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brightness of an endless scene. Voices which made the welkin ring with boisterous mirth, or forms which enlivened the snowdrifted scene, or glided gracefully over the ice-bound lake, or mingled confusedly and tumultuously in blind man's buff or the romp, where are they? The voices of many are stilled, and hushed in the silence of the grave. But the forms of others, though changed they be, are seen around us toiling on in the pilgrimage of life-changed indeed are they not so happy now as the lark when it brushes the dew from its wing, and mounts higher and higher to pierce the blue pavilions of the skies with the full melody of its grateful song, or when they wandered through the flowery fields of innocent delight, and knew not of the thorns that lurked beneath their verdant drapery. They cull but a few solitary flowers now, and saddened and sobered down are they, for amidst the thousand fountains of enjoyment which they tasted, there has been some trace of poison, some element of bitterness, which has transformed the innermost soul. The silver mesh work has been tarnished or darkened by the woof of sorrow, and it no longer shines in the glorious effulgence of the light which shone upon it when it first flashed back its heaven-born brightness; a change came over their spiritual manifestations as years advanced. In a probation, in the midst of a land smiling in beauty, and robed in magnificence, they wandered from flowery fields into darkened pathways, and now in toil and bitterness of spirit, find the brightest scenes of enjoyment overshadowed by sadness and gloom. Other voices and forms indeed have they, and magic could scarce effect transformations more wonderful than time has effected in a few brief years.

What strange mutations mark the course, and define in bold outlines the stages of human life! - A short and happy period of innocence halcyon days all where the winged hours fly away in the dim past on golden wing as noiseless as the footsteps of the falling snow-another, still happier, if not in impulsive joy and fond delight, in thought and feeling-a season of passion when the full flowing heart sends out its gushing and sparkling waters, when young and blushing emotions bud forth, and sentiments unfolds their bright petals in the mellow dew and strong light of kindling affections-these feel their own power, and strengthen in the pride of their own consciousness, purified and sublimated by the innocence upon which they lean for support. Another stage, and all is not so bright and pure. The disposition made selfish from the very desire of enjoyment-morose from rough contact with the world; distrustful, where disappointments wither the fairest buds of promise, anxious, with restlessness to secure in the future what has been denied in the past-sad, where affliction follows in the footsteps of affliction, sorrowful, where one misfortune is too often a prelude to another-is it at all strange or wonderful that a trans

formation should take place, that sad ravages should be made upon the purity and integrity of the life of the inner soul?

And thus it is until the last stage when man lives alone in memory, and robes in the beauty of poesy every hollowed remembrance of the past. Life with its bitterness and sorrows are forgotten, and life with its beautiful and sacred reminiscences fill the dreams which float through the reveries of the aged. In a delightful and spiritualized form, clothed in the charms of distance, which throw their blue mists over its earlier scenes, life is given up, and the wanderer drops into the tomb; to sleep! perhaps to dream again! and then wake up in a land where the spiritual forms and the charmed imagery of his brightest visions will be realized in the full fruition of eternal day.

But Christmas Dreams, by Christopher North, reader! what thinkest thou of them? We had intended saying something about their merits in a literary point of view: but then we never read them without lapsing into trains of thought like these, and we wander about through sunshine and shade, by twilight, by starlight and moonlight, over mountain and glen, over plains and moors, over field and flood, and never find a resting place in our wild imaginings, or starting point from which we can, Theseus like, in a direct line find our way by the charmed thread of an Ariadne through the labyrinth of bright and beautiful creations which surround us at every stage of our enchanted pathway. Reader, if you have never read these essays, you should soon avail yourself of this pleasure. But if you have, and can not take pleasure in them, and travel over the same fields with the playful and poetryinvesting spirit of that good old companion with his cheerful face, his benignant soul, and his sporting jacket, we must say, that we indeed pity you, and you are not worthy of peering over the shadowy mists of Cruachan, or of resting in the shade near Windermere, and hearing the young buds of spring open with a noise in one of the many beautiful islets which are reflected from its bosom.


For "Illinois," in the third line of the note on page 7, read "Indiana."

For a critically accurate reprint of the Official Statistics of Public Lands, see Statement E, pages 44, 45, 46 and 47.

