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The abolition of the tent contract was determined upon, without any inqury or recommendation of this sort. The measure itself, vitally affecting the array, was not submitted, as it appears, in violation of the custom of the service, and the instructions of the court of directors, to the military board; but finally and peremptorily adopted without any reference to this natural and prescribed organ, on the mere suggestion of Sir John Cradock, the commander-in-chief for the time being; confirmed, indeed, by the report of the quartermaster - general of the


Of the military acquirements of these officers, it would be presumptuous to risk an opinion; and it would be illiberal to pronounce on their gener 1 professional character from this particular act. But it would have been fit that the Indian government should have paused, ere it trusted to the suggestion of men, one of whom had never accidentally seen a tented field in India, and the other, a captain in the company's army, who had not, at any time, witnessed the evolutions of warfare, beyond a single and confined operation against a petty Polygar. The speculative council of such men, though their talents had stood confessed and unrivalled in other respects, could not warrant, it should seem, a broad departure from esta

blished usage, at the expense of the apparent demands of justice, and the obvious dictates of policy.

No other apology has been offered by the Madras government for its share in the transaction, than a naked assertion that it was governed by the necessity of the times. Nor has any excuse been framed for the innovation on the existing regulation, than the unsupported statement, or rather insinuation, that the principle of the tent contract placed men's interest and duty in a point of variance with each other. But what service, it may be asked, could be performed to the government by its servants, which this principle would not equally affect? Would not the new contractors for tents, or the supply of public cattle, be liable, in the degree of their several interests in the articles furnished by them, to a like influence? As these were intended to be put, by the operation of the new arrangements, at the especial and sole disposal of the quarter-master-general, an additional jealousy might have been excited against his proposition from that circumstance. It was nevertheless received, and instructions given, by Sir G. Barlow, to colonel Capper, the adjutant-general of the forces, to signify the same by an order to the army. Colonel Capper, who had arrived at the important rank and office which he held, by the routine of the company's service, and who must on that account have been understood to be conversant with the customs and feelings of the army, ventured to arraign the impolicy of the measure, and to advert to the evil consequences that might result from the adoption of it in its present shape. He dwelt as well from considerations of public duty, as private sentiment towards his brother officers, on the obligations of justice towards the commandants of corps, who having performed their part of the contract, to the benefit of the company, might equitably expect the fulfilment of the resulting advantages. He combated, also, the insinuation, that the interest of the commanding officers of corps had stood in the way of their duty, and asserted

that the experience of the effects of the contract, for a series of years, repelled the influence of such a supposition. Nor did he fail to enforce, by natural and plain arguments, the danger of altering a practice of tried advantage, for a mere theoretical speculation. To this the governor, perhaps, too hastily replied, that he had found the measure, resolved upon before his arrival, and that he considered himself imperiously required to carry it into execution, and that little if any discretion was left to him; but if he were allowed to pause, his conduct must be determined by the urgency of the company's affairs; adding, however, that as rigid economy was the grand and leading reason of the intended measure, so that if such object could be promoted to a like extent, by any means short of the abolition, he would not be indisposed to listen to a proposal with that aspect, if it were seasonably made. Colonel Capper, seizing with avidity the apparent favourable opportunity, thanked the governor for the assurance he had been just pleased to afford him, and pledged himself, that, within a few days, (which pledge he eventually redeemed,) that he would lay before him a meliorated plan for the supply and carriage of camp equipage and stores, to which no public or individual objection could reasonably be stated, and which, in respect of economy or saving to the company, should be more availing than the measure in contemplation, by the yearly amount of 150,000 star pagodas, or sixty thousands pounds. sterling.

Within three or four days after the interview just mentioned, the suggested arrangement of colonel Capper was forwarded to Sir G. Barlow, who now, either repenting his deviation from his first intentions, or considering the plan of the adjutant-general as inefficient, or inferior to that which it sought to supersede, gave direct and positive orders to the last-mentioned officer, without reference or explanation, for the immediate abolition of the tent

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substituted for the late contract, had originated with Sir George Barlow, this haste in the introduction of it, might, perhaps, have been censurable; but it has been shewn that it owed its origin to other most respectable persons, and that it had been long and fully canvassed by men of ability and station; whence it might seem to exact a deference from him, who was to lend his hand, as a mere instrument, to put it into action. Though the submission of individual judgment to aggregate authorities, may often be commendable, it is devoutly to be wished, that the governor, in this instance, had relied more on his own judgment; and had dared to think and act for himself in a concern, now materially altered in its features from its primary form and appearance. It was no longer insulated and single, but stood contrasted with another object, challenging comparison. That a minute and careful examination of these distinct plans was not entered into by Sir George, Barlow, who might, from not having exercised any previous judgment, or expressed an opinion on either, have dispassionately viewed their respective merits, is much and deeply to be lamented; for it might have been expected, as no improbable result from such an examination, that the amended contract of colonel Capper would have been preferred to a radical reform; and thus a measure had been avoided, odious in itself, and particularly calamitous in its remote consequences.

