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Numbers had to go away unable to obtain admission. The collections were so liberal that, at the close of the service, it was announced, amidst intense excitement and exultation, that not only had we raised the sum aimed at, but had gone £70 beyond it, the nett amount of the effort being £570. Thus, we have not only paid for the organ, but by adding the surplus to £30, which the chapel treasurer had in hand, we have wiped off £100 from the chapel debt. Surely this is noble for a village! It is also a remarkable example of what can be done by united effort. One of the most pleasing features of the undertaking has been the unanimity of feeling and effort by which it has been characterized. All have done their best, and all have done well. In awarding praise to all we do not include one by whom praise has not been richly deserved.

The following is a brief description of the organ by the builders: "The case of the organ, which has been got up at great expense, is in the elaborate Grecian style. The front consists of seven divisions of towers, arches, and flats, filled in with pipes richly gilded and decorated. The pipes in the towers, on either side, are sixteen feet in length, which gives an imposing appearance to the instrument. The centre-pipes are about ten feet long, filling an arch surmounted with richly moulded and carved pediment. There is also a flat of pipes between the centre and towers, and a flat of pipes outside the towers, in an angle at the corners. The whole woodwork is grained oak and varnished. The case is eighteen feet wide, and twenty-seven feet high. The great organ contains nine stops; swell organ, eight stops; choir organ, seven stops; and pedal organ, two stops, six couplers, and five composition pedals. Total pipes, 1,512." J. LE H. Lindley.


OPENING OF NEW CHAPEL. COPIOUS accounts of the movement to erect a new chapel and schools

at Fenton have already appeared in the Magazine.

The important project was launched under favourable circumstances, and hopes were cherished that the results would justify its projectors in the large expenditure which the enterprise involved. It is gratifying to be able to record that our hopeful anticipations have not been disappointed, but realized to such an extent as to give promise for our cause here a successful future in Christian work.

After months of patient waiting, a beautiful house for God, and commodious schools, now stand forth in all their noble proportions, commanding the admiration of beholders-a monument of Christian liberality and enterprise, honourable to the friends who have devised such generous things for the glory of God.

The opening of our new chapel was anticipated with great and wide-spread interest, and the occasion was one of congratulation and joy. The inauguration services extended over three weeks, and on the whole were well attended, and the results satisfactory.

The opening sermon was preached on Wednesday, August 31st, by the Rev. W. Cooke, D.D.; the discourse was an admirable exposition of Divine truth, and made a deep impression on the congregation. On Sunday, September 4th, the Rev. J. Stacey, Ú.D., occupied the pulpit in the morning, and preached a sermon conspicuous for its ability and beauty; the evening sermon was delivered by the Rev. T. Rider, who discoursed very acceptably to a large congregation. On Sunday, September 11th, we had the services of the Rev. J. Poxon, whose sermons will long be remembered with pleasure by those who heard them. The concluding sermon was preached by the Rev. S. Coley (Wesleyan), of London; this discourse was one of great power, and highly characteristic of the preacher's epigrammatic and illustrative style of preaching. The total proceeds of the collections amounted to £130.

The first society tea-meeting in connection with the new chapel was held on Monday, December 5th, when the spacious lectureroom was well filled with guests, who partook of an excellent and well-served tea. The after meeting took place in the chapel, and was one of great interest. Mr. Harvey Adams, of Fenton, presided very efficiently, and addresses were given by the Revs. J. Ingham (Wesleyan), J. Whittles (Methodist Free Church), W. Butterworth, E. Hall (Stafford), and Messrs. T. Turner and G. Wright. The choir, under the leadership of Mr. F. R. Myatt (who also presided at the harmonium), rendered acceptable service by singing a choice selection of sacred music.

It is a fact worthy of record that, notwithstanding the frequent demands made upon the friends in relation to the new chapel and schools, and in other ways, the large number of sixty trays were given, and a profit of £20 is anticipated.

It is something to have achieved the possession of school-rooms and a chapel so well fitted in every way for church and educational purposes; but it is felt that increased facilities for usefulness involve augmented responsibilities. We therefore look upon our spacious and wellappointed premises as a means to an end, and that end not less important than the building up of a Church against which the gates of hell shall not prevail.

Material success does not content us; we are longing for, and want to receive, more of that Divine power which moves upon human hearts and fashions them into "living stones," to be placed in the Temple of the Lord.

W. BUTTERWORTH. December 13th, 1870.


SHALL IT BE KEPT, OR LOST? THUS far the New Connexion has nobly kept its credit. At times it has been severely tried, and we have known extraordinary efforts

necessary to maintain it; but the generous spirit of our people has always proved equal even to the gravest emergencies, and never has the credit of the Connexion been allowed to suffer.

At present, most of our institutions are in a tolerably good state. The Beneficent and Paternal Funds, Missions, &c., are pretty well supported, and so far satisfactory. But, whilst congratulating ourselves thereon, one branch of our Connexional finances occasions both inconvenience and anxiety, and that is, the depressed state of the Chapel Fund.