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Refer to Messrs. Thomas & Todd, Smart &

Hughes, Coleman & Dallam, Independence, Mo.; Hon. Wm. Scott, Hon. Thos. L. Price, George W. Hough, Jefferson City, Mo.; Tutt & Watson, M. Tarver, Esq., H. Cobb, Esq., St. Louis, Mo.

Notary Public.

Notary Public, Mo. 11, Fourth street,
opposite the Court House.

Notary Public and Conveyancer,

Office: Southeast corner of Second & Walnut streets, next to C. Witter's Book Store, St. Louis, Mo.


Land Agency Notice.

WORTHINGTON G, SNETHEN continues to practice Law in the Supreme Court; to attend to cases before Congress; to prose. cute Claims and settle accounts against the Departments and Boards of Commissioners; to procure Patents at home and abroad; to obtain Pensions and Bounty lands; to collect debts, dividends, legacies and inheritances in any part of the United States and in foreign countries; to make investments of funds in Loans and Stocks and on Bonds and Mortgage, and to negociate the purchase and sale of Loans, Land and Patent-rights in any State of the Union. Particular attention paid to Ca'tfornia Land Title cases coming up to the U. S. Supreme Court on appeal.

Communications prepaid, addressed to W. G. SNETHEN, 5, Carroli Place, Capitol Hill, Washington, D. C., will meet with prompt attention.

CENERAL AGENCY at Dubuque, Iowa, for public lands, real estate, military land warrants, payment of taxes, investigation of titles, amicable collection of debts, and all ether business within the legitimate sphere of an Agent's duties, by

CHARLES CORKERY, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds and Depositions for all the North-western States, Missouri included. 185October, 1.


DINGS & CO., importers of German, manufacturers of all kinds of brushes, No.' 4 Main street, St. Louis, Mo.

F. French and English Fancy Goods, and

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American and Rocky Mountain Rifles, Colt's Revolvers, Steel Ride barrel and Holster Pistols, Bowie Knifes, and a large assortment of hunting apparatus.-Importing our foreign goods directly from the Manufacturers in Europe, we have superior advantages, and will sell to our customers equally as low as the New York Importing Houses, and would invite the attention of dealers and purchasers to our large stock of Watches, Silver and Plated Ware, Accordeons,

and English twist double and single barre guns.

No. 54 Main, corner of Pine Street, St. Louis.

C. WITTER, 38 Walnut street, corner of 2d, St. Louis, Mo. German and French standard works, Novels and School Books. Blank Books, Writing Papers, Music Paper, Slates & Ink, Engravings, Prints, Steel Pens, Inkstands, &c. Printing and Binding executed in the best manner. Orders for England, France and Germany are executed at the shortest notice.




JNOLLEGE, St. Louis, Mo., incorporated by the General Assembly, January 24, 1849. With full authority to "grant diplomas, award degrees, confer honors, and exercise all and singular, the privileges common to Commercial Colleges, authorized by law in other States."-Charter, Sec. 2.

Young Gentlemen wishing to prepare themselves for business pursuits, are respectfully invited to call during business hours and examine the mode of imparting instruction, the progress of the pupils, and the superior facilities extended to those desirous of qualifying themselves for the pract cal duties of the Counting House. Personal references given to above one hundred and eighty (180) Practical Accountants now in charge of Books in this city, all of whom have completed their business education in this institution.

N. B.

For CIRCULARS containing information in regard to the terms, the course of instruction and all business connected with the above, call at the "Book-keeping Department," corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets or address JONATHAN JONES, St. Louis.Mo'

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CHOCOLATE, COCOA & BROMA. W. BAKER & Co's American and Vanilla Chocalate, Cocoa and Broma, to which first premiums have been awarded by the chief Institutes and Fairs of the Union, are for sale by all the principal Grocers in the United States, and by their agents,

HUSSVY & MURREY, New York; GRANT & TWELLS. Philadelphia; THO's V. BRUNDIGE, Baltimore; KENNET & DUDLEY, CinWALTER BAKER & CO. cinnati, Ohio. Dorchester, Mass.

Liquors and Wines.

