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appease her hunger and recruit her strength; while a draught from the invigorating flask officiated, as well as any thing could have done at that time, to amend and enliven her depressed, and too prophetic spirits: after this she proceeded on her course, occasionally resting on a friendly railing or mile-stone that by chance presented itself, until the sun which now shone clearly, had passed the meridian of his journey, when she found herself approaching the vicinity of home.

With a heavy heart and full of sad forebodings, did Ethelia enter at length the little hamlet through which she had yet to pass, ere arriving at her father's residence; how dejectedly did she traverse the silent streets, while her pulse throbbed faster, and her steps grew slower every instant:-she saw the village churchyard-how often does it draw aside the feet of those whose minds are (though perhaps but for the moment) tinged with melancholy! to the solitary, or even inquisitive traveller, it is observed to be frequently the first object of curiosity or interest: as if the calm tranquillity that presides among those dark and narrow habitations, could by silent communion with their unconscious inmates, impart itself to the bosom that heaves tumultuously over them; for there all is quiet and repose; where the dim wormy mansion is not more nauseous and insensate than the dust which hallows it"where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest."

Ethelia entered the churchyard-the bell tolled heavily as she passed the rustic edifice, and her wearied limbs as she courted its recesses, repeatedly stumbled over the mouldering relics of dilapidated tombs :-when on turning the angle of an elevated monumental erection, where she knew reposed the ashes of the late marchioness of Grandeville, she suddenly

encountered a group of mourners taking their last leave of the low deposited coffin, on the brink of a newly opened grave: -the ceremony was just concluded, and Fitzharland, whom she recognised officiating, had closed the sacred volume, when an eye as suddenly caught hers, whose glance had been directed only to the marble against which she was now leaning, but which changed its expression of grief into surprise at beholding her this was the eye of Sunderland: in an instant her heart sank beneath its evil augurings, and pale and trembling she tottered to the grave; the sable mantle which enveloped it prevented her not from discerning the form of her father; he then at least was safe-her sister EmilyLouisa too was present; but where, Ah! where was her mother? she looked franticly around for her forsaken parent, but alas in vain.

It was a pause of agony: the whole conviction rushed upon her mind, and she wrung her hands in anguish over the yet uncovered coffin:-Sunderland was overpowered; Emily shivered, and her father wept; Louisa was overcome with trepidation, and even the youthful pastor shed many tears-at length, removing her gradually from the afflicting sight, they slowly conducted her homewards; she moved as if wholly unconscious of any motion, save of the overwhelming tide of recollections that stirred within; but ere she entered her paternal habitation, exhausted nature could endure such agonies no longer, and the wretched Ethelia fainted on the threshold.


"It must not be, and I sit idle here:

There must be, Fazio, in this wide, wide city,

Souls not too proud, too cold, too stern for mercy;

I'll seek them out-"


AFTER the departure of Ethelia for her native village, Caroline again descended to the chamber of Mrs. Montague, who continued still occasionally bemoaning her hard destiny, in wild and ambiguous terms, which it was utterly impossible for any one about her to comprehend, or discover the meaning of; she spoke, in her distraction, of an adopted infant, a perjured suitor, and very frequently of a forsaken parent, which unconscious allusion to the situation of Caroline, failed not to bring, again and again, the tears into her eyes :-on the entrance of Caroline, however, her extreme distress appeared to abate, and she turned her eyes upon her with a piteous expression of gratitude, which seemed at once to thank her for the kindness she had evinced towards her, and solicit her compassion for her infirmity; Caroline took her feverish hand, and pressed it between both her own, moistening it involuntarily with the tear of commiseration and sympathy, Melissa drew towards the opposite side of the couch-she tenderly clasped in her turn the hand which was as tenderly presented to her, and raising it to her lips, kissed it repeatedly, with a fervency of affection nor easily to be assumed, or even described, and very rarely witnessed: the eyes of her sup

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