This Fund is an old and invaluable institution. It has done great and inestimable service to the Connexion; and it is destined to do much more yet, if it can only have fair play. More than SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS OF CHAPEL DEBTS have been already swept away by the instrumentality of the Chapel Fund. What a relief to burdened trustees! And, whilst their load has been thus lightened, the Connexion has probably saved something like THREE THOUSAND POUNDS YEAR in Interest alone!!!

But, though so generous and effective, the Chapel Fund is well known to have been taxed far beyond its strength some years ago; and the result has been decrepitude and feebleness ever since. For instance, the Report of 1860 shows the income to have been £569 16s. 1d.; but, that very year, grants were made and paid to the extent of £1,695. The result was, that to make such payments £1,125 was then borrowed, and left chargeable as a debt upon the Fund, subject, of course, to five per cent. interest, which has been paid for that money ever since. Then, again, prospective grants were promised to trustees in various parts of the Connexion, which became due on fulfilment of the conditions on which those promises were made. For a time, money was borrowed to pay grants as they matured, but when "borrowing powers" failed, such claims could only be acknowledged, and placed on a list of "grants


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Having stated these facts, simply to show the state of the Fund, and to point out the cause of its present difficulties, we wish it to be distinctly understood, that, viewed in the abstract, or in its relation to the operations of one single year, the Chapel Fund is all right, and would stand well in comparison with the very best institutions of the Connexion. Take last year in illustration. Its income was £774 4s. 2d. The natural claims, and current expenses of that year, did not amount to more than £95 8s. 4d. This shows that, had not the income been so unfortunately forestalled, it would have given a clear surplus of at least £678 at the last Conference. Such a surplus is the very thing required for effective operations in a community like ours, and especially at such a time as this. That amount, now at command, would enable the Chapel Committee to give new life to several languishing Trusts, and would at once place in safety several chapels now in peril for want of immediate help.


These are grave facts. have depressed us for years, and surely it is now time to look them fairly in the face. It is mortifying to be in debt, but how can we get

out of it? How are these fetters to be broken, and the Chapel Fund set free?

The debts and obligations of this Fund are Connexional. Conference is responsible for them. Conference borrowed the money, and made every promise which now occasions our great difficulty. This involves Connexional obligations. It is a Connexional debt; and the sooner it is discharged the better. If so,

then, it is time for every circuit, for every minister, for every member, and for every friend of the Connexion, to ponder the question with which we set out. "Our Connexional Credit: shall it be kept, or lost?"

Now, what can be done? Oh, for some gifted pen, to take up this great question, and send it through the length and breadth of the Connexion, flashing with convincing power, and accompanied by all that persuasive energy which its nature and importance demands! If properly felt and understood, every mind would be moved to reflection, and every hand disposed to help. We must maintain Connexional credit.

But can that be done? The writer brought the subject under the serious consideration of the Chapel Committee at its last meeting. The brethren took it up and grappled with it manfully. That gave hope. They believed relief might be obtained, and, not only so, but a plan was at once struck out, which, if properly encouraged and sustained by the Connexion, cannot fail to meet all reasonable expectations; and, when the Fund is thus relieved, the credit of the Connexion will be preserved in all its integrity.

As to the DEBT, viz., money borrowed by the Fund, the Committee felt that this was a Conference question, and that no consideration whatever should allow it to be delayed beyond the ensuing Conference. These debts have been an awful drain on the Chapel Fund in the shape of interest alone. In 1863, £227 13s. were paid for interest, and within the last ten years not less than £2,116 have been paid for the same purpose. To continue this waste of the Fund's resources would be unpardonable, and the ensuing year ought to witness its extinction. Towards this desirable object, we are gratified in being able to announce that Joseph Love, Esq., of Durham, has promised £500; and Thomas Thackrah, Esq., of Dewsbury, has most cheerfully volunteered £40—

examples which we hope to see imitated by many friends in other parts of the Connexion.

In the meantime the Committee felt themselves called upon to go into the question of revenue, with a view to its improvement this year. In doing so, a hope was expressed that superintendent preachers would see to PUBLIC COLLECTIONS being made in all our places of worship, so as to render that source of income as productive as possible. Trustees are also requested to express sympathy with this important project, by annual contributions to the Fund, according to their ability.

And, should any trust body, having promise of a grant, be found so far improved as to be able to give it up, surely a sense of gratitude and regard to Connexion honour, will constrain them to come forward voluntarily, cheerfully, and promptly, to relinquish such claim. If it can be dispensed with, they are in duty bound to absolve the fund from its promise, even though it may have been recorded in their favour for years. A few generous acts of this sort would be worth recording, and would do honour to the pages of our next Report. Where is the first candidate for this honour?

