all feel a secret satisfaction in the misfortunes of our friends;" a remark which he made, doubtless, in one of those cynical moods into which he sometimes fell, but a remark which too truthfully represents the feelings and conduct of many professed friends, and of some professing Christians, towards those to whom they are bound to show widely different dispositions. Some men speak and act as if any church but their own was pure and good; as if any minister but their own was pious, talented, and able; as if any family but their own were well regulated and happy; as if any colleagues, in the ministry or otherwise, but their own were laborious and estimable.


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