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of the Interior


U.S. Dept of the Interior

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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.

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I am transmitting herewith the reports of the agencies of the Department of the Interior for the 1952 fiscal year.

These reports constitute the record of accomplishment of a Department which is responsible for the conservation and full development of a great part of the natural wealth of the people of the United States, and which has a very important part to play in the neverending struggle to make our democracy broader, stronger and more enduring.

These accomplishments cover a number of very broad fields. They range all the way from the Reclamation programs which harness our rivers, create low cost electric power and bring arid land under the plow, to the work by which our territories and island possessions are brought closer to full membership in the great community of self-governing Americans. They include the research and experimental work which will enable industry to make better use of some of our great natural assets, and they also include the steps taken to protect our heritage of range land and timber, of metals and fuels, of fish and of wildlife. They tell of the progress made in providing recreational facilities and cultural values for all the people through our National Park system. They also describe the painstaking work that is being done to bring our Indian population up from poverty and despair to self-reliant citizenship.

These reports tell a great story, and they speak for themselves. I believe every American can take pride in this record and can draw from it a new admiration for the vigorous democracy which continues. to carry on with these unfinished tasks.

Sincerely yours,

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Secretary of the Interior.

The White House
Washington, D. C.

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