But, in the judgment of the Committee, the chief ground of hope for this Fund will be found in an increased number of ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS. There is ability enough in the Connexion to meet all reasonable expectations in this way. Three or Four Hundred a year more, in the form of private subscriptions, would soon put all right. This would annihilate that formidable list of "grants awaiting payment," which has so long disgraced our Chapel Reports, blighted the reasonable expectations of many trustees, and soured the minds of estimable friends in various parts of the Connexion. In 1868 seven of those grants were paid, and £348 cleared off. In 1869, £470 more were applied to the same purpose. In 1870 grants to a similar extent were paid; and this year we ought to clear away £600 more, at the

Why not?


very least. there are ten men in the Connexion who can give £10 a year for such a purpose as this! and are there not twenty more who can give £5 each? whilst others may join them with £3, £2, £1, 10s., 5s., or 2s. 6d. each? as an annual subscription, and not feel it.

Convinced that there is no lack of ability, and that the only thing required is a proper method of giving it expression, the Committee have secured the services of several estimable brethren who will kindly visit neighbouring circuits, and assist superintendents and their colleagues in canvassing the friends for private subscriptions. It is hoped that all parties will enter cheerfully and heartily into this important project. The plan proposed is, for two-the deputy and the preacher on the spot-to go together, and, by direct personal application, secure a larger number of Annual Subscribers. By this plan the number of contributors may be very largely increased, whilst others, who now give a little, may be induced to double, or treble, their contributions. But let it be distinctly understood that the thing now wanted and sought for 18 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. A wellformed list of periodical contributors will soon put the Chapel Fund right, and remove all doubt as to its successful operations in future. We want as many subscribers to this Fund as are found enrolled with either the Beneficent or the Paternal Fund; and, if properly sought for, doubtless they will be found. This is emphatically a layman's question, and one which affects the interests of the whole Connexion. Help your trustees; set them free from crushing debts, and then, the estates being thus relieved, thousands of pounds, now absorbed in interest on mortgages and other securities, will be set at liberty, to flow through other channels to the assistance of our circuit and societies' funds.

And it is desirable that this canvass be made in February or March, if possible. Let it be a contempo

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SINCE Conference we have opened seven new chapels, and I am glad to say that they are all substantial brick buildings, and that very little pecuniary liability is left on any of them. They are situated in the Cavan, Bodmin, Talbotville, Walkerton, Norwich, St. Mary's, and Melbourn Circuits. In connection with these new sanctuaries the people have manifested a spirit of enterprise and liberality most commendable. At the opening services of one of these, I had a rather novel experience. During the tea-meeting on the Monday evening a violent storm of wind and rain came on, and in consequence of this, together with the intense darkness of the night and the bad state of the roads, we were kept in the chapel till nearly five o'clock in the morning. second tea was provided about midnight, so that we were not reduced to starvation by the siege. As the day dawned it was still raining, but Brother Jefferis and I started a journey of twenty-eight miles in an open

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buggy." We had a good horse, and yet it took two hours to get over the first five miles. I reached home just as the clock struck twelve at night, and was more than a little wearied with the night's watching, the day's travelling, and exposure to wet and cold. At the last chapel opening that I attended, on the 6th and 7th of November, in the St. Mary's Circuit, there were many things to gratify. We had three services on the Sabbath, and

the chapel was crowded each time with attentive hearers. The people received the Word with manifest eagerness and pleasure, and many felt that the chapel was indeed the house of God. On the Monday tea was served in an open shed at half-past one in the afternoon, and again at six in the evening, to about three hundred people, and the handsome sum of 230 dollars was realized.

It gives me special pleasure to inform you that a wonderful improvement has taken place in our Toronto interest, which has for many years been a cause of disappointment and anxiety. Our brother Savage entered upon the duties of the station with his whole heart, and his abundant labours have been crowned with a measure of success that has surprised and delighted all the friends. His own words will best indicate the work that is going on:

"REV. SIE,—I am happy to be able still to report progess from this point.

"1. The Sabbath School is doing well. Some forty dollars have been invested in additional appliances. With wall decorations, modernized benches, carpeted platform, &c., the room is now cheerful and attractive. The growth of the senior classes is particularly marked. Mr. McClure's young men's class will require a separate room for its proper accommodation. Will the readers of this notice pray for God's Spirit to come down upon us in the school?

"2. Though there is more or less of fluctuation in the size of the congregations, the improvement is to all of us very encouraging. Last Sabbath evening the church was comfortably full, and, best of all, the Lord was with us. Several interesting young people are now seeking the Saviour.

"3. The ladies have interested themselves for the comfort of their minis

ter, supplying additional parsonage furniture, at a cost of 150 dollars. At a social held for this purpose two weeks since, the basement could not accommodate the guests. Still, despite the crowd, we had an enjoyable evening, music, readings, &c., and a nice sum was raised.

“4. We have a Young People's Mutual Improvement Association in full blast. It is in Mr. McClure's hands, meets on Wednesday evenings, and is growing in interest and strength. Original papers are con

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