Mr. Petrie, who had favoured the reform for a considerable time, and had been one of the most active supporters o' it, has since most candidly admitted the superiority of the amended plan of colonel Capper, both in respect of economy, and practical: utility and effect. But the abolition of the tent contract was fixed, and abruptly announced by a general order in the month of July, without any other compensation having been tendered, or promised to the former contractors, than the price of the tents then in their possession. No estimate was required, no remuneration held

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out, of the heavy expense consequent on the carriage of the articles of contract, during the preceding period of war. It is but common justice to observe, that, notwithstanding the harsh manner in which the abolition was resolved on and published, the orders of the government were obeyed without any resistance on the part of the army; nor did they provoke any complaint, until some weeks afterwards, and then in the manner and tone of a legitimate appeal from the officers aggrieved, to the court of directors of the East India company. This paper, though conceived in a temper of moderation, and couched in respectful terms, was, at first, refused by the commander-in-chief, though it afterwards experienced a more favourable reception, and was forwarded to the government of Fort St. George, for transmissal to England. In the interim, the reform proceeded, without interruption;-and but for an accidental circumstance, of which some after notice will be taken, its introduction, or progress, would not, in all probability, have been attended with any remarkable occurrence.

The circumstances and operation of the tent contract have been, perhaps, too minutely detailed; but a particular explanation was, in some sort,


sary, to obviate a public misconception of the regulation itself, and a general misunderstanding of the effect of the abolition. Whatever sentiments the latter measure engendered, it may be safely said, that it neither occasion ed at the time, nor since, any shew of opposition in the army.

Scarcely had Sir George Barlow delivered himself of this early trouble, before he perceived, or supposed, himself surrounded with fresh difficulties. As these must have grown out of his own acts, it may be believed, that they were less embarrassing than the first; and that they had not been wholly overlooked in the consultation of the measures that gave rise to them.

Immediately after the abolition of the tent contract, the attention of Sir George Barlow was directed to a matter, more of individual than of public

concern; a supposed mismanagement in the grain department, under the direct custody of Mr. Sherson. This was conceived to arise out of the mode of keeping the accounts of the department, by the Native servants, employed and paid by the individual in trust. The charge was levelled in the first instance, and had no other appearance than against those servants. But the chief interest in their accounts, from the circumstances just explained, was in Mr. Sherson, the immediatemaster of the parties keeping them, who could not but feel himself attacked through the side of his servants. Some resentment was naturally felt, at the manner of the attack on him, which rendered him, from a collateral party, a principal in the assault. This gentleman, on an ex-parte statement preferred to the government, and before his solemn disavowal could be had, was suspended at once from his appointment.

It would be beyond the province of this narrative to go into the detail of the duties of the office; but it will be sufficient to say, that the individual in charge of it, had a certain interest in the custody and disposal of the grain, and a correspondent responsibility to account for the trust committed to his care. He stood in the relation of an ordinary agent, subject, however, to receive instructions, as to the time and circumstances of sale, and the price of the article, from an especial committee. He accounted for his daily transactions; but his final discharge could not be operated, if any exception should be taken to his accounts, but by the production of the public vouchers in his office, of the occasional deliveries from the store. These were taken possession of by persons sanctioned by the government, almost at the same moment with the suspension of the officer, to whom they naturally belonged.

Notwithstanding the protestation of Mr. Sherson against the seizure of his accounts, which could alone enable him to account, and which might possibly subject them to be abstracted or lost in any other keeping, a comniit

tee, consisting of five persons, among whom were his accuser and his deputy, directly interested in his removal, were afterwards ordered to commence an investigation into the alleged malversation in office; still, however, regarding the enquiry in the light of a scrutiny into the Native accounts, in which it is evident that no one could have an interest but the party, on whose behalf, and for whose discharge, they were kept. After some preliminary correspondence and ineffectual proceedings, which it is not material to describe, or to characterize, the accounts relative to the grain agency we.e referred, with the consent, nay at the instance of the governor, to the adjustment of the civil auditor, who, according to the custom of his of fice, proceeded to state the account between the government and their agent; and ultimately reported, after a full and circumstantial examination of the vouchers and documents on both sides, in favour of the latter. The report was sent back, under the authority of the government, and with specific instructions, for revision, and returned after a second and mature consideration, in its original form. This is construed, by Sir George Barlow, as a species of co tumacy in the auditor, who is, thereupon, removed from his office; for which he was most eminently qualified, and placed in a relation, foreign to his information and habits, as a judge of a provincial court. The appointment, which submitted the lives and properties of a whole people to the hands of the late auditor. of itself spoke the acknowledged integrity of that officer, while it betrayed the displeasure of the governor, and inculcated the ex.plicit obedience which he expected to his instructions, and possibly a more alarming supposition that he was careful in a secondary degree, of the effect of his act to others, so that it promoted bis immediate end. But in justice to Sir George Barlow, it must be observed, that he admitted, even in the anger of the moment, the purity of the auditor's motives, when he dismissed him from his appointment. It