CHARLES and wines, Domestic

HARLES DERBY, Wholesale Dealer in

Liquors, and that well known "Star" Brand of Rectified Whisky, No. 71 Levee, (entrance from Levee and Commercial Street,) St. Louis.

[blocks in formation]

PENDZINSKI, Premium Trunk Maker.

M. Constantly on hand, at wholesale and

retail, and made to order at the shortest notice, Hard Leather Trunks, Solid Leather Steel Spring Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Packing Trunks, Ladies' Dress Boxes, &c. Call Trunks repaired in the best manner. and examine for yourselves before buying elsewhere, as I am determined to sell as low as any house in the trade, at all risks, No. 42 North Second street [Westside,] between May, 1851. Chestnut end Pine streets,

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Jewelry, Watchmakery


P. STUBENRAUCH & SONS, No. 11 N. 3d str. between Chesnut & Market, and No. 17, Chesnut street. opposite the New Post Office.

Would call the attention of the public and the trade generally to their extensive stock of Jewelry, Watches and Clocks. They also are well enabled by long practice and experience to perform all kinds of engraving, in stone as well as metal, in the best style, such as seals or Notary Publics, for Insurance Companies, for Railroad Cos., and all other Companies. All orders promptly executed and on the most liberal terms.

Commission Merchants.


Tuscumbia, Ala.

Refer to M. Tarver, Esq., St. Louis, Mo.

Forwarding Merchants, No. 126 North ANGELRODT & BARTH. Commission and Second Street, between VineStreet and Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.

DUSSELL & BENNETT, Wholesale Grocers It and Commission Merchants, North-West corner of Olive and Second streets, opposite the Monroe liouse, St. Louis, Mo.



FLORA GARDEN.- This establishment contains a collection of Plants and Flowers not execlled, perhaps, by any in the United States. of ROSES alone there are 230 varieties: and the proprietor has devoted ten years to storing his HOT-HOUSES, 420 feet long, with specimens of rare and beautiful plants, and flowers from almost every part of the globe The garden is pleasantly situated on South Seventh street and affords a delightful retreat A comfrom the roice and dust of the city. modious SALOON has been fitted up and will be supplied with Confectionary, Ice Creams, and other refreshments suitable to the season and the place. Spiritous liquors are excluded Bouquets of the richesfrom the premises. flower, and most tasteful combination furnisht ed throughout every season of the year. G. GOBEL. March 1853.

Merchant Tailor.

H. BLOOD. Merchant Tailor, No. 2

J. H. Tom Nor

PERSONS wishing to obtain transcripts of records in New Madrid county, can pro cure them without delay by addressing the undersigned. And to avoid the inconvenience of remitting small sums, the records will be directed to George Pegrim & Co.. St. Louis. who will deliver the some upon the payment WM. MOSELEY, of the fees. Recorder of New Madrid Co., Mo. March, 1851.

Boots & Shoes.

CHROETER & EBY, Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes. No. 41 Main Street. Fourth door South of Pine,) St. Loui Mo


GRIMSLEY & CO., Dealers in all kinds T. of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c., No. 69 Main street, four doors below Olive st., St. Louis, Mo.

of Ch estrut Street. St. Louis, Mo.

TO THE LADIES. MR. P. A. PIGNERO begs to inform the palle and the Ladies more particularly, that he has taken the store, corner of 1ine Prih stricte, under Planters' House, to while wid remove hie establishment for False Hair, ofevery variety, and for mustes, Comba, &c. &c. Mr. Figners has recently rceived from the East a large and relict lot of Wigs, Tus, and False Hair, manufactured in every style and to en't every taste. He lefor rn examination of his stock. Private rooms for ladies and gentleaen, entirely seperate, and fitted up, where consultation on diseases of the hair can be had free of large.


Counsellor at Law, olice No. 56 Pine street, near Third, (adjoining that of the Clerk of the Supreme Court.



question. Railroad projects. Subjection of the U. S. to Eng-
land. Indepen.ence advocated....
papers. First newspaper in America. Newspaper and period-
ical statistics


MERICAN SECURITIES. Temporary depression of securities.

Rise in price of provisions. Firm condition of railroad invest-


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