is to be wished that he had explained, though the event has rendered an explanation, at this day, more curious than necessary, why he appointed Mr. Smith to an office for the fulfilment of which he had none of the requisite qualifications, and where the absence. of any of them might have involved the fate and fortune of thousands ! The conscience and probity of the individual, in the refusal of the trust, though at the ruin of his private interest, prevented any public mischief. Mr. Smith, the late auditor, chose rather to retire from the country, with a fortune insufficient for his support, than venture on a duty, which he felt that he could not conscientiously discharge; a fit lesson, it is to be hoped, to the a thority that cast such office on him.

Mr. Sherson, though in possession of the award of the chosen arbitrator of the governor, was suspended formally from the service, and for reasons connecting themselves with such award. These facts must make their own impressions.

These occurrences did not gratify the public mind, or dispose it to admit the merits of the new administrator of the affairs of the government.

Sir George Barlow was not long in discovering, through the neglect of the society over which he presided, the tendency of the general sentiment : though he was not so quick-sighted in observing the source whence it sprang. His friends have declared, and he himself may probably have supposed, that the ill reception of his ministry was ascribable to the system on which it is stated to have been founded, of economy and reform. But beyond the abolition of the tent-contract, other reform of consequence has been mentioned; none certainly has been specified, as the cause of any opposition; but the fact itself of the unpopularity of Sir George Barlow stands confessed on every side, and its effect on his temper and conduct, it is to be feared, is equally unquestionable. Perhaps the supposition of the general dislike to his measures, was, in Sir George Barlow, more fanciful at first than


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real; an associated idea of dissatisfaction generally accompanying reform. Be it as it may, it appeared after a very short residence at Madras, that he numbered but very few friends, or even ordinary visitors. This, however, might have been occasioned by circumstances distinct from personal dislike to the governor, the privacy of his habits, and the coldness, universally admitted, of his feelings and deportment. But whatever might have been the general sentiment towards the governor, it was as yet carefully suppressed. In the progress of his government, the public voice echoed the public opinion; complaint followed complaint, until they formed a formidable aggregate; and while they seemed on the one hand as a number united designedly together, in a spirit of concerted opposition, they might have been regarded by the society at large, as by the sufferers themselves, as so many separate and substantive representations of injury, following in a natural and not a forced or combined order. Whether these complaints were, in reality, the fruits of a factious and persevering opposition, to the measures of the new governor, as he unfortunately appears to have considered them, or whether they were reasonable remonstran ces against individual acts of oppression, is hereafter to be enquired.

It was impossible for the civil or military servants of the company to view the proceedings of Sir George Barlow, with respect to Mr. Smith, and Mr. Sherson, without much emotion. The members of the two branches of the service rise to offices of respectability and trust, by seniority and degree; and when these have been obtained, after passing through the subordinate gradations, such servants may justly conclude, that they have an interest in their offices, of which they cannot be deprived at the will or caprice of any party, whatever may be his station. Governors of the different Indian presidencies have, however, exercised, from time to time, more, it is imagined, from indulgence than from any acknowledged power in the nature of their offices, the right of

suspension and removal of the servants in both provinces of their service indifferently. But they have been controlled in the exercise of this authority, by repeated, instructions from home, directing that it shall not be used, but on due investigation, of which the party interested shall be fully informed, and previously have the complete means and opportunity of defence. This is so natural a course, that it seems to be a libel almost on the practice of the government tosuppose that repeated instructions should be necessary for the enforcement of it. Any deviation from so equitable a rule, except under extreme circumstances, notorious and flagrant, must not fail to raise a prejudice in the breasts of all men, to whom the exercise of such a power can reach. It is at all times the last remedy applicable to a desperate case, and not to be called into use un til common experiments have failed; it is not for ordinary but rare resort, losing its properties and character in the ratio, that it is repeated. If, instead of its being reserved for particu lar and urgent occasions, it be indiscri minately adopted, as an every day expedient, as a rule instead of an exception, like all other powerful remedies, in weak and unskilful hands, it must be productive of mischief, in the degree of its force.

The suspension of Mr. Sherson from the service, and the removal of Mr. Smith from his office, without any anterior enquiry, or hearing in either case, and indeed without any specific charge or imputation, was the extremity to which an act of that description could be carried. Neither were the circumstances of the one or the other very striking, nor the season tempestuous or disturbed. There was nothing of a peculiar feature about either of them, so that the service at large might view it as a special exertion of authority in a prominent case; but, on the contrary, it could not be considered in any other light than as a general use of a power, which might be exercised at will, and applied without ceremony, to every person, and to every condition of